Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#329 new enhancement

Check of re-running an old job has to be improved because pack_debug deletes files.

Reported by: mafoipsl Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: libIGCM_v2.8.4
Component: treatment Version:
Keywords: pack re-run old job Cc:


Since pack operation, Exe_Output file is not enough to check if an old simulation exists.

      if ( IGCM_sys_TestFileBuffer ${R_BUF_KSH}/${PREFIX}_${Exe_Output} ) ; then
        IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_config_PeriodStart" "You are currently re-running an old job."
        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Because of readonly permissions, you can't re-run a job when saved files"
        IGCM_debug_Print 1 " are still in the ARCHIVE directory. You must deleted those files, or "
        IGCM_debug_Print 1 " the whole ${R_SAVE} tree. See different clean_*.job in ${libIGCM} directory."
        IGCM_debug_Print 1 " This exit has been initiated because at least ${R_BUF_KSH}/${PREFIX}_${Exe_Output} exists."

As example, I rerun CM6010.2-LR-pdCtrl-cdrag8 instead of CM6010.2-LR-pdCtrl-cdrag1. Look at the table here: wiki:IPSLCM6/IPSLCM6.0.10-LR?

Add check of existence of at least one file in ${R_SAVE}/DEBUG/*tar?

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by mafoipsl

The table is here :

Sorry but I could not modify the text of the ticket.

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by sdipsl

Si on test l'existence d'au moins un fichier de la forme ${R_SAVE}/DEBUG/*tar on ne sait pas si on continue une simulation ou si on la rejoue par erreur.

Il faut vérifier que le ${PREFIX} n'est pas inclue dans un fichier de DEBUG

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by sdipsl

  • Milestone changed from libIGCM_v3 release candidate to libIGCM_v2.8.4
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