1 | MODULE trcini |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE trcini *** |
4 | !! TOP : Manage the passive tracer initialization |
5 | !!====================================================================== |
6 | !! History : - ! 1991-03 (O. Marti) original code |
7 | !! 1.0 ! 2005-03 (O. Aumont, A. El Moussaoui) F90 |
8 | !! 2.0 ! 2005-10 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) revised architecture |
9 | !! 4.0 ! 2011-01 (A. R. Porter, STFC Daresbury) dynamical allocation |
10 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
11 | #if defined key_top |
12 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
13 | !! 'key_top' TOP models |
14 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15 | !! trc_init : Initialization for passive tracer |
16 | !! top_alloc : allocate the TOP arrays |
17 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
18 | USE oce_trc ! shared variables between ocean and passive tracers |
19 | USE trc ! passive tracers common variables |
20 | USE trcnam ! Namelist read |
21 | USE daymod ! calendar manager |
22 | USE prtctl ! Print control passive tracers (prt_ctl_init routine) |
23 | USE trcrst |
24 | USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library |
25 | USE trcice ! tracers in sea ice |
26 | USE trcbc ! generalized Boundary Conditions |
27 | USE trcais ! tracers from Antartic Ice Sheet |
28 | |
30 | PRIVATE |
31 | |
32 | PUBLIC trc_init ! called by opa |
33 | |
34 | # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" |
35 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
36 | !! NEMO/TOP 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
37 | !! $Id$ |
38 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) |
39 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
41 | |
42 | SUBROUTINE trc_init( Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ) |
43 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
44 | !! *** ROUTINE trc_init *** |
45 | !! |
46 | !! ** Purpose : Initialization of the passive tracer fields |
47 | !! |
48 | !! ** Method : - read namelist |
49 | !! - control the consistancy |
50 | !! - compute specific initialisations |
51 | !! - set initial tracer fields (either read restart |
52 | !! or read data or analytical formulation |
53 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
54 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ! time level indices |
55 | ! |
56 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('trc_init') |
57 | ! |
58 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
59 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_init : initial set up of the passive tracers' |
60 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~' |
61 | ! |
62 | CALL trc_nam ! read passive tracers namelists |
63 | CALL top_alloc() ! allocate TOP arrays |
64 | |
65 | ! |
66 | IF(.NOT.ln_trcdta ) ln_trc_ini(:) = .FALSE. |
67 | ! |
68 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
69 | IF( ln_rsttr .AND. .NOT. l_offline ) CALL trc_rst_cal( nit000, 'READ' ) ! calendar |
70 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
71 | ! |
72 | CALL trc_ini_sms( Kmm ) ! SMS |
73 | CALL trc_ini_trp ! passive tracers transport |
74 | CALL trc_ice_ini ! Tracers in sea ice |
75 | ! |
76 | IF( lwm .AND. sn_cfctl%l_trcstat ) THEN |
77 | CALL ctl_opn( numstr, 'tracer.stat', 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, lwp , narea ) |
78 | ENDIF |
79 | ! |
80 | CALL trc_ini_state( Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ) ! passive tracers initialisation : from a restart or from clim |
81 | ! |
82 | CALL trc_ini_inv( Kmm ) ! Inventories |
83 | ! |
84 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('trc_init') |
85 | ! |
86 | END SUBROUTINE trc_init |
87 | |
88 | |
89 | SUBROUTINE trc_ini_inv( Kmm ) |
90 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
91 | !! *** ROUTINE trc_ini_stat *** |
92 | !! ** Purpose : passive tracers inventories at initialsation phase |
93 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
94 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! time level index |
95 | INTEGER :: jk, jn ! dummy loop indices |
96 | CHARACTER (len=25) :: charout |
97 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jptra) :: zzmsk |
98 | CHARACTER (len=25), DIMENSION(jptra) :: clseb |
99 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
100 | ! |
101 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
102 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_ini_inv : initial passive tracers inventories' |
103 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' |
104 | ! |
105 | ! ! masked grid volume |
106 | DO jk = 1, jpk |
107 | cvol(:,:,jk) = e1e2t(:,:) * e3t(:,:,jk,Kmm) * tmask(:,:,jk) |
108 | END DO |
109 | ! ! total volume of the ocean |
110 | areatot = glob_sum( 'trcini', cvol(:,:,:) ) |
111 | ! |
112 | trai(:) = 0._wp ! initial content of all tracers |
113 | DO jn = 1, jptra |
114 | trai(jn) = trai(jn) + glob_sum( 'trcini', tr(:,:,:,jn,Kmm) * cvol(:,:,:) ) |
115 | END DO |
116 | |
117 | IF(lwp) THEN ! control print |
118 | WRITE(numout,*) |
119 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> Total number of passive tracer jptra = ', jptra |
120 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Total volume of ocean = ', areatot |
121 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Total inital content of all tracers ' |
122 | WRITE(numout,*) |
123 | DO jn = 1, jptra |
124 | WRITE(numout,9000) jn, TRIM( ctrcnm(jn) ), trai(jn) |
125 | ENDDO |
126 | WRITE(numout,*) |
127 | ENDIF |
128 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
129 | IF(sn_cfctl%l_prttrc) THEN ! print mean trends (used for debugging) |
130 | CALL prt_ctl_init( 'top', jptra ) |
131 | WRITE(charout, FMT="('ini ')") |
132 | CALL prt_ctl_info( charout, cdcomp = 'top' ) |
133 | CALL prt_ctl( tab4d_1=tr(:,:,:,:,Kmm), mask1=tmask, clinfo=ctrcnm ) |
134 | DO jn = 1, jptra |
135 | zzmsk(:,:,:,jn) = tmask(:,:,:) |
136 | WRITE(clseb(jn),'(a,i2.2)') 'seb ', jn |
137 | END DO |
138 | CALL prt_ctl( tab4d_1=zzmsk, mask1=tmask, clinfo=clseb ) |
139 | ENDIF |
140 | 9000 FORMAT(' tracer nb : ',i2,' name :',a10,' initial content :',e18.10) |
141 | ! |
142 | END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_inv |
143 | |
144 | |
145 | SUBROUTINE trc_ini_sms( Kmm ) |
146 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
147 | !! *** ROUTINE trc_ini_sms *** |
148 | !! ** Purpose : SMS initialisation |
149 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
150 | USE trcini_pisces ! PISCES initialisation |
151 | USE trcini_cfc ! CFC initialisation |
152 | USE trcini_c14 ! C14 initialisation |
153 | USE trcini_age ! age initialisation |
154 | USE trcini_my_trc ! MY_TRC initialisation |
155 | ! |
156 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! time level indices |
157 | INTEGER :: jn |
158 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
159 | ! |
160 | ! Pass sn_tracer fields to specialized arrays |
161 | DO jn = 1, jp_bgc |
162 | ctrcnm (jn) = TRIM( sn_tracer(jn)%clsname ) |
163 | ctrcln (jn) = TRIM( sn_tracer(jn)%cllname ) |
164 | ctrcun (jn) = TRIM( sn_tracer(jn)%clunit ) |
165 | ln_trc_ini(jn) = sn_tracer(jn)%llinit |
166 | ln_trc_sbc(jn) = sn_tracer(jn)%llsbc |
167 | ln_trc_cbc(jn) = sn_tracer(jn)%llcbc |
168 | ln_trc_obc(jn) = sn_tracer(jn)%llobc |
169 | ln_trc_ais(jn) = sn_tracer(jn)%llais |
170 | END DO |
171 | ! |
172 | IF( .NOT.ln_trcbc ) THEN |
173 | DO jn = 1, jp_bgc |
174 | ln_trc_sbc(jn) = .FALSE. |
175 | ln_trc_cbc(jn) = .FALSE. |
176 | ln_trc_obc(jn) = .FALSE. |
177 | END DO |
178 | ENDIF |
179 | |
180 | lltrcbc = ( COUNT(ln_trc_sbc) + COUNT(ln_trc_obc) + COUNT(ln_trc_cbc) ) > 0 |
181 | ! |
182 | IF( ln_pisces ) CALL trc_ini_pisces( Kmm ) ! PISCES model |
183 | IF( ln_my_trc ) CALL trc_ini_my_trc( Kmm ) ! MY_TRC model |
184 | IF( ll_cfc ) CALL trc_ini_cfc ( Kmm ) ! CFC's |
185 | IF( ln_c14 ) CALL trc_ini_c14 ( Kmm ) ! C14 model |
186 | IF( ln_age ) CALL trc_ini_age ( Kmm ) ! AGE |
187 | ! |
188 | IF(lwp) THEN ! control print |
189 | WRITE(numout,*) |
190 | WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_init_sms : Summary for selected passive tracers' |
191 | WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
192 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ID NAME INI SBC CBC OBC AIS' |
193 | DO jn = 1, jptra |
194 | WRITE(numout,9001) jn, TRIM(ctrcnm(jn)), ln_trc_ini(jn),ln_trc_sbc(jn),ln_trc_cbc(jn),ln_trc_obc(jn),ln_trc_ais(jn) |
195 | END DO |
196 | ENDIF |
197 | IF( lwp .AND. ln_trcbc .AND. lltrcbc ) THEN |
198 | WRITE(numout,*) |
199 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Applying tracer boundary conditions ' |
200 | ENDIF |
201 | ! |
202 | IF( lwp .AND. ln_trcais ) THEN |
203 | WRITE(numout,*) |
204 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Applying tracer from Antarctic Ice Sheet ' |
205 | ENDIF |
206 | |
207 | 9001 FORMAT(3x,i3,1x,a10,3x,l2,3x,l2,3x,l2,3x,l2,3x,l2) |
208 | ! |
209 | END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_sms |
210 | |
211 | |
212 | SUBROUTINE trc_ini_trp |
213 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
214 | !! *** ROUTINE trc_ini_trp *** |
215 | !! |
216 | !! ** Purpose : Allocate all the dynamic arrays of the OPA modules |
217 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
218 | USE trcdmp , ONLY: trc_dmp_ini |
219 | USE trcadv , ONLY: trc_adv_ini |
220 | USE trcldf , ONLY: trc_ldf_ini |
221 | USE trcrad , ONLY: trc_rad_ini |
222 | USE trcsink, ONLY: trc_sink_ini |
223 | ! |
224 | INTEGER :: ierr |
225 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
226 | ! |
227 | IF( ln_trcdmp ) CALL trc_dmp_ini ! damping |
228 | CALL trc_adv_ini ! advection |
229 | CALL trc_ldf_ini ! lateral diffusion |
230 | ! ! vertical diffusion: always implicit time stepping scheme |
231 | CALL trc_rad_ini ! positivity of passive tracers |
232 | CALL trc_sink_ini ! Vertical sedimentation of particles |
233 | ! |
234 | END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_trp |
235 | |
236 | |
237 | SUBROUTINE trc_ini_state( Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ) |
238 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
239 | !! *** ROUTINE trc_ini_state *** |
240 | !! ** Purpose : Initialisation of passive tracer concentration |
241 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
242 | USE zpshde ! partial step: hor. derivative (zps_hde routine) |
243 | USE trcrst ! passive tracers restart |
244 | USE trcdta ! initialisation from files |
245 | ! |
246 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ! time level index |
247 | INTEGER :: jn, jl ! dummy loop indices |
248 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
249 | ! |
250 | IF( ln_trcdta ) CALL trc_dta_ini( jptra ) ! set initial tracers values |
251 | ! |
252 | IF( ln_trcbc .AND. lltrcbc ) THEN |
253 | CALL trc_bc_ini ( jptra, Kmm ) ! set tracers Boundary Conditions |
254 | CALL trc_bc ( nit000, Kmm, tr, Kaa ) ! tracers: surface and lateral Boundary Conditions |
255 | ENDIF |
256 | ! |
257 | IF( ln_trcais ) CALL trc_ais_ini ! set tracers from Antarctic Ice Sheet |
258 | ! |
259 | IF( ln_rsttr ) THEN ! restart from a file |
260 | ! |
261 | CALL trc_rst_read( Kbb, Kmm ) |
262 | ! |
263 | ELSE ! Initialisation of tracer from a file that may also be used for damping |
264 | !!gm BUG ? if damping and restart, what's happening ? |
265 | IF( ln_trcdta .AND. nb_trcdta > 0 ) THEN |
266 | ! update passive tracers arrays with input data read from file |
267 | DO jn = 1, jptra |
268 | IF( ln_trc_ini(jn) ) THEN |
269 | jl = n_trc_index(jn) |
270 | CALL trc_dta( nit000, Kmm, sf_trcdta(jl), rf_trfac(jl), tr(:,:,:,jn,Kmm) ) |
271 | ! |
272 | ! deallocate data structure if data are not used for damping |
273 | IF( .NOT.ln_trcdmp .AND. .NOT.ln_trcdmp_clo ) THEN |
274 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_ini_state: deallocate data arrays as they are only used to initialize the run' |
275 | DEALLOCATE( sf_trcdta(jl)%fnow ) |
276 | IF( sf_trcdta(jl)%ln_tint ) DEALLOCATE( sf_trcdta(jl)%fdta ) |
277 | ! |
278 | ENDIF |
279 | ENDIF |
280 | END DO |
281 | ! |
282 | ENDIF |
283 | ! |
284 | tr(:,:,:,:,Kbb) = tr(:,:,:,:,Kmm) |
285 | ! |
286 | ENDIF |
287 | ! |
288 | tr(:,:,:,:,Kaa) = 0._wp |
289 | ! ! Partial top/bottom cell: GRADh(tr(Kmm)) |
290 | END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_state |
291 | |
292 | |
293 | SUBROUTINE top_alloc |
294 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
295 | !! *** ROUTINE top_alloc *** |
296 | !! |
297 | !! ** Purpose : Allocate all the dynamic arrays of the OPA modules |
298 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
299 | USE trc , ONLY: trc_alloc |
300 | USE trdtrc_oce , ONLY: trd_trc_oce_alloc |
301 | #if defined key_trdmxl_trc |
302 | USE trdmxl_trc , ONLY: trd_mxl_trc_alloc |
303 | #endif |
304 | ! |
305 | INTEGER :: ierr ! local integer |
306 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
307 | ! |
308 | ierr = trc_alloc() |
309 | ierr = ierr + trd_trc_oce_alloc() |
310 | #if defined key_trdmxl_trc |
311 | ierr = ierr + trd_mxl_trc_alloc() |
312 | #endif |
313 | ! |
314 | CALL mpp_sum( 'trcini', ierr ) |
315 | IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'top_alloc : unable to allocate standard ocean arrays' ) |
316 | ! |
317 | END SUBROUTINE top_alloc |
318 | |
319 | #else |
320 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
321 | !! Empty module : No passive tracer |
322 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
323 | CONTAINS |
324 | SUBROUTINE trc_init ! Dummy routine |
325 | END SUBROUTINE trc_init |
326 | #endif |
327 | |
328 | !!====================================================================== |
329 | END MODULE trcini |