Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#100 fixed Problem with splitted time series file name mhnguyen aclsce

In case of :

  • time series activated


  • time series split activated (for example ts_split_freq="1d")

a "_" is missing in the name of file since revision 875.

For example : 1) OK with XIOS rev 874: 2) Not OK with XIOS rev 875 :

#101 fixed __field_undef_id as name of variable with Time Series mhnguyen aclsce

If no "name" attribute is specified, the name of variable used in Time Series file is "__field_undef_id" instead of the id of the variable. Example : <field id="flat" long_name="Latent heat flux" unit="W/m2" /> ... <file id="histday" timeseries="both" ts_prefix="TS_atm" >

<field field_ref="flat" level="1" />

... gives the following file : netcdf TS_atm_flat_20000101-20000131 { ...

float __field_undef_id_92(time_counter, lat, lon) ;

__field_undef_id_92:long_name = "Sensible heat flux" ; __field_undef_id_92:units = "W/m2" ; __field_undef_id_92:online_operation = "average" ; __field_undef_id_92:interval_operation = "600 s" ; __field_undef_id_92:interval_write = "1 d" ; __field_undef_id_92:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 600 s)" ; __field_undef_id_92:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ; __field_undef_id_92:missing_value = 9.96921e+36f ; __field_undef_id_92:coordinates = "time_centered" ;


#102 fixed Global/local attributes in TS files rlacroix aclsce

Global/local attributes defined for a file are not reported in Time Series files. Example :

<file name="file1" output_freq="1d" timeseries="both" >

<variable id="project_id" type="string" > CMIP6/CMIP6 </variable> <field field_ref="soce" name="soce">


The file "" contains :project_id = "CMIP6/CMIP6" ; whereas in TS file "" there is no : :project_id = "CMIP6/CMIP6" ;

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.