Custom Query (124 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 124)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#114 fixed Output_freq non initialized do not raise error message ? ymipsl ymipsl

Checking this point that has been reported by S.Farroux

#115 fixed Date parsing does not support whitespace rlacroix ssenesi

I got an error with r1028 when writing

start_date="1950-01-01 00:00:00 + 3d + 3d "

instead of

start_date="1950-01-01 00:00:00 +3d+3d"

#116 fixed reduce_domain workflow issue when combined with vertical interpolation ymipsl ssenesi

Using r1028 and a toy derived from test_xios2_cmpi6 (attached) , which also sends a pressure field, I am able to correctly derive :

  • a profile of a 3D field (with a 'reduce_domain' applied on horizontal domain)
  • a vertical interpolation of the same field on pressure levels

but when trying to get the profile of the vertically interpolated field, I get sensible values only for the first output timestep; for the remaining timsteps the values are largely underestimated, and their vertical structure is unconsistent with the original field

The set of xml files and the output file are attached.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.