1 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | !! NEMO/OCE : Reference namelist_ref !! |
3 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
4 | !! NEMO/OCE : 1 - Domain & run manager (namrun, namcfg, namdom, namzgr, namzgr_sco ) |
5 | !! 2 - diagnostics (namnc4) |
6 | !! 3 - miscellaneous (nammpp, namctl) |
7 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
8 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
9 | &namrun ! parameters of the run |
10 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
11 | nn_no = 0 ! Assimilation cycle index |
12 | cn_exp = "ORCA2" ! experience name |
13 | nn_it000 = 1 ! first time step |
14 | nn_itend = 5840 ! last time step (std 5840) |
15 | nn_date0 = 010101 ! date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) |
16 | nn_time0 = 0 ! initial time of day in hhmm |
17 | nn_leapy = 0 ! Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) |
18 | ln_rstart = .false. ! start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) |
19 | nn_euler = 1 ! = 0 : start with forward time step if ln_rstart=T |
20 | nn_rstctl = 0 ! restart control ==> activated only if ln_rstart=T |
21 | ! ! = 0 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : read in namelist |
22 | ! ! = 1 nn_date0 read in namelist ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart |
23 | ! ! = 2 nn_date0 read in restart ; nn_it000 : check consistancy between namelist and restart |
24 | cn_ocerst_in = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (input) |
25 | cn_ocerst_indir = "." ! directory from which to read input ocean restarts |
26 | cn_ocerst_out = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (output) |
27 | cn_ocerst_outdir = "." ! directory in which to write output ocean restarts |
28 | ln_iscpl = .false. ! cavity evolution forcing or coupling to ice sheet model |
29 | nn_istate = 0 ! output the initial state (1) or not (0) |
30 | ln_rst_list = .false. ! output restarts at list of times using nn_stocklist (T) or at set frequency with nn_stock (F) |
31 | nn_stock = 5840 ! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) |
32 | nn_stocklist = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! List of timesteps when a restart file is to be written |
33 | nn_write = 5475 ! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) |
34 | ln_mskland = .false. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) |
35 | ln_cfmeta = .false. ! output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard |
36 | ln_clobber = .true. ! clobber (overwrite) an existing file |
37 | nn_chunksz = 0 ! chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines) |
38 | / |
39 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
40 | &namdom ! space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) |
41 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
42 | nn_bathy = 1 ! compute (=0) or read (=1) the bathymetry file |
43 | rn_bathy = 0. ! value of the bathymetry. if (=0) bottom flat at jpkm1 |
44 | nn_msh = 0 ! create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) |
45 | rn_hmin = -3. ! min depth of the ocean (>0) or min number of ocean level (<0) |
46 | rn_isfhmin = 1.00 ! treshold (m) to discriminate grounding ice to floating ice |
47 | rn_e3zps_min= 20. ! partial step thickness is set larger than the minimum of |
48 | rn_e3zps_rat= 0.1 ! rn_e3zps_min and rn_e3zps_rat*e3t, with 0<rn_e3zps_rat<1 |
49 | ! |
50 | rn_rdt = 5760. ! time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0) |
51 | rn_atfp = 0.1 ! asselin time filter parameter |
52 | ln_crs = .false. ! Logical switch for coarsening module |
53 | jphgr_msh = 0 ! type of horizontal mesh |
54 | ! = 0 curvilinear coordinate on the sphere read in coordinate.nc |
55 | ! = 1 geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing |
56 | ! = 2 f-plane with regular grid-spacing |
57 | ! = 3 beta-plane with regular grid-spacing |
58 | ! = 4 Mercator grid with T/U point at the equator |
59 | ppglam0 = 0.0 ! longitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) |
60 | ppgphi0 = -35.0 ! latitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) |
61 | ppe1_deg = 1.0 ! zonal grid-spacing (degrees) |
62 | ppe2_deg = 0.5 ! meridional grid-spacing (degrees) |
63 | ppe1_m = 5000.0 ! zonal grid-spacing (degrees) |
64 | ppe2_m = 5000.0 ! meridional grid-spacing (degrees) |
65 | ppsur = -4762.96143546300 ! ORCA r4, r2 and r05 coefficients |
66 | ppa0 = 255.58049070440 ! (default coefficients) |
67 | ppa1 = 245.58132232490 ! |
68 | ppkth = 21.43336197938 ! |
69 | ppacr = 3.0 ! |
70 | ppdzmin = 10. ! Minimum vertical spacing |
71 | pphmax = 5000. ! Maximum depth |
72 | ldbletanh = .TRUE. ! Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates |
73 | ppa2 = 100.760928500000 ! Double tanh function parameters |
74 | ppkth2 = 48.029893720000 ! |
75 | ppacr2 = 13.000000000000 ! |
76 | / |
77 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
78 | &namcfg ! parameters of the configuration |
79 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
80 | ! |
81 | ln_e3_dep = .true. ! =T : e3=dk[depth] in discret sens. |
82 | ! ! ===>>> will become the only possibility in v4.0 |
83 | ! ! =F : e3 analytical derivative of depth function |
84 | ! ! only there for backward compatibility test with v3.6 |
85 | ! |
86 | cp_cfg = "default" ! name of the configuration |
87 | cp_cfz = "no zoom" ! name of the zoom of configuration |
88 | jp_cfg = 0 ! resolution of the configuration |
89 | jpidta = 10 ! 1st lateral dimension ( >= jpi ) |
90 | jpjdta = 12 ! 2nd " " ( >= jpj ) |
91 | jpkdta = 31 ! number of levels ( >= jpk ) |
92 | jpiglo = 10 ! 1st dimension of global domain --> i =jpidta |
93 | jpjglo = 12 ! 2nd - - --> j =jpjdta |
94 | jperio = 0 ! lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6) |
95 | ! = 0 closed ; = 1 cyclic East-West |
96 | ! = 2 equatorial symmetric ; = 3 North fold T-point pivot |
97 | ! = 4 cyclic East-West AND North fold T-point pivot |
98 | ! = 5 North fold F-point pivot |
99 | ! = 6 cyclic East-West AND North fold F-point pivot |
100 | ln_use_jattr = .false. ! use (T) the file attribute: open_ocean_jstart, if present |
101 | ! in netcdf input files, as the start j-row for reading |
102 | ln_domclo = .true. ! computation of closed sea masks (see namclo) |
103 | / |
104 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
105 | &namzgr ! vertical coordinate (default: NO selection) |
106 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
107 | ln_zco = .false. ! z-coordinate - full steps |
108 | ln_zps = .false. ! z-coordinate - partial steps |
109 | ln_sco = .false. ! s- or hybrid z-s-coordinate |
110 | ln_isfcav = .false. ! ice shelf cavity |
111 | ln_linssh = .false. ! linear free surface |
112 | / |
113 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
114 | &namzgr_sco ! s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate (default F) |
115 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
116 | ln_s_sh94 = .false. ! Song & Haidvogel 1994 hybrid S-sigma (T)| |
117 | ln_s_sf12 = .false. ! Siddorn & Furner 2012 hybrid S-z-sigma (T)| if both are false the NEMO tanh stretching is applied |
118 | ln_sigcrit = .false. ! use sigma coordinates below critical depth (T) or Z coordinates (F) for Siddorn & Furner stretch |
119 | ! stretching coefficients for all functions |
120 | rn_sbot_min = 10.0 ! minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) |
121 | rn_sbot_max = 7000.0 ! maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) |
122 | rn_hc = 150.0 ! critical depth for transition to stretched coordinates |
123 | !!!!!!! Envelop bathymetry |
124 | rn_rmax = 0.3 ! maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<r_max<1) |
125 | !!!!!!! SH94 stretching coefficients (ln_s_sh94 = .true.) |
126 | rn_theta = 6.0 ! surface control parameter (0<=theta<=20) |
127 | rn_bb = 0.8 ! stretching with SH94 s-sigma |
128 | !!!!!!! SF12 stretching coefficient (ln_s_sf12 = .true.) |
129 | rn_alpha = 4.4 ! stretching with SF12 s-sigma |
130 | rn_efold = 0.0 ! efold length scale for transition to stretched coord |
131 | rn_zs = 1.0 ! depth of surface grid box |
132 | ! bottom cell depth (Zb) is a linear function of water depth Zb = H*a + b |
133 | rn_zb_a = 0.024 ! bathymetry scaling factor for calculating Zb |
134 | rn_zb_b = -0.2 ! offset for calculating Zb |
135 | !!!!!!!! Other stretching (not SH94 or SF12) [also uses rn_theta above] |
136 | rn_thetb = 1.0 ! bottom control parameter (0<=thetb<= 1) |
137 | / |
138 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
139 | &namclo ! (closed sea : need ln_domclo = .true. in namcfg) |
140 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
141 | rn_lon_opnsea = 0.0 ! longitude seed of open ocean |
142 | rn_lat_opnsea = 0.0 ! latitude seed of open ocean |
143 | nn_closea = 8 ! number of closed seas ( = 0; only the open_sea mask will be computed) |
144 | ! |
145 | ! name ! lon_src ! lat_src ! lon_trg ! lat_trg ! river mouth area ! correction scheme ! radius trg ! id trg |
146 | ! ! (degree)! (degree)! (degree)! (degree)! local/coast/global ! (glo/rnf/emp) ! (m) ! |
147 | ! North American lakes |
148 | sn_lake(1) = 'superior' , -86.57 , 47.30 , -66.49 , 50.45 , 'local' , 'rnf' , 550000.0 , 2 |
149 | sn_lake(2) = 'michigan' , -87.06 , 42.74 , -66.49 , 50.45 , 'local' , 'rnf' , 550000.0 , 2 |
150 | sn_lake(3) = 'huron' , -82.51 , 44.74 , -66.49 , 50.45 , 'local' , 'rnf' , 550000.0 , 2 |
151 | sn_lake(4) = 'erie' , -81.13 , 42.25 , -66.49 , 50.45 , 'local' , 'rnf' , 550000.0 , 2 |
152 | sn_lake(5) = 'ontario' , -77.72 , 43.62 , -66.49 , 50.45 , 'local' , 'rnf' , 550000.0 , 2 |
153 | ! African Lake |
154 | sn_lake(6) = 'victoria' , 32.93 , -1.08 , 30.44 , 31.37 , 'coast' , 'emp' , 100000.0 , 3 |
155 | ! Asian Lakes |
156 | sn_lake(7) = 'caspian' , 50.0 , 44.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 'global' , 'glo' , 0.0 , 1 |
157 | sn_lake(8) = 'aral' , 60.0 , 45.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 'global' , 'glo' , 0.0 , 1 |
158 | / |
159 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
160 | &namlbc ! lateral momentum boundary condition (default: NO selection) |
161 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
162 | ! ! free slip ! partial slip ! no slip ! strong slip |
163 | rn_shlat = 0 ! shlat = 0 ! 0 < shlat < 2 ! shlat = 2 ! 2 < shlat |
164 | ln_vorlat = .false. ! consistency of vorticity boundary condition with analytical Eqs. |
165 | / |
166 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
167 | &namagrif ! AGRIF zoom ("key_agrif") |
168 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
169 | ln_spc_dyn = .true. ! use 0 as special value for dynamics |
170 | rn_sponge_tra = 2880. ! coefficient for tracer sponge layer [m2/s] |
171 | rn_sponge_dyn = 2880. ! coefficient for dynamics sponge layer [m2/s] |
172 | ln_chk_bathy = .false. ! =T check the parent bathymetry |
173 | / |
174 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
175 | &nambdy ! unstructured open boundaries (default: OFF) |
176 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
177 | ln_bdy = .false. ! Use unstructured open boundaries |
178 | nb_bdy = 0 ! number of open boundary sets |
179 | ln_coords_file = .true. ! =T : read bdy coordinates from file |
180 | cn_coords_file = 'coordinates.bdy.nc' ! bdy coordinates files |
181 | ln_mask_file = .false. ! =T : read mask from file |
182 | cn_mask_file = '' ! name of mask file (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.) |
183 | cn_dyn2d = 'none' ! |
184 | nn_dyn2d_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state |
185 | ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files |
186 | ! ! = 2, use tidal harmonic forcing data from files |
187 | ! ! = 3, use external data AND tidal harmonic forcing |
188 | cn_dyn3d = 'none' ! |
189 | nn_dyn3d_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state |
190 | ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files |
191 | cn_tra = 'none' ! |
192 | nn_tra_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state |
193 | ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files |
194 | cn_ice = 'none' ! |
195 | nn_ice_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state |
196 | ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files |
197 | rn_ice_tem = 270. ! si3 only: arbitrary temperature of incoming sea ice |
198 | rn_ice_sal = 10. ! si3 only: -- salinity -- |
199 | rn_ice_age = 30. ! si3 only: -- age -- |
200 | ! |
201 | ln_tra_dmp =.false. ! open boudaries conditions for tracers |
202 | ln_dyn3d_dmp =.false. ! open boundary condition for baroclinic velocities |
203 | rn_time_dmp = 1. ! Damping time scale in days |
204 | rn_time_dmp_out = 1. ! Outflow damping time scale |
205 | nn_rimwidth = 10 ! width of the relaxation zone |
206 | ln_vol = .false. ! total volume correction (see nn_volctl parameter) |
207 | nn_volctl = 1 ! = 0, the total water flux across open boundaries is zero |
208 | nb_jpk_bdy = -1 ! number of levels in the bdy data (set < 0 if consistent with planned run) |
209 | / |
210 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
211 | &namnc4 ! netcdf4 chunking and compression settings ("key_netcdf4") |
212 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
213 | nn_nchunks_i = 4 ! number of chunks in i-dimension |
214 | nn_nchunks_j = 4 ! number of chunks in j-dimension |
215 | nn_nchunks_k = 31 ! number of chunks in k-dimension |
216 | ! ! setting nn_nchunks_k = jpk will give a chunk size of 1 in the vertical which |
217 | ! ! is optimal for postprocessing which works exclusively with horizontal slabs |
218 | ln_nc4zip = .true. ! (T) use netcdf4 chunking and compression |
219 | ! ! (F) ignore chunking information and produce netcdf3-compatible files |
220 | / |
221 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
222 | &nammpp ! Massively Parallel Processing ("key_mpp_mpi") |
223 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
224 | cn_mpi_send = 'I' ! mpi send/recieve type ='S', 'B', or 'I' for standard send, |
225 | ! ! buffer blocking send or immediate non-blocking sends, resp. |
226 | nn_buffer = 0 ! size in bytes of exported buffer ('B' case), 0 no exportation |
227 | ln_nnogather = .true. ! activate code to avoid mpi_allgather use at the northfold |
228 | jpni = 0 ! jpni number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1) |
229 | jpnj = 0 ! jpnj number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) |
230 | / |
231 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
232 | &namctl ! Control prints (default: OFF) |
233 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
234 | ln_ctl = .FALSE. ! Toggle all report printing on/off (T/F); Ignored if sn_cfctl%l_config is T |
235 | sn_cfctl%l_config = .TRUE. ! IF .true. then control which reports are written with the following |
236 | sn_cfctl%l_runstat = .FALSE. ! switches and which areas produce reports with the proc integer settings. |
237 | sn_cfctl%l_trcstat = .FALSE. ! The default settings for the proc integers should ensure |
238 | sn_cfctl%l_oceout = .FALSE. ! that all areas report. |
239 | sn_cfctl%l_layout = .FALSE. ! |
240 | sn_cfctl%l_mppout = .FALSE. ! |
241 | sn_cfctl%l_mpptop = .FALSE. ! |
242 | sn_cfctl%procmin = 0 ! Minimum area number for reporting [default:0] |
243 | sn_cfctl%procmax = 1000000 ! Maximum area number for reporting [default:1000000] |
244 | sn_cfctl%procincr = 1 ! Increment for optional subsetting of areas [default:1] |
245 | sn_cfctl%ptimincr = 1 ! Timestep increment for writing time step progress info |
246 | nn_print = 0 ! level of print (0 no extra print) |
247 | nn_ictls = 0 ! start i indice of control sum (use to compare mono versus |
248 | nn_ictle = 0 ! end i indice of control sum multi processor runs |
249 | nn_jctls = 0 ! start j indice of control over a subdomain) |
250 | nn_jctle = 0 ! end j indice of control |
251 | nn_isplt = 1 ! number of processors in i-direction |
252 | nn_jsplt = 1 ! number of processors in j-direction |
253 | ln_timing = .false. ! timing by routine write out in timing.output file |
254 | ln_diacfl = .false. ! CFL diagnostics write out in cfl_diagnostics.ascii |
255 | / |