1 | \documentclass[../main/NEMO_manual]{subfiles} |
2 | |
3 | \begin{document} |
4 | |
5 | %% Local cmds |
6 | \newcommand{\rML}[1][i]{\ensuremath{_{\mathrm{ML}\,#1}}} |
7 | \newcommand{\rMLt}[1][i]{\tilde{r}_{\mathrm{ML}\,#1}} |
8 | %% Move to ../../global/new_cmds.tex to avoid error with \listoffigures |
9 | %\newcommand{\triad}[6][]{\ensuremath{{}_{#2}^{#3}{\mathbb{#4}_{#1}}_{#5}^{\,#6}} |
10 | \newcommand{\triadd}[5]{\ensuremath{{}_{#1}^{#2}{\mathbb{#3}}_{#4}^{\,#5}}} |
11 | \newcommand{\triadt}[5]{\ensuremath{{}_{#1}^{#2}{\tilde{\mathbb{#3}}}_{#4}^{\,#5}}} |
12 | \newcommand{\rtriad}[2][]{\ensuremath{\triad[#1]{i}{k}{#2}{i_p}{k_p}}} |
13 | \newcommand{\rtriadt}[1]{\ensuremath{\triadt{i}{k}{#1}{i_p}{k_p}}} |
14 | |
15 | \chapter{Iso-Neutral Diffusion and Eddy Advection using Triads} |
16 | \label{apdx:TRIADS} |
17 | |
18 | \thispagestyle{plain} |
19 | |
20 | \chaptertoc |
21 | |
22 | \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ |
23 | |
24 | {\footnotesize |
25 | \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} |
26 | Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ |
27 | \hline |
28 | {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ |
29 | {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ |
30 | {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ |
31 | {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} |
32 | \end{tabularx} |
33 | } |
34 | |
35 | \clearpage |
36 | |
37 | %% ================================================================================================= |
38 | \section[Choice of \forcode{namtra\_ldf} namelist parameters]{Choice of \protect\nam{tra_ldf}{tra\_ldf} namelist parameters} |
39 | |
40 | Two scheme are available to perform the iso-neutral diffusion. |
41 | If the namelist logical \np{ln_traldf_triad}{ln\_traldf\_triad} is set true, |
42 | \NEMO\ updates both active and passive tracers using the Griffies triad representation of iso-neutral diffusion and |
43 | the eddy-induced advective skew (GM) fluxes. |
44 | If the namelist logical \np{ln_traldf_iso}{ln\_traldf\_iso} is set true, |
45 | the filtered version of Cox's original scheme (the Standard scheme) is employed (\autoref{sec:LDF_slp}). |
46 | In the present implementation of the Griffies scheme, |
47 | the advective skew fluxes are implemented even if \np{ln_traldf_eiv}{ln\_traldf\_eiv} is false. |
48 | |
49 | Values of iso-neutral diffusivity and GM coefficient are set as described in \autoref{sec:LDF_coef}. |
50 | Note that when GM fluxes are used, the eddy-advective (GM) velocities are output for diagnostic purposes using XIOS, |
51 | even though the eddy advection is accomplished by means of the skew fluxes. |
52 | |
53 | The options specific to the Griffies scheme include: |
54 | \begin{description} |
55 | \item [{\np{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso}}] See \autoref{sec:TRIADS_taper}. |
56 | If this is set false (the default), |
57 | then `iso-neutral' mixing is accomplished within the surface mixed-layer along slopes linearly decreasing with |
58 | depth from the value immediately below the mixed-layer to zero (flat) at the surface (\autoref{sec:TRIADS_lintaper}). |
59 | This is the same treatment as used in the default implementation |
60 | \autoref{subsec:LDF_slp_iso}; \autoref{fig:LDF_eiv_slp}. |
61 | Where \np{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso} is set true, |
62 | the vertical skew flux is further reduced to ensure no vertical buoyancy flux, |
63 | giving an almost pure horizontal diffusive tracer flux within the mixed layer. |
64 | This is similar to the tapering suggested by \citet{gerdes.koberle.ea_CD91}. See \autoref{subsec:TRIADS_Gerdes-taper} |
65 | \item [{\np{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}}] See \autoref{sec:TRIADS_iso_bdry}. |
66 | If this is set false (the default) then the lateral diffusive fluxes |
67 | associated with triads partly masked by topography are neglected. |
68 | If it is set true, however, then these lateral diffusive fluxes are applied, |
69 | giving smoother bottom tracer fields at the cost of introducing diapycnal mixing. |
70 | \item [{\np{rn_sw_triad}{rn\_sw\_triad}}] blah blah to be added.... |
71 | \end{description} |
72 | The options shared with the Standard scheme include: |
73 | \begin{description} |
74 | \item [{\np{ln_traldf_msc}{ln\_traldf\_msc}}] blah blah to be added |
75 | \item [{\np{rn_slpmax}{rn\_slpmax}}] blah blah to be added |
76 | \end{description} |
77 | |
78 | %% ================================================================================================= |
79 | \section{Triad formulation of iso-neutral diffusion} |
80 | \label{sec:TRIADS_iso} |
81 | |
82 | We have implemented into \NEMO\ a scheme inspired by \citet{griffies.gnanadesikan.ea_JPO98}, |
83 | but formulated within the \NEMO\ framework, using scale factors rather than grid-sizes. |
84 | |
85 | %% ================================================================================================= |
86 | \subsection{Iso-neutral diffusion operator} |
87 | |
88 | The iso-neutral second order tracer diffusive operator for small angles between |
89 | iso-neutral surfaces and geopotentials is given by \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_1}: |
90 | \begin{subequations} |
91 | \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_1} |
92 | \begin{equation} |
93 | D^{lT}=-\nabla \cdot\vect{f}^{lT}\equiv |
94 | -\frac{1}{e_1e_2e_3}\left[\pd{i}\left (f_1^{lT}e_2e_3\right) + |
95 | \pd{j}\left (f_2^{lT}e_2e_3\right) + \pd{k}\left (f_3^{lT}e_1e_2\right)\right], |
96 | \end{equation} |
97 | where the diffusive flux per unit area of physical space |
98 | \begin{equation} |
99 | \vect{f}^{lT}=-{A^{lT}}\Re\cdot\nabla T, |
100 | \end{equation} |
101 | \begin{equation} |
102 | \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_2} |
103 | \mbox{with}\quad \;\;\Re = |
104 | \begin{pmatrix} |
105 | 1 & 0 & -r_1 \rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em} \\ |
106 | 0 & 1 & -r_2 \rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em} \\ |
107 | -r_1 & -r_2 & r_1 ^2+r_2 ^2 \rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em} |
108 | \end{pmatrix} |
109 | \quad \text{and} \quad\nabla T= |
110 | \begin{pmatrix} |
111 | \frac{1}{e_1} \pd[T]{i} \rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em} \\ |
112 | \frac{1}{e_2} \pd[T]{j} \rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em} \\ |
113 | \frac{1}{e_3} \pd[T]{k} \rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em} |
114 | \end{pmatrix} |
115 | . |
116 | \end{equation} |
117 | \end{subequations} |
118 | % \left( {{\begin{array}{*{20}c} |
119 | % 1 \hfill & 0 \hfill & {-r_1 } \hfill \\ |
120 | % 0 \hfill & 1 \hfill & {-r_2 } \hfill \\ |
121 | % {-r_1 } \hfill & {-r_2 } \hfill & {r_1 ^2+r_2 ^2} \hfill \\ |
122 | % \end{array} }} \right) |
123 | Here \autoref{eq:MB_iso_slopes} |
124 | \begin{align*} |
125 | r_1 &=-\frac{e_3 }{e_1 } \left( \frac{\partial \rho }{\partial i} |
126 | \right) |
127 | \left( {\frac{\partial \rho }{\partial k}} \right)^{-1} \\ |
128 | &=-\frac{e_3 }{e_1 } \left( -\alpha\frac{\partial T }{\partial i} + |
129 | \beta\frac{\partial S }{\partial i} \right) \left( |
130 | -\alpha\frac{\partial T }{\partial k} + \beta\frac{\partial S |
131 | }{\partial k} \right)^{-1} |
132 | \end{align*} |
133 | is the $i$-component of the slope of the iso-neutral surface relative to the computational surface, |
134 | and $r_2$ is the $j$-component. |
135 | |
136 | We will find it useful to consider the fluxes per unit area in $i,j,k$ space; we write |
137 | \[ |
138 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_Fijk} |
139 | \vect{F}_{\mathrm{iso}}=\left(f_1^{lT}e_2e_3, f_2^{lT}e_1e_3, f_3^{lT}e_1e_2\right). |
140 | \] |
141 | Additionally, we will sometimes write the contributions towards the fluxes $\vect{f}$ and |
142 | $\vect{F}_{\mathrm{iso}}$ from the component $R_{ij}$ of $\Re$ as $f_{ij}$, $F_{\mathrm{iso}\: ij}$, |
143 | with $f_{ij}=R_{ij}e_i^{-1}\partial T/\partial x_i$ (no summation) etc. |
144 | |
145 | The off-diagonal terms of the small angle diffusion tensor |
146 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_1}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_2} produce skew-fluxes along |
147 | the $i$- and $j$-directions resulting from the vertical tracer gradient: |
148 | \begin{align} |
149 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i13c} |
150 | f_{13}=&+{A^{lT}} r_1\frac{1}{e_3}\frac{\partial T}{\partial k},\qquad f_{23}=+{A^{lT}} r_2\frac{1}{e_3}\frac{\partial T}{\partial k}\\ |
151 | \intertext{and in the k-direction resulting from the lateral tracer gradients} |
152 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i31c} |
153 | f_{31}+f_{32}=& {A^{lT}} r_1\frac{1}{e_1}\frac{\partial T}{\partial i}+{A^{lT}} r_2\frac{1}{e_1}\frac{\partial T}{\partial i} |
154 | \end{align} |
155 | |
156 | The vertical diffusive flux associated with the $_{33}$ component of the small angle diffusion tensor is |
157 | \begin{equation} |
158 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i33c} |
159 | f_{33}=-{A^{lT}}(r_1^2 +r_2^2) \frac{1}{e_3}\frac{\partial T}{\partial k}. |
160 | \end{equation} |
161 | |
162 | Since there are no cross terms involving $r_1$ and $r_2$ in the above, |
163 | we can consider the iso-neutral diffusive fluxes separately in the $i$-$k$ and $j$-$k$ planes, |
164 | just adding together the vertical components from each plane. |
165 | The following description will describe the fluxes on the $i$-$k$ plane. |
166 | |
167 | There is no natural discretization for the $i$-component of the skew-flux, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13c}, |
168 | as although it must be evaluated at $u$-points, |
169 | it involves vertical gradients (both for the tracer and the slope $r_1$), defined at $w$-points. |
170 | Similarly, the vertical skew flux, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31c}, |
171 | is evaluated at $w$-points but involves horizontal gradients defined at $u$-points. |
172 | |
173 | %% ================================================================================================= |
174 | \subsection{Standard discretization} |
175 | |
176 | The straightforward approach to discretize the lateral skew flux |
177 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13c} from tracer cell $i,k$ to $i+1,k$, introduced in 1995 into OPA, |
178 | \autoref{eq:TRA_ldf_iso}, is to calculate a mean vertical gradient at the $u$-point from |
179 | the average of the four surrounding vertical tracer gradients, and multiply this by a mean slope at the $u$-point, |
180 | calculated from the averaged surrounding vertical density gradients. |
181 | The total area-integrated skew-flux (flux per unit area in $ijk$ space) from tracer cell $i,k$ to $i+1,k$, |
182 | noting that the $e_{{3}_{i+1/2}^k}$ in the area $e{_{3}}_{i+1/2}^k{e_{2}}_{i+1/2}i^k$ at the $u$-point cancels out with |
183 | the $1/{e_{3}}_{i+1/2}^k$ associated with the vertical tracer gradient, is then \autoref{eq:TRA_ldf_iso} |
184 | \[ |
185 | \left(F_u^{13} \right)_{i+\frac{1}{2}}^k = {A}_{i+\frac{1}{2}}^k |
186 | {e_{2}}_{i+1/2}^k \overline{\overline |
187 | r_1} ^{\,i,k}\,\overline{\overline{\delta_k T}}^{\,i,k}, |
188 | \] |
189 | where |
190 | \[ |
191 | \overline{\overline |
192 | r_1} ^{\,i,k} = -\frac{{e_{3u}}_{i+1/2}^k}{{e_{1u}}_{i+1/2}^k} |
193 | \frac{\delta_{i+1/2} [\rho]}{\overline{\overline{\delta_k \rho}}^{\,i,k}}, |
194 | \] |
195 | and here and in the following we drop the $^{lT}$ superscript from ${A^{lT}}$ for simplicity. |
196 | Unfortunately the resulting combination $\overline{\overline{\delta_k\bullet}}^{\,i,k}$ of a $k$ average and |
197 | a $k$ difference of the tracer reduces to $\bullet_{k+1}-\bullet_{k-1}$, |
198 | so two-grid-point oscillations are invisible to this discretization of the iso-neutral operator. |
199 | These \emph{computational modes} will not be damped by this operator, and may even possibly be amplified by it. |
200 | Consequently, applying this operator to a tracer does not guarantee the decrease of its global-average variance. |
201 | To correct this, we introduced a smoothing of the slopes of the iso-neutral surfaces (see \autoref{chap:LDF}). |
202 | This technique works for $T$ and $S$ in so far as they are active tracers |
203 | (\ie\ they enter the computation of density), but it does not work for a passive tracer. |
204 | |
205 | %% ================================================================================================= |
206 | \subsection{Expression of the skew-flux in terms of triad slopes} |
207 | |
208 | \citep{griffies.gnanadesikan.ea_JPO98} introduce a different discretization of the off-diagonal terms that |
209 | nicely solves the problem. |
210 | % Instead of multiplying the mean slope calculated at the $u$-point by |
211 | % the mean vertical gradient at the $u$-point, |
212 | \begin{figure}[tb] |
213 | \centering |
214 | \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{TRIADS_GRIFF_triad_fluxes} |
215 | \caption[Triads arrangement and tracer gradients to give lateral and vertical tracer fluxes]{ |
216 | (a) Arrangement of triads $S_i$ and tracer gradients to |
217 | give lateral tracer flux from box $i,k$ to $i+1,k$ |
218 | (b) Triads $S'_i$ and tracer gradients to give vertical tracer flux from |
219 | box $i,k$ to $i,k+1$.} |
220 | \label{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad} |
221 | \end{figure} |
222 | They get the skew flux from the products of the vertical gradients at each $w$-point surrounding the $u$-point with |
223 | the corresponding `triad' slope calculated from the lateral density gradient across the $u$-point divided by |
224 | the vertical density gradient at the same $w$-point as the tracer gradient. |
225 | See \autoref{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad}a, where the thick lines denote the tracer gradients, |
226 | and the thin lines the corresponding triads, with slopes $s_1, \dotsc s_4$. |
227 | The total area-integrated skew-flux from tracer cell $i,k$ to $i+1,k$ |
228 | \begin{multline} |
229 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i13} |
230 | \left( F_u^{13} \right)_{i+\frac{1}{2}}^k = {A}_{i+1}^k a_1 s_1 |
231 | \delta_{k+\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^{i+1} |
232 | \right]/e_{{3w}_{i+1}}^{k+\frac{1}{2}} + {A} _i^k a_2 s_2 \delta |
233 | _{k+\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^i |
234 | \right]/e_{{3w}_{i+1}}^{k+\frac{1}{2}} \\ |
235 | +{A} _{i+1}^k a_3 s_3 \delta_{k-\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^{i+1} |
236 | \right]/e_{{3w}_{i+1}}^{k+\frac{1}{2}} +{A} _i^k a_4 s_4 \delta |
237 | _{k-\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^i \right]/e_{{3w}_{i+1}}^{k+\frac{1}{2}}, |
238 | \end{multline} |
239 | where the contributions of the triad fluxes are weighted by areas $a_1, \dotsc a_4$, |
240 | and ${A}$ is now defined at the tracer points rather than the $u$-points. |
241 | This discretization gives a much closer stencil, and disallows the two-point computational modes. |
242 | |
243 | The vertical skew flux \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31c} from tracer cell $i,k$ to $i,k+1$ at |
244 | the $w$-point $i,k+\frac{1}{2}$ is constructed similarly (\autoref{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad}b) by |
245 | multiplying lateral tracer gradients from each of the four surrounding $u$-points by the appropriate triad slope: |
246 | \begin{multline} |
247 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i31} |
248 | \left( F_w^{31} \right) _i ^{k+\frac{1}{2}} = {A}_i^{k+1} a_{1}' |
249 | s_{1}' \delta_{i-\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^{k+1} \right]/{e_{3u}}_{i-\frac{1}{2}}^{k+1} |
250 | +{A}_i^{k+1} a_{2}' s_{2}' \delta_{i+\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^{k+1} \right]/{e_{3u}}_{i+\frac{1}{2}}^{k+1} \\ |
251 | + {A}_i^k a_{3}' s_{3}' \delta_{i-\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^k\right]/{e_{3u}}_{i-\frac{1}{2}}^k |
252 | +{A}_i^k a_{4}' s_{4}' \delta_{i+\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^k \right]/{e_{3u}}_{i+\frac{1}{2}}^k. |
253 | \end{multline} |
254 | |
255 | We notate the triad slopes $s_i$ and $s'_i$ in terms of the `anchor point' $i,k$ |
256 | (appearing in both the vertical and lateral gradient), |
257 | and the $u$- and $w$-points $(i+i_p,k)$, $(i,k+k_p)$ at the centres of the `arms' of the triad as follows |
258 | (see also \autoref{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad}): |
259 | \begin{equation} |
260 | \label{eq:TRIADS_R} |
261 | _i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
262 | =-\frac{ {e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}} { {e_{1u}}_{\,i+i_p}^{\,k}} |
263 | \ |
264 | \frac |
265 | { \alpha_i^k \ \delta_{i+i_p}[T^k] - \beta_i^k \ \delta_{i+i_p}[S^k] } |
266 | { \alpha_i^k \ \delta_{k+k_p}[T^i] - \beta_i^k \ \delta_{k+k_p}[S^i] }. |
267 | \end{equation} |
268 | In calculating the slopes of the local neutral surfaces, |
269 | the expansion coefficients $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are evaluated at the anchor points of the triad, |
270 | while the metrics are calculated at the $u$- and $w$-points on the arms. |
271 | |
272 | \begin{figure}[tb] |
273 | \centering |
274 | \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{TRIADS_GRIFF_qcells} |
275 | \caption[Triad notation for quarter cells]{ |
276 | Triad notation for quarter cells. |
277 | $T$-cells are inside boxes, |
278 | while the $i+\fractext{1}{2},k$ $u$-cell is shaded in green and |
279 | the $i,k+\fractext{1}{2}$ $w$-cell is shaded in pink.} |
280 | \label{fig:TRIADS_qcells} |
281 | \end{figure} |
282 | |
283 | Each triad $\{_i^{k}\:_{i_p}^{k_p}\}$ is associated (\autoref{fig:TRIADS_qcells}) with the quarter cell that is |
284 | the intersection of the $i,k$ $T$-cell, the $i+i_p,k$ $u$-cell and the $i,k+k_p$ $w$-cell. |
285 | Expressing the slopes $s_i$ and $s'_i$ in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31} in this notation, |
286 | we have \eg\ \ $s_1=s'_1={\:}_i^k \mathbb{R}_{1/2}^{1/2}$. |
287 | Each triad slope $_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ is used once (as an $s$) to |
288 | calculate the lateral flux along its $u$-arm, at $(i+i_p,k)$, |
289 | and then again as an $s'$ to calculate the vertical flux along its $w$-arm at $(i,k+k_p)$. |
290 | Each vertical area $a_i$ used to calculate the lateral flux and horizontal area $a'_i$ used to |
291 | calculate the vertical flux can also be identified as the area across the $u$- and $w$-arms of a unique triad, |
292 | and we notate these areas, similarly to the triad slopes, |
293 | as $_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p}$, $_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}$, |
294 | where \eg\ in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13} $a_{1}={\:}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{1/2}^{1/2}$, |
295 | and in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31} $a'_{1}={\:}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{1/2}^{1/2}$. |
296 | |
297 | %% ================================================================================================= |
298 | \subsection{Full triad fluxes} |
299 | |
300 | A key property of iso-neutral diffusion is that it should not affect the (locally referenced) density. |
301 | In particular there should be no lateral or vertical density flux. |
302 | The lateral density flux disappears so long as the area-integrated lateral diffusive flux from |
303 | tracer cell $i,k$ to $i+1,k$ coming from the $_{11}$ term of the diffusion tensor takes the form |
304 | \begin{equation} |
305 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i11} |
306 | \left( F_u^{11} \right) _{i+\frac{1}{2}} ^{k} = |
307 | - \left( {A}_i^{k+1} a_{1} + {A}_i^{k+1} a_{2} + {A}_i^k |
308 | a_{3} + {A}_i^k a_{4} \right) |
309 | \frac{\delta_{i+1/2} \left[ T^k\right]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i+1/2}^{\,k}}, |
310 | \end{equation} |
311 | where the areas $a_i$ are as in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13}. |
312 | In this case, separating the total lateral flux, the sum of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i11}, |
313 | into triad components, a lateral tracer flux |
314 | \begin{equation} |
315 | \label{eq:TRIADS_latflux-triad} |
316 | _i^k {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) = - {A}_i^k{ \:}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
317 | \left( |
318 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
319 | -\ {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \ |
320 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
321 | \right) |
322 | \end{equation} |
323 | can be identified with each triad. |
324 | Then, because the same metric factors ${e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}$ and ${e_{1u}}_{\,i+i_p}^{\,k}$ are employed for both |
325 | the density gradients in $ _i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ and the tracer gradients, |
326 | the lateral density flux associated with each triad separately disappears. |
327 | \begin{equation} |
328 | \label{eq:TRIADS_latflux-rho} |
329 | {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (\rho)=-\alpha _i^k {\:}_i^k {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) + \beta_i^k {\:}_i^k {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (S)=0 |
330 | \end{equation} |
331 | Thus the total flux $\left( F_u^{31} \right) ^i _{i,k+\frac{1}{2}} + \left( F_u^{11} \right) ^i _{i,k+\frac{1}{2}}$ from |
332 | tracer cell $i,k$ to $i+1,k$ must also vanish since it is a sum of four such triad fluxes. |
333 | |
334 | The squared slope $r_1^2$ in the expression \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i33c} for the $_{33}$ component is also expressed in |
335 | terms of area-weighted squared triad slopes, |
336 | so the area-integrated vertical flux from tracer cell $i,k$ to $i,k+1$ resulting from the $r_1^2$ term is |
337 | \begin{equation} |
338 | \label{eq:TRIADS_i33} |
339 | \left( F_w^{33} \right) _i^{k+\frac{1}{2}} = |
340 | - \left( {A}_i^{k+1} a_{1}' s_{1}'^2 |
341 | + {A}_i^{k+1} a_{2}' s_{2}'^2 |
342 | + {A}_i^k a_{3}' s_{3}'^2 |
343 | + {A}_i^k a_{4}' s_{4}'^2 \right)\delta_{k+\frac{1}{2}} \left[ T^{i+1} \right], |
344 | \end{equation} |
345 | where the areas $a'$ and slopes $s'$ are the same as in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31}. |
346 | Then, separating the total vertical flux, the sum of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i33}, |
347 | into triad components, a vertical flux |
348 | \begin{align} |
349 | \label{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad} |
350 | _i^k {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) |
351 | &= {A}_i^k{\: }_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
352 | \left( |
353 | {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}\frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
354 | -\ \left({_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}\right)^2 \ |
355 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
356 | \right) \\ |
357 | &= - \left(\left.{ }_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}\right/{ }_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p}\right) |
358 | {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}{\: }_i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) \label{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad2} |
359 | \end{align} |
360 | may be associated with each triad. |
361 | Each vertical density flux $_i^k {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (\rho)$ associated with a triad then |
362 | separately disappears (because the lateral flux $_i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (\rho)$ disappears). |
363 | Consequently the total vertical density flux |
364 | $\left( F_w^{31} \right)_i ^{k+\frac{1}{2}} + \left( F_w^{33} \right)_i^{k+\frac{1}{2}}$ from |
365 | tracer cell $i,k$ to $i,k+1$ must also vanish since it is a sum of four such triad fluxes. |
366 | |
367 | We can explicitly identify (\autoref{fig:TRIADS_qcells}) the triads associated with the $s_i$, $a_i$, |
368 | and $s'_i$, $a'_i$ used in the definition of the $u$-fluxes and $w$-fluxes in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31}, |
369 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i11} \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i33} and \autoref{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad} to write out |
370 | the iso-neutral fluxes at $u$- and $w$-points as sums of the triad fluxes that cross the $u$- and $w$-faces: |
371 | %(\autoref{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad}): |
372 | \begin{flalign} |
373 | \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_flux} \vect{F}_{\mathrm{iso}}(T) &\equiv |
374 | \sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} |
375 | \begin{pmatrix} |
376 | {_{i+1/2-i_p}^k {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} } (T) \\ \\ |
377 | {_i^{k+1/2-k_p} {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} } (T) \\ |
378 | \end{pmatrix}. |
379 | \end{flalign} |
380 | |
381 | %% ================================================================================================= |
382 | \subsection{Ensuring the scheme does not increase tracer variance} |
383 | \label{subsec:TRIADS_variance} |
384 | |
385 | We now require that this operator should not increase the globally-integrated tracer variance. |
386 | %This changes according to |
387 | % \begin{align*} |
388 | % &\int_D D_l^T \; T \;dv \equiv \sum_{i,k} \left\{ T \ D_l^T \ b_T \right\} \\ |
389 | % &\equiv + \sum_{i,k} \sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} \left\{ |
390 | % \delta_{i} \left[{_{i+1/2-i_p}^k {\mathbb{F}_u }_{i_p}^{k_p}} \right] |
391 | % + \delta_{k} \left[ {_i^{k+1/2-k_p} {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \right] \ T \right\} \\ |
392 | % &\equiv - \sum_{i,k} \sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} \left\{ |
393 | % {_{i+1/2-i_p}^k {\mathbb{F}_u }_{i_p}^{k_p}} \ \delta_{i+1/2} [T] |
394 | % + {_i^{k+1/2-k_p} {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \ \delta_{k+1/2} [T] \right\} \\ |
395 | % \end{align*} |
396 | Each triad slope $_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ drives a lateral flux $_i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)$ across |
397 | the $u$-point $i+i_p,k$ and a vertical flux $_i^k{\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)$ across the $w$-point $i,k+k_p$. |
398 | The lateral flux drives a net rate of change of variance, |
399 | summed over the two $T$-points $i+i_p-\fractext{1}{2},k$ and $i+i_p+\fractext{1}{2},k$, of |
400 | \begin{multline} |
401 | {b_T}_{i+i_p-1/2}^k\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}T\right)_{i+i_p-1/2}^k+ |
402 | \quad {b_T}_{i+i_p+1/2}^k\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial |
403 | t}T\right)_{i+i_p+1/2}^k \\ |
404 | \begin{aligned} |
405 | &= -T_{i+i_p-1/2}^k{\;} _i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) \quad + \quad T_{i+i_p+1/2}^k |
406 | {\;}_i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) \\ |
407 | &={\;} _i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)\,\delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k], \label{eq:TRIADS_dvar_iso_i} |
408 | \end{aligned} |
409 | \end{multline} |
410 | while the vertical flux similarly drives a net rate of change of variance summed over |
411 | the $T$-points $i,k+k_p-\fractext{1}{2}$ (above) and $i,k+k_p+\fractext{1}{2}$ (below) of |
412 | \begin{equation} |
413 | \label{eq:TRIADS_dvar_iso_k} |
414 | _i^k{\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) \,\delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]. |
415 | \end{equation} |
416 | The total variance tendency driven by the triad is the sum of these two. |
417 | Expanding $_i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)$ and $_i^k{\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)$ with |
418 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-triad} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad}, it is |
419 | \begin{multline*} |
420 | -{A}_i^k\left \{ |
421 | { } _i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
422 | \left( |
423 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
424 | - {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \ |
425 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} }\right)\,\delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] \right.\\ |
426 | - \left. { } _i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
427 | \left( |
428 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
429 | -{\:}_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
430 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
431 | \right) {\,}_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}\delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i] |
432 | \right \}. |
433 | \end{multline*} |
434 | The key point is then that if we require $_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ and $_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ to |
435 | be related to a triad volume $_i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ by |
436 | \begin{equation} |
437 | \label{eq:TRIADS_V-A} |
438 | _i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
439 | ={\;}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p}\,{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} |
440 | ={\;}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}\,{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k + k_p}, |
441 | \end{equation} |
442 | the variance tendency reduces to the perfect square |
443 | \begin{equation} |
444 | \label{eq:TRIADS_perfect-square} |
445 | -{A}_i^k{\:} _i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
446 | \left( |
447 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
448 | -{\:}_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
449 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
450 | \right)^2\leq 0. |
451 | \end{equation} |
452 | Thus, the constraint \autoref{eq:TRIADS_V-A} ensures that the fluxes |
453 | (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-triad}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad}) associated with |
454 | a given slope triad $_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ do not increase the net variance. |
455 | Since the total fluxes are sums of such fluxes from the various triads, this constraint, applied to all triads, |
456 | is sufficient to ensure that the globally integrated variance does not increase. |
457 | |
458 | The expression \autoref{eq:TRIADS_V-A} can be interpreted as a discretization of the global integral |
459 | \begin{equation} |
460 | \label{eq:TRIADS_cts-var} |
461 | \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\int\!\fractext{1}{2} T^2\, dV = |
462 | \int\!\mathbf{F}\cdot\nabla T\, dV, |
463 | \end{equation} |
464 | where, within each triad volume $_i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p}$, the lateral and vertical fluxes/unit area |
465 | \[ |
466 | \mathbf{F}=\left( |
467 | \left.{}_i^k{\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)\right/{}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p}, |
468 | \left.{\:}_i^k{\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)\right/{}_i^k{\mathbb{A}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
469 | \right) |
470 | \] |
471 | and the gradient |
472 | \[ |
473 | \nabla T = \left( |
474 | \left.\delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] \right/ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}, |
475 | \left.\delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i] \right/ {e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k + k_p} |
476 | \right) |
477 | \] |
478 | |
479 | %% ================================================================================================= |
480 | \subsection{Triad volumes in Griffes's scheme and in \NEMO} |
481 | |
482 | To complete the discretization we now need only specify the triad volumes $_i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p}$. |
483 | \citet{griffies.gnanadesikan.ea_JPO98} identifies these $_i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ as the volumes of the quarter cells, |
484 | defined in terms of the distances between $T$, $u$,$f$ and $w$-points. |
485 | This is the natural discretization of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_cts-var}. |
486 | The \NEMO\ model, however, operates with scale factors instead of grid sizes, |
487 | and scale factors for the quarter cells are not defined. |
488 | Instead, therefore we simply choose |
489 | \begin{equation} |
490 | \label{eq:TRIADS_V-NEMO} |
491 | _i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p}=\fractext{1}{4} {b_u}_{i+i_p}^k, |
492 | \end{equation} |
493 | as a quarter of the volume of the $u$-cell inside which the triad quarter-cell lies. |
494 | This has the nice property that when the slopes $\mathbb{R}$ vanish, |
495 | the lateral flux from tracer cell $i,k$ to $i+1,k$ reduces to the classical form |
496 | \begin{equation} |
497 | \label{eq:TRIADS_lat-normal} |
498 | -\overline{A}_{\,i+1/2}^k\; |
499 | \frac{{b_u}_{i+1/2}^k}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}} |
500 | \;\frac{\delta_{i+ 1/2}[T^k] }{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}} |
501 | = -\overline{A}_{\,i+1/2}^k\;\frac{{e_{1w}}_{\,i + 1/2}^{\,k}\:{e_{1v}}_{\,i + 1/2}^{\,k}\;\delta_{i+ 1/2}[T^k]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + 1/2}^{\,k}}. |
502 | \end{equation} |
503 | In fact if the diffusive coefficient is defined at $u$-points, |
504 | so that we employ ${A}_{i+i_p}^k$ instead of ${A}_i^k$ in the definitions of the triad fluxes |
505 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-triad} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad}, |
506 | we can replace $\overline{A}_{\,i+1/2}^k$ by $A_{i+1/2}^k$ in the above. |
507 | |
508 | %% ================================================================================================= |
509 | \subsection{Summary of the scheme} |
510 | |
511 | The iso-neutral fluxes at $u$- and $w$-points are the sums of the triad fluxes that |
512 | cross the $u$- and $w$-faces \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_flux}: |
513 | \begin{subequations} |
514 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_alltriadflux} |
515 | \begin{flalign*} |
516 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_vect_isoflux} |
517 | \vect{F}_{\mathrm{iso}}(T) &\equiv |
518 | \sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} |
519 | \begin{pmatrix} |
520 | {_{i+1/2-i_p}^k {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} } (T) \\ \\ |
521 | {_i^{k+1/2-k_p} {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} } (T) |
522 | \end{pmatrix}, |
523 | \end{flalign*} |
524 | where \autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-triad}: |
525 | \begin{align} |
526 | \label{eq:TRIADS_triadfluxu} |
527 | _i^k {\mathbb{F}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) &= - {A}_i^k{ |
528 | \:}\frac{{{}_i^k\mathbb{V}}_{i_p}^{k_p}}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}} |
529 | \left( |
530 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
531 | -\ {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \ |
532 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
533 | \right),\\ |
534 | \intertext{and} |
535 | _i^k {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) |
536 | &= {A}_i^k{\: }\frac{{{}_i^k\mathbb{V}}_{i_p}^{k_p}}{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}} |
537 | \left( |
538 | {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}\frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
539 | -\ \left({_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}\right)^2 \ |
540 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
541 | \right),\label{eq:TRIADS_triadfluxw} |
542 | \end{align} |
543 | with \autoref{eq:TRIADS_V-NEMO} |
544 | \[ |
545 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_V-NEMO2} |
546 | _i^k{\mathbb{V}}_{i_p}^{k_p}=\fractext{1}{4} {b_u}_{i+i_p}^k. |
547 | \] |
548 | \end{subequations} |
549 | |
550 | The divergence of the expression \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_flux} for the fluxes gives the iso-neutral diffusion tendency at |
551 | each tracer point: |
552 | \[ |
553 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_operator} |
554 | D_l^T = \frac{1}{b_T} |
555 | \sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} \left\{ \delta_{i} \left[{_{i+1/2-i_p}^k |
556 | {\mathbb{F}_u }_{i_p}^{k_p}} \right] + \delta_{k} \left[ |
557 | {_i^{k+1/2-k_p} {\mathbb{F}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \right] \right\} |
558 | \] |
559 | where $b_T= e_{1T}\,e_{2T}\,e_{3T}$ is the volume of $T$-cells. |
560 | The diffusion scheme satisfies the following six properties: |
561 | |
562 | \begin{description} |
563 | \item [Horizontal diffusion] The discretization of the diffusion operator recovers the traditional five-point Laplacian |
564 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_lat-normal} in the limit of flat iso-neutral direction: |
565 | \[ |
566 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property0} |
567 | D_l^T = \frac{1}{b_T} \ |
568 | \delta_{i} \left[ \frac{e_{2u}\,e_{3u}}{e_{1u}} \; |
569 | \overline{A}^{\,i} \; \delta_{i+1/2}[T] \right] \qquad |
570 | \text{when} \quad { _i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} }=0 |
571 | \] |
572 | \item [Implicit treatment in the vertical] Only tracer values associated with a single water column appear in the expression \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i33} for |
573 | the $_{33}$ fluxes, vertical fluxes driven by vertical gradients. |
574 | This is of paramount importance since it means that a time-implicit algorithm can be used to |
575 | solve the vertical diffusion equation. |
576 | This is necessary since the vertical eddy diffusivity associated with this term, |
577 | \[ |
578 | \frac{1}{b_w}\sum_{\substack{i_p, \,k_p}} \left\{ |
579 | {\:}_i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p} \: {A}_i^k \: \left(_i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}\right)^2 |
580 | \right\} = |
581 | \frac{1}{4b_w}\sum_{\substack{i_p, \,k_p}} \left\{ |
582 | {b_u}_{i+i_p}^k\: {A}_i^k \: \left(_i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}\right)^2 |
583 | \right\}, |
584 | \] |
585 | (where $b_w= e_{1w}\,e_{2w}\,e_{3w}$ is the volume of $w$-cells) can be quite large. |
586 | \item [Pure iso-neutral operator] The iso-neutral flux of locally referenced potential density is zero. |
587 | See \autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-rho} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad2}. |
588 | \item [Conservation of tracer] The iso-neutral diffusion conserves tracer content, \ie |
589 | \[ |
590 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property1} |
591 | \sum_{i,j,k} \left\{ D_l^T \ b_T \right\} = 0 |
592 | \] |
593 | This property is trivially satisfied since the iso-neutral diffusive operator is written in flux form. |
594 | \item [No increase of tracer variance] The iso-neutral diffusion does not increase the tracer variance, \ie |
595 | \[ |
596 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property2} |
597 | \sum_{i,j,k} \left\{ T \ D_l^T \ b_T \right\} \leq 0 |
598 | \] |
599 | The property is demonstrated in \autoref{subsec:TRIADS_variance} above. |
600 | It is a key property for a diffusion term. |
601 | It means that it is also a dissipation term, |
602 | \ie\ it dissipates the square of the quantity on which it is applied. |
603 | It therefore ensures that, when the diffusivity coefficient is large enough, |
604 | the field on which it is applied becomes free of grid-point noise. |
605 | \item [Self-adjoint operator] The iso-neutral diffusion operator is self-adjoint, \ie |
606 | \begin{equation} |
607 | \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property3} |
608 | \sum_{i,j,k} \left\{ S \ D_l^T \ b_T \right\} = \sum_{i,j,k} \left\{ D_l^S \ T \ b_T \right\} |
609 | \end{equation} |
610 | In other word, there is no need to develop a specific routine from the adjoint of this operator. |
611 | We just have to apply the same routine. |
612 | This property can be demonstrated similarly to the proof of the `no increase of tracer variance' property. |
613 | The contribution by a single triad towards the left hand side of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_property3}, |
614 | can be found by replacing $\delta[T]$ by $\delta[S]$ in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_dvar_iso_i} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_dvar_iso_k}. |
615 | This results in a term similar to \autoref{eq:TRIADS_perfect-square}, |
616 | \[ |
617 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_TScovar} |
618 | - {A}_i^k{\:} _i^k\mathbb{V}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
619 | \left( |
620 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
621 | -{\:}_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
622 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
623 | \right) |
624 | \left( |
625 | \frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[S^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } |
626 | -{\:}_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} |
627 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [S^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} } |
628 | \right). |
629 | \] |
630 | This is symmetrical in $T $ and $S$, so exactly the same term arises from |
631 | the discretization of this triad's contribution towards the RHS of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_iso_property3}. |
632 | \end{description} |
633 | |
634 | %% ================================================================================================= |
635 | \subsection{Treatment of the triads at the boundaries} |
636 | \label{sec:TRIADS_iso_bdry} |
637 | |
638 | The triad slope can only be defined where both the grid boxes centred at the end of the arms exist. |
639 | Triads that would poke up through the upper ocean surface into the atmosphere, |
640 | or down into the ocean floor, must be masked out. |
641 | See \autoref{fig:TRIADS_bdry_triads}. |
642 | Surface layer triads \triad{i}{1}{R}{1/2}{-1/2} (magenta) and \triad{i+1}{1}{R}{-1/2}{-1/2} (blue) that |
643 | require density to be specified above the ocean surface are masked (\autoref{fig:TRIADS_bdry_triads}a): |
644 | this ensures that lateral tracer gradients produce no flux through the ocean surface. |
645 | However, to prevent surface noise, it is customary to retain the $_{11}$ contributions towards |
646 | the lateral triad fluxes \triad[u]{i}{1}{F}{1/2}{-1/2} and \triad[u]{i+1}{1}{F}{-1/2}{-1/2}; |
647 | this drives diapycnal tracer fluxes. |
648 | Similar comments apply to triads that would intersect the ocean floor (\autoref{fig:TRIADS_bdry_triads}b). |
649 | Note that both near bottom triad slopes \triad{i}{k}{R}{1/2}{1/2} and \triad{i+1}{k}{R}{-1/2}{1/2} are masked when |
650 | either of the $i,k+1$ or $i+1,k+1$ tracer points is masked, \ie\ the $i,k+1$ $u$-point is masked. |
651 | The associated lateral fluxes (grey-black dashed line) are masked if \np[=.false.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}, |
652 | but left unmasked, giving bottom mixing, if \np[=.true.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}. |
653 | |
654 | The default option \np[=.false.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad} is suitable when the bbl mixing option is enabled |
655 | (\np[=.true.]{ln_trabbl}{ln\_trabbl}, with \np[=1]{nn_bbl_ldf}{nn\_bbl\_ldf}), or for simple idealized problems. |
656 | For setups with topography without bbl mixing, \np[=.true.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad} may be necessary. |
657 | \begin{figure}[h] |
658 | \centering |
659 | \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{TRIADS_GRIFF_bdry_triads} |
660 | \caption[Boundary triads]{ |
661 | (a) Uppermost model layer $k=1$ with $i,1$ and $i+1,1$ tracer points (black dots), |
662 | and $i+1/2,1$ $u$-point (blue square). |
663 | Triad slopes \triad{i}{1}{R}{1/2}{-1/2} (magenta) and |
664 | \triad{i+1}{1}{R}{-1/2}{-1/2} (blue) poking through the ocean surface are masked |
665 | (faded in figure). |
666 | However, |
667 | the lateral $_{11}$ contributions towards \triad[u]{i}{1}{F}{1/2}{-1/2} and |
668 | \triad[u]{i+1}{1}{F}{-1/2}{-1/2} (yellow line) are still applied, |
669 | giving diapycnal diffusive fluxes. |
670 | \newline |
671 | (b) Both near bottom triad slopes \triad{i}{k}{R}{1/2}{1/2} and |
672 | \triad{i+1}{k}{R}{-1/2}{1/2} are masked when |
673 | either of the $i,k+1$ or $i+1,k+1$ tracer points is masked, |
674 | \ie\ the $i,k+1$ $u$-point is masked. |
675 | The associated lateral fluxes (grey-black dashed line) are masked if |
676 | \protect\np[=.false.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}, but left unmasked, |
677 | giving bottom mixing, if \protect\np[=.true.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}} |
678 | \label{fig:TRIADS_bdry_triads} |
679 | \end{figure} |
680 | |
681 | %% ================================================================================================= |
682 | \subsection{ Limiting of the slopes within the interior} |
683 | \label{sec:TRIADS_limit} |
684 | |
685 | As discussed in \autoref{subsec:LDF_slp_iso}, |
686 | iso-neutral slopes relative to geopotentials must be bounded everywhere, |
687 | both for consistency with the small-slope approximation and for numerical stability \citep{cox_OM87, griffies_bk04}. |
688 | The bound chosen in \NEMO\ is applied to each component of the slope separately and |
689 | has a value of $1/100$ in the ocean interior. |
690 | %, ramping linearly down above 70~m depth to zero at the surface |
691 | It is of course relevant to the iso-neutral slopes $\tilde{r}_i=r_i+\sigma_i$ relative to geopotentials |
692 | (here the $\sigma_i$ are the slopes of the coordinate surfaces relative to geopotentials) |
693 | \autoref{eq:MB_slopes_eiv} rather than the slope $r_i$ relative to coordinate surfaces, so we require |
694 | \[ |
695 | |\tilde{r}_i|\leq \tilde{r}_\mathrm{max}=0.01. |
696 | \] |
697 | and then recalculate the slopes $r_i$ relative to coordinates. |
698 | Each individual triad slope |
699 | \begin{equation} |
700 | \label{eq:TRIADS_Rtilde} |
701 | _i^k\tilde{\mathbb{R}}_{i_p}^{k_p} = {}_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} + \frac{\delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}} |
702 | \end{equation} |
703 | is limited like this and then the corresponding $_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} $ are recalculated and |
704 | combined to form the fluxes. |
705 | Note that where the slopes have been limited, there is now a non-zero iso-neutral density flux that |
706 | drives dianeutral mixing. |
707 | In particular this iso-neutral density flux is always downwards, |
708 | and so acts to reduce gravitational potential energy. |
709 | |
710 | %% ================================================================================================= |
711 | \subsection{Tapering within the surface mixed layer} |
712 | \label{sec:TRIADS_taper} |
713 | |
714 | Additional tapering of the iso-neutral fluxes is necessary within the surface mixed layer. |
715 | When the Griffies triads are used, we offer two options for this. |
716 | |
717 | %% ================================================================================================= |
718 | \subsubsection{Linear slope tapering within the surface mixed layer} |
719 | \label{sec:TRIADS_lintaper} |
720 | |
721 | This is the option activated by the default choice \np[=.false.]{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso}. |
722 | Slopes $\tilde{r}_i$ relative to geopotentials are tapered linearly from their value immediately below |
723 | the mixed layer to zero at the surface, as described in option (c) of \autoref{fig:LDF_eiv_slp}, to values |
724 | \begin{equation} |
725 | \label{eq:TRIADS_rmtilde} |
726 | \rMLt = -\frac{z}{h}\left.\tilde{r}_i\right|_{z=-h}\quad \text{ for } z>-h, |
727 | \end{equation} |
728 | and then the $r_i$ relative to vertical coordinate surfaces are appropriately adjusted to |
729 | \[ |
730 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_rm} |
731 | \rML =\rMLt -\sigma_i \quad \text{ for } z>-h. |
732 | \] |
733 | Thus the diffusion operator within the mixed layer is given by: |
734 | \[ |
735 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_ML} |
736 | D^{lT}=\nabla {\mathrm {\mathbf .}}\left( {A^{lT}\;\Re \;\nabla T} \right) \qquad |
737 | \mbox{with}\quad \;\;\Re =\left( {{ |
738 | \begin{array}{*{20}c} |
739 | 1 \hfill & 0 \hfill & {-\rML[1]}\hfill \\ |
740 | 0 \hfill & 1 \hfill & {-\rML[2]} \hfill \\ |
741 | {-\rML[1]}\hfill & {-\rML[2]} \hfill & {\rML[1]^2+\rML[2]^2} \hfill |
742 | \end{array} |
743 | }} \right) |
744 | \] |
745 | |
746 | This slope tapering gives a natural connection between tracer in the mixed-layer and |
747 | in isopycnal layers immediately below, in the thermocline. |
748 | It is consistent with the way the $\tilde{r}_i$ are tapered within the mixed layer |
749 | (see \autoref{sec:TRIADS_taperskew} below) so as to ensure a uniform GM eddy-induced velocity throughout the mixed layer. |
750 | However, it gives a downwards density flux and so acts so as to reduce potential energy in the same way as |
751 | does the slope limiting discussed above in \autoref{sec:TRIADS_limit}. |
752 | |
753 | As in \autoref{sec:TRIADS_limit} above, the tapering \autoref{eq:TRIADS_rmtilde} is applied separately to |
754 | each triad $_i^k\tilde{\mathbb{R}}_{i_p}^{k_p}$, and the $_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ adjusted. |
755 | For clarity, we assume $z$-coordinates in the following; |
756 | the conversion from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\tilde{\mathbb{R}}$ and back to $\mathbb{R}$ follows exactly as |
757 | described above by \autoref{eq:TRIADS_Rtilde}. |
758 | \begin{enumerate} |
759 | \item Mixed-layer depth is defined so as to avoid including regions of weak vertical stratification in |
760 | the slope definition. |
761 | At each $i,j$ (simplified to $i$ in \autoref{fig:TRIADS_MLB_triad}), |
762 | we define the mixed-layer by setting the vertical index of the tracer point immediately below the mixed layer, |
763 | $k_{\mathrm{ML}}$, as the maximum $k$ (shallowest tracer point) such that |
764 | the potential density ${\rho_0}_{i,k}>{\rho_0}_{i,k_{10}}+\Delta\rho_c$, |
765 | where $i,k_{10}$ is the tracer gridbox within which the depth reaches 10~m. |
766 | See the left side of \autoref{fig:TRIADS_MLB_triad}. |
767 | We use the $k_{10}$-gridbox instead of the surface gridbox to avoid problems \eg\ with thin daytime mixed-layers. |
768 | Currently we use the same $\Delta\rho_c=0.01\;\mathrm{kg\:m^{-3}}$ for ML triad tapering as is used to |
769 | output the diagnosed mixed-layer depth $h_{\mathrm{ML}}=|z_{W}|_{k_{\mathrm{ML}}+1/2}$, |
770 | the depth of the $w$-point above the $i,k_{\mathrm{ML}}$ tracer point. |
771 | \item We define `basal' triad slopes ${\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}$ as |
772 | the slopes of those triads whose vertical `arms' go down from the $i,k_{\mathrm{ML}}$ tracer point to |
773 | the $i,k_{\mathrm{ML}}-1$ tracer point below. |
774 | This is to ensure that the vertical density gradients associated with |
775 | these basal triad slopes ${\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}$ are representative of the thermocline. |
776 | The four basal triads defined in the bottom part of \autoref{fig:TRIADS_MLB_triad} are then |
777 | \begin{align*} |
778 | {\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p} &= |
779 | {\:}^{k_{\mathrm{ML}}-k_p-1/2}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}, |
780 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_Rbase} |
781 | \\ |
782 | \intertext{with \eg\ the green triad} |
783 | {\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{1/2}^{-1/2}&= |
784 | {\:}^{k_{\mathrm{ML}}}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,1/2}^{-1/2}. |
785 | \end{align*} |
786 | The vertical flux associated with each of these triads passes through |
787 | the $w$-point $i,k_{\mathrm{ML}}-1/2$ lying \emph{below} the $i,k_{\mathrm{ML}}$ tracer point, so it is this depth |
788 | \[ |
789 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_zbase} |
790 | {z_\mathrm{base}}_{\,i}={z_{w}}_{k_\mathrm{ML}-1/2} |
791 | \] |
792 | one gridbox deeper than the diagnosed ML depth $z_{\mathrm{ML}})$ that sets the $h$ used to taper the slopes in |
793 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_rmtilde}. |
794 | \item Finally, we calculate the adjusted triads ${\:}_i^k{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{ML}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}$ within |
795 | the mixed layer, by multiplying the appropriate ${\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}$ by |
796 | the ratio of the depth of the $w$-point ${z_w}_{k+k_p}$ to ${z_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i}$. |
797 | For instance the green triad centred on $i,k$ |
798 | \begin{align*} |
799 | {\:}_i^k{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{ML}}}_{\,1/2}^{-1/2} &= |
800 | \frac{{z_w}_{k-1/2}}{{z_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i}}{\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,1/2}^{-1/2} \\ |
801 | \intertext{and more generally} |
802 | {\:}_i^k{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{ML}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p} &= |
803 | \frac{{z_w}_{k+k_p}}{{z_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i}}{\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}. |
804 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_RML} |
805 | \end{align*} |
806 | \end{enumerate} |
807 | |
808 | \begin{figure}[h] |
809 | \centering |
810 | \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{TRIADS_GRIFF_MLB_triads} |
811 | \caption[Definition of mixed-layer depth and calculation of linearly tapered triads]{ |
812 | Definition of mixed-layer depth and calculation of linearly tapered triads. |
813 | The figure shows a water column at a given $i,j$ (simplified to $i$), |
814 | with the ocean surface at the top. |
815 | Tracer points are denoted by bullets, and black lines the edges of the tracer cells; |
816 | $k$ increases upwards. |
817 | \newline |
818 | We define the mixed-layer by setting the vertical index of the tracer point immediately below |
819 | the mixed layer, $k_{\mathrm{ML}}$, as the maximum $k$ (shallowest tracer point) such that |
820 | ${\rho_0}_{i,k}>{\rho_0}_{i,k_{10}}+\Delta\rho_c$, |
821 | where $i,k_{10}$ is the tracer gridbox within which the depth reaches 10~m. |
822 | We calculate the triad slopes within the mixed layer by linearly tapering them from zero |
823 | (at the surface) to the `basal' slopes, |
824 | the slopes of the four triads passing through the $w$-point $i,k_{\mathrm{ML}}-1/2$ (blue square), |
825 | ${\:}_i{\mathbb{R}_{\mathrm{base}}}_{\,i_p}^{k_p}$. |
826 | Triads with different $i_p,k_p$, denoted by different colours, |
827 | (\eg\ the green triad $i_p=1/2,k_p=-1/2$) are tapered to the appropriate basal triad.} |
828 | \label{fig:TRIADS_MLB_triad} |
829 | \end{figure} |
830 | |
831 | %% ================================================================================================= |
832 | \subsubsection{Additional truncation of skew iso-neutral flux components} |
833 | \label{subsec:TRIADS_Gerdes-taper} |
834 | |
835 | The alternative option is activated by setting \np{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso} = true. |
836 | This retains the same tapered slope $\rML$ described above for the calculation of the $_{33}$ term of |
837 | the iso-neutral diffusion tensor (the vertical tracer flux driven by vertical tracer gradients), |
838 | but replaces the $\rML$ in the skew term by |
839 | \begin{equation} |
840 | \label{eq:TRIADS_rm*} |
841 | \rML^*=\left.\rMLt^2\right/\tilde{r}_i-\sigma_i, |
842 | \end{equation} |
843 | giving a ML diffusive operator |
844 | \[ |
845 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_tensor_ML2} |
846 | D^{lT}=\nabla {\mathrm {\mathbf .}}\left( {A^{lT}\;\Re \;\nabla T} \right) \qquad |
847 | \mbox{with}\quad \;\;\Re =\left( {{ |
848 | \begin{array}{*{20}c} |
849 | 1 \hfill & 0 \hfill & {-\rML[1]^*}\hfill \\ |
850 | 0 \hfill & 1 \hfill & {-\rML[2]^*} \hfill \\ |
851 | {-\rML[1]^*}\hfill & {-\rML[2]^*} \hfill & {\rML[1]^2+\rML[2]^2} \hfill \\ |
852 | \end{array} |
853 | }} \right). |
854 | \] |
855 | This operator |
856 | \footnote{ |
857 | To ensure good behaviour where horizontal density gradients are weak, |
858 | we in fact follow \citet{gerdes.koberle.ea_CD91} and |
859 | set $\rML^*=\mathrm{sgn}(\tilde{r}_i)\min(|\rMLt^2/\tilde{r}_i|,|\tilde{r}_i|)-\sigma_i$. |
860 | } |
861 | then has the property it gives no vertical density flux, and so does not change the potential energy. |
862 | This approach is similar to multiplying the iso-neutral diffusion coefficient by |
863 | $\tilde{r}_{\mathrm{max}}^{-2}\tilde{r}_i^{-2}$ for steep slopes, |
864 | as suggested by \citet{gerdes.koberle.ea_CD91} (see also \citet{griffies_bk04}). |
865 | Again it is applied separately to each triad $_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ |
866 | |
867 | In practice, this approach gives weak vertical tracer fluxes through the mixed-layer, |
868 | as well as vanishing density fluxes. |
869 | While it is theoretically advantageous that it does not change the potential energy, |
870 | it may give a discontinuity between the fluxes within the mixed-layer (purely horizontal) and |
871 | just below (along iso-neutral surfaces). |
872 | % This may give strange looking results, |
873 | % particularly where the mixed-layer depth varies strongly laterally. |
874 | %% ================================================================================================= |
875 | \section{Eddy induced advection formulated as a skew flux} |
876 | \label{sec:TRIADS_skew-flux} |
877 | |
878 | %% ================================================================================================= |
879 | \subsection{Continuous skew flux formulation} |
880 | \label{sec:TRIADS_continuous-skew-flux} |
881 | |
882 | When Gent and McWilliams's [1990] diffusion is used, an additional advection term is added. |
883 | The associated velocity is the so called eddy induced velocity, |
884 | the formulation of which depends on the slopes of iso-neutral surfaces. |
885 | Contrary to the case of iso-neutral mixing, the slopes used here are referenced to the geopotential surfaces, |
886 | \ie\ \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_geo} is used in $z$-coordinate, |
887 | and the sum \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_geo} + \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} in $z^*$ or $s$-coordinates. |
888 | |
889 | The eddy induced velocity is given by: |
890 | \begin{subequations} |
891 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_eiv} |
892 | \begin{equation} |
893 | \label{eq:TRIADS_eiv_v} |
894 | \begin{split} |
895 | u^* & = - \frac{1}{e_{3}}\; \partial_i\psi_1, \\ |
896 | v^* & = - \frac{1}{e_{3}}\; \partial_j\psi_2, \\ |
897 | w^* & = \frac{1}{e_{1}e_{2}}\; \left\{ \partial_i \left( e_{2} \, \psi_1\right) |
898 | + \partial_j \left( e_{1} \, \psi_2\right) \right\}, |
899 | \end{split} |
900 | \end{equation} |
901 | where the streamfunctions $\psi_i$ are given by |
902 | \begin{equation} |
903 | \label{eq:TRIADS_eiv_psi} |
904 | \begin{split} |
905 | \psi_1 & = A_{e} \; \tilde{r}_1, \\ |
906 | \psi_2 & = A_{e} \; \tilde{r}_2, |
907 | \end{split} |
908 | \end{equation} |
909 | \end{subequations} |
910 | with $A_{e}$ the eddy induced velocity coefficient, |
911 | and $\tilde{r}_1$ and $\tilde{r}_2$ the slopes between the iso-neutral and the geopotential surfaces. |
912 | |
913 | The traditional way to implement this additional advection is to add it to the Eulerian velocity prior to |
914 | computing the tracer advection. |
915 | This is implemented if \texttt{traldf\_eiv?} is set in the default implementation, |
916 | where \np{ln_traldf_triad}{ln\_traldf\_triad} is set false. |
917 | This allows us to take advantage of all the advection schemes offered for the tracers |
918 | (see \autoref{sec:TRA_adv}) and not just a $2^{nd}$ order advection scheme. |
919 | This is particularly useful for passive tracers where |
920 | \emph{positivity} of the advection scheme is of paramount importance. |
921 | |
922 | However, when \np{ln_traldf_triad}{ln\_traldf\_triad} is set true, |
923 | \NEMO\ instead implements eddy induced advection according to the so-called skew form \citep{griffies_JPO98}. |
924 | It is based on a transformation of the advective fluxes using the non-divergent nature of the eddy induced velocity. |
925 | For example in the (\textbf{i},\textbf{k}) plane, |
926 | the tracer advective fluxes per unit area in $ijk$ space can be transformed as follows: |
927 | \begin{flalign*} |
928 | \begin{split} |
929 | \textbf{F}_{\mathrm{eiv}}^T = |
930 | \begin{pmatrix} |
931 | {e_{2}\,e_{3}\; u^*} \\ |
932 | {e_{1}\,e_{2}\; w^*} |
933 | \end{pmatrix} \; T |
934 | &= |
935 | \begin{pmatrix} |
936 | { - \partial_k \left( e_{2} \,\psi_1 \right) \; T \;} \\ |
937 | {+ \partial_i \left( e_{2} \, \psi_1 \right) \; T \;} |
938 | \end{pmatrix} \\ |
939 | &= |
940 | \begin{pmatrix} |
941 | { - \partial_k \left( e_{2} \, \psi_1 \; T \right) \;} \\ |
942 | {+ \partial_i \left( e_{2} \,\psi_1 \; T \right) \;} |
943 | \end{pmatrix} |
944 | + |
945 | \begin{pmatrix} |
946 | {+ e_{2} \, \psi_1 \; \partial_k T} \\ |
947 | { - e_{2} \, \psi_1 \; \partial_i T} |
948 | \end{pmatrix} |
949 | \end{split} |
950 | \end{flalign*} |
951 | and since the eddy induced velocity field is non-divergent, |
952 | we end up with the skew form of the eddy induced advective fluxes per unit area in $ijk$ space: |
953 | \begin{equation} |
954 | \label{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_ijk} |
955 | \textbf{F}_\mathrm{eiv}^T = |
956 | \begin{pmatrix} |
957 | {+ e_{2} \, \psi_1 \; \partial_k T} \\ |
958 | { - e_{2} \, \psi_1 \; \partial_i T} |
959 | \end{pmatrix} |
960 | \end{equation} |
961 | The total fluxes per unit physical area are then |
962 | \begin{equation} |
963 | \label{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_physical} |
964 | \begin{split} |
965 | f^*_1 & = \frac{1}{e_{3}}\; \psi_1 \partial_k T \\ |
966 | f^*_2 & = \frac{1}{e_{3}}\; \psi_2 \partial_k T \\ |
967 | f^*_3 & = -\frac{1}{e_{1}e_{2}}\; \left\{ e_{2} \psi_1 \partial_i T + e_{1} \psi_2 \partial_j T \right\}. |
968 | \end{split} |
969 | \end{equation} |
970 | Note that \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_physical} takes the same form whatever the vertical coordinate, |
971 | though of course the slopes $\tilde{r}_i$ which define the $\psi_i$ in \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_psi} are relative to |
972 | geopotentials. |
973 | The tendency associated with eddy induced velocity is then simply the convergence of the fluxes |
974 | (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_ijk}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_physical}), so |
975 | \[ |
976 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_skew_eiv_conv} |
977 | \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}= -\frac{1}{e_1 \, e_2 \, e_3 } \left[ |
978 | \frac{\partial}{\partial i} \left( e_2 \psi_1 \partial_k T\right) |
979 | + \frac{\partial}{\partial j} \left( e_1 \; |
980 | \psi_2 \partial_k T\right) |
981 | - \frac{\partial}{\partial k} \left( e_{2} \psi_1 \partial_i T |
982 | + e_{1} \psi_2 \partial_j T \right) \right] |
983 | \] |
984 | It naturally conserves the tracer content, as it is expressed in flux form. |
985 | Since it has the same divergence as the advective form it also preserves the tracer variance. |
986 | |
987 | %% ================================================================================================= |
988 | \subsection{Discrete skew flux formulation} |
989 | |
990 | The skew fluxes in (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_physical}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_ijk}), |
991 | like the off-diagonal terms (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13c}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31c}) of the small angle diffusion tensor, |
992 | are best expressed in terms of the triad slopes, as in \autoref{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad} and |
993 | (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_i13}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i31}); |
994 | but now in terms of the triad slopes $\tilde{\mathbb{R}}$ relative to geopotentials instead of |
995 | the $\mathbb{R}$ relative to coordinate surfaces. |
996 | The discrete form of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_ijk} using the slopes \autoref{eq:TRIADS_R} and |
997 | defining $A_e$ at $T$-points is then given by: |
998 | |
999 | \begin{subequations} |
1000 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_allskewflux} |
1001 | \begin{flalign*} |
1002 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_vect_skew_flux} |
1003 | \vect{F}_{\mathrm{eiv}}(T) &\equiv \sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} |
1004 | \begin{pmatrix} |
1005 | {_{i+1/2-i_p}^k {\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} } (T) \\ \\ |
1006 | {_i^{k+1/2-k_p} {\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} } (T) \\ |
1007 | \end{pmatrix}, |
1008 | \end{flalign*} |
1009 | where the skew flux in the $i$-direction associated with a given triad is (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-triad}, |
1010 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_triadfluxu}): |
1011 | \begin{align} |
1012 | \label{eq:TRIADS_skewfluxu} |
1013 | _i^k {\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) &= + \fractext{1}{4} {A_e}_i^k{ |
1014 | \:}\frac{{b_u}_{i+i_p}^k}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}} |
1015 | \ {_i^k\tilde{\mathbb{R}}_{i_p}^{k_p}} \ |
1016 | \frac{ \delta_{k+k_p} [T^i] }{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p} }, \\ |
1017 | \intertext{ |
1018 | and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_triadfluxw} in the $k$-direction, changing the sign |
1019 | to be consistent with \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_skew_ijk}: |
1020 | } |
1021 | _i^k {\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) |
1022 | &= -\fractext{1}{4} {A_e}_i^k{\: }\frac{{b_u}_{i+i_p}^k}{{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}} |
1023 | {_i^k\tilde{\mathbb{R}}_{i_p}^{k_p}}\frac{ \delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k] }{ {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} }.\label{eq:TRIADS_skewfluxw} |
1024 | \end{align} |
1025 | \end{subequations} |
1026 | |
1027 | Such a discretisation is consistent with the iso-neutral operator as it uses the same definition for the slopes. |
1028 | It also ensures the following two key properties. |
1029 | |
1030 | %% ================================================================================================= |
1031 | \subsubsection{No change in tracer variance} |
1032 | |
1033 | The discretization conserves tracer variance, \ie\ it does not include a diffusive component but is a `pure' advection term. |
1034 | This can be seen %either from Appendix \autoref{apdx:eiv_skew} or |
1035 | by considering the fluxes associated with a given triad slope $_i^k{\mathbb{R}}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)$. |
1036 | For, following \autoref{subsec:TRIADS_variance} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_dvar_iso_i}, |
1037 | the associated horizontal skew-flux $_i^k{\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)$ drives a net rate of change of variance, |
1038 | summed over the two $T$-points $i+i_p-\fractext{1}{2},k$ and $i+i_p+\fractext{1}{2},k$, of |
1039 | \begin{equation} |
1040 | \label{eq:TRIADS_dvar_eiv_i} |
1041 | _i^k{\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T)\,\delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k], |
1042 | \end{equation} |
1043 | while the associated vertical skew-flux gives a variance change summed over |
1044 | the $T$-points $i,k+k_p-\fractext{1}{2}$ (above) and $i,k+k_p+\fractext{1}{2}$ (below) of |
1045 | \begin{equation} |
1046 | \label{eq:TRIADS_dvar_eiv_k} |
1047 | _i^k{\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) \,\delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]. |
1048 | \end{equation} |
1049 | Inspection of the definitions (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_skewfluxu}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_skewfluxw}) shows that |
1050 | these two variance changes (\autoref{eq:TRIADS_dvar_eiv_i}, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_dvar_eiv_k}) sum to zero. |
1051 | Hence the two fluxes associated with each triad make no net contribution to the variance budget. |
1052 | |
1053 | %% ================================================================================================= |
1054 | \subsubsection{Reduction in gravitational PE} |
1055 | |
1056 | The vertical density flux associated with the vertical skew-flux always has the same sign as |
1057 | the vertical density gradient; |
1058 | thus, so long as the fluid is stable (the vertical density gradient is negative) |
1059 | the vertical density flux is negative (downward) and hence reduces the gravitational PE. |
1060 | |
1061 | For the change in gravitational PE driven by the $k$-flux is |
1062 | \begin{align} |
1063 | \label{eq:TRIADS_vert_densityPE} |
1064 | g {e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}{\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (\rho) |
1065 | &=g {e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}\left[-\alpha _i^k {\:}_i^k |
1066 | {\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) + \beta_i^k {\:}_i^k |
1067 | {\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (S) \right]. \notag \\ |
1068 | \intertext{Substituting ${\:}_i^k {\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p}$ from \autoref{eq:TRIADS_skewfluxw}, gives} |
1069 | % and separating out |
1070 | % $\rtriadt{R}=\rtriad{R} + \delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k]$, |
1071 | % gives two terms. The |
1072 | % first $\rtriad{R}$ term (the only term for $z$-coordinates) is: |
1073 | &=-\fractext{1}{4} g{A_e}_i^k{\: }{b_u}_{i+i_p}^k {_i^k\tilde{\mathbb{R}}_{i_p}^{k_p}} |
1074 | \frac{ -\alpha _i^k\delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k]+ \beta_i^k\delta_{i+ i_p}[S^k]} { {e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k} } \notag \\ |
1075 | &=+\fractext{1}{4} g{A_e}_i^k{\: }{b_u}_{i+i_p}^k |
1076 | \left({_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}+\frac{\delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}}\right) {_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}} |
1077 | \frac{-\alpha_i^k \delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]+ \beta_i^k\delta_{k+ k_p}[S^i]} {{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}}, |
1078 | \end{align} |
1079 | using the definition of the triad slope $\rtriad{R}$, \autoref{eq:TRIADS_R} to |
1080 | express $-\alpha _i^k\delta_{i+ i_p}[T^k]+\beta_i^k\delta_{i+ i_p}[S^k]$ in terms of |
1081 | $-\alpha_i^k \delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]+ \beta_i^k\delta_{k+ k_p}[S^i]$. |
1082 | |
1083 | Where the coordinates slope, the $i$-flux gives a PE change |
1084 | \begin{multline} |
1085 | \label{eq:TRIADS_lat_densityPE} |
1086 | g \delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k] |
1087 | \left[ |
1088 | -\alpha _i^k {\:}_i^k {\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (T) + \beta_i^k {\:}_i^k {\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (S) |
1089 | \right] \\ |
1090 | = +\fractext{1}{4} g{A_e}_i^k{\: }{b_u}_{i+i_p}^k |
1091 | \frac{\delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}} |
1092 | \left({_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}+\frac{\delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}}\right) |
1093 | \frac{-\alpha_i^k \delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]+ \beta_i^k\delta_{k+ k_p}[S^i]} {{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}}, |
1094 | \end{multline} |
1095 | (using \autoref{eq:TRIADS_skewfluxu}) and so the total PE change \autoref{eq:TRIADS_vert_densityPE} + |
1096 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_lat_densityPE} associated with the triad fluxes is |
1097 | \begin{multline*} |
1098 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_tot_densityPE} |
1099 | g{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}{\mathbb{S}_w}_{i_p}^{k_p} (\rho) + |
1100 | g\delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k] {\:}_i^k {\mathbb{S}_u}_{i_p}^{k_p} (\rho) \\ |
1101 | = +\fractext{1}{4} g{A_e}_i^k{\: }{b_u}_{i+i_p}^k |
1102 | \left({_i^k\mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p}}+\frac{\delta_{i+i_p}[z_T^k]}{{e_{1u}}_{\,i + i_p}^{\,k}}\right)^2 |
1103 | \frac{-\alpha_i^k \delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]+ \beta_i^k\delta_{k+ k_p}[S^i]} {{e_{3w}}_{\,i}^{\,k+k_p}}. |
1104 | \end{multline*} |
1105 | Where the fluid is stable, with $-\alpha_i^k \delta_{k+ k_p}[T^i]+ |
1106 | \beta_i^k\delta_{k+ k_p}[S^i]<0$, this PE change is negative. |
1107 | |
1108 | %% ================================================================================================= |
1109 | \subsection{Treatment of the triads at the boundaries} |
1110 | \label{sec:TRIADS_skew_bdry} |
1111 | |
1112 | Triad slopes \rtriadt{R} used for the calculation of the eddy-induced skew-fluxes are masked at the boundaries |
1113 | in exactly the same way as are the triad slopes \rtriad{R} used for the iso-neutral diffusive fluxes, |
1114 | as described in \autoref{sec:TRIADS_iso_bdry} and \autoref{fig:TRIADS_bdry_triads}. |
1115 | Thus surface layer triads $\triadt{i}{1}{R}{1/2}{-1/2}$ and $\triadt{i+1}{1}{R}{-1/2}{-1/2}$ are masked, |
1116 | and both near bottom triad slopes $\triadt{i}{k}{R}{1/2}{1/2}$ and $\triadt{i+1}{k}{R}{-1/2}{1/2}$ are masked when |
1117 | either of the $i,k+1$ or $i+1,k+1$ tracer points is masked, \ie\ the $i,k+1$ $u$-point is masked. |
1118 | The namelist parameter \np{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad} has no effect on the eddy-induced skew-fluxes. |
1119 | |
1120 | %% ================================================================================================= |
1121 | \subsection{Limiting of the slopes within the interior} |
1122 | \label{sec:TRIADS_limitskew} |
1123 | |
1124 | Presently, the iso-neutral slopes $\tilde{r}_i$ relative to geopotentials are limited to be less than $1/100$, |
1125 | exactly as in calculating the iso-neutral diffusion, \S \autoref{sec:TRIADS_limit}. |
1126 | Each individual triad \rtriadt{R} is so limited. |
1127 | |
1128 | %% ================================================================================================= |
1129 | \subsection{Tapering within the surface mixed layer} |
1130 | \label{sec:TRIADS_taperskew} |
1131 | |
1132 | The slopes $\tilde{r}_i$ relative to geopotentials (and thus the individual triads \rtriadt{R}) |
1133 | are always tapered linearly from their value immediately below the mixed layer to zero at the surface |
1134 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_rmtilde}, as described in \autoref{sec:TRIADS_lintaper}. |
1135 | This is option (c) of \autoref{fig:LDF_eiv_slp}. |
1136 | This linear tapering for the slopes used to calculate the eddy-induced fluxes is unaffected by |
1137 | the value of \np{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso}. |
1138 | |
1139 | The justification for this linear slope tapering is that, for $A_e$ that is constant or varies only in |
1140 | the horizontal (the most commonly used options in \NEMO: see \autoref{sec:LDF_coef}), |
1141 | it is equivalent to a horizontal eiv (eddy-induced velocity) that is uniform within the mixed layer |
1142 | \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_v}. |
1143 | This ensures that the eiv velocities do not restratify the mixed layer \citep{treguier.held.ea_JPO97,danabasoglu.ferrari.ea_JC08}. |
1144 | Equivantly, in terms of the skew-flux formulation we use here, |
1145 | the linear slope tapering within the mixed-layer gives a linearly varying vertical flux, |
1146 | and so a tracer convergence uniform in depth |
1147 | (the horizontal flux convergence is relatively insignificant within the mixed-layer). |
1148 | |
1149 | %% ================================================================================================= |
1150 | \subsection{Streamfunction diagnostics} |
1151 | \label{sec:TRIADS_sfdiag} |
1152 | |
1153 | Where the namelist parameter \np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_gdia}{ln\_traldf\_gdia}, |
1154 | diagnosed mean eddy-induced velocities are output. |
1155 | Each time step, streamfunctions are calculated in the $i$-$k$ and $j$-$k$ planes at |
1156 | $uw$ (integer +1/2 $i$, integer $j$, integer +1/2 $k$) and $vw$ (integer $i$, integer +1/2 $j$, integer +1/2 $k$) |
1157 | points (see Table \autoref{tab:DOM_cell}) respectively. |
1158 | We follow \citep{griffies_bk04} and calculate the streamfunction at a given $uw$-point from |
1159 | the surrounding four triads according to: |
1160 | \[ |
1161 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_sfdiagi} |
1162 | {\psi_1}_{i+1/2}^{k+1/2}={\fractext{1}{4}}\sum_{\substack{i_p,\,k_p}} |
1163 | {A_e}_{i+1/2-i_p}^{k+1/2-k_p}\:\triadd{i+1/2-i_p}{k+1/2-k_p}{R}{i_p}{k_p}. |
1164 | \] |
1165 | The streamfunction $\psi_1$ is calculated similarly at $vw$ points. |
1166 | The eddy-induced velocities are then calculated from the straightforward discretisation of \autoref{eq:TRIADS_eiv_v}: |
1167 | \[ |
1168 | % \label{eq:TRIADS_eiv_v_discrete} |
1169 | \begin{split} |
1170 | {u^*}_{i+1/2}^{k} & = - \frac{1}{{e_{3u}}_{i}^{k}}\left({\psi_1}_{i+1/2}^{k+1/2}-{\psi_1}_{i+1/2}^{k+1/2}\right), \\ |
1171 | {v^*}_{j+1/2}^{k} & = - \frac{1}{{e_{3v}}_{j}^{k}}\left({\psi_2}_{j+1/2}^{k+1/2}-{\psi_2}_{j+1/2}^{k+1/2}\right), \\ |
1172 | {w^*}_{i,j}^{k+1/2} & = \frac{1}{e_{1t}e_{2t}}\; \left\{ |
1173 | {e_{2u}}_{i+1/2}^{k+1/2} \,{\psi_1}_{i+1/2}^{k+1/2} - |
1174 | {e_{2u}}_{i-1/2}^{k+1/2} \,{\psi_1}_{i-1/2}^{k+1/2} \right. + \\ |
1175 | \phantom{=} & \qquad\qquad\left. {e_{2v}}_{j+1/2}^{k+1/2} \,{\psi_2}_{j+1/2}^{k+1/2} - {e_{2v}}_{j-1/2}^{k+1/2} \,{\psi_2}_{j-1/2}^{k+1/2} \right\}, |
1176 | \end{split} |
1177 | \] |
1178 | |
1179 | \subinc{\input{../../global/epilogue}} |
1180 | |
1181 | \end{document} |