Opened 9 years ago

#289 new defect

jobWarningDelay and accounting mail not ok at obelix

Reported by: jgipsl Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: system Version:
Keywords: Cc:


The accounting mail gives a wrong/to high value at obelix for PeriodNb as soon as using more than 8cpu due to the variable jobWarningDelay which is not suitable. jobWarningDelay is probably wrong also for the calculations in libIGCM_debug.

At obelix there are 2 limits :

  • limit on the elapsed time allowed; This limit is accessed from libIGCM_sys_obelix.ksh by the variable PBS_WALLTIME. jobWarningDelay is set by this variable
  • limit on the total cpu

time : qstat -u login gives this time as Req'd time. I don't know how to access this limit from libIGCM_sys_obelix.ksh. F Marabelle could not answer either.

Using the queue mediump, walltime_max=12hours and cputotal_max=96hours. Therefor, using more that 8 cpu, it is the total cpu time which will limit the job.

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