{2} Active Tickets by Version (28 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#285 Install CMIP6 data request on computing center. Available in libIGCM. system task sdipsl new 04/07/16
#286 XIOS2 configured from the CMIP6 Data Request. First prototype. PostProcessing task sdipsl new 04/07/16
#326 Sur ada, l'option Pack=false ne fonctionne plus (le cas pour CREATE_amip) system defect sdipsl reopened 04/24/17
#303 move BigBrother=true option from AA_job to config.card Supervisor CORE enhancement sdipsl assigned 09/09/16
#284 configure XIOS2 to produce pack output instead of using pack_output.job PostProcessing task sdipsl new 04/07/16
#335 Ada AA_purge_simulation don't delete R_BUFR files treatment enhancement sdipsl assigned 07/27/17
#341 ins_job with non existing ExpType will erase config.card and do nothing else... treatment defect somebody new 05/07/18
#337 Load the appropriate environement depending on compilator used for the gcm system enhancement somebody new 08/10/17
#338 Instead of sourcing only one .atlas_env... divide up in three areas system enhancement somebody new 08/11/17
#289 jobWarningDelay and accounting mail not ok at obelix system defect somebody new 04/15/16
#312 Issue a clear warning if there is a space in the card, and the reading process is messed up treatment defect somebody new 11/23/16
#325 2 problemes avec IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile function system defect somebody new 04/03/17
#346 Problem with DRYRUN and post processing jobs submitted anyway system defect somebody new 06/24/19
#348 problème init/ksh system defect somebody new 02/14/20
#316 Add a switch to postpone pack jobs PostProcessing enhancement somebody new 12/12/16
#329 Check of re-running an old job has to be improved because pack_debug deletes files. treatment enhancement somebody new 06/02/17
#311 Add a script to produce larger pack using already packed files. PostProcessing task somebody new 11/18/16
#350 Implémentation de la CESMEP dans libIGCM PostProcessing task somebody new 03/28/20
#339 In libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh store mail.txt in /tmp directory system enhancement somebody new 10/30/17
#340 Use ferret/7.2 to be able to monitor long simulation. PostProcessing enhancement somebody new 02/23/18
#268 monitoring cant be launched at the moment from Chuncked create_ts job. Issue for orchidee (all TS activated Chunck) PostProcessing task somebody new 10/21/15
#328 Add information about model version in netcdf files or Script_output system task somebody new 05/29/17
#345 No out_lmdz.x.??? files are created when 1OMP for lmdz is set in config.card : pure MPI case system enhancement somebody new 06/04/19
#343 DEVT/PROD and jobs stop. Coming from Irene but still required. AMQP Broker enhancement new 12/17/18
#353 Small bug on the MONITORING web page AMQP Broker defect new 05/25/22

2.0 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#349 rebuild_nemo configuration PISCES offline system 2.0 defect somebody new 02/14/20
#351 Amélioration de la fonction xios_parser.py treatment 2.0 defect somebody new 01/18/21
#352 Ajout d'informations sur les temps d'éxecution dans run.card system 2.0 enhancement somebody new 02/09/21
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