- 22:20 Changeset [1830] by
- xios_test_suite - fix a regression YM
- 18:34 Changeset [1829] by
- xios_test_suite - fix in config compile YM
- 18:10 Changeset [1828] by
- xios_test_suite - add cron script for irene - mount scratchdir for irene …
- 17:55 Changeset [1827] by
- XIOS test suite : add local scripts for Irene.
- 17:35 Changeset [1826] by
- XIOS test suite : - better right permission for group - add cron script …
- 17:27 Changeset [1825] by
- XIOS test suite : add table border
- 16:54 Changeset [1824] by
- XIOS test suite : add scripts for local compile and test. No copy to …
- 15:09 Changeset [1823] by
- XIOS test suite : update jean-zay configuration YM
- 14:57 Changeset [1822] by
- XIOS test suite : update jean-zay configuration YM
- 14:15 Changeset [1821] by
- XIOS test suite : unit tests will not run if build failed. Catch the …
- 14:04 Changeset [1820] by
- XIOS test suite : add missing file YM
- 13:58 Changeset [1819] by
- XIOS test suite : adapt script for jean-zay YM
- 10:26 Changeset [1818] by
- XIOS test suite : adapt script for jean-zay YM
- 10:25 Changeset [1817] by
- XIOS test suite : adapt script for jean-zay YM
- 10:25 Changeset [1816] by
- XIOS test suite : adapt script for jean-zay YM
- 10:23 Changeset [1815] by
- XIOS test suite : arch files for Jean-zay YM
- 17:18 Changeset [1814] by
- trunk : update on html rendering
- 16:44 Changeset [1813] by
- XIOS test suite : spurious file makling conflict.... YM
- 16:24 Changeset [1812] by
- XIOS test suite : some update YM
- 14:48 Changeset [1811] by
- XIOS test suite : wait for irene job to be finished YM
- 14:25 Changeset [1810] by
- XIOS test suite : script for launching test suite YM
- 14:24 Changeset [1809] by
- XIOS test suite : files for html rendering YM
- 14:24 Changeset [1808] by
- XIOS test suite : scipt tools YM
- 14:22 Changeset [1807] by
- XIOS test suite : files for test suite algorithm YM
- 14:21 Changeset [1806] by
- XIOS test suite : files for test suite runs YM
- 14:19 Changeset [1805] by
- XIOS test suite : files for testing compilation YM
- 14:17 Changeset [1804] by
- XIOS test suite : machine environment
- 14:16 Changeset [1803] by
- XIOS test suite : arch file for test suite
- 14:15 Changeset [1802] by
- XIOS test suite : implement new directory struture to automate launching
- 16:18 Changeset [1801] by
- XIOS test suite : implement new directory struture to automate launching
- 16:16 Changeset [1800] by
- 15:12 Ticket #151 (Declaring with same ID does not raise an error) created by
- I you declare in your XML something like : […] An then later in the …
- 11:10 Changeset [1799] by
- XIOS TEST SUITE : update some job script YM
- 17:43 Changeset [1798] by
- XIOS TEST_SUITE : some script to install web application to visualize …
- 17:24 Changeset [1797] by
- update boost archive to set group read permission
- 17:17 Changeset [1796] by
- update boost archive to set group read permission
- 19:30 Changeset [1795] by
- dev_trunk_omp : corrections
- 19:22 Changeset [1794] by
- - add some comment about grid map/array/indexes - Add some "_" to suffix …
- 19:21 Changeset [1793] by
- trunk : correction on job scripts
- 18:01 Changeset [1792] by
- dev_trunk_omp : update and cleanup of unit tests
- 17:46 Changeset [1791] by
- trunk : add job scripts for Irene and Jean-Zay
- 17:36 Changeset [1790] by
- trunk : add html scripts
- 17:32 Changeset [1789] by
- trunk : add test suite scripts
- 17:12 Changeset [1788] by
- trunk : add Compile scripts
- 16:20 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 16:19 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 17:55 Changeset [1787] by
- More cleaning : replace contextClient rank and size by context rank and …
- 12:44 Changeset [1786] by
- xios-2.5 : update arch file for Jean-Zay
- 18:37 Changeset [1785] by
- Some fix untested when read weight interpolation from file. Probably no …
- 18:15 Changeset [1784] by
- - Preparing coupling functionalities. - Make some cleaner things YM
- 15:24 Changeset [1783] by
- xios-2.5 update env file for Jean-Zay
- 18:18 Changeset [1782] by
- coupling branch : implement new objet coupler_in and coupler_out to be …
- 16:04 Changeset [1781] by
- dev_trunk_omp : update html et al
- 11:46 Changeset [1780] by
- Creating a new dev branch to implement coupling functionnalities
- 14:07 Changeset [1779] by
- dev_trunk_omp : update JEAN-ZAY arch file
- 13:21 Changeset [1778] by
- - As strongly suggested by IDRIS, changed netcdf versions( now …
- 13:18 Changeset [1777] by
- - As strongly suggested by IDRIS, changed netcdf versions( now …
- 13:55 Changeset [1776] by
- dev_trunk_omp : update xios_report.html
- 10:30 Changeset [1775] by
- dev_trunk_omp : solve browser compatibility issue.
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.