


12:11 Ticket #333 (Ajoute option a ins_job pour forcer de refaire les libIGCM/*.job) created by jgipsl
Ajoute d'un option dans ins_job pour forcer de refaire et ecraser les job …
12:05 Ticket #332 (Ajoute tests de blindage sur purge_simulation.job) created by jgipsl
Le purge_simulation.job est tres bien. Mais on peut très facilement …


13:38 Changeset [1397] by sdipsl
- bugfix introduced with r1392. Only visible on Ada


09:28 Changeset [1396] by sdipsl
- bugfix


15:44 Changeset [1395] by sdipsl
- Add a LightRestartPack? option. Section [Post] in config.card. If TRUE …


17:40 Ticket #304 (if ncrcat itself failed try to cleanup *ncrcat.tmp) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Never happened again.
17:37 Changeset [1394] by sdipsl
- Cosmetics
17:28 Ticket #331 (Change supervisor mail adress) created by sdipsl
It is now superviseur@… Query sent to TGCC & IDRIS to add …
17:26 Ticket #300 (Adapt message buffering retention time) closed by sdipsl
17:10 Ticket #271 (typo : to be fixed or added to supplemental dictonaries) closed by sdipsl
17:08 Ticket #250 (EnsembleChecker tool) closed by sdipsl
17:08 Ticket #235 (Add instrumentation for IGSCM_sys_tar and IGCM_sys_*Dods) closed by sdipsl
17:00 Ticket #305 (ncrcat killed 3 times in a row) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Never happened again.
16:58 Ticket #298 (create_se YE for histNMC 3D variables) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Done see r1393
16:57 Ticket #327 (create_ts for TS_MO_YE only when required) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Done see r1393
16:56 Changeset [1393] by sdipsl
- remove TS_MO_YE creation. XIOS can handle this much better now. - …
16:39 Ticket #308 (clean_latestPackperiod.job must edit run.card to reflect what has been ...) closed by sdipsl
16:25 Ticket #318 (function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm manquant dans libIGCM_sys_ada.ksh) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. see r1392
16:23 Ticket #322 (purge_simulation and thredds (work, work_bis, store, store_bis)) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1392
16:22 Ticket #326 (Sur ada, l'option Pack=false ne fonctionne plus (le cas pour CREATE_amip)) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1392
16:21 Ticket #330 (purge must stop if no config.card is founds in the current directory) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1392
16:20 Changeset [1392] by sdipsl
- fix #326 #322 #318 and #330
16:19 Ticket #330 (purge must stop if no config.card is founds in the current directory) created by sdipsl
15:54 Ticket #307 (${RUN_DIR} filesystem failure before BigBrother has started resulting as ...) closed by sdipsl
wontfix: Never happened again. keep things simple.


14:41 Changeset [1391] by jgipsl
Change and add some echo.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.