Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#56 fixed XIOS crash sometime in coupled model in server mode ymipsl ymipsl

When multiple context is used on MPMP code, sometime XIOS crash in server mode.

#194 fixed xios test suite results file mhedley mhedley

i think this applies to both xios-3.0-beta and trunk, but only properly tested on xios-3.0-beta

the checkfile.def test file for test_domain_algo

lists an expected output file that is not produced by the test

i think that the test is running correctly, and that this file is not produced

i propose a change, removing line #5

see attached xios-3.0-beta-test-run-pass demonstrating the change, compared to the failing run xios-3.0-beta-test-run-fail

  1. is this a valid change to propose?
  2. should it apply to both xios-3.0-beta and trunk?
#74 fixed XML auto-completion from the input files is too strict rlacroix

XIOS fails to reopen files it created because the auto-completion of the axis/domain attributes is too aggressive.

Some attributes like the bounds are considered as mandatory while they should not.

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