


09:19 Changeset [1630] by yushan
working branch @1608 with bug fix @1628


18:45 Changeset [1629] by yushan
inlining calendar fonctions


17:34 Changeset [1628] by yushan
bug fix (Nb of files less than Nb of servers)


12:37 Ticket #70 (Flexibility and verbosity of parse_xml) closed by oabramkina
fixed: (1) A message has been added. (2) As for now, the main definition file …
12:27 Changeset [1627] by oabramkina
Test parse_xml.f90: adding a message in case of successful parsing.
10:24 Ticket #137 (compilation error with GCC_MACOSX) closed by oabramkina
fixed: Done on trunk and XIOS-2.5. The problem didn't concern XIOS-2.0.
10:19 Changeset [1626] by oabramkina
Trunk: limiting the line length to 132 characters in the Fortran interface …


17:28 Changeset [1625] by oabramkina
XIOS 2.5: limiting the line length to 132 characters in the Fortran …
11:20 Changeset [1624] by oabramkina
Bugfix for NEMO-like land processes elimination. Values describing a …


17:58 Changeset [1623] by oabramkina
Updating reference guide.
13:22 Changeset [1622] by oabramkina
Exception handling on trunk. To activate it, compilation flag …


17:49 Changeset [1621] by oabramkina
r1621 and r1620: Bugfix for domain zoom: local mask was not calculated …
17:46 Changeset [1620] by oabramkina
Dev: adding exception handling. To activate it, compilation flag …


17:37 Changeset [1619] by yushan
branch_openmp merged and NOT tested with trunk r1618


18:38 Changeset [1618] by ymipsl
Bug fix : writing label axis as string was not working in parallel writing …
09:49 Changeset [1617] by ymipsl
Bug fix when using areas for domain interpolation. YM
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.