1 | #!/bin/ksh |
2 | |
3 | #************************************************************** |
4 | # Author: Sebastien Denvil, Martial Mancip |
5 | # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil@ipsl.jussieu.fr Martial.Mancip@ipsl.jussieu.fr |
6 | # $Date$ |
7 | # $Author$ |
8 | # $Revision$ |
9 | # IPSL (2006) |
10 | # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC |
11 | # History: |
12 | # Modification: |
13 | # |
14 | #************************************************************** |
15 | |
16 | #=================================== |
17 | function IGCM_config_Initialize |
18 | { |
19 | IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_config_Initialize" |
20 | |
21 | # Debug Print : |
22 | echo |
23 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_config_Initialize :" |
24 | echo |
25 | |
26 | # Test modipsl tree existence. |
27 | IGCM_sys_TestDir ${MODIPSL} |
28 | IGCM_sys_TestDir ${libIGCM} |
29 | IGCM_sys_TestDir ${R_EXE} |
30 | IGCM_sys_TestDir ${SUBMIT_DIR} |
31 | |
32 | #================================== |
33 | |
34 | typeset option auxprint CompatibilityTag |
35 | # Read libIGCM compatibility version in config.card |
36 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Compatibility libIGCM |
37 | eval CompatibilityTag=${config_Compatibility_libIGCM} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
38 | |
39 | if [ ! "${CompatibilityTag}" = "${libIGCM_CurrentTag}" ] ; then |
40 | IGCM_debug_Exit "config.card is not compatible with libIGCM version ${libIGCM_CurrentTag} see libIGCM FAQ http://wiki.ipsl.jussieu.fr/wiki_ipsl/IGCMG/libIGCM/DocUtilisateur/FAQ ." |
41 | fi |
42 | |
43 | #================================== |
44 | IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card UserChoices |
45 | |
46 | for option in ${config_UserChoices[*]} ; do |
47 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card UserChoices ${option} |
48 | done |
49 | |
50 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DefineArrayFromOption : config_UserChoices" |
51 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_JobName |
52 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_LongName |
53 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_TagName |
54 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_CalendarType |
55 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_DateBegin |
56 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_DateEnd |
57 | IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_PeriodLength |
58 | |
59 | #================================== |
60 | |
61 | IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ListOfComponents |
62 | |
63 | echo |
64 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DefineArrayFromSection : ListOfComponents" |
65 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} |
66 | echo |
67 | |
68 | NbComponents=${#config_ListOfComponents[*]} |
69 | |
70 | #================================== |
71 | # Define principal executable |
72 | |
73 | IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Executable |
74 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Executable Name |
75 | |
76 | #================================== |
77 | # Define Outputs Name |
78 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Define Script_Output_Prefix and Exe_Output" |
79 | eval Script_Output_Prefix=${config_UserChoices_Script_Output_Prefix:='Script_Output'} |
80 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Script_Output_Prefix = ${Script_Output_Prefix}" |
81 | eval Exe_Output=out_${config_Executable_Name} |
82 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Exe_Output = ${Exe_Output}" |
83 | |
84 | #================================== |
85 | |
86 | #===================================================================# |
87 | # Prepare variables available for ${COMP}.card and ${COMP}.driver # |
88 | # But available to any son functions # |
89 | #===================================================================# |
90 | |
91 | # Convert yyyy-mm-dd date to gregorian yyyymmdd |
92 | DateBegin=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${config_UserChoices_DateBegin} ) |
93 | DateEnd=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${config_UserChoices_DateEnd} ) |
94 | |
95 | # Period Length In Days between DateBegin and DateEnd |
96 | (( ExperienceLengthInDays=$( IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate ${DateEnd} ${DateBegin} ) + 1 )) |
97 | if [ ${ExperienceLengthInDays} -lt 0 ] ; then |
98 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Problem with dates in config.card : ${DateEnd} < ${DateBegin} ! You must check that." |
99 | IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_Initialize" " Wrong Dates." |
100 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit |
101 | fi |
102 | |
103 | # Day and Year of Initial State (Given in julian format) |
104 | InitDay=$( expr $( IGCM_date_ConvertGregorianDateToJulian $DateBegin ) % 1000 ) |
105 | InitYear=$( expr $( IGCM_date_ConvertGregorianDateToJulian $DateBegin ) / 1000 ) |
106 | |
107 | #================================== |
108 | # Restarts : Gerneral rule or local for each component ? |
109 | IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Restarts |
110 | |
111 | echo |
112 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DefineArrayFromOption : config_Restarts" |
113 | |
114 | for option in ${config_Restarts[*]} ; do |
115 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Restarts ${option} |
116 | eval auxprint=\${config_Restarts_${option}} |
117 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "${option} : ${auxprint}" |
118 | done |
119 | |
120 | #================================================================# |
121 | # Test and Prepare directories # |
122 | #================================================================# |
123 | |
124 | # ==> 4 kinds of input files : |
125 | # 1) R_INIT : Initial State Files (Etat0, carteveg) |
126 | # 2) R_BC : Boundary Conditions (Forcages, lai) |
127 | # 3) Parameters files (allready define through ${SUBMIT_DIR}) |
128 | # 4) Restarts files (allready define in IGCM_config_Initialize) |
129 | |
130 | # Here we offer the possibility to redefine R_INIT, R_BC |
131 | # and PeriodNb through config.card |
132 | R_INIT=${config_UserChoices_R_INIT:=${R_IN}/INIT} |
133 | echo |
134 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "(Re)Define R_INIT, R_BC and PeriodNb" |
135 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "R_INIT=${R_INIT}" |
136 | R_BC=${config_UserChoices_R_BC:=${R_IN}/BC} |
137 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "R_BC=${R_BC}" |
138 | PeriodNb=${config_UserChoices_PeriodNb:=${PeriodNb}} |
139 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Loop in main Job with ${PeriodNb} period(s)" |
140 | |
141 | # Test Archive input/output. |
142 | IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${ARCHIVE} |
143 | IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${R_INIT} |
144 | IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${R_BC} |
145 | |
146 | #==================================================== |
147 | #R_SAVE : Job output directory |
148 | R_SAVE=${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${config_UserChoices_JobName} |
149 | |
150 | if [ ! -f ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card ]; then |
151 | IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive ${R_SAVE} |
152 | else |
153 | #Test state of run in run.card |
154 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodState |
155 | if ( [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "Start" ] && [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "Running" ] && [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "OnQueue" ] && [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "Continue" ] ) ; then |
156 | echo |
157 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "!!!! IGCM_config_Initialize Error PeriodState : " ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} "!!!!!!!!!!" |
158 | echo |
159 | IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_Initialize Error PeriodState : " ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} |
160 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit |
161 | fi |
162 | fi |
163 | IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${R_SAVE} |
164 | |
165 | #==================================================== |
166 | #R_OUT_KSH : Storage place for job output |
167 | #R_OUT_EXE : Storage place for binary used during simulation |
168 | R_OUT_KSH=${R_SAVE}/Out |
169 | R_OUT_EXE=${R_SAVE}/Exe |
170 | |
171 | IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_config_Initialize" |
172 | } |
173 | |
174 | #=================================== |
175 | function IGCM_config_PeriodStart |
176 | { |
177 | IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_config_PeriodStart" |
178 | |
179 | echo |
180 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_config_PeriodStart :" |
181 | echo |
182 | |
183 | if [ ! -r ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card ]; then |
184 | |
185 | #================================================# |
186 | # The file run.card doesn't exist # |
187 | #================================================# |
188 | |
189 | eval FirstInitialize=true |
190 | |
191 | #copy initial run.card |
192 | IGCM_sys_Cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card.init ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card |
193 | |
194 | IGCM_date_GetYearMonth $DateBegin year month |
195 | |
196 | case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in |
197 | 1Y|1y) |
198 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear $year ) )) ;; |
199 | *Y|*y) |
200 | PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) |
201 | echo "Number of years for PeriodLength : " $PeriodLengthInYears |
202 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 0 )) |
203 | (( i=0 )) |
204 | until [ $i -ge $PeriodLengthInYears ] ; do |
205 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear $(( year + i )) ) )) |
206 | (( i=i+1 )) |
207 | done |
208 | ;; |
209 | 1M|1m) |
210 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) )) ;; |
211 | *M|*m) |
212 | PeriodLengthInMonths=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) |
213 | echo "Number of months for PeriodLength : " $PeriodLengthInMonths |
214 | typeset year1 |
215 | (( year1=year )) |
216 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 0 )) |
217 | (( i=0 )) |
218 | until [ $i -ge $PeriodLengthInMonths ] ; do |
219 | if [ $(( month + i )) -lt 13 ] ; then |
220 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $(( month + i )) ) )) |
221 | else |
222 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $(( month + i - 12 )) ) )) |
223 | fi |
224 | (( i=i+1 )) |
225 | done |
226 | ;; |
227 | 5D|5d) |
228 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 5 )) ;; |
229 | 1D|1d) |
230 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 1 )) ;; |
231 | *D|*d) |
232 | PeriodLengthInDays=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) ;; |
233 | *) |
234 | IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_PeriodStart " ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} " invalid period length : choose in *Y, *M, *D, 5D, 1D." |
235 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; |
236 | esac |
237 | |
238 | eval PeriodDateBegin=${DateBegin} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
239 | PeriodDateEnd=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${DateBegin} $( expr ${PeriodLengthInDays} - 1 ) ) |
240 | eval CumulPeriod=1 > /dev/null 2>&1 |
241 | |
242 | #=================================================# |
243 | # Creation and write updated run.card # |
244 | #=================================================# |
245 | |
246 | #Correct run.card Configuration for this period |
247 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodDateBegin ${PeriodDateBegin} |
248 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodDateEnd ${PeriodDateEnd} |
249 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration CumulPeriod ${CumulPeriod} |
250 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodState "Running" |
251 | |
252 | else |
253 | #================================================# |
254 | # The file run.card allready exist # |
255 | #================================================# |
256 | |
257 | eval FirstInitialize=false |
258 | |
259 | #Test state of run in run.card |
260 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodState |
261 | if ( [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "Running" ] && [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "OnQueue" ] && [ ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} != "Continue" ] ) ; then |
262 | echo |
263 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "!!!!!! IGCM_config_PeriodStart Error PeriodState : " ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} "!!!!!!!!!!" |
264 | echo |
265 | IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_PeriodStart Error PeriodState : " ${run_Configuration_PeriodState} |
266 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit |
267 | fi |
268 | |
269 | #===================================# |
270 | # Read updated run.card # |
271 | #===================================# |
272 | |
273 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration OldPrefix |
274 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodDateBegin |
275 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodDateEnd |
276 | IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration CumulPeriod |
277 | |
278 | PeriodDateBegin=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${run_Configuration_PeriodDateBegin} ) |
279 | PeriodDateEnd=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${run_Configuration_PeriodDateEnd} ) |
280 | eval CumulPeriod="${run_Configuration_CumulPeriod}" > /dev/null 2>&1 |
281 | |
282 | if [ ${Period} = 1 ]; then |
283 | # save last Job output |
284 | typeset LastPeriod Last_Script_Output_Name |
285 | (( LastPeriod=CumulPeriod-PeriodNb )) |
286 | Last_Script_Output_Name="${Script_Output_Prefix}_${config_UserChoices_JobName}.${LastPeriod}" |
287 | #eval ls -l ${SUBMIT_DIR}/${Last_Script_Output_Name} |
288 | #eval IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${SUBMIT_DIR}/${Last_Script_Output_Name} ${R_OUT_KSH}/${Last_Script_Output_Name} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
289 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Try to save previous ksh job output" |
290 | IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR}/ |
291 | IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${Last_Script_Output_Name} ${R_OUT_KSH}/ |
292 | IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR} |
293 | else |
294 | unset FileToBeDeleted |
295 | fi |
296 | |
297 | IGCM_date_GetYearMonth $PeriodDateBegin year month |
298 | |
299 | # Determine number of day(s) in PeriodLength : |
300 | case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in |
301 | 1Y|1y) |
302 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear $year ) )) ;; |
303 | *Y|*y) |
304 | PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) |
305 | echo "Number of years for PeriodLength : " $PeriodLengthInYears |
306 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 0 )) |
307 | (( i=0 )) |
308 | until [ $i -ge $PeriodLengthInYears ] ; do |
309 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear $(( year + i )) ) )) |
310 | (( i=i+1 )) |
311 | done |
312 | ;; |
313 | 1M|1m) |
314 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) )) ;; |
315 | *M|*m) |
316 | PeriodLengthInMonths=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) |
317 | echo "Number of months for PeriodLength : " $PeriodLengthInMonths |
318 | typeset year1 |
319 | (( year1=year )) |
320 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 0 )) |
321 | (( i=0 )) |
322 | until [ $i -ge $PeriodLengthInMonths ] ; do |
323 | if [ $(( month + i )) -lt 13 ] ; then |
324 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $(( month + i )) ) )) |
325 | else |
326 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $(( month + i - 12 )) ) )) |
327 | fi |
328 | (( i=i+1 )) |
329 | done |
330 | ;; |
331 | 5D|5d) |
332 | (( PeriodLengthInDays=5 )) ;; |
333 | 1D|1d) |
334 | (( PeriodLengthInDays=1 )) ;; |
335 | *D|*d) |
336 | PeriodLengthInDays=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) ;; |
337 | *) |
338 | IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_PeriodStart " ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} " invalid period length : choose in *Y, *M, *D, 5D, 1D." |
339 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; |
340 | esac |
341 | |
342 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodState "Running" |
343 | |
344 | fi |
345 | OldPrefix=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd} |
346 | |
347 | #===================================================================# |
348 | # Prepare variables available for ${COMP}.card and ${COMP}.driver # |
349 | # But available to any son functions # |
350 | #===================================================================# |
351 | |
352 | # Period Length In Days between DateBegin and DateCurrent (at end of period == PeriodDateEnd !) |
353 | (( SimulationLengthInDays = $( IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate ${PeriodDateEnd} ${DateBegin} ) + 1 )) |
354 | |
355 | # Debug Print : |
356 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_config_PeriodStart : Before Execution" |
357 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Year of simulation : ${year}" |
358 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Month of simulation : ${month}" |
359 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodLengthInDays : ${PeriodLengthInDays}" |
360 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodDateBegin : ${PeriodDateBegin}" |
361 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodDateEnd : ${PeriodDateEnd}" |
362 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "SimulationLengthInDays : ${SimulationLengthInDays}" |
363 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "ExperienceLengthInDays : ${ExperienceLengthInDays}" |
364 | |
365 | #================================================================# |
366 | # Prepare variables available for comp_finalyze # |
367 | #================================================================# |
368 | |
369 | # Period for save files |
370 | eval DatesPeriod=${PeriodDateBegin}_${PeriodDateEnd} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
371 | |
372 | # Prefix for save files of this period |
373 | eval PREFIX=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${DatesPeriod} > /dev/null 2>&1 |
374 | |
375 | # List of files that will be deleted in RUN_DIR after run |
376 | FileToBeDeleted[0]="stack" |
377 | |
378 | # Test if the same run as already been saved : |
379 | if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 0 ] ; then |
380 | if ( IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${R_OUT_KSH}/${PREFIX}_${Exe_Output} ) ; then |
381 | IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_PeriodStart" "RErun an old job." |
382 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Because of readonly permissions, you can't RErun a job when saved files" |
383 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 " are still in the ARCHIVE directory. You must deleted those files, or " |
384 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 " the whole ${R_SAVE} tree." |
385 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit |
386 | fi |
387 | fi |
388 | IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_config_PeriodStart" |
389 | } |
390 | |
391 | #=================================== |
392 | function IGCM_config_PeriodEnd |
393 | { |
394 | IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_config_PeriodEnd" |
395 | |
396 | echo |
397 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_config_PeriodEnd :" |
398 | echo |
399 | |
400 | #==================================# |
401 | # Save Job output # |
402 | #==================================# |
403 | IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${Exe_Output} ${R_OUT_KSH}/${PREFIX}_${Exe_Output} |
404 | eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${Exe_Output}" |
405 | |
406 | typeset LS_comp LS_bin ExeDate ExeCpuLog ExeSize NextExeSize LastCompExeSize |
407 | typeset comp i |
408 | typeset ExeNameIn ExeNameOut |
409 | |
410 | #==================================# |
411 | # Get last Exe Size # |
412 | #==================================# |
413 | |
414 | (( i=0 )) |
415 | if ( ${FirstInitialize} ) ; then |
416 | run_Log_LastExeSize="" |
417 | for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do |
418 | run_Log_LastExeSize[$i]=0 |
419 | (( i=i+1 )) |
420 | done |
421 | else |
422 | IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Log LastExeSize |
423 | fi |
424 | |
425 | #==================================# |
426 | # And Build ExeDate # |
427 | #==================================# |
428 | |
429 | # ExeDate = ATM_Jun_12_09:34-SRF_Jun_12_09:34-OCE_Jun_12_09:34-ICE_Jun_12_09:34-CPL_Jun_12_09:33 |
430 | ExeDate="" |
431 | NextExeSize="( " |
432 | (( i=0 )) |
433 | |
434 | for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do |
435 | |
436 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 ${comp} |
437 | |
438 | eval ExeNameIn=\${config_Executable_${comp}[0]} |
439 | eval ExeNameOut=\${config_Executable_${comp}[1]} |
440 | if [ X${ExeNameIn} = X\"\" ] ; then |
441 | # If there is no exe file for this component |
442 | (( ExeSize=0 )) |
443 | else |
444 | eval LS_bin=${R_EXE}/${ExeNameIn} |
445 | IGCM_sys_FileSize ${LS_bin} ExeSize |
446 | |
447 | set +A LS_comp -- $( ls -l ${LS_bin} ) |
448 | if [ X${ExeDate} = X ] ; then |
449 | # First component exe date |
450 | ExeDate=${comp}_${LS_comp[5]}_${LS_comp[6]} |
451 | else |
452 | ExeDate=${ExeDate}-${comp}_${LS_comp[5]}_${LS_comp[6]} |
453 | fi |
454 | ExeDate=${ExeDate}_${LS_comp[7]} |
455 | |
456 | eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]=${ExeNameOut} |
457 | fi |
458 | |
459 | if [ ${i} -eq 0 ] ; then |
460 | # First component |
461 | NextExeSize="( "${ExeSize} |
462 | else |
463 | NextExeSize=${NextExeSize}", "${ExeSize} |
464 | fi |
465 | eval LastCompExeSize=${run_Log_LastExeSize[$i]} |
466 | (( i=i+1 )) |
467 | |
468 | if [ ${ExeSize} -ne ${LastCompExeSize} ] ; then |
469 | if ( ${FirstInitialize} ) ; then |
470 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Put first ${ExeNameIn} in ${R_OUT_EXE} !" |
471 | else |
472 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "${ExeNameIn} has changed in ${R_EXE} !" |
473 | fi |
474 | eval IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${ExeNameOut} ${R_OUT_EXE}/${PREFIX}_${ExeNameIn} |
475 | fi |
476 | done |
477 | |
478 | if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 1 ] ; then |
479 | typeset ExeCpuLog |
480 | tail -1500 ${Exe_Output} > ${Exe_Output}_tail.txt |
481 | ExeCpuLog=$( ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/IGCM_add_out.awk ${Exe_Output}_tail.txt ) |
482 | RET=$? |
483 | if [ $RET -eq 0 ] ; then |
484 | echo "("${CumulPeriod} " , " ${PeriodDateBegin} " , " ${PeriodDateEnd} \ |
485 | " , " ${ExeCpuLog} " , " ${ExeDate}") \\" >> ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card |
486 | fi |
487 | eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${Exe_Output}_tail.txt" |
488 | fi |
489 | |
490 | NextExeSize=${NextExeSize}" )" |
491 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Log LastExeSize "${NextExeSize}" |
492 | |
493 | # All was right ? no ? then we stop. |
494 | IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit |
495 | |
496 | # If all was OK, we can delete all files not necessary for next Job |
497 | echo "Files that will be deleted before next period-run : " |
498 | |
499 | if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 2 ] ; then |
500 | eval ls -la ${FileToBeDeleted[@]} |
501 | eval rm -f ${FileToBeDeleted[@]} |
502 | else |
503 | echo ${FileToBeDeleted[@]} |
504 | fi |
505 | |
506 | #=================================================# |
507 | # Determine next computed period # |
508 | #=================================================# |
509 | |
510 | PeriodDateBegin=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${PeriodDateEnd} 1 ) |
511 | IGCM_date_GetYearMonth $PeriodDateBegin year month |
512 | |
513 | # Determine number of day(s) in PeriodLength : |
514 | case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in |
515 | 1Y|1y) PeriodLengthInDays=$( expr $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear $year ) ) ;; |
516 | *Y|*y) |
517 | PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) |
518 | echo "Number of years for PeriodLength : " $PeriodLengthInYears |
519 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 0 )) |
520 | (( i=0 )) |
521 | until [ $i -ge $PeriodLengthInYears ] ; do |
522 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInYear $(( year + i )) ) )) |
523 | (( i=i+1 )) |
524 | done |
525 | ;; |
526 | 1M|1m) PeriodLengthInDays=$( expr $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $month ) ) ;; |
527 | *M|*m) |
528 | PeriodLengthInMonths=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) |
529 | echo "Number of months for PeriodLength : " $PeriodLengthInMonths |
530 | typeset year1 |
531 | (( year1=year )) |
532 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = 0 )) |
533 | (( i=0 )) |
534 | until [ $i -ge $PeriodLengthInMonths ] ; do |
535 | if [ $(( month + i )) -lt 13 ] ; then |
536 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $(( month + i )) ) )) |
537 | else |
538 | (( PeriodLengthInDays = PeriodLengthInDays + $( IGCM_date_DaysInMonth $year $(( month + i - 12 )) ) )) |
539 | fi |
540 | (( i=i+1 )) |
541 | done |
542 | ;; |
543 | 5D|5d) PeriodLengthInDays=$( expr 5 ) ;; |
544 | 1D|1d) PeriodLengthInDays=$( expr 1 ) ;; |
545 | *D|*d) |
546 | PeriodLengthInDays=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) ;; |
547 | esac |
548 | PeriodDateEnd=$( IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate ${PeriodDateBegin} $( expr ${PeriodLengthInDays} - 1 ) ) |
549 | |
550 | # Debug Print : |
551 | echo |
552 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_config_PeriodEnd : Preparing Next Execution" |
553 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodDateBegin : ${PeriodDateBegin}" |
554 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodDateEnd : ${PeriodDateEnd}" |
555 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodLengthInDays : ${PeriodLengthInDays}" |
556 | |
557 | PeriodDateBegin=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToHuman ${PeriodDateBegin} ) |
558 | PeriodDateEnd=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToHuman ${PeriodDateEnd} ) |
559 | |
560 | (( CumulPeriod = CumulPeriod + 1 )) |
561 | |
562 | # Debug Print : |
563 | echo |
564 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodDateBegin Human : ${PeriodDateBegin}" |
565 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodDateEnd Human : ${PeriodDateEnd}" |
566 | IGCM_debug_Print 3 "CumulPeriod : ${CumulPeriod}" |
567 | |
568 | #=================================================# |
569 | # Write updated run.card # |
570 | #=================================================# |
571 | |
572 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration OldPrefix ${OldPrefix} |
573 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodDateBegin ${PeriodDateBegin} |
574 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodDateEnd ${PeriodDateEnd} |
575 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration CumulPeriod ${CumulPeriod} |
576 | |
577 | IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_config_PeriodEnd" |
578 | } |
579 | |
580 | #=================================== |
581 | function IGCM_config_Finalize |
582 | { |
583 | IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_config_Finalize" |
584 | |
585 | echo |
586 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_config_Finalize :" |
587 | echo |
588 | |
589 | # Supress Non Deleted Boundary files |
590 | if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 2 ] ; then |
591 | IGCM_comp_DelFixeBoundaryFiles |
592 | ls -la |
593 | fi |
594 | |
595 | if [ ${SimulationLengthInDays} -ge ${ExperienceLengthInDays} ] ; then |
596 | |
597 | #==========================# |
598 | # End of entire simulation # |
599 | #==========================# |
600 | |
601 | cat << END_MAIL > job_atlas.mail |
602 | Dear ${LOGIN}, |
603 | |
604 | Simulation ${config_UserChoices_JobName} is finished on supercomputer `hostname`. |
605 | Job started : ${DateBegin} |
606 | Job ended : ${DateEnd} |
607 | Ouput files are available in ${R_SAVE} |
608 | END_MAIL |
609 | |
610 | mailx -s "${config_UserChoices_JobName} completed" ${USER} < job_atlas.mail |
611 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodState "Completed" |
612 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Normal End of computation." |
613 | if ( $DEBUG_debug ) ; then |
614 | echo |
615 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Your files on ${R_OUT} :" |
616 | IGCM_sys_Tree ${R_SAVE} |
617 | fi |
618 | else |
619 | |
620 | #=================# |
621 | # Submit next job # |
622 | #=================# |
623 | |
624 | IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card Configuration PeriodState "OnQueue" |
625 | typeset -x DEBUG_debug=false |
626 | |
627 | # Name of next Ksh Script output : |
628 | eval Script_Output="${Script_Output_Prefix}_${config_UserChoices_JobName}.${CumulPeriod}" |
629 | |
630 | IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Submit next job" |
632 | IGCM_sys_Cd ${SUBMIT_DIR} |
633 | IGCM_sys_Qsub ${SUBMIT_DIR}/Job_${config_UserChoices_JobName} |
634 | fi |
635 | |
636 | IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_config_Finalize" |
637 | } |
638 | |
639 | #=================================== |