


12:12 Ticket #335 (Ada AA_purge_simulation don't delete R_BUFR files) created by mafoipsl
On ada, purge_simulation don't delete restart files stored in R_BUFR …


14:45 Milestone libIGCM_v2.8.3 completed
14:05 Changeset [1405] by sdipsl
Tag libIGCM_v2.8.3. Full changelog: …
14:00 Changeset [1404] by sdipsl
- increment tag number
12:00 Ticket #332 (Ajoute tests de blindage sur purge_simulation.job) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1401
11:59 Ticket #334 (OverRule=Y does not work in config.card) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1401
11:40 Changeset [1403] by sdipsl
- Add one more security to the purge script
11:37 Changeset [1402] by sdipsl
- Better user interaction
10:41 Changeset [1401] by sdipsl
- Comfort modifications. See #332 #333 #334


11:57 Changeset [1400] by sdipsl
- Bugfix with the LightRestartPack? option
11:45 Ticket #331 (Change supervisor mail adress) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1398
11:44 Ticket #302 (optimization in pack_restart) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1395


20:18 Changeset [1399] by sdipsl
CMIP6 workflow. Merging trunk into branch 'branch' r:1375:1398
20:17 Changeset [1398] by sdipsl
- Change superviseur adress. It is now on a dedicated mail platform
15:13 Ticket #334 (OverRule=Y does not work in config.card) created by lfairhead
Putting a Y rather than a y as a flag to OverRule? in the config.card of a …


12:11 Ticket #333 (Ajoute option a ins_job pour forcer de refaire les libIGCM/*.job) created by jgipsl
Ajoute d'un option dans ins_job pour forcer de refaire et ecraser les job …
12:05 Ticket #332 (Ajoute tests de blindage sur purge_simulation.job) created by jgipsl
Le purge_simulation.job est tres bien. Mais on peut très facilement …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.