Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#63 invalid Complementing field definition by sourcing from an alternate file does not work ymipsl ssenesi

When wanting to add some field definition by sourcing an alternate file, you should be able to write :

<field_definition> <field id="default_field"domain_ref="FULL"></field_definition> <field_definition id="field_definition" src="./surfex_base.xml" />

where the content of surfex_base.xml is e.g. : <field_definition > <field id="LE" name="leprime" /> </field_definition>

This crashes XIOS with "MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator" (while putting the equivalent content at the same place in the master xml file works fine)

#89 invalid Error in node/domain.cpp on ChecKDomainData ymipsl ssenesi

It reads on line 792 as

      if (data_ni.isEmpty())
        data_ni.setValue((data_dim == 1) ? (ni.getValue() * nj.getValue()) : ni.getValue());

which is obviously wrong (set values should be reversed). This actually causes segmentation violation when nj is not set and data_dim==1; and this should lead to underestimated allocation when data_dim==2

#117 invalid New bug introduced by r1030 or 1031 ymipsl ssenesi

I get a new crash, when moving from r1029 to r1031 :

what(): Error when calling function: nc_inq_varid(ncid, varName.c_str(), &varId) NetCDF: Variable not found Unable to get id of variable with name: time_instant_bounds

It ooccurs with toy test_xios2_cmip6.exe I can provide input files if it is really necessary

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