1 | MODULE traadv |
2 | !!============================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE traadv *** |
4 | !! Ocean active tracers: advection trend |
5 | !!============================================================================== |
6 | !! History : 2.0 ! 2005-11 (G. Madec) Original code |
7 | !! 3.3 ! 2010-09 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) merge TRC-TRA + switch from velocity to transport |
8 | !! 3.6 ! 2011-06 (G. Madec) Addition of Mixed Layer Eddy parameterisation |
9 | !! 3.7 ! 2014-05 (G. Madec) Add 2nd/4th order cases for CEN and FCT schemes |
10 | !! - ! 2014-12 (G. Madec) suppression of cross land advection option |
11 | !! 3.6 ! 2015-06 (E. Clementi) Addition of Stokes drift in case of wave coupling |
12 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
13 | |
14 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15 | !! tra_adv : compute ocean tracer advection trend |
16 | !! tra_adv_init : control the different options of advection scheme |
17 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
18 | USE oce ! ocean dynamics and active tracers |
19 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
20 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary after extended haloes development |
21 | USE domain, ONLY : dom_tile |
22 | USE domvvl ! variable vertical scale factors |
23 | USE sbcwave ! wave module |
24 | USE sbc_oce ! surface boundary condition: ocean |
25 | USE traadv_cen ! centered scheme (tra_adv_cen routine) |
26 | USE traadv_fct ! FCT scheme (tra_adv_fct routine) |
27 | USE traadv_mus ! MUSCL scheme (tra_adv_mus routine) |
28 | USE traadv_ubs ! UBS scheme (tra_adv_ubs routine) |
29 | USE traadv_qck ! QUICKEST scheme (tra_adv_qck routine) |
30 | USE tramle ! Mixed Layer Eddy transport (tra_mle_trp routine) |
31 | USE ldftra ! Eddy Induced transport (ldf_eiv_trp routine) |
32 | USE ldfslp ! Lateral diffusion: slopes of neutral surfaces |
33 | USE trd_oce ! trends: ocean variables |
34 | USE trdtra ! trends manager: tracers |
35 | USE diaptr ! Poleward heat transport |
36 | ! |
37 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
38 | USE iom ! I/O module |
39 | USE prtctl ! Print control |
40 | USE lib_mpp ! MPP library |
41 | USE timing ! Timing |
42 | |
44 | PRIVATE |
45 | |
46 | PUBLIC tra_adv ! called by step.F90 |
47 | PUBLIC tra_adv_init ! called by nemogcm.F90 |
48 | |
49 | ! !!* Namelist namtra_adv * |
50 | LOGICAL :: ln_traadv_OFF ! no advection on T and S |
51 | LOGICAL :: ln_traadv_cen ! centered scheme flag |
52 | INTEGER :: nn_cen_h, nn_cen_v ! =2/4 : horizontal and vertical choices of the order of CEN scheme |
53 | LOGICAL :: ln_traadv_fct ! FCT scheme flag |
54 | INTEGER :: nn_fct_h, nn_fct_v ! =2/4 : horizontal and vertical choices of the order of FCT scheme |
55 | LOGICAL :: ln_traadv_mus ! MUSCL scheme flag |
56 | LOGICAL :: ln_mus_ups ! use upstream scheme in vivcinity of river mouths |
57 | LOGICAL :: ln_traadv_ubs ! UBS scheme flag |
58 | INTEGER :: nn_ubs_v ! =2/4 : vertical choice of the order of UBS scheme |
59 | LOGICAL :: ln_traadv_qck ! QUICKEST scheme flag |
60 | |
61 | INTEGER :: nadv ! choice of the type of advection scheme |
62 | ! ! associated indices: |
63 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_NO_adv = 0 ! no T-S advection |
64 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_CEN = 1 ! 2nd/4th order centered scheme |
65 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_FCT = 2 ! 2nd/4th order Flux Corrected Transport scheme |
66 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_MUS = 3 ! MUSCL scheme |
67 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_UBS = 4 ! 3rd order Upstream Biased Scheme |
68 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np_QCK = 5 ! QUICK scheme |
69 | |
70 | !! * Substitutions |
71 | # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" |
72 | # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" |
73 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
74 | !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
75 | !! $Id$ |
76 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) |
77 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
79 | |
80 | SUBROUTINE tra_adv( kt, Kbb, Kmm, pts, Krhs ) |
81 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
82 | !! *** ROUTINE tra_adv *** |
83 | !! |
84 | !! ** Purpose : compute the ocean tracer advection trend. |
85 | !! |
86 | !! ** Method : - Update (uu(:,:,:,Krhs),vv(:,:,:,Krhs)) with the advection term following nadv |
87 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
88 | INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step index |
89 | INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Krhs ! time level indices |
90 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts,jpt), INTENT(inout) :: pts ! active tracers and RHS of tracer equation |
91 | ! |
92 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop index |
93 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary and can be A2D(nn_hls) if using XIOS (subdomain support) |
94 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: zuu, zvv, zww ! 3D workspace |
95 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztrdt, ztrds |
96 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary after extra haloes development |
97 | LOGICAL :: lskip |
98 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
99 | ! |
100 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('tra_adv') |
101 | ! |
102 | lskip = .FALSE. |
103 | |
104 | ! TEMP: [tiling] These changes not necessary if using XIOS (subdomain support) |
105 | IF( ntile == 0 .OR. ntile == 1 ) THEN ! Do only on the first tile |
106 | ALLOCATE( zuu(jpi,jpj,jpk), zvv(jpi,jpj,jpk), zww(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) |
107 | ENDIF |
108 | |
109 | ! TEMP: [tiling] These changes not necessary after extra haloes development (lbc_lnk removed from tra_adv_*) and if XIOS has subdomain support (ldf_eiv_dia) |
110 | IF( nadv /= np_CEN .OR. (nadv == np_CEN .AND. nn_cen_h == 4) .OR. ln_ldfeiv_dia ) THEN |
111 | IF( ln_tile ) THEN |
112 | IF( ntile == 1 ) THEN |
113 | CALL dom_tile( ntsi, ntsj, ntei, ntej, ktile = 0 ) |
114 | ELSE |
115 | lskip = .TRUE. |
116 | ENDIF |
117 | ENDIF |
118 | ENDIF |
119 | IF( .NOT. lskip ) THEN |
120 | ! !== effective transport ==! |
121 | IF( ln_wave .AND. ln_sdw ) THEN |
122 | DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 ) |
123 | zuu(ji,jj,jk) = e2u (ji,jj) * e3u(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * ( uu(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) + usd(ji,jj,jk) ) |
124 | zvv(ji,jj,jk) = e1v (ji,jj) * e3v(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * ( vv(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) + vsd(ji,jj,jk) ) |
125 | zww(ji,jj,jk) = e1e2t(ji,jj) * ( ww(ji,jj,jk) + wsd(ji,jj,jk) ) |
126 | END_3D |
127 | ELSE |
128 | DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 ) |
129 | zuu(ji,jj,jk) = e2u (ji,jj) * e3u(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * uu(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) ! eulerian transport only |
130 | zvv(ji,jj,jk) = e1v (ji,jj) * e3v(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) * vv(ji,jj,jk,Kmm) |
131 | zww(ji,jj,jk) = e1e2t(ji,jj) * ww(ji,jj,jk) |
132 | END_3D |
133 | ENDIF |
134 | ! |
135 | IF( ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer ) THEN ! add z-tilde and/or vvl corrections |
136 | DO_3D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, 1, jpkm1 ) |
137 | zuu(ji,jj,jk) = zuu(ji,jj,jk) + un_td(ji,jj,jk) |
138 | zvv(ji,jj,jk) = zvv(ji,jj,jk) + vn_td(ji,jj,jk) |
139 | END_3D |
140 | ENDIF |
141 | ! |
142 | DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls ) |
143 | zuu(ji,jj,jpk) = 0._wp ! no transport trough the bottom |
144 | zvv(ji,jj,jpk) = 0._wp |
145 | zww(ji,jj,jpk) = 0._wp |
146 | END_2D |
147 | ! |
148 | ! TEMP: [tiling] These changes not necessary if using XIOS (subdomain support) |
149 | IF( ln_ldfeiv .AND. .NOT. ln_traldf_triad ) & |
150 | & CALL ldf_eiv_trp( kt, nit000, zuu(A2D(nn_hls),:), zvv(A2D(nn_hls),:), zww(A2D(nn_hls),:), & |
151 | & 'TRA', Kmm, Krhs ) ! add the eiv transport (if necessary) |
152 | ! |
153 | IF( ln_mle ) CALL tra_mle_trp( kt, nit000, zuu(A2D(nn_hls),:), zvv(A2D(nn_hls),:), zww(A2D(nn_hls),:), & |
154 | & 'TRA', Kmm ) ! add the mle transport (if necessary) |
155 | ! |
156 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary if using XIOS (subdomain support) |
157 | IF( ntile == 0 .OR. ntile == nijtile ) THEN ! Do only on the last tile |
158 | CALL iom_put( "uocetr_eff", zuu ) ! output effective transport |
159 | CALL iom_put( "vocetr_eff", zvv ) |
160 | CALL iom_put( "wocetr_eff", zww ) |
161 | ENDIF |
162 | ! |
163 | !!gm ??? |
164 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary if using XIOS (subdomain support) |
165 | CALL dia_ptr( kt, Kmm, zvv(A2D(nn_hls),:) ) ! diagnose the effective MSF |
166 | !!gm ??? |
167 | ! |
168 | |
169 | IF( l_trdtra ) THEN !* Save ta and sa trends |
170 | ALLOCATE( ztrdt(jpi,jpj,jpk), ztrds(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) |
171 | ztrdt(:,:,:) = pts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Krhs) |
172 | ztrds(:,:,:) = pts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Krhs) |
173 | ENDIF |
174 | ! |
175 | ! NOTE: [tiling-comms-merge] These lbc_lnk calls are still needed (pts in the zco case because zps_hde is not called in step, zuu/zvv/zww in all cases, I think because DO loop bounds need to be updated in DYN as done in TRA) |
176 | SELECT CASE ( nadv ) !== compute advection trend and add it to general trend ==! |
177 | ! |
178 | CASE ( np_CEN ) ! Centered scheme : 2nd / 4th order |
179 | CALL tra_adv_cen ( kt, nit000, 'TRA', zuu, zvv, zww, Kmm, pts, jpts, Krhs, nn_cen_h, nn_cen_v ) |
180 | CASE ( np_FCT ) ! FCT scheme : 2nd / 4th order |
181 | IF (nn_hls.EQ.2) THEN |
182 | #if defined key_mpi3 |
183 | CALL lbc_lnk_nc_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1., pts(:,:,:,:,Kmm), 'T', 1.) |
184 | CALL lbc_lnk_nc_multi( 'traadv', zuu(:,:,:), 'U', -1., zvv(:,:,:), 'V', -1., zww(:,:,:), 'W', 1.) |
185 | #else |
186 | CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1., pts(:,:,:,:,Kmm), 'T', 1.) |
187 | CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'traadv', zuu(:,:,:), 'U', -1., zvv(:,:,:), 'V', -1., zww(:,:,:), 'W', 1.) |
188 | #endif |
189 | END IF |
190 | CALL tra_adv_fct ( kt, nit000, 'TRA', rDt, zuu, zvv, zww, Kbb, Kmm, pts, jpts, Krhs, nn_fct_h, nn_fct_v ) |
191 | CASE ( np_MUS ) ! MUSCL |
192 | ! NOTE: [tiling-comms-merge] I added this lbc_lnk as it did not validate against the trunk when using ln_zco |
193 | #if defined key_mpi3 |
194 | IF (nn_hls.EQ.2) CALL lbc_lnk_nc_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1.) |
195 | #else |
196 | IF (nn_hls.EQ.2) CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1.) |
197 | #endif |
198 | CALL tra_adv_mus ( kt, nit000, 'TRA', rDt, zuu, zvv, zww, Kbb, Kmm, pts, jpts, Krhs, ln_mus_ups ) |
199 | CASE ( np_UBS ) ! UBS |
200 | #if defined key_mpi3 |
201 | IF (nn_hls.EQ.2) CALL lbc_lnk_nc_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1.) |
202 | #else |
203 | IF (nn_hls.EQ.2) CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1.) |
204 | #endif |
205 | CALL tra_adv_ubs ( kt, nit000, 'TRA', rDt, zuu, zvv, zww, Kbb, Kmm, pts, jpts, Krhs, nn_ubs_v ) |
206 | CASE ( np_QCK ) ! QUICKEST |
207 | IF (nn_hls.EQ.2) THEN |
208 | #if defined key_mpi3 |
209 | CALL lbc_lnk_nc_multi( 'traadv', zuu(:,:,:), 'U', -1., zvv(:,:,:), 'V', -1.) |
210 | CALL lbc_lnk_nc_multi( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1.) |
211 | #else |
212 | CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'traadv', zuu(:,:,:), 'U', -1., zvv(:,:,:), 'V', -1.) |
213 | CALL lbc_lnk( 'traadv', pts(:,:,:,:,Kbb), 'T', 1.) |
214 | #endif |
215 | END IF |
216 | CALL tra_adv_qck ( kt, nit000, 'TRA', rDt, zuu, zvv, zww, Kbb, Kmm, pts, jpts, Krhs ) |
217 | ! |
218 | END SELECT |
219 | ! |
220 | IF( l_trdtra ) THEN ! save the advective trends for further diagnostics |
221 | DO jk = 1, jpkm1 |
222 | ztrdt(:,:,jk) = pts(:,:,jk,jp_tem,Krhs) - ztrdt(:,:,jk) |
223 | ztrds(:,:,jk) = pts(:,:,jk,jp_sal,Krhs) - ztrds(:,:,jk) |
224 | END DO |
225 | CALL trd_tra( kt, Kmm, Krhs, 'TRA', jp_tem, jptra_totad, ztrdt ) |
226 | CALL trd_tra( kt, Kmm, Krhs, 'TRA', jp_sal, jptra_totad, ztrds ) |
227 | DEALLOCATE( ztrdt, ztrds ) |
228 | ENDIF |
229 | |
230 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary after extra haloes development (lbc_lnk removed from tra_adv_*) and if XIOS has subdomain support (ldf_eiv_dia) |
231 | IF( ln_tile .AND. ntile == 0 ) CALL dom_tile( ntsi, ntsj, ntei, ntej, ktile = 1 ) |
232 | |
233 | ENDIF |
234 | ! ! print mean trends (used for debugging) |
235 | IF(sn_cfctl%l_prtctl) CALL prt_ctl( tab3d_1=pts(:,:,:,jp_tem,Krhs), clinfo1=' adv - Ta: ', mask1=tmask, & |
236 | & tab3d_2=pts(:,:,:,jp_sal,Krhs), clinfo2= ' Sa: ', mask2=tmask, clinfo3='tra' ) |
237 | |
238 | ! TEMP: [tiling] This change not necessary if using XIOS (subdomain support) |
239 | IF( ntile == 0 .OR. ntile == nijtile ) THEN ! Do only for the full domain |
240 | DEALLOCATE( zuu, zvv, zww ) |
241 | ENDIF |
242 | ! |
243 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop( 'tra_adv' ) |
244 | ! |
245 | END SUBROUTINE tra_adv |
246 | |
247 | |
248 | SUBROUTINE tra_adv_init |
249 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
250 | !! *** ROUTINE tra_adv_init *** |
251 | !! |
252 | !! ** Purpose : Control the consistency between namelist options for |
253 | !! tracer advection schemes and set nadv |
254 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
255 | INTEGER :: ioptio, ios ! Local integers |
256 | ! |
257 | NAMELIST/namtra_adv/ ln_traadv_OFF, & ! No advection |
258 | & ln_traadv_cen , nn_cen_h, nn_cen_v, & ! CEN |
259 | & ln_traadv_fct , nn_fct_h, nn_fct_v, & ! FCT |
260 | & ln_traadv_mus , ln_mus_ups, & ! MUSCL |
261 | & ln_traadv_ubs , nn_ubs_v, & ! UBS |
262 | & ln_traadv_qck ! QCK |
263 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
264 | ! |
265 | ! !== Namelist ==! |
266 | READ ( numnam_ref, namtra_adv, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) |
267 | 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_adv in reference namelist' ) |
268 | ! |
269 | READ ( numnam_cfg, namtra_adv, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) |
270 | 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namtra_adv in configuration namelist' ) |
271 | IF(lwm) WRITE( numond, namtra_adv ) |
272 | ! |
273 | IF(lwp) THEN ! Namelist print |
274 | WRITE(numout,*) |
275 | WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_adv_init : choice/control of the tracer advection scheme' |
276 | WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
277 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namtra_adv : chose a advection scheme for tracers' |
278 | WRITE(numout,*) ' No advection on T & S ln_traadv_OFF = ', ln_traadv_OFF |
279 | WRITE(numout,*) ' centered scheme ln_traadv_cen = ', ln_traadv_cen |
280 | WRITE(numout,*) ' horizontal 2nd/4th order nn_cen_h = ', nn_fct_h |
281 | WRITE(numout,*) ' vertical 2nd/4th order nn_cen_v = ', nn_fct_v |
282 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Flux Corrected Transport scheme ln_traadv_fct = ', ln_traadv_fct |
283 | WRITE(numout,*) ' horizontal 2nd/4th order nn_fct_h = ', nn_fct_h |
284 | WRITE(numout,*) ' vertical 2nd/4th order nn_fct_v = ', nn_fct_v |
285 | WRITE(numout,*) ' MUSCL scheme ln_traadv_mus = ', ln_traadv_mus |
286 | WRITE(numout,*) ' + upstream scheme near river mouths ln_mus_ups = ', ln_mus_ups |
287 | WRITE(numout,*) ' UBS scheme ln_traadv_ubs = ', ln_traadv_ubs |
288 | WRITE(numout,*) ' vertical 2nd/4th order nn_ubs_v = ', nn_ubs_v |
289 | WRITE(numout,*) ' QUICKEST scheme ln_traadv_qck = ', ln_traadv_qck |
290 | ENDIF |
291 | ! |
292 | ! !== Parameter control & set nadv ==! |
293 | ioptio = 0 |
294 | IF( ln_traadv_OFF ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nadv = np_NO_adv ; ENDIF |
295 | IF( ln_traadv_cen ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nadv = np_CEN ; ENDIF |
296 | IF( ln_traadv_fct ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nadv = np_FCT ; ENDIF |
297 | IF( ln_traadv_mus ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nadv = np_MUS ; ENDIF |
298 | IF( ln_traadv_ubs ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nadv = np_UBS ; ENDIF |
299 | IF( ln_traadv_qck ) THEN ; ioptio = ioptio + 1 ; nadv = np_QCK ; ENDIF |
300 | ! |
301 | IF( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_adv_init: Choose ONE advection option in namelist namtra_adv' ) |
302 | ! |
303 | IF( ln_traadv_cen .AND. ( nn_cen_h /= 2 .AND. nn_cen_h /= 4 ) & ! Centered |
304 | .AND. ( nn_cen_v /= 2 .AND. nn_cen_v /= 4 ) ) THEN |
305 | CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_adv_init: CEN scheme, choose 2nd or 4th order' ) |
306 | ENDIF |
307 | IF( ln_traadv_fct .AND. ( nn_fct_h /= 2 .AND. nn_fct_h /= 4 ) & ! FCT |
308 | .AND. ( nn_fct_v /= 2 .AND. nn_fct_v /= 4 ) ) THEN |
309 | CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_adv_init: FCT scheme, choose 2nd or 4th order' ) |
310 | ENDIF |
311 | IF( ln_traadv_ubs .AND. ( nn_ubs_v /= 2 .AND. nn_ubs_v /= 4 ) ) THEN ! UBS |
312 | CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_adv_init: UBS scheme, choose 2nd or 4th order' ) |
313 | ENDIF |
314 | IF( ln_traadv_ubs .AND. nn_ubs_v == 4 ) THEN |
315 | CALL ctl_warn( 'tra_adv_init: UBS scheme, only 2nd FCT scheme available on the vertical. It will be used' ) |
316 | ENDIF |
317 | IF( ln_isfcav ) THEN ! ice-shelf cavities |
318 | IF( ln_traadv_cen .AND. nn_cen_v == 4 .OR. & ! NO 4th order with ISF |
319 | & ln_traadv_fct .AND. nn_fct_v == 4 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'tra_adv_init: 4th order COMPACT scheme not allowed with ISF' ) |
320 | ENDIF |
321 | ! |
322 | ! !== Print the choice ==! |
323 | IF(lwp) THEN |
324 | WRITE(numout,*) |
325 | SELECT CASE ( nadv ) |
326 | CASE( np_NO_adv ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> NO T-S advection' |
327 | CASE( np_CEN ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> CEN scheme is used. Horizontal order: ', nn_cen_h, & |
328 | & ' Vertical order: ', nn_cen_v |
329 | CASE( np_FCT ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> FCT scheme is used. Horizontal order: ', nn_fct_h, & |
330 | & ' Vertical order: ', nn_fct_v |
331 | CASE( np_MUS ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> MUSCL scheme is used' |
332 | CASE( np_UBS ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> UBS scheme is used' |
333 | CASE( np_QCK ) ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ==>>> QUICKEST scheme is used' |
334 | END SELECT |
335 | ENDIF |
336 | ! |
337 | CALL tra_mle_init !== initialisation of the Mixed Layer Eddy parametrisation (MLE) ==! |
338 | ! |
339 | END SUBROUTINE tra_adv_init |
340 | |
341 | !!====================================================================== |
342 | END MODULE traadv |