Custom Query (124 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 124)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#102 fixed Global/local attributes in TS files rlacroix aclsce

Global/local attributes defined for a file are not reported in Time Series files. Example :

<file name="file1" output_freq="1d" timeseries="both" >

<variable id="project_id" type="string" > CMIP6/CMIP6 </variable> <field field_ref="soce" name="soce">


The file "" contains :project_id = "CMIP6/CMIP6" ; whereas in TS file "" there is no : :project_id = "CMIP6/CMIP6" ;

#134 fixed generate fortran interface for XIOS_DEV_CMIP6 branch ymipsl ymipsl

Interface has not been generated from a long time....

#77 fixed Generate fortran interface for fields more than 3 dimensions developer ymipsl

In XIOS 2 it is possible to manage grid of any dimension, but fortran interface xios_send_field / xios_recv_field can only manage no more than 3dimension arrays

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.