1 | MODULE traqsr |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE traqsr *** |
4 | !! Ocean physics: solar radiation penetration in the top ocean levels |
5 | !!====================================================================== |
6 | !! History : OPA ! 1990-10 (B. Blanke) Original code |
7 | !! 7.0 ! 1991-11 (G. Madec) |
8 | !! ! 1996-01 (G. Madec) s-coordinates |
9 | !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2002-06 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and module |
10 | !! - ! 2005-11 (G. Madec) zco, zps, sco coordinate |
11 | !! 3.2 ! 2009-04 (G. Madec & NEMO team) |
12 | !! 3.6 ! 2012-05 (C. Rousset) store attenuation coef for use in ice model |
13 | !! 3.6 ! 2015-12 (O. Aumont, J. Jouanno, C. Ethe) use vertical profile of chlorophyll |
14 | !! 3.7 ! 2015-11 (G. Madec, A. Coward) remove optimisation for fix volume |
15 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
16 | |
17 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
18 | !! tra_qsr : temperature trend due to the penetration of solar radiation |
19 | !! tra_qsr_init : initialization of the qsr penetration |
20 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
21 | USE oce ! ocean dynamics and active tracers |
22 | USE phycst ! physical constants |
23 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
24 | USE sbc_oce ! surface boundary condition: ocean |
25 | USE trc_oce ! share SMS/Ocean variables |
26 | USE trd_oce ! trends: ocean variables |
27 | USE trdtra ! trends manager: tracers |
28 | ! |
29 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
30 | USE prtctl ! Print control |
31 | USE iom ! I/O library |
32 | USE fldread ! read input fields |
33 | USE restart ! ocean restart |
34 | USE lib_mpp ! MPP library |
35 | USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) |
36 | USE timing ! Timing |
37 | |
39 | PRIVATE |
40 | |
41 | PUBLIC tra_qsr ! routine called by step.F90 (ln_traqsr=T) |
42 | PUBLIC tra_qsr_init ! routine called by nemogcm.F90 |
43 | |
44 | ! !!* Namelist namtra_qsr: penetrative solar radiation |
45 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_traqsr !: light absorption (qsr) flag |
46 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_qsr_rgb !: Red-Green-Blue light absorption flag |
47 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_qsr_2bd !: 2 band light absorption flag |
48 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_qsr_bio !: bio-model light absorption flag |
49 | INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_chldta !: use Chlorophyll data (=1) or not (=0) |
50 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_abs !: fraction absorbed in the very near surface (RGB & 2 bands) |
51 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_si0 !: very near surface depth of extinction (RGB & 2 bands) |
52 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_si1 !: deepest depth of extinction (water type I) (2 bands) |
53 | ! |
54 | INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nksr !: levels below which the light cannot penetrate (depth larger than 391 m) |
55 | |
56 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_RGB = 1 ! R-G-B light penetration with constant Chlorophyll |
57 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_RGBc = 2 ! R-G-B light penetration with Chlorophyll data |
58 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_2BD = 3 ! 2 bands light penetration |
59 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_BIO = 4 ! bio-model light penetration |
60 | ! |
61 | INTEGER :: nqsr ! user choice of the type of light penetration |
62 | REAL(wp) :: xsi0r ! inverse of rn_si0 |
63 | REAL(wp) :: xsi1r ! inverse of rn_si1 |
64 | ! |
65 | REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(3,61) :: rkrgb ! tabulated attenuation coefficients for RGB absorption |
66 | TYPE(FLD), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sf_chl ! structure of input Chl (file informations, fields read) |
67 | |
68 | !! * Substitutions |
69 | # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" |
70 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
71 | !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
72 | !! $Id: traqsr.F90 12489 2020-02-28 15:55:11Z davestorkey $ |
73 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) |
74 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
76 | |
77 | SUBROUTINE tra_qsr( kt, Kmm, pts, Krhs ) |
78 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
79 | !! *** ROUTINE tra_qsr *** |
80 | !! |
81 | !! ** Purpose : Compute the temperature trend due to the solar radiation |
82 | !! penetration and add it to the general temperature trend. |
83 | !! |
84 | !! ** Method : The profile of the solar radiation within the ocean is defined |
85 | !! through 2 wavebands (rn_si0,rn_si1) or 3 wavebands (RGB) and a ratio rn_abs |
86 | !! Considering the 2 wavebands case: |
87 | !! I(k) = Qsr*( rn_abs*EXP(z(k)/rn_si0) + (1.-rn_abs)*EXP(z(k)/rn_si1) ) |
88 | !! The temperature trend associated with the solar radiation penetration |
89 | !! is given by : zta = 1/e3t dk[ I ] / (rho0*Cp) |
90 | !! At the bottom, boudary condition for the radiation is no flux : |
91 | !! all heat which has not been absorbed in the above levels is put |
92 | !! in the last ocean level. |
93 | !! The computation is only done down to the level where |
94 | !! I(k) < 1.e-15 W/m2 (i.e. over the top nksr levels) . |
95 | !! |
96 | !! ** Action : - update ta with the penetrative solar radiation trend |
97 | !! - send trend for further diagnostics (l_trdtra=T) |
98 | !! |
99 | !! Reference : Jerlov, N. G., 1968 Optical Oceanography, Elsevier, 194pp. |
100 | !! Lengaigne et al. 2007, Clim. Dyn., V28, 5, 503-516. |
101 | !! Morel, A. et Berthon, JF, 1989, Limnol Oceanogr 34(8), 1545-1562 |
102 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
103 | INTEGER, INTENT(in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step |
104 | INTEGER, INTENT(in ) :: Kmm, Krhs ! time level indices |
105 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts,jpt), INTENT(inout) :: pts ! active tracers and RHS of tracer equation |
106 | ! |
107 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices |
108 | INTEGER :: irgb ! local integers |
109 | REAL(wp) :: zchl, zcoef, z1_2 ! local scalars |
110 | REAL(wp) :: zc0 , zc1 , zc2 , zc3 ! - - |
111 | REAL(wp) :: zzc0, zzc1, zzc2, zzc3 ! - - |
112 | REAL(wp) :: zz0 , zz1 , ze3t, zlui ! - - |
113 | REAL(wp) :: zCb, zCmax, zze, zpsi, zpsimax, zdelpsi, zCtot, zCze |
114 | REAL(wp) :: zlogc, zlogze, zlogCtot, zlogCze |
115 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ze0, ze1, ze2, ze3 |
116 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ztrdt, zetot, ztmp3d |
117 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
118 | ! |
119 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('tra_qsr') |
120 | ! |
121 | IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN |
122 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
123 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_qsr : penetration of the surface solar radiation' |
124 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' |
125 | ENDIF |
126 | ! |
127 | IF( l_trdtra ) THEN ! trends diagnostic: save the input temperature trend |
128 | ALLOCATE( ztrdt(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) |
129 | ztrdt(:,:,:) = pts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Krhs) |
130 | ENDIF |
131 | ! |
132 | ! !-----------------------------------! |
133 | ! ! before qsr induced heat content ! |
134 | ! !-----------------------------------! |
135 | IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN !== 1st time step ==! |
136 | IF( ln_rstart .AND. iom_varid( numror, 'qsr_hc_b', ldstop = .FALSE. ) > 0 .AND. .NOT.l_1st_euler ) THEN ! read in restart |
137 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' nit000-1 qsr tracer content forcing field read in the restart file' |
138 | z1_2 = 0.5_wp |
139 | CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'qsr_hc_b', qsr_hc_b, ldxios = lrxios ) ! before heat content trend due to Qsr flux |
140 | ELSE ! No restart or restart not found: Euler forward time stepping |
141 | z1_2 = 1._wp |
142 | qsr_hc_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp |
143 | ENDIF |
144 | ELSE !== Swap of qsr heat content ==! |
145 | z1_2 = 0.5_wp |
146 | qsr_hc_b(:,:,:) = qsr_hc(:,:,:) |
147 | ENDIF |
148 | ! |
149 | ! !--------------------------------! |
150 | SELECT CASE( nqsr ) ! now qsr induced heat content ! |
151 | ! !--------------------------------! |
152 | ! |
153 | CASE( np_BIO ) !== bio-model fluxes ==! |
154 | ! |
155 | DO jk = 1, nksr |
156 | qsr_hc(:,:,jk) = r1_rho0_rcp * ( etot3(:,:,jk) - etot3(:,:,jk+1) ) |
157 | END DO |
158 | ! |
159 | CASE( np_RGB , np_RGBc ) !== R-G-B fluxes ==! |
160 | ! |
161 | ALLOCATE( ze0 (jpi,jpj) , ze1 (jpi,jpj) , & |
162 | & ze2 (jpi,jpj) , ze3 (jpi,jpj) , & |
163 | & ztmp3d(jpi,jpj,nksr + 1) ) |
164 | ! |
165 | IF( nqsr == np_RGBc ) THEN !* Variable Chlorophyll |
166 | CALL fld_read( kt, 1, sf_chl ) ! Read Chl data and provides it at the current time step |
167 | ! Separation in R-G-B depending of the surface Chl |
168 | ze0(:,:) = MIN( 10. , MAX( 0.03, sf_chl(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ) ) |
169 | DO_3D_00_00 ( 1, nksr + 1 ) |
170 | ! zchl = ze0(ji,jj) |
171 | zlogc = LOG( ze0(ji,jj) ) |
172 | zlogCze = 0.113328685307 + 0.803 * zlogc ! log(zCze = 1.12 * zchl**0.803) |
173 | zlogCtot= 3.703768066608 + 0.459 * zlogc ! log(zCtot = 40.6 * zchl**0.459) |
174 | ! |
175 | zCb = 0.768 + zlogc * ( 0.087 - zlogc * ( 0.179 + zlogc * 0.025 ) ) |
176 | zCmax = 0.299 - zlogc * ( 0.289 - zlogc * 0.579 ) |
177 | zpsimax = 0.6 - zlogc * ( 0.640 - zlogc * ( 0.021 + zlogc * 0.115 ) ) |
178 | zdelpsi = 0.710 + zlogc * ( 0.159 + zlogc * 0.021 ) |
179 | ! |
180 | zlogze = 6.34247346942 - 0.746 * zlogCtot ! log(zze = 568.2 * zCtot**(-0.746)) |
181 | IF( zlogze > 4.62497281328 ) zlogze = 5.298317366548 - 0.293 * zlogCtot |
182 | ! log(IF( zze > 102. ) zze = 200.0 * zCtot**(-0.293)) |
183 | zze = EXP( zlogze ) |
184 | zpsi = gdepw(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) / zze |
185 | zCze = EXP( zlogCze ) |
186 | ! |
187 | ! NB. make sure zchl value is such that: zchl = MIN( 10. , MAX( 0.03, zchl ) ) |
188 | zchl = MIN( 10. , MAX( 0.03, zCze * ( zCb + zCmax * EXP( -( (zpsi - zpsimax) / zdelpsi )**2 ) ) ) ) |
189 | ! Convert chlorophyll value to attenuation coefficient look-up table index |
190 | ztmp3d(ji,jj,jk) = 41 + 20.*LOG10(zchl) + 1.e-15 |
191 | END_3D |
192 | ELSE !* constant chlorophyll |
193 | zchl = 0.05 |
194 | ! NB. make sure constant value is such that: |
195 | zchl = MIN( 10. , MAX( 0.03, zchl ) ) |
196 | ! Convert chlorophyll value to attenuation coefficient look-up table index |
197 | zlui = 41 + 20.*LOG10(zchl) + 1.e-15 |
198 | DO jk = 1, nksr + 1 |
199 | ztmp3d(:,:,jk) = zlui |
200 | END DO |
201 | ENDIF |
202 | ! |
203 | zcoef = ( 1. - rn_abs ) / 3._wp !* surface equi-partition in R-G-B |
204 | DO_2D_00_00 |
205 | ze0(ji,jj) = rn_abs * qsr(ji,jj) |
206 | ze1(ji,jj) = zcoef * qsr(ji,jj) |
207 | ze2(ji,jj) = zcoef * qsr(ji,jj) |
208 | ze3(ji,jj) = zcoef * qsr(ji,jj) |
209 | ! store the surface SW radiation; re-use the surface ztmp3d array |
210 | ! since the surface attenuation coefficient is not used |
211 | ztmp3d(ji,jj,1) = qsr(ji,jj) |
212 | END_2D |
213 | ! |
214 | !* interior equi-partition in R-G-B depending on vertical profile of Chl |
215 | DO_3D_00_00 ( 2, nksr + 1 ) |
216 | ze3t = e3t(ji,jj,jk-1,Kmm) |
217 | irgb = NINT( ztmp3d(ji,jj,jk) ) |
218 | zc0 = ze0(ji,jj) * EXP( - ze3t * xsi0r ) |
219 | zc1 = ze1(ji,jj) * EXP( - ze3t * rkrgb(1,irgb) ) |
220 | zc2 = ze2(ji,jj) * EXP( - ze3t * rkrgb(2,irgb) ) |
221 | zc3 = ze3(ji,jj) * EXP( - ze3t * rkrgb(3,irgb) ) |
222 | ze0(ji,jj) = zc0 |
223 | ze1(ji,jj) = zc1 |
224 | ze2(ji,jj) = zc2 |
225 | ze3(ji,jj) = zc3 |
226 | ztmp3d(ji,jj,jk) = ( zc0 + zc1 + zc2 + zc3 ) * wmask(ji,jj,jk) |
227 | END_3D |
228 | ! |
229 | DO_3D_00_00( 1, nksr ) |
230 | qsr_hc(ji,jj,jk) = r1_rho0_rcp * ( ztmp3d(ji,jj,jk) - ztmp3d(ji,jj,jk+1) ) |
231 | END_3D |
232 | ! |
233 | DEALLOCATE( ze0 , ze1 , ze2 , ze3 , ztmp3d ) |
234 | ! |
235 | CASE( np_2BD ) !== 2-bands fluxes ==! |
236 | ! |
237 | zz0 = rn_abs * r1_rho0_rcp ! surface equi-partition in 2-bands |
238 | zz1 = ( 1. - rn_abs ) * r1_rho0_rcp |
239 | DO_3D_00_00( 1, nksr ) |
240 | zc0 = zz0 * EXP( -gdepw(ji,jj,jk ,Kmm)*xsi0r ) + zz1 * EXP( -gdepw(ji,jj,jk ,Kmm)*xsi1r ) |
241 | zc1 = zz0 * EXP( -gdepw(ji,jj,jk+1,Kmm)*xsi0r ) + zz1 * EXP( -gdepw(ji,jj,jk+1,Kmm)*xsi1r ) |
242 | qsr_hc(ji,jj,jk) = qsr(ji,jj) * ( zc0 * wmask(ji,jj,jk) - zc1 * wmask(ji,jj,jk+1) ) |
243 | END_3D |
244 | ! |
245 | END SELECT |
246 | ! |
247 | ! !-----------------------------! |
248 | DO_3D_00_00( 1, nksr ) |
249 | pts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Krhs) = pts(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem,Krhs) & |
250 | & + z1_2 * ( qsr_hc_b(ji,jj,jk) + qsr_hc(ji,jj,jk) ) / e3t(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) |
251 | END_3D |
252 | ! |
253 | ! sea-ice: store the 1st ocean level attenuation coefficient |
254 | DO_2D_00_00 |
255 | IF( qsr(ji,jj) /= 0._wp ) THEN ; fraqsr_1lev(ji,jj) = qsr_hc(ji,jj,1) / ( r1_rho0_rcp * qsr(ji,jj) ) |
256 | ELSE ; fraqsr_1lev(ji,jj) = 1._wp |
257 | ENDIF |
258 | END_2D |
259 | CALL lbc_lnk( 'traqsr', fraqsr_1lev(:,:), 'T', 1._wp ) |
260 | ! |
261 | IF( iom_use('qsr3d') ) THEN ! output the shortwave Radiation distribution |
262 | ALLOCATE( zetot(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) |
263 | zetot(:,:,nksr+1:jpk) = 0._wp ! below ~400m set to zero |
264 | DO jk = nksr, 1, -1 |
265 | zetot(:,:,jk) = zetot(:,:,jk+1) + qsr_hc(:,:,jk) * rho0_rcp |
266 | END DO |
267 | CALL iom_put( 'qsr3d', zetot ) ! 3D distribution of shortwave Radiation |
268 | DEALLOCATE( zetot ) |
269 | ENDIF |
270 | ! |
271 | IF( lrst_oce ) THEN ! write in the ocean restart file |
272 | IF( lwxios ) CALL iom_swap( cwxios_context ) |
273 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'qsr_hc_b' , qsr_hc , ldxios = lwxios ) |
274 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'fraqsr_1lev', fraqsr_1lev, ldxios = lwxios ) |
275 | IF( lwxios ) CALL iom_swap( cxios_context ) |
276 | ENDIF |
277 | ! |
278 | IF( l_trdtra ) THEN ! qsr tracers trends saved for diagnostics |
279 | ztrdt(:,:,:) = pts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Krhs) - ztrdt(:,:,:) |
280 | CALL trd_tra( kt, Kmm, Krhs, 'TRA', jp_tem, jptra_qsr, ztrdt ) |
281 | DEALLOCATE( ztrdt ) |
282 | ENDIF |
283 | ! ! print mean trends (used for debugging) |
284 | IF(sn_cfctl%l_prtctl) CALL prt_ctl( tab3d_1=pts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Krhs), clinfo1=' qsr - Ta: ', mask1=tmask, clinfo3='tra-ta' ) |
285 | ! |
286 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('tra_qsr') |
287 | ! |
288 | END SUBROUTINE tra_qsr |
289 | |
290 | |
291 | SUBROUTINE tra_qsr_init |
292 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
293 | !! *** ROUTINE tra_qsr_init *** |
294 | !! |
295 | !! ** Purpose : Initialization for the penetrative solar radiation |
296 | !! |
297 | !! ** Method : The profile of solar radiation within the ocean is set |
298 | !! from two length scale of penetration (rn_si0,rn_si1) and a ratio |
299 | !! (rn_abs). These parameters are read in the namtra_qsr namelist. The |
300 | !! default values correspond to clear water (type I in Jerlov' |
301 | !! (1968) classification. |
302 | !! called by tra_qsr at the first timestep (nit000) |
303 | !! |
304 | !! ** Action : - initialize rn_si0, rn_si1 and rn_abs |
305 | !! |
306 | !! Reference : Jerlov, N. G., 1968 Optical Oceanography, Elsevier, 194pp. |
307 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
308 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices |
309 | INTEGER :: ios, irgb, ierror, ioptio ! local integer |
310 | REAL(wp) :: zz0, zc0 , zc1, zcoef ! local scalars |
311 | REAL(wp) :: zz1, zc2 , zc3, zchl ! - - |
312 | ! |
313 | CHARACTER(len=100) :: cn_dir ! Root directory for location of ssr files |
314 | TYPE(FLD_N) :: sn_chl ! informations about the chlorofyl field to be read |
315 | !! |
316 | NAMELIST/namtra_qsr/ sn_chl, cn_dir, ln_qsr_rgb, ln_qsr_2bd, ln_qsr_bio, & |
317 | & nn_chldta, rn_abs, rn_si0, rn_si1 |
318 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
319 | ! |
320 | READ ( numnam_ref, namtra_qsr, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) |
321 | 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_qsr in reference namelist' ) |
322 | ! |
323 | READ ( numnam_cfg, namtra_qsr, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) |
324 | 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_qsr in configuration namelist' ) |
325 | IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namtra_qsr ) |
326 | ! |
327 | IF(lwp) THEN ! control print |
328 | WRITE(numout,*) |
329 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_qsr_init : penetration of the surface solar radiation' |
330 | WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
331 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namtra_qsr : set the parameter of penetration' |
332 | WRITE(numout,*) ' RGB (Red-Green-Blue) light penetration ln_qsr_rgb = ', ln_qsr_rgb |
333 | WRITE(numout,*) ' 2 band light penetration ln_qsr_2bd = ', ln_qsr_2bd |
334 | WRITE(numout,*) ' bio-model light penetration ln_qsr_bio = ', ln_qsr_bio |
335 | WRITE(numout,*) ' RGB : Chl data (=1) or cst value (=0) nn_chldta = ', nn_chldta |
336 | WRITE(numout,*) ' RGB & 2 bands: fraction of light (rn_si1) rn_abs = ', rn_abs |
337 | WRITE(numout,*) ' RGB & 2 bands: shortess depth of extinction rn_si0 = ', rn_si0 |
338 | WRITE(numout,*) ' 2 bands: longest depth of extinction rn_si1 = ', rn_si1 |
339 | WRITE(numout,*) |
340 | ENDIF |
341 | ! |
342 | ioptio = 0 ! Parameter control |
343 | IF( ln_qsr_rgb ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 |
344 | IF( ln_qsr_2bd ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 |
345 | IF( ln_qsr_bio ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 |
346 | ! |
347 | IF( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'Choose ONE type of light penetration in namelist namtra_qsr', & |
348 | & ' 2 bands, 3 RGB bands or bio-model light penetration' ) |
349 | ! |
350 | IF( ln_qsr_rgb .AND. nn_chldta == 0 ) nqsr = np_RGB |
351 | IF( ln_qsr_rgb .AND. nn_chldta == 1 ) nqsr = np_RGBc |
352 | IF( ln_qsr_2bd ) nqsr = np_2BD |
353 | IF( ln_qsr_bio ) nqsr = np_BIO |
354 | ! |
355 | ! ! Initialisation |
356 | xsi0r = 1._wp / rn_si0 |
357 | xsi1r = 1._wp / rn_si1 |
358 | ! |
359 | SELECT CASE( nqsr ) |
360 | ! |
361 | CASE( np_RGB , np_RGBc ) !== Red-Green-Blue light penetration ==! |
362 | ! |
363 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> R-G-B light penetration ' |
364 | ! |
365 | CALL trc_oce_rgb( rkrgb ) ! tabulated attenuation coef. |
366 | ! |
367 | nksr = trc_oce_ext_lev( r_si2, 33._wp ) ! level of light extinction |
368 | ! |
369 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' level of light extinction = ', nksr, ' ref depth = ', gdepw_1d(nksr+1), ' m' |
370 | ! |
371 | IF( nqsr == np_RGBc ) THEN ! Chl data : set sf_chl structure |
372 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Chlorophyll read in a file' |
373 | ALLOCATE( sf_chl(1), STAT=ierror ) |
374 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
375 | CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_qsr_init: unable to allocate sf_chl structure' ) ; RETURN |
376 | ENDIF |
377 | ALLOCATE( sf_chl(1)%fnow(jpi,jpj,1) ) |
378 | IF( sn_chl%ln_tint ) ALLOCATE( sf_chl(1)%fdta(jpi,jpj,1,2) ) |
379 | ! ! fill sf_chl with sn_chl and control print |
380 | CALL fld_fill( sf_chl, (/ sn_chl /), cn_dir, 'tra_qsr_init', & |
381 | & 'Solar penetration function of read chlorophyll', 'namtra_qsr' , no_print ) |
382 | ENDIF |
383 | IF( nqsr == np_RGB ) THEN ! constant Chl |
384 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Constant Chlorophyll concentration = 0.05' |
385 | ENDIF |
386 | ! |
387 | CASE( np_2BD ) !== 2 bands light penetration ==! |
388 | ! |
389 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> 2 bands light penetration' |
390 | ! |
391 | nksr = trc_oce_ext_lev( rn_si1, 100._wp ) ! level of light extinction |
392 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' level of light extinction = ', nksr, ' ref depth = ', gdepw_1d(nksr+1), ' m' |
393 | ! |
394 | CASE( np_BIO ) !== BIO light penetration ==! |
395 | ! |
396 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> bio-model light penetration' |
397 | IF( .NOT.lk_top ) CALL ctl_stop( 'No bio model : ln_qsr_bio = true impossible ' ) |
398 | ! |
399 | END SELECT |
400 | ! |
401 | qsr_hc(:,:,:) = 0._wp ! now qsr heat content set to zero where it will not be computed |
402 | ! |
403 | ! 1st ocean level attenuation coefficient (used in sbcssm) |
404 | IF( iom_varid( numror, 'fraqsr_1lev', ldstop = .FALSE. ) > 0 ) THEN |
405 | CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'fraqsr_1lev' , fraqsr_1lev, ldxios = lrxios ) |
406 | ELSE |
407 | fraqsr_1lev(:,:) = 1._wp ! default : no penetration |
408 | ENDIF |
409 | ! |
410 | IF( lwxios ) THEN |
411 | CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('qsr_hc_b') |
412 | CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('fraqsr_1lev') |
413 | ENDIF |
414 | ! |
415 | END SUBROUTINE tra_qsr_init |
416 | |
417 | !!====================================================================== |
418 | END MODULE traqsr |