Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#120 fixed reduce_domain doesn't work when using 'direction="iDir" ' ymipsl ssenesi

I got error :

[ id = 'fiou' , context = 'arpsfx' ] The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'n_glo' must be specified"

when using a reference to this axis in an output field :


<axis id="zonal_avg_axis" > <reduce_domain operation="sum" direction="iDir" /> </axis>


while n_glo should be deduced from nj_glo of source_domain

#121 fixed mess in time axes ymipsl ssenesi

Using a toy client like test_grid (see former ticket), and

  • defining one field with operation=instant, freq_op=2ts
  • requesting it with output_freq=1ts,
  • running for 4 timesteps with a 600s timestep

I get an output with coordinates="... time_instant" and a time_instant variable which has values : [ 600, 1200, -, -]

This seems odd; I was expecting either :

1- a time_instant variable with values [ 600, 1200, 1800, 24000 ] and fields filled with missing values for instants 600 and 1800 2- or a time_instant variable with values [ 1200, 2400, - , - ]

The same occurs if, instead of setting freq_op=2ts, I send the field only one out of 2 timesteps

What did I miss ?

#122 fixed regression with detect_missing_value between 1013 and 1029 ymipsl ssenesi

I am time-averaging fields (snow albedoes) which are both :

  • defined with a mask and
  • showing missing values at time-varying location

I am also remapping these fields to grid complete' : a rectilinear grid with gaussian latitudes

In Xios parlance, it writes :

<file id="EXPID_test_4D" output_freq="6h" >

<field_group domain_ref="complete" expr="@this">

<field field_ref="albs" name="albs_avg" operation="average" detect_missing_value="true"/>



The result is fine with XIOS 1013 : locations which do not always have a defined values do show senesible values However, with XIOS 1029, they show values which obviously are averaged n samples whare the mssing value (here 1.e+20) is considered as a valid value

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.