1 | #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
2 | # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- |
3 | # |
4 | ########################################################################################## |
5 | # Post-diagnostic of STATION_ASF for air-ice fluxes (over sea-ice) |
6 | # |
7 | # L. Brodeau, 2020 |
8 | ########################################################################################## |
9 | |
10 | import sys |
11 | from os import path, listdir |
12 | import argparse as ap |
13 | from math import floor, ceil, copysign, log |
14 | import numpy as nmp |
15 | from netCDF4 import Dataset,num2date |
16 | import matplotlib as mpl |
17 | mpl.use('Agg') |
18 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
19 | import matplotlib.dates as mdates |
20 | |
21 | dir_figs='.' |
22 | size_fig=(13,8.5) |
23 | size_fig0=(12,10) |
24 | |
25 | clr_red = '#AD0000' |
26 | clr_mod = '#008ab8' |
27 | |
28 | rDPI=100. |
29 | |
30 | #ffed00: yellow ON |
31 | #E8A727: ornage |
32 | |
33 | l_color = [ '0.3' , '#E8A727', '0.1' , '#008ab8' ] ; # colors to differentiate algos on the plot |
34 | l_width = [ 2 , 2 , 1.5 , 2 ] ; # line-width to differentiate algos on the plot |
35 | l_style = [ '-' , '-' , '--' , '-' ] ; # line-style |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | # Variables to compare between algorithms |
39 | ############################################ |
40 | crealm = 'sea-ice' |
41 | L_VNEM = [ 'Cd_ice', 'Ch_ice', 'qla_ice' , 'qsb_ice' , 'qt_ice' , 'qlw_ice' , 'qsr_ice' , 'taum_ice' ] |
42 | L_VARO = [ 'Cd' , 'Ch' , 'Qlat' , 'Qsen' , 'Qnet' , 'Qlw' , 'Qsw' , 'Tau' ] |
43 | L_VARL = [ r'$C_{D}$', r'$C_{H}$', r'$Q_{lat}$', r'$Q_{sens}$' , r'$Q_{net}$' , r'$Q_{lw}$' , r'$Q_{sw}$' , r'$|\tau|$' ] |
44 | L_VUNT = [ '' , '' , r'$W/m^2$' , r'$W/m^2$' , r'$W/m^2$' , r'$W/m^2$' , r'$W/m^2$' , r'$N/m^2$' ] |
45 | L_BASE = [ 0.0005 , 0.0005 , 5. , 5. , 5. , 5. , 5. , 0.05 ] |
46 | L_PREC = [ 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 ] |
47 | L_ANOM = [ False , False , True , True , True , True , True , True ] |
48 | L_MAXT = [ 10000. , 10000., 10000. , 10000. , 10000. , 10000. , 10000. , 1.5 ] |
49 | L_MINT = [ 0.001 , 0.001 , -10000. , -10000. , -10000. , -10000. ,-10000. , -10000. ] |
50 | |
51 | |
52 | # About STATION_ASF output files to read: |
53 | cpref = 'STATION_ASF-' ; np = len(cpref) |
54 | csuff = '_icemod.nc' ; ns = len(csuff) |
55 | cclnd = '_1h_YYYY0101_YYYY1231' ; nc = len(cclnd) |
56 | |
57 | |
58 | ################## ARGUMENT PARSING / USAGE ################################################################################################ |
59 | parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description='Generate pixel maps of a given scalar.') |
60 | # |
61 | requiredNamed = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') |
62 | requiredNamed.add_argument('-d', '--dirout' , required=True, help='Path to (production) directory where STATION_ASF was run') |
63 | requiredNamed.add_argument('-f', '--forcing', required=True, default="PAPA", help='Name of forcing (ex: PAPA, ERA5_arctic') |
64 | # |
65 | parser.add_argument('-C', '--conf', default="STATION_ASF", help='specify NEMO config (ex: STATION_ASF)') |
66 | parser.add_argument('-s', '--ystart', default="2018", help='specify first year of experiment (ex: 2018)') |
67 | parser.add_argument('-e', '--yend', default="2018", help='specify last year of experiment (ex: 2018)') |
68 | # |
69 | parser.add_argument('-t', '--itype', default="png", help='specify the type of image you want to create (ex: png, svg, etc.)') |
70 | #parser.add_argument('-l', '--lev' , type=int, default=0, help='specify the level to use if 3D field (default: 0 => 2D)') |
71 | #parser.add_argument('-I', '--ice' , action='store_true', help='draw sea-ice concentration layer onto the field') |
72 | # |
73 | args = parser.parse_args() |
74 | # |
75 | cdir_data = args.dirout |
76 | cforcing = args.forcing |
77 | # |
78 | CONF = args.conf |
79 | cy1 = args.ystart |
80 | cy2 = args.yend |
81 | # |
82 | fig_ext = args.itype |
83 | #jk = args.lev |
84 | #lshow_ice = args.ice |
85 | # |
86 | #print(''); print(' *** cdir_data = ', cdir_data); print(' *** cforcing = ', cforcing) |
87 | #print(' *** CONF = ', CONF); print(' *** cy1 = ', cy1); print(' *** cy2 = ', cy2) |
88 | ############################################################################################################################################### |
89 | |
90 | |
91 | |
92 | # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
93 | # Populating and checking existence of files to be read |
94 | # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
95 | |
96 | dir_out = cdir_data+'/output' |
97 | ldir = listdir(dir_out) |
98 | cf_in = [] |
99 | list_exp = [] |
100 | list_ext = [] ; # for title |
101 | list_frc = [] |
102 | for fn in ldir: |
103 | fpn = dir_out+'/'+fn |
104 | if path.isfile(fpn): |
105 | if fn[:np]==cpref and fn[-ns:]==csuff and cforcing in fn: |
106 | print('\n file: '+fn) |
107 | clab = fn[np:-nc-ns] |
108 | [ cexp, cfrc ] = str.split(clab, '_', 1) |
109 | cexp = cexp.split('-')[1] ; # removing air-sea algo name... |
110 | cext = cexp |
111 | if cexp == "LG15": |
112 | cext ="Lüpkes & Gryanik, 2015" |
113 | elif cexp == "LU12": |
114 | cext ="Lüpkes et al., 2012" |
115 | elif cexp == "AN05": |
116 | cext ="Andreas et al., 2005" |
117 | elif cexp == "CSTC": |
118 | cext ="Constant coefficients" |
119 | print(' ===> Experiment = '+cexp+' ('+cext+'), Forcing = '+cfrc) |
120 | list_exp.append(cexp) |
121 | list_ext.append(cext) |
122 | list_frc.append(cfrc) |
123 | cf_in.append(fpn) |
124 | nbf = len( set(list_frc) ) |
125 | |
126 | |
127 | |
128 | if nbf == 0: |
129 | print('PROBLEM: we found no files corresponding to a forcing!') |
130 | sys.exit(0) |
131 | print("list_frc =>",list_frc) |
132 | if not nbf == 1: |
133 | print('PROBLEM: we found files for more that one forcing: ', set(list_frc)) |
134 | sys.exit(0) |
135 | |
136 | nb_exp = len(list_exp) |
137 | |
138 | |
139 | print('\n\nThere are '+str(nb_exp)+' experiments to compare:') |
140 | for ja in range(nb_exp): print(' * '+list_exp[ja]+'\n'+' ==> '+cf_in[ja]+'\n') |
141 | |
142 | if nb_exp > len(l_color): |
143 | print('PROBLEM: the max number of experiments for comparison is '+str(len(l_color))+' for now...') |
144 | sys.exit(0) |
145 | |
146 | |
147 | #----------------------------------------------------------------- |
148 | |
149 | |
150 | def round_bounds( x1, x2, base=5, prec=3 ): |
151 | rmin = base * round( floor(float(x1)/base), prec ) |
152 | rmax = base * round( ceil(float(x2)/base), prec ) |
153 | return rmin, rmax |
154 | |
155 | |
156 | # Getting time array from the first file: |
157 | id_in = Dataset(cf_in[0]) |
158 | vt = id_in.variables['time_counter'][:] |
159 | cunit_t = id_in.variables['time_counter'].units ; print(' "time_counter" is in "'+cunit_t+'"') |
160 | id_in.close() |
161 | Nt = len(vt) |
162 | |
163 | vtime = num2date(vt, units=cunit_t) ; # something human! |
164 | vtime = vtime.astype(dtype='datetime64[D]') |
165 | |
166 | ii=Nt/300 |
167 | ib=max(ii-ii%10,1) |
168 | xticks_d=int(30*ib) |
169 | |
170 | rat = 100./float(rDPI) |
171 | params = { 'font.family':'Open Sans', |
172 | 'font.size': int(15.*rat), |
173 | 'legend.fontsize': int(15.*rat), |
174 | 'xtick.labelsize': int(15.*rat), |
175 | 'ytick.labelsize': int(15.*rat), |
176 | 'axes.labelsize': int(16.*rat) |
177 | } |
178 | mpl.rcParams.update(params) |
179 | font_inf = { 'fontname':'Open Sans', 'fontweight':'normal', 'fontsize':18.*rat } |
180 | font_x = { 'fontname':'Open Sans', 'fontweight':'normal', 'fontsize':15.*rat } |
181 | |
182 | |
183 | # Now we compare output variables from bulk algorithms between them: |
184 | |
185 | nb_var = len(L_VNEM) |
186 | |
187 | xF = nmp.zeros((Nt,nb_exp)) |
188 | xFa = nmp.zeros((Nt,nb_exp)) |
189 | |
190 | |
191 | for jv in range(nb_var): |
192 | print('\n *** Treating variable: '+L_VARO[jv]+' !') |
193 | |
194 | for ja in range(nb_exp): |
195 | # |
196 | id_in = Dataset(cf_in[ja]) |
197 | xF[:,ja] = id_in.variables[L_VNEM[jv]][:,1,1] ; # only the center point of the 3x3 spatial domain! |
198 | if ja == 0: cvar_lnm = id_in.variables[L_VNEM[jv]].long_name |
199 | id_in.close() |
200 | # |
201 | id_toolarge, = nmp.where( xF[:,ja] > L_MAXT[jv] ) # |
202 | xF[id_toolarge,ja] = L_MAXT[jv] |
203 | id_toosmall, = nmp.where( xF[:,ja] < L_MINT[jv] ) ; #print("id_toosmall =", id_toosmall) |
204 | xF[id_toosmall,ja] = L_MINT[jv] |
205 | |
206 | idx_okay = nmp.where( nmp.abs(xF) < 1.e+10 ) |
207 | |
208 | #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
209 | fig = plt.figure(num = jv, figsize=size_fig, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') |
210 | ax1 = plt.axes([0.083, 0.23, 0.9, 0.7]) |
211 | ax1.set_xticks(vtime[::xticks_d]) |
212 | ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
213 | plt.xticks(rotation='60', **font_x) |
214 | |
215 | for ja in range(nb_exp): |
216 | fplot = nmp.ma.masked_where( xF[:,ja]==0., xF[:,ja] ) |
217 | plt.plot(vtime, fplot, '-', color=l_color[ja], \ |
218 | linestyle=l_style[ja], linewidth=l_width[ja], label=list_ext[ja], alpha=0.6 ) #zorder=10+ja) |
219 | |
220 | fmin, fmax = round_bounds( nmp.min(xF[idx_okay]) , nmp.max(xF[idx_okay]), base=L_BASE[jv], prec=L_PREC[jv]) |
221 | ax1.set_ylim(fmin, fmax) ; ax1.set_xlim(vtime[0],vtime[Nt-1]) |
222 | plt.ylabel(L_VARL[jv]+' ['+L_VUNT[jv]+']') |
223 | |
224 | ax1.grid(color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3) |
225 | plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True) |
226 | ax1.annotate(cvar_lnm+', station: '+cforcing, xy=(0.5, 1.04), xycoords='axes fraction', \ |
227 | ha='center', bbox={'facecolor':'w', 'alpha':1., 'pad':10}, \ |
228 | zorder=50, **font_inf) |
229 | plt.savefig(L_VARO[jv]+'_'+cforcing+'_'+crealm+'.'+fig_ext, dpi=int(rDPI), transparent=False) |
230 | plt.close(jv) |
231 | #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
232 | |
233 | |
234 | |
235 | |
236 | def symetric_range( pmin, pmax ): |
237 | # Returns a symetric f-range that makes sense for the anomaly of "f" we're looking at... |
238 | from math import floor, copysign, log, ceil |
239 | zmax = max( abs(pmax) , abs(pmin) ) |
240 | romagn = floor(log(zmax, 10)) ; # order of magnitude of the anomaly we're dealing with |
241 | rmlt = 10.**(int(romagn)) / 2. |
242 | frng = copysign( ceil(abs(zmax)/rmlt)*rmlt , zmax) |
243 | return frng |
244 | |
245 | |
246 | if L_ANOM[jv]: |
247 | |
248 | for ja in range(nb_exp): xFa[:,ja] = xF[:,ja] - nmp.mean(xF,axis=1) |
249 | |
250 | if nmp.sum(nmp.abs(xFa[:,:])) == 0.0: |
251 | print(' Well! Seems that for variable '+L_VARO[jv]+', choice of algo has no impact a all!') |
252 | print(' ==> skipping anomaly plot...') |
253 | |
254 | else: |
255 | |
256 | yrng = symetric_range( nmp.min(xFa) , nmp.max(xFa) ) |
257 | |
258 | #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
259 | fig = plt.figure(num = 10+jv, figsize=size_fig, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') |
260 | ax1 = plt.axes([0.09, 0.23, 0.9, 0.7]) |
261 | ax1.set_xticks(vtime[::xticks_d]) |
262 | ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) |
263 | plt.xticks(rotation='60', **font_x) |
264 | |
265 | for ja in range(nb_exp): |
266 | fplot = nmp.ma.masked_where( xFa[:,ja]==0., xFa[:,ja] ) |
267 | plt.plot(vtime, fplot, '-', color=l_color[ja], \ |
268 | linewidth=l_width[ja], label=list_exp[ja], alpha=0.6) #, zorder=10+ja) |
269 | |
270 | ax1.set_ylim(-yrng,yrng) ; ax1.set_xlim(vtime[0],vtime[Nt-1]) |
271 | plt.ylabel(L_VARL[jv]+' ['+L_VUNT[jv]+']') |
272 | ax1.grid(color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3) |
273 | plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.45, 0.2), ncol=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True) |
274 | ax1.annotate('Anomaly of '+cvar_lnm+', station: '+cforcing, xy=(0.5, 1.04), xycoords='axes fraction', \ |
275 | ha='center', bbox={'facecolor':'w', 'alpha':1., 'pad':10}, \ |
276 | zorder=50, **font_inf) |
277 | plt.savefig(L_VARO[jv]+'_'+cforcing+'_anomaly_'+crealm+'.'+fig_ext, dpi=int(rDPI), transparent=False) |
278 | plt.close(10+jv) |
279 | #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |