- 15:34 Changeset [1335] by
- - In config.card/[Post], add a keyword to launch (or not) metrics jobs. …
- 14:58 Ticket #294 (Error when monitoring a variable with the same name in 2 different ...) closed by
- fixed
- 16:14 Ticket #297 (Adapp or Ada at IDRIS : increase memory for pack_output and for create_se ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed with [1334]
- 16:14 Changeset [1334] by
- For ada, adapp at IDRIS, fix #297 : increase memory in pack_output for …
- 16:12 Ticket #297 (Adapp or Ada at IDRIS : increase memory for pack_output and for create_se ...) created by
- ncrcat used in pack_output requires larger memory. Set 30 Gb in the header …
- 16:38 Ticket #296 (Add a keyword to send or not metrics jobs) created by
- In config.card/[Post], add a keyword to launch (or not) metrics jobs.
- 17:50 Ticket #295 (Error when monitoring variables containing "_") created by
- The monitoring will fail if among the time series following case exist : …
- 19:28 Changeset [1333] by
- Ticket #294 : clean to be able to have the same variable name in the …
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for information about the timeline view.