Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#104 wontfix When setting default field name, id should prevail on field_ref ymipsl ssenesi

When writing :

<field id="oddust" field_ref="od550dust" ... />

Field "oddust" get the same name as field "odd550dust"

When writing

<field id="oddust" domain="dom1" >

field "oddust" has name=id="oddust"

I beliewe that most users expect that the latter behaviour applies in the first case

#112 fixed Write interpolation weight into a file mhnguyen mhnguyen

XIOS is able to read weights from a file then use them to do interpolation of a domain to another. There are cases in which these weights should be computed once then reused over and over. Therefore, XIOS should be able to write weights into file. Some specifications for this:

  • Flag for interpolation_domain

+) filename: Already exists +) weights="read/write"

  • Behaviors:

+) weights="write" -> write weights into file. If there is no filename -> default filename will be used, otherwise use filename. Filename will be always overwritten in this case. +) weights="read" -> try to read weights from a file. If there is no filename-> default filename will be used, otherwise use filename. If there is no file to read at all-> switch to write mode.

#111 fixed wrong consistency check in domaion.cpp on ni when data_dim=1 ymipsl ssenesi

domain.cpp reads at line 730 :

      if ((ni.getValue() < 0 || ibegin.getValue() < 0) ||
         ((type_attr::unstructured != type) && ((ibegin.getValue() + ni.getValue()) > ni_glo.getValue())))

while it should be:

      if ((ni.getValue() < 0 || ibegin.getValue() < 0) ||
         ((data_dim.get(Value()== 2 && ((ibegin.getValue() + ni.getValue()) > ni_glo.getValue())))

as you can have data_dim=1 and e.g. type=curvilinear, which breaks the relationship between ni and ni_glo. Another formulation would be to use as a ceiling value for ni :

  • ni_glo if data_dim==2
  • ni_glo * nj_glo if data_dim==1
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