Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#66 fixed Regression caused by grid related changes mhnguyen rlacroix

It seems the recent grid related changes have caused a regression which affects the zoom feature. If some processes have nothing to output, XIOS will deadlock. This can be reproduced using the "test_complete" example after r565.

This is possibly caused by the "pseudo-global" communication style used by XIOS, if one client skips the communication with the server, a deadlock will occur.

#65 fixed Regression caused by automatic detection of buffer size mhnguyen rlacroix

As far as I can tell the automatic detection of buffer size is causing two issues (closely related):

  • XIOS will raise an error if a context has no enabled output file which it has no good reasons to do.
  • XIOS can fail if internal messages are bigger than the estimated output data.

This can probably be solved by always allocating a buffer with a fixed minimum size we know will always be sufficient to allocate the internal messages.

#64 fixed Compile error when using option netcdf4_internal on Bull Intel with mpiifort ymipsl ssenesi

In that case, with release 549, I get a 'catastrophic error' (I didn't choose that qualifier myself !) :

fcm_internal compile:C netcdf /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c mmapio.o 1 mpiicc -o mmapio.o -DUSING_NETCDF_PAR -DUSING_NETCDF_INTERNAL -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/inc -ansi -diag-disable 1125 -diag-disable 279 -openmp -openmp-threadprivate compat -openmp-report2 -O3 -D BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4 -I/opt/softs/libraries/ICC13.1.4.183/hdf5-1.8.11_par/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/src_netcdf -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/boost/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/rapidxml/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/blitz/include -c /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c(38): catastrophic error: #error directive: mmap not fully implemented: missing MAP_ANONYMOUS

#error mmap not fully implemented: missing MAP_ANONYMOUS

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