Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#107 fixed Add filter to extract a level from an axis mhnguyen ymipsl

Similar to what is done for rectilinear domain

#67 fixed Add bounds for vertical axis rlacroix ymipsl

Add an optionnal attribute for vertical axis named "bounds" of double array. The dimensions must be [n][2] where n is the size of the axis. If this attribute is present, the bounds must be writen in the nectdf file. For example : If the name of the verical axis is "presniv" : we must have in the file: dimensions:

presnivs = 64 ; presnivs_nbounds=2 ; float presnivs(presnivs) ;

presnivs:units = "Pa" ; presnivs: bounds = "presnivs_bounds"


float presnivs_bounds(presnivs,presnivs_nbounds) ;

This must be also reported into XIOS-2.0

#103 fixed Add attribute 'comment' to all objects ? ymipsl ssenesi

For the sake of documenting xml files and their components, it would be helpful to be able to insert comment strings for every object, INSIDE the brackets enclosing the object. Maybe there is an XML syntax for that ? Otherwise, adding a 'comment' attribute would fit.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.