Custom Query (116 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#118 wontfix Parser silently skip syntax error ymipsl ssenesi

When provided with an additional context structure with a syntax error like below (in bold face), the additional context is just dis-regarded

<context id="arpsfx">

<file_definition type="one_file" enabled="true" >

<file name="outputs/E3hr_CNRM-CM6-1_historical_r1i1p1f1_gr_%start_date%_%end_date%" output_freq="3h" append="true" split_freq="1mo" timeseries="exclusive" time_counter="record" time_counter_name="time"> time_stamp_name="creation_date" time_stamp_format="%Y-%b-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" >

<variable name="project_id" type="string" > CMIP6/CMIP </variable>

#117 invalid New bug introduced by r1030 or 1031 ymipsl ssenesi

I get a new crash, when moving from r1029 to r1031 :

what(): Error when calling function: nc_inq_varid(ncid, varName.c_str(), &varId) NetCDF: Variable not found Unable to get id of variable with name: time_instant_bounds

It ooccurs with toy test_xios2_cmip6.exe I can provide input files if it is really necessary

#116 fixed reduce_domain workflow issue when combined with vertical interpolation ymipsl ssenesi

Using r1028 and a toy derived from test_xios2_cmpi6 (attached) , which also sends a pressure field, I am able to correctly derive :

  • a profile of a 3D field (with a 'reduce_domain' applied on horizontal domain)
  • a vertical interpolation of the same field on pressure levels

but when trying to get the profile of the vertically interpolated field, I get sensible values only for the first output timestep; for the remaining timsteps the values are largely underestimated, and their vertical structure is unconsistent with the original field

The set of xml files and the output file are attached.

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