Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#69 fixed Reenforcement of CF compliance for time operation rlacroix ymipsl

1) time units must be conform to UDUnits specification ( )

2) Add cell methods for time operation in field metadata cell_methods = “time_variable_name: online_operation (interval: interval_operation) ex :

float sosstsst(time_counter, y, x) ;

sosstsst:long_name = "sea surface temperature" ; sosstsst:units = "degC" ; sosstsst:online_operation = "average" ; sosstsst:interval_operation = "5760s" ; sosstsst:interval_write = "1mo" ; sosstsst:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ; sosstsst:missing_value = 1.e+20f ; sosstsst:coordinates = "time_centered nav_lon nav_lat" ; sosstsst:cell_methods = "time_centered: mean (interval: 5760s)"

We have a name mapping between xios and Cf compliance : average -> mean instant -> point accumulate -> sum

#65 fixed Regression caused by automatic detection of buffer size mhnguyen rlacroix

As far as I can tell the automatic detection of buffer size is causing two issues (closely related):

  • XIOS will raise an error if a context has no enabled output file which it has no good reasons to do.
  • XIOS can fail if internal messages are bigger than the estimated output data.

This can probably be solved by always allocating a buffer with a fixed minimum size we know will always be sufficient to allocate the internal messages.

#66 fixed Regression caused by grid related changes mhnguyen rlacroix

It seems the recent grid related changes have caused a regression which affects the zoom feature. If some processes have nothing to output, XIOS will deadlock. This can be reproduced using the "test_complete" example after r565.

This is possibly caused by the "pseudo-global" communication style used by XIOS, if one client skips the communication with the server, a deadlock will occur.

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