1 | MODULE sbcblk_algo_ecmwf |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE sbcblk_algo_ecmwf *** |
4 | !! Computes: |
5 | !! * bulk transfer coefficients C_D, C_E and C_H |
6 | !! * air temp. and spec. hum. adjusted from zt (2m) to zu (10m) if needed |
7 | !! * the effective bulk wind speed at 10m U_blk |
8 | !! => all these are used in bulk formulas in sbcblk.F90 |
9 | !! |
10 | !! Using the bulk formulation/param. of IFS of ECMWF (cycle 40r1) |
11 | !! based on IFS doc (avaible online on the ECMWF's website) |
12 | !! |
13 | !! Routine turb_ecmwf maintained and developed in AeroBulk |
14 | !! (https://github.com/brodeau/aerobulk) |
15 | !! |
16 | !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2019 / AeroBulk (https://github.com/brodeau/aerobulk) |
17 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
18 | !! History : 4.0 ! 2016-02 (L.Brodeau) Original code |
19 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
20 | |
21 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
22 | !! turb_ecmwf : computes the bulk turbulent transfer coefficients |
23 | !! adjusts t_air and q_air from zt to zu m |
24 | !! returns the effective bulk wind speed at 10m |
25 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
26 | USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers |
27 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
28 | USE phycst ! physical constants |
29 | USE iom ! I/O manager library |
30 | USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library |
31 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
32 | USE prtctl ! Print control |
33 | USE sbcwave, ONLY : cdn_wave ! wave module |
34 | #if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice |
35 | USE sbc_ice ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields |
36 | #endif |
37 | USE lib_fortran ! to use key_nosignedzero |
38 | |
39 | USE sbc_oce ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields |
40 | USE sbcblk_phy ! all thermodynamics functions, rho_air, q_sat, etc... !LB |
41 | USE sbcblk_skin_ecmwf ! cool-skin/warm layer scheme !LB |
42 | |
44 | PRIVATE |
45 | |
46 | PUBLIC :: TURB_ECMWF ! called by sbcblk.F90 |
47 | |
48 | ! !! ECMWF own values for given constants, taken form IFS documentation... |
49 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: charn0 = 0.018 ! Charnock constant (pretty high value here !!! |
50 | ! ! => Usually 0.011 for moderate winds) |
51 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: zi0 = 1000. ! scale height of the atmospheric boundary layer...1 |
52 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: Beta0 = 1. ! gustiness parameter ( = 1.25 in COAREv3) |
53 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: alpha_M = 0.11 ! For roughness length (smooth surface term) |
54 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: alpha_H = 0.40 ! (Chapter 3, p.34, IFS doc Cy31r1) |
55 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: alpha_Q = 0.62 ! |
56 | |
57 | INTEGER , PARAMETER :: nb_itt = 5 ! number of itterations |
58 | |
59 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
61 | |
62 | SUBROUTINE turb_ecmwf( zt, zu, T_s, t_zt, q_s, q_zt, U_zu, l_use_cs, l_use_wl, & |
63 | & Cd, Ch, Ce, t_zu, q_zu, U_blk, & |
64 | & Cdn, Chn, Cen, & |
65 | & Qsw, rad_lw, slp, pdT_cs, & ! optionals for cool-skin (and warm-layer) |
66 | & pdT_wl ) ! optionals for warm-layer only |
67 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
68 | !! *** ROUTINE turb_ecmwf *** |
69 | !! |
70 | !! ** Purpose : Computes turbulent transfert coefficients of surface |
71 | !! fluxes according to IFS doc. (cycle 45r1) |
72 | !! If relevant (zt /= zu), adjust temperature and humidity from height zt to zu |
73 | !! Returns the effective bulk wind speed at zu to be used in the bulk formulas |
74 | !! |
75 | !! Applies the cool-skin warm-layer correction of the SST to T_s |
76 | !! if the net shortwave flux at the surface (Qsw), the downwelling longwave |
77 | !! radiative fluxes at the surface (rad_lw), and the sea-leve pressure (slp) |
78 | !! are provided as (optional) arguments! |
79 | !! |
80 | !! INPUT : |
81 | !! ------- |
82 | !! * zt : height for temperature and spec. hum. of air [m] |
83 | !! * zu : height for wind speed (usually 10m) [m] |
84 | !! * t_zt : potential air temperature at zt [K] |
85 | !! * q_zt : specific humidity of air at zt [kg/kg] |
86 | !! * U_zu : scalar wind speed at zu [m/s] |
87 | !! * l_use_cs : use the cool-skin parameterization |
88 | !! * l_use_wl : use the warm-layer parameterization |
89 | !! |
90 | !! INPUT/OUTPUT: |
91 | !! ------------- |
92 | !! * T_s : always "bulk SST" as input [K] |
93 | !! -> unchanged "bulk SST" as output if CSWL not used [K] |
94 | !! -> skin temperature as output if CSWL used [K] |
95 | !! |
96 | !! * q_s : SSQ aka saturation specific humidity at temp. T_s [kg/kg] |
97 | !! -> doesn't need to be given a value if skin temp computed (in case l_use_skin=True) |
98 | !! -> MUST be given the correct value if not computing skint temp. (in case l_use_skin=False) |
99 | !! |
100 | !! OPTIONAL INPUT: |
101 | !! --------------- |
102 | !! * Qsw : net solar flux (after albedo) at the surface (>0) [W/m^2] |
103 | !! * rad_lw : downwelling longwave radiation at the surface (>0) [W/m^2] |
104 | !! * slp : sea-level pressure [Pa] |
105 | !! * pdT_cs : SST increment "dT" for cool-skin correction [K] |
106 | !! * pdT_wl : SST increment "dT" for warm-layer correction [K] |
107 | !! |
108 | !! OUTPUT : |
109 | !! -------- |
110 | !! * Cd : drag coefficient |
111 | !! * Ch : sensible heat coefficient |
112 | !! * Ce : evaporation coefficient |
113 | !! * t_zu : pot. air temperature adjusted at wind height zu [K] |
114 | !! * q_zu : specific humidity of air // [kg/kg] |
115 | !! * U_blk : bulk wind speed at zu [m/s] |
116 | !! |
117 | !! |
118 | !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2019 / AeroBulk (https://github.com/brodeau/aerobulk/) |
119 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
120 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: zt ! height for t_zt and q_zt [m] |
121 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: zu ! height for U_zu [m] |
122 | REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: T_s ! sea surface temperature [Kelvin] |
123 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: t_zt ! potential air temperature [Kelvin] |
124 | REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: q_s ! sea surface specific humidity [kg/kg] |
125 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: q_zt ! specific air humidity at zt [kg/kg] |
126 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: U_zu ! relative wind module at zu [m/s] |
127 | LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: l_use_cs ! use the cool-skin parameterization |
128 | LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: l_use_wl ! use the warm-layer parameterization |
129 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Cd ! transfer coefficient for momentum (tau) |
130 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Ch ! transfer coefficient for sensible heat (Q_sens) |
131 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Ce ! transfert coefficient for evaporation (Q_lat) |
132 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: t_zu ! pot. air temp. adjusted at zu [K] |
133 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: q_zu ! spec. humidity adjusted at zu [kg/kg] |
134 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: U_blk ! bulk wind speed at zu [m/s] |
135 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Cdn, Chn, Cen ! neutral transfer coefficients |
136 | ! |
137 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Qsw ! [W/m^2] |
138 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: rad_lw ! [W/m^2] |
139 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: slp ! [Pa] |
140 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: pdT_cs |
141 | ! |
142 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: pdT_wl ! [K] |
143 | ! |
144 | INTEGER :: j_itt |
145 | LOGICAL :: l_zt_equal_zu = .FALSE. ! if q and t are given at same height as U |
146 | ! |
147 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & |
148 | & u_star, t_star, q_star, & |
149 | & dt_zu, dq_zu, & |
150 | & znu_a, & !: Nu_air, Viscosity of air |
151 | & Linv, & !: 1/L (inverse of Monin Obukhov length... |
152 | & z0, z0t, z0q |
153 | ! |
154 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & |
155 | & zsst, & ! to back up the initial bulk SST |
156 | & pdTc, & ! SST increment "dT" for cool-skin correction [K] |
157 | & pdTw ! SST increment "dT" for warm layer correction [K] |
158 | ! |
159 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: func_m, func_h |
160 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztmp0, ztmp1, ztmp2 |
161 | CHARACTER(len=40), PARAMETER :: crtnm = 'turb_ecmwf@sbcblk_algo_ecmwf.F90' |
162 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
163 | |
164 | l_zt_equal_zu = .FALSE. |
165 | IF( ABS(zu - zt) < 0.01_wp ) l_zt_equal_zu = .TRUE. ! testing "zu == zt" is risky with double precision |
166 | |
167 | !! Initializations for cool skin and warm layer: |
168 | IF ( l_use_cs ) THEN |
169 | IF( .NOT.(PRESENT(Qsw) .AND. PRESENT(rad_lw) .AND. PRESENT(slp)) ) THEN |
170 | PRINT *, ' * PROBLEM ('//trim(crtnm)//'): you need to provide Qsw, rad_lw & slp to use cool-skin param!' |
171 | STOP |
172 | END IF |
173 | ALLOCATE ( pdTc(jpi,jpj) ) |
174 | pdTc(:,:) = -0.25_wp ! First guess of skin correction |
175 | END IF |
176 | |
177 | IF ( l_use_wl ) THEN |
178 | IF(.NOT.(PRESENT(Qsw) .AND. PRESENT(rad_lw) .AND. PRESENT(slp))) THEN |
179 | PRINT *, ' * PROBLEM ('//trim(crtnm)//'): you need to provide Qsw, rad_lw & slp to use warm-layer param!' |
180 | STOP |
181 | END IF |
182 | ALLOCATE ( pdTw(jpi,jpj) ) |
183 | pdTw(:,:) = 0._wp |
184 | END IF |
185 | |
186 | IF ( l_use_cs .OR. l_use_wl ) THEN |
187 | ALLOCATE ( zsst(jpi,jpj) ) |
188 | zsst = T_s ! backing up the bulk SST |
189 | IF( l_use_cs ) T_s = T_s - 0.25_wp ! First guess of correction |
190 | q_s = rdct_qsat_salt*q_sat(MAX(T_s, 200._wp), slp) ! First guess of q_s !LOLO WL too!!! |
191 | END IF |
192 | |
193 | |
194 | ! Identical first gess as in COARE, with IFS parameter values though... |
195 | ! |
196 | !! First guess of temperature and humidity at height zu: |
197 | t_zu = MAX( t_zt , 180._wp ) ! who knows what's given on masked-continental regions... |
198 | q_zu = MAX( q_zt , 1.e-6_wp ) ! " |
199 | |
200 | !! Pot. temp. difference (and we don't want it to be 0!) |
201 | dt_zu = t_zu - T_s ; dt_zu = SIGN( MAX(ABS(dt_zu),1.E-6_wp), dt_zu ) |
202 | dq_zu = q_zu - q_s ; dq_zu = SIGN( MAX(ABS(dq_zu),1.E-9_wp), dq_zu ) |
203 | |
204 | znu_a = visc_air(t_zu) ! Air viscosity (m^2/s) at zt given from temperature in (K) |
205 | |
206 | U_blk = SQRT(U_zu*U_zu + 0.5_wp*0.5_wp) ! initial guess for wind gustiness contribution |
207 | |
208 | ztmp0 = LOG( zu*10000._wp) ! optimization: 10000. == 1/z0 (with z0 first guess == 0.0001) |
209 | ztmp1 = LOG(10._wp*10000._wp) ! " " " |
210 | u_star = 0.035_wp*U_blk*ztmp1/ztmp0 ! (u* = 0.035*Un10) |
211 | |
212 | z0 = charn0*u_star*u_star/grav + 0.11_wp*znu_a/u_star |
213 | z0 = MIN(ABS(z0), 0.001_wp) ! (prevent FPE from stupid values from masked region later on...) !#LOLO |
214 | z0t = 1._wp / ( 0.1_wp*EXP(vkarmn/(0.00115/(vkarmn/ztmp1))) ) |
215 | z0t = MIN(ABS(z0t), 0.001_wp) ! (prevent FPE from stupid values from masked region later on...) !#LOLO |
216 | |
217 | Cd = (vkarmn/ztmp0)**2 ! first guess of Cd |
218 | |
219 | ztmp0 = vkarmn*vkarmn/LOG(zt/z0t)/Cd |
220 | |
221 | ztmp2 = Ri_bulk( zu, T_s, t_zu, q_s, q_zu, U_blk ) ! Bulk Richardson Number (BRN) |
222 | |
223 | !! First estimate of zeta_u, depending on the stability, ie sign of BRN (ztmp2): |
224 | ztmp1 = 0.5 + SIGN( 0.5_wp , ztmp2 ) |
225 | func_m = ztmp0*ztmp2 ! temporary array !! |
226 | func_h = (1._wp-ztmp1) * (func_m/(1._wp+ztmp2/(-zu/(zi0*0.004_wp*Beta0**3)))) & ! BRN < 0 ! temporary array !!! func_h == zeta_u |
227 | & + ztmp1 * (func_m*(1._wp + 27._wp/9._wp*ztmp2/func_m)) ! BRN > 0 |
228 | !#LB: should make sure that the "func_m" of "27./9.*ztmp2/func_m" is "ztmp0*ztmp2" and not "ztmp0==vkarmn*vkarmn/LOG(zt/z0t)/Cd" ! |
229 | |
230 | !! First guess M-O stability dependent scaling params.(u*,t*,q*) to estimate z0 and z/L |
231 | ztmp0 = vkarmn/(LOG(zu/z0t) - psi_h_ecmwf(func_h)) |
232 | |
233 | u_star = U_blk*vkarmn/(LOG(zu) - LOG(z0) - psi_m_ecmwf(func_h)) |
234 | t_star = dt_zu*ztmp0 |
235 | q_star = dq_zu*ztmp0 |
236 | |
237 | ! What needs to be done if zt /= zu: |
238 | IF( .NOT. l_zt_equal_zu ) THEN |
239 | !! First update of values at zu (or zt for wind) |
240 | ztmp0 = psi_h_ecmwf(func_h) - psi_h_ecmwf(zt*func_h/zu) ! zt*func_h/zu == zeta_t |
241 | ztmp1 = LOG(zt/zu) + ztmp0 |
242 | t_zu = t_zt - t_star/vkarmn*ztmp1 |
243 | q_zu = q_zt - q_star/vkarmn*ztmp1 |
244 | q_zu = (0.5_wp + SIGN(0.5_wp,q_zu))*q_zu !Makes it impossible to have negative humidity : |
245 | ! |
246 | dt_zu = t_zu - T_s ; dt_zu = SIGN( MAX(ABS(dt_zu),1.E-6_wp), dt_zu ) |
247 | dq_zu = q_zu - q_s ; dq_zu = SIGN( MAX(ABS(dq_zu),1.E-9_wp), dq_zu ) |
248 | END IF |
249 | |
250 | |
251 | !! => that was same first guess as in COARE... |
252 | |
253 | |
254 | !! First guess of inverse of Monin-Obukov length (1/L) : |
255 | Linv = One_on_L( t_zu, q_zu, u_star, t_star, q_star ) |
256 | |
257 | !! Functions such as u* = U_blk*vkarmn/func_m |
258 | ztmp0 = zu*Linv |
259 | func_m = LOG(zu) - LOG(z0) - psi_m_ecmwf(ztmp0) + psi_m_ecmwf( z0*Linv) |
260 | func_h = LOG(zu) - LOG(z0t) - psi_h_ecmwf(ztmp0) + psi_h_ecmwf(z0t*Linv) |
261 | |
263 | DO j_itt = 1, nb_itt |
264 | |
265 | !! Bulk Richardson Number at z=zu (Eq. 3.25) |
266 | ztmp0 = Ri_bulk( zu, T_s, t_zu, q_s, q_zu, U_blk ) ! Bulk Richardson Number (BRN) |
267 | |
268 | !! New estimate of the inverse of the Monin-Obukhon length (Linv == zeta/zu) : |
269 | Linv = ztmp0*func_m*func_m/func_h / zu ! From Eq. 3.23, Chap.3.2.3, IFS doc - Cy40r1 |
270 | !! Note: it is slightly different that the L we would get with the usual |
271 | Linv = SIGN( MIN(ABS(Linv),200._wp), Linv ) ! (prevent FPE from stupid values from masked region later on...) !#LOLO |
272 | |
273 | !! Update func_m with new Linv: |
274 | func_m = LOG(zu) -LOG(z0) - psi_m_ecmwf(zu*Linv) + psi_m_ecmwf(z0*Linv) ! LB: should be "zu+z0" rather than "zu" alone, but z0 is tiny wrt zu! |
275 | |
276 | !! Need to update roughness lengthes: |
277 | u_star = U_blk*vkarmn/func_m |
278 | ztmp2 = u_star*u_star |
279 | ztmp1 = znu_a/u_star |
280 | z0 = MIN( ABS( alpha_M*ztmp1 + charn0*ztmp2/grav ) , 0.001_wp) |
281 | z0t = MIN( ABS( alpha_H*ztmp1 ) , 0.001_wp) ! eq.3.26, Chap.3, p.34, IFS doc - Cy31r1 |
282 | z0q = MIN( ABS( alpha_Q*ztmp1 ) , 0.001_wp) |
283 | |
284 | !! Update wind at zu with convection-related wind gustiness in unstable conditions (Chap. 3.2, IFS doc - Cy40r1, Eq.3.17 and Eq.3.18 + Eq.3.8) |
285 | ztmp2 = Beta0*Beta0*ztmp2*(MAX(-zi0*Linv/vkarmn,0._wp))**(2._wp/3._wp) ! square of wind gustiness contribution (combining Eq. 3.8 and 3.18, hap.3, IFS doc - Cy31r1) |
286 | !! ! Only true when unstable (L<0) => when ztmp0 < 0 => explains "-" before zi0 |
287 | U_blk = MAX(SQRT(U_zu*U_zu + ztmp2), 0.2_wp) ! include gustiness in bulk wind speed |
288 | ! => 0.2 prevents U_blk to be 0 in stable case when U_zu=0. |
289 | |
290 | |
291 | !! Need to update "theta" and "q" at zu in case they are given at different heights |
292 | !! as well the air-sea differences: |
293 | IF( .NOT. l_zt_equal_zu ) THEN |
294 | !! Arrays func_m and func_h are free for a while so using them as temporary arrays... |
295 | func_h = psi_h_ecmwf(zu*Linv) ! temporary array !!! |
296 | func_m = psi_h_ecmwf(zt*Linv) ! temporary array !!! |
297 | |
298 | ztmp2 = psi_h_ecmwf(z0t*Linv) |
299 | ztmp0 = func_h - ztmp2 |
300 | ztmp1 = vkarmn/(LOG(zu) - LOG(z0t) - ztmp0) |
301 | t_star = dt_zu*ztmp1 |
302 | ztmp2 = ztmp0 - func_m + ztmp2 |
303 | ztmp1 = LOG(zt/zu) + ztmp2 |
304 | t_zu = t_zt - t_star/vkarmn*ztmp1 |
305 | |
306 | ztmp2 = psi_h_ecmwf(z0q*Linv) |
307 | ztmp0 = func_h - ztmp2 |
308 | ztmp1 = vkarmn/(LOG(zu) - LOG(z0q) - ztmp0) |
309 | q_star = dq_zu*ztmp1 |
310 | ztmp2 = ztmp0 - func_m + ztmp2 |
311 | ztmp1 = LOG(zt/zu) + ztmp2 |
312 | q_zu = q_zt - q_star/vkarmn*ztmp1 |
313 | END IF |
314 | |
315 | !! Updating because of updated z0 and z0t and new Linv... |
316 | ztmp0 = zu*Linv |
317 | func_m = log(zu) - LOG(z0 ) - psi_m_ecmwf(ztmp0) + psi_m_ecmwf(z0 *Linv) |
318 | func_h = log(zu) - LOG(z0t) - psi_h_ecmwf(ztmp0) + psi_h_ecmwf(z0t*Linv) |
319 | |
320 | |
321 | IF( l_use_cs ) THEN |
322 | !! Cool-skin contribution |
323 | |
324 | CALL UPDATE_QNSOL_TAU( T_s, q_s, t_zu, q_zu, u_star, t_star, q_star, U_blk, slp, rad_lw, & |
325 | & ztmp1, ztmp0, Qlat=ztmp2) ! Qnsol -> ztmp1 / Tau -> ztmp0 |
326 | |
327 | CALL CS_ECMWF( Qsw, ztmp1, u_star, zsst, pdTc ) ! Qnsol -> ztmp1 |
328 | |
329 | T_s(:,:) = zsst(:,:) + pdTc(:,:) |
330 | IF( l_use_wl ) T_s(:,:) = T_s(:,:) + pdTw(:,:) |
331 | q_s(:,:) = rdct_qsat_salt*q_sat(MAX(T_s(:,:), 200._wp), slp(:,:)) |
332 | |
333 | END IF |
334 | |
335 | IF( l_use_wl ) THEN |
336 | !! Warm-layer contribution |
337 | CALL UPDATE_QNSOL_TAU( T_s, q_s, t_zu, q_zu, u_star, t_star, q_star, U_blk, slp, rad_lw, & |
338 | & ztmp1, ztmp2) ! Qnsol -> ztmp1 / Tau -> ztmp2 |
339 | CALL WL_ECMWF( Qsw, ztmp1, u_star, zsst, pdTw ) |
340 | !! Updating T_s and q_s !!! |
341 | T_s(:,:) = zsst(:,:) + pdTw(:,:) |
342 | IF( l_use_cs ) T_s(:,:) = T_s(:,:) + pdTc(:,:) |
343 | q_s(:,:) = rdct_qsat_salt*q_sat(MAX(T_s(:,:), 200._wp), slp(:,:)) |
344 | END IF |
345 | |
346 | |
347 | IF( l_use_cs .OR. l_use_wl .OR. (.NOT. l_zt_equal_zu) ) THEN |
348 | dt_zu = t_zu - T_s ; dt_zu = SIGN( MAX(ABS(dt_zu),1.E-6_wp), dt_zu ) |
349 | dq_zu = q_zu - q_s ; dq_zu = SIGN( MAX(ABS(dq_zu),1.E-9_wp), dq_zu ) |
350 | END IF |
351 | |
352 | END DO !DO j_itt = 1, nb_itt |
353 | |
354 | Cd = vkarmn*vkarmn/(func_m*func_m) |
355 | Ch = vkarmn*vkarmn/(func_m*func_h) |
356 | ztmp2 = log(zu/z0q) - psi_h_ecmwf(zu*Linv) + psi_h_ecmwf(z0q*Linv) ! func_q |
357 | Ce = vkarmn*vkarmn/(func_m*ztmp2) |
358 | |
359 | Cdn = vkarmn*vkarmn / (log(zu/z0 )*log(zu/z0 )) |
360 | Chn = vkarmn*vkarmn / (log(zu/z0t)*log(zu/z0t)) |
361 | Cen = vkarmn*vkarmn / (log(zu/z0q)*log(zu/z0q)) |
362 | |
363 | IF ( l_use_cs .AND. PRESENT(pdT_cs) ) pdT_cs = pdTc |
364 | IF ( l_use_wl .AND. PRESENT(pdT_wl) ) pdT_wl = pdTw |
365 | |
366 | IF ( l_use_cs .OR. l_use_wl ) DEALLOCATE ( zsst ) |
367 | IF ( l_use_cs ) DEALLOCATE ( pdTc ) |
368 | IF ( l_use_wl ) DEALLOCATE ( pdTw ) |
369 | |
370 | END SUBROUTINE turb_ecmwf |
371 | |
372 | |
373 | FUNCTION psi_m_ecmwf( pzeta ) |
374 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
375 | !! Universal profile stability function for momentum |
376 | !! ECMWF / as in IFS cy31r1 documentation, available online |
377 | !! at ecmwf.int |
378 | !! |
379 | !! pzeta : stability paramenter, z/L where z is altitude measurement |
380 | !! and L is M-O length |
381 | !! |
382 | !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2016 / AeroBulk (https://github.com/brodeau/aerobulk/) |
383 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
384 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: psi_m_ecmwf |
385 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pzeta |
386 | ! |
387 | INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices |
388 | REAL(wp) :: zzeta, zx, ztmp, psi_unst, psi_stab, stab |
389 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
390 | ! |
391 | DO jj = 1, jpj |
392 | DO ji = 1, jpi |
393 | ! |
394 | zzeta = MIN( pzeta(ji,jj) , 5._wp ) !! Very stable conditions (L positif and big!): |
395 | ! |
396 | ! Unstable (Paulson 1970): |
397 | ! eq.3.20, Chap.3, p.33, IFS doc - Cy31r1 |
398 | zx = SQRT(ABS(1._wp - 16._wp*zzeta)) |
399 | ztmp = 1._wp + SQRT(zx) |
400 | ztmp = ztmp*ztmp |
401 | psi_unst = LOG( 0.125_wp*ztmp*(1._wp + zx) ) & |
402 | & -2._wp*ATAN( SQRT(zx) ) + 0.5_wp*rpi |
403 | ! |
404 | ! Unstable: |
405 | ! eq.3.22, Chap.3, p.33, IFS doc - Cy31r1 |
406 | psi_stab = -2._wp/3._wp*(zzeta - 5._wp/0.35_wp)*EXP(-0.35_wp*zzeta) & |
407 | & - zzeta - 2._wp/3._wp*5._wp/0.35_wp |
408 | ! |
409 | ! Combining: |
410 | stab = 0.5_wp + SIGN(0.5_wp, zzeta) ! zzeta > 0 => stab = 1 |
411 | ! |
412 | psi_m_ecmwf(ji,jj) = (1._wp - stab) * psi_unst & ! (zzeta < 0) Unstable |
413 | & + stab * psi_stab ! (zzeta > 0) Stable |
414 | ! |
415 | END DO |
416 | END DO |
417 | ! |
418 | END FUNCTION psi_m_ecmwf |
419 | |
420 | |
421 | FUNCTION psi_h_ecmwf( pzeta ) |
422 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
423 | !! Universal profile stability function for temperature and humidity |
424 | !! ECMWF / as in IFS cy31r1 documentation, available online |
425 | !! at ecmwf.int |
426 | !! |
427 | !! pzeta : stability paramenter, z/L where z is altitude measurement |
428 | !! and L is M-O length |
429 | !! |
430 | !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2016 / AeroBulk (https://github.com/brodeau/aerobulk/) |
431 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
432 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: psi_h_ecmwf |
433 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pzeta |
434 | ! |
435 | INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices |
436 | REAL(wp) :: zzeta, zx, psi_unst, psi_stab, stab |
437 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
438 | ! |
439 | DO jj = 1, jpj |
440 | DO ji = 1, jpi |
441 | ! |
442 | zzeta = MIN(pzeta(ji,jj) , 5._wp) ! Very stable conditions (L positif and big!): |
443 | ! |
444 | zx = ABS(1._wp - 16._wp*zzeta)**.25 ! this is actually (1/phi_m)**2 !!! |
445 | ! ! eq.3.19, Chap.3, p.33, IFS doc - Cy31r1 |
446 | ! Unstable (Paulson 1970) : |
447 | psi_unst = 2._wp*LOG(0.5_wp*(1._wp + zx*zx)) ! eq.3.20, Chap.3, p.33, IFS doc - Cy31r1 |
448 | ! |
449 | ! Stable: |
450 | psi_stab = -2._wp/3._wp*(zzeta - 5._wp/0.35_wp)*EXP(-0.35_wp*zzeta) & ! eq.3.22, Chap.3, p.33, IFS doc - Cy31r1 |
451 | & - ABS(1._wp + 2._wp/3._wp*zzeta)**1.5_wp - 2._wp/3._wp*5._wp/0.35_wp + 1._wp |
452 | ! LB: added ABS() to avoid NaN values when unstable, which contaminates the unstable solution... |
453 | ! |
454 | stab = 0.5_wp + SIGN(0.5_wp, zzeta) ! zzeta > 0 => stab = 1 |
455 | ! |
456 | ! |
457 | psi_h_ecmwf(ji,jj) = (1._wp - stab) * psi_unst & ! (zzeta < 0) Unstable |
458 | & + stab * psi_stab ! (zzeta > 0) Stable |
459 | ! |
460 | END DO |
461 | END DO |
462 | ! |
463 | END FUNCTION psi_h_ecmwf |
464 | |
465 | |
466 | !!====================================================================== |
467 | END MODULE sbcblk_algo_ecmwf |