


23:25 Changeset [1505] by yushan
MPI_split can deal with discontinuous ranking within a process
23:25 Changeset [1504] by yushan
MPI_split can deal with discontinuous ranking within a process
17:28 Changeset [1503] by yushan
rank_map is passed from vector to map, in order to have more flexibility …
09:56 Changeset [1502] by yushan
save dev
09:56 Changeset [1501] by yushan
save dev
09:54 Changeset [1500] by yushan
save dev


15:56 Changeset [1499] by yushan
debugging for memory leaks


13:29 Ticket #136 (Intel compiler optimization causing floating invalid in average.cpp ...) created by mcastril
Hi, Sorry, I don't know if this bug has been previously reported. I …


09:26 Ticket #135 (Need a registry dump tool) created by ssenesi
We at CNRM have a complicated workflow which - backup incremental files …


16:10 Ticket #99 (Need separating source and build directory) closed by oabramkina
fixed: Done (r1498).
16:09 Changeset [1498] by oabramkina
Corrections of r1497.
14:05 Changeset [1497] by oabramkina
Adding the following compilation options in order to separate the build …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.