- 15:56 Changeset [1499] by
- debugging for memory leaks
- 13:29 Ticket #136 (Intel compiler optimization causing floating invalid in average.cpp ...) created by
- Hi, Sorry, I don't know if this bug has been previously reported. I …
- 09:26 Ticket #135 (Need a registry dump tool) created by
- We at CNRM have a complicated workflow which - backup incremental files …
- 16:10 Ticket #99 (Need separating source and build directory) closed by
- fixed: Done (r1498).
- 16:09 Changeset [1498] by
- Corrections of r1497.
- 14:05 Changeset [1497] by
- Adding the following compilation options in order to separate the build …
- 11:02 Ticket #131 (Problem with number of months in user_defined calendar) closed by
- fixed: Fixed.
- 11:00 Changeset [1496] by
- Trunk and CMIP6: bugfix in addition of a month in case of a user-defined …
- 12:00 Changeset [1495] by
- add type check and op check
- 17:30 Changeset [1494] by
- Bigfix for UGRID: fields describing the same mesh (= fields defined on …
- 13:20 Ticket #103 (Add attribute 'comment' to all objects ?) closed by
- fixed: Done for the following objects: axis, calendar, domain, field, file, grid, …
- 13:16 Ticket #134 (generate fortran interface for XIOS_DEV_CMIP6 branch) closed by
- fixed: Done.
- 18:12 Changeset [1493] by
- Adding attribute comment to certain objects. Fortran interface is already …
- 18:03 Changeset [1492] by
- Updating fortran interface for attributes that have been recently …
- 11:18 Changeset [1491] by
- Branch EP merged with Dev_cmip6 @r1490
- 17:29 Changeset [1490] by
- Reconfiguring Boost with older Intel compilator (2011 -ansi). Tested …
- 17:10 Changeset [1489] by
- Check on output_freq corrected.
- 17:05 Ticket #114 (Output_freq non initialized do not raise error message ?) closed by
- fixed: A check has been added.
- 17:04 Changeset [1488] by
- Trunk and CMIP6: adding a check on output_freq attribute. Exception is …
- 15:04 Changeset [1487] by
- Trunk: minor modifications for reading UGRID. Using attribute nvertex …
- 14:33 Changeset [1486] by
- XIOS_DEV_CMIP: minor modifications for reading UGRID. Using attribute …
- 17:30 Ticket #113 (XIOS attribute to specify netcdf attribute "cell_methods") closed by
- fixed: Done.
- 17:12 Ticket #134 (generate fortran interface for XIOS_DEV_CMIP6 branch) created by
- Interface has not been generated from a long time.…
- 16:35 Ticket #43 (Having the possibility of enforcing the addition of a axis to a file) closed by
- wontfix: I close the ticket because it is very old. We don't see a simple way to …
- 16:26 Ticket #123 (Parser just holds on syntax error) closed by
- wontfix: The XML file doesn't have the good structure, so the internal XML parser …
- 16:23 Ticket #118 (Parser silently skip syntax error) closed by
- wontfix: The XML file doesn't have the good structure, so the internal XML parser …
- 16:09 Ticket #79 (add new constraint on zoom definition) closed by
- fixed: Implemented in XIOS_DEV_CMIP6.
- 16:06 Ticket #130 (Pb with chaining zoom over axis + axis reduction + domain reduction) closed by
- fixed: Fixed.
- 16:05 Ticket #122 (regression with detect_missing_value between 1013 and 1029) closed by
- fixed
- 16:03 Ticket #116 (reduce_domain workflow issue when combined with vertical interpolation) closed by
- fixed
- 16:02 Ticket #121 (mess in time axes) closed by
- fixed
- 16:01 Ticket #120 (reduce_domain doesn't work when using 'direction="iDir" ') closed by
- fixed: fixed.
- 16:00 Ticket #93 (problem when freq_op differrent of 1ts) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 15:45 Ticket #83 (chaining filter doesn't works when reading data from file) closed by
- fixed: Fixed
- 15:43 Ticket #112 (Write interpolation weight into a file) closed by
- fixed: Done
- 11:55 Changeset [1485] by
- Enforcing sequential I/O on the client side during reading of metadata by …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.