Custom Query (124 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 124)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#42 fixed Add the possibility to add user defined global and field attributes into a netcdf file ymipsl smasson
#137 fixed compilation error with GCC_MACOSX ymipsl smasson

In xios-2.5, some lines of the fortran code automatically generated are longer 132 character and do not compile.
We must add -ffree-line-length-none in the compilation options. Could you add it in the arch-GCC_MACOSX.fcm as it is done in the arch-GCC_LINUX.fcm?

#60 fixed String variable with whitespaces are incorrectly parsed rlacroix rlacroix

How to reproduce:

   <file_definition type="multiple_file" par_access="collective" output_freq="6h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE.">
     <file id="output" name="output"> 
        <field field_ref="field_A" />
        <variable id="my_attribute1" type="string">surf_att</variable>
        <variable id="my_attribute2" type="string">I love whitespaces</variable>

Using this configuration file will result in the following NetCDF output:

// global attributes:
		:name = "output" ;
		:description = "Created by xios" ;
		:my_attribute1 = "surf_att" ;
		:my_attribute2 = "I" ;

Expected result would be :my_attribute2 = "I love whitespaces" ;

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.