Opened 2 months ago

Last modified 2 months ago

#197 new enhancement

gunzip within make_xios

Reported by: mhedley Owned by: mhedley
Priority: minor Component: XIOS
Version: trunk Keywords:
Cc: jderouillat


The use of gunzip within make_xios uncompresses a set of archives within tools/archive/ that are used in the build process

however it uncompresses them in-place, which can result in source management software picking this up as a change, which can be accidentally checked in

it may be neater to uncompress the archives to the required tarname.tar but leave the tarname.tar.gz file alone, as it is source controlled.

the branch and revision r2685

demonstrate how this can be done, using gunzip code that is compatible with older and newer version of gzip.
(noting that newer gzip implementations have a -k keep flag, but this is not available on all platforms at this time)

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 2 months ago by ymipsl

Hi Mark,

Good proposition, but we use the fact that the .gz is no more present to avoid to decompress archive for each re-compilation. So keeping the archive unchanged lead to extracting it again for the next xios build, that we want to avoid.

So I will preconize to keep track that the archive has already been decompressed (for example creating a file like archive.done) to avoid to decompress it again at the next step.

Futhermore, it may be sometime useful to unzip gain the archive (for example in case of incomplete unzip due to impromtu stop of compilation), so a new command line option for this on make_xios will be welcome.

And I agree, this feature would be very useful, thank you very much for for your effort.


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