Custom Query (116 matches)
Results (16 - 18 of 116)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#131 | fixed | Problem with number of months in user_defined calendar | ymipsl | millour |
Description |
In date.cpp, the function
Assumes that there are 12 months/year, which is not the case for a "user_defined" calendar. A more generic version could be:
#130 | fixed | Pb with chaining zoom over axis + axis reduction + domain reduction | ymipsl | aclsce |
Description |
In my case, the chaining of zoom aver axis + axis reduction + domain reduction is not correct. The result that I obtain is a "missing value". Note that :
#127 | fixed | Pb with index with indexed_output on 3D fields | rlacroix | aclsce |
Description |
Indices of points of compressed 3D fields by using "indexed_output" field attribute are not correct :
These values are not correct. Note that indices are correct with 2D fields. |