Custom Query (126 matches)
Results (7 - 9 of 126)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#30 | fixed | "Once" operation attribute | ymipsl | aclsce |
Description |
When I define a field (for example "Areas" with the following attribute operation="once", it seems it is needed to do the "call xios_send_field("Areas",...)" every timestep of the model (defined thanks the call to xios_set_timestep). If I do only one call to "xios_send_field("Areas",...)", there is nothing as value of my field "Areas" in my file (only missing values)...I think it is not normal. Thanks ! |
#31 | fixed | inheritance seen by get_attr | ymipsl | smasson |
Description |
It would be very convenient if get_attr could see teh attributes that are defined trough inheritance... |
#32 | fixed | format of interval_operation and interval_write | ymipsl | smasson |
Description |
It is a small detail but the format of interval_operation and interval_write are not very nice: sst:interval_operation = "6.95322e-310y 6.95326e-310mo 4.94066e-324d 2.18879e-314h 6.93518e-310mi 3600s" ; sst:interval_write = "6.95322e-310y 6.95326e-310mo 4.94066e-324d 2.18879e-314h 6.93518e-310mi 7200s" ; Would it be possible to remove rounding errors? |