Custom Query (126 matches)
Results (76 - 78 of 126)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#87 | worksforme | Duration arithmetics does not work | ymipsl | ssenesi |
Description |
According to the ref_guide : Arithmetic operations on durations The following arithmetic operations on durations are available: • Addition: xios_duration = xios_duration + xios_duration • Subtraction: xios_duration = xios_duration - xios_duration • Multiplication by a scalar value: xios_duration = scalar * xios_duration or xios_duration = xios_duration * scalar • Negation: xios_duration = -xios_duration But gfortran doesn't agree : CALL XIOS_SET_FIELD_ATTR(HREC, freq_op=KFREQOP*XIOS_HOUR)
Error: Operands of binary numeric operator '*' at (1) are INTEGER(4)/TYPE(xios_duration) CALL XIOS_SET_FIELD_ATTR(HREC, freq_offset=0.*XIOS_SECOND)
Error: Operands of binary numeric operator '*' at (1) are REAL(8)/TYPE(xios_duration) |
#88 | duplicate | Consistency check 'ni .le. ni_glo' unrelevant for data_dim=1 and curvilinear grid | ymipsl | ssenesi |
Description |
At node/domain.cpp l693, a test read as if (ni.getValue() < 0 || ibegin.getValue() < 0 ) // || (ibegin.getValue() + ni.getValue()) > ni_glo.getValue()) ERROR("CDomain::checkLocalIDomain(void)", << "[ id = " << this->getId() << " , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << " ] " << "The local domain is wrongly defined," << " check the attributes 'ni_glo' (" << ni_glo.getValue() << "), 'ni' (" << ni.getValue() << ") and 'ibegin' (" << ibegin.getValue() << ")"); The third condition does not make sense in the case of data_dim=1 and grid types curvilinear and regular , as each task may handle up to ni_glo*nj_glo grid cells. |
#89 | invalid | Error in node/domain.cpp on ChecKDomainData | ymipsl | ssenesi |
Description |
It reads on line 792 as if (data_ni.isEmpty()) { data_ni.setValue((data_dim == 1) ? (ni.getValue() * nj.getValue()) : ni.getValue()); } which is obviously wrong (set values should be reversed). This actually causes segmentation violation when nj is not set and data_dim==1; and this should lead to underestimated allocation when data_dim==2 |