Custom Query (116 matches)
Results (94 - 96 of 116)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#63 | invalid | Complementing field definition by sourcing from an alternate file does not work | ymipsl | ssenesi |
Description |
When wanting to add some field definition by sourcing an alternate file, you should be able to write : <field_definition> <field id="default_field"domain_ref="FULL"></field_definition> <field_definition id="field_definition" src="./surfex_base.xml" /> where the content of surfex_base.xml is e.g. : <field_definition > <field id="LE" name="leprime" /> </field_definition> This crashes XIOS with "MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator" (while putting the equivalent content at the same place in the master xml file works fine) |
#64 | fixed | Compile error when using option netcdf4_internal on Bull Intel with mpiifort | ymipsl | ssenesi |
Description |
In that case, with release 549, I get a 'catastrophic error' (I didn't choose that qualifier myself !) : fcm_internal compile:C netcdf /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c mmapio.o 1 mpiicc -o mmapio.o -DUSING_NETCDF_PAR -DUSING_NETCDF_INTERNAL -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/inc -ansi -diag-disable 1125 -diag-disable 279 -openmp -openmp-threadprivate compat -openmp-report2 -O3 -D BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4 -I/opt/softs/libraries/ICC13.1.4.183/hdf5-1.8.11_par/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/src_netcdf -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/boost/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/rapidxml/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/blitz/include -c /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c(38): catastrophic error: #error directive: mmap not fully implemented: missing MAP_ANONYMOUS
#28 | fixed | compilation XIOS Oasis path | aclsce | aclsce |
Description |
So far, the path of Oasis library is by default : OASIS_INCDIR="-I$WORKDIR/NEMO_COUPLE/prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$WORKDIR/NEMO_COUPLE/prism/X64/lib" in arch*path configuration files. It is not very generic, in particular if we want to include XIOS compilation in IPSL coupled model compilation. We would like to have a relative path instead of absolute path. Proposition : Replace the actual path by : OASIS_INCDIR="-I$PWD/../../prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$PWD/../../prism/X64/lib" Thanks ! |