Opened 8 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
#116 closed defect (fixed)
reduce_domain workflow issue when combined with vertical interpolation
Reported by: | ssenesi | Owned by: | ymipsl |
Priority: | major | Component: | XIOS |
Version: | 2.0 | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Using r1028 and a toy derived from test_xios2_cmpi6 (attached) , which also sends a pressure field, I am able to correctly derive :
- a profile of a 3D field (with a 'reduce_domain' applied on horizontal domain)
- a vertical interpolation of the same field on pressure levels
but when trying to get the profile of the vertically interpolated
field, I get sensible values only for the first output timestep; for the
remaining timsteps the values are largely underestimated, and their
vertical structure is unconsistent with the original field
The set of xml files and the output file are attached.
Attachments (7)
Change History (10)
Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Changed 8 years ago by ymipsl
comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by ymipsl
There were 2 problem.
First one come from the way you want chain the domain reduction and the vertical interpolation :
<field name="profile_p" field_ref="field_grid" grid_ref="avg_profile_p"></field>
<grid id="grid_atm"> <domain id="domain_atm" /> <axis id="axis_atm"/> </grid>
<grid id="avg_profile_p"> <scalar scalar_ref="avg_scalar" /> <axis id="pstd"/> </grid>
When you want to chain transformation in same grid, by definition, XIOS will make the transform in the order of the grid element. In your case it will begin with domain reduction so you obtain a 1D axis, and after that you try to make a vertical interpolation in pressure level, and pressure is a 3D field. Very bad...
So what you what is to make the vertical interpolation and after a reduction over 2D domain.
So in this case you must chain transformation using a rebound (see the new bug.file).
Second was a small bug in spatial transformation that gave very thing when using averaging reduction. It is fixed now.
Check it now and I am waiting your comments.
comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by ssenesi
Of course, you are right about the chain order. I was fully aware of that, and I do not know how I ended up with such a construct.
I remember that you can also use a 'path' construct for controlling remapping order. Would it be usable here ?
I upgraded my Xios relesase, and the handling of missing values is know fine in this example after reduce_domain
comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by ymipsl
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
New bug.xml file