Name | Size | Rev | Age | Author | Last Change |
../ | |||||
tickets_icb_1900 | 13899 | 4 years | mathiot | ticket #1900: update branch to trunk and add ICB test case | |
tickets_2494_2375 | 13276 | 5 years | mathiot | ticket #2494 and #2375: wrong point type inn lbc_lnk_icb for umask_e and … | |
ticket_2459 | 12898 | 5 years | mathiot | ticket #2459: wrong nn_fwb in ISOMIP+ cfg namelist | |
ticket_2444 | 12772 | 5 years | mathiot | #2444: changes requested by Dave | |
ticket2529 | 13713 | 4 years | ayoung | Changed ptr bounds from local to global. See ticket #2529. | |
ticket2488 | 13170 | 5 years | smueller | Inception of a branch associated with ticket #2488 | |
ticket2487 | 13301 | 5 years | smueller | Addition of warning output from model runs with sea ice, with active … | |
ticket2447 | 13253 | 5 years | ayoung | Added checks for surface wave coupling options (Ticket #2447) | |
ticket2445 | 13194 | 5 years | ayoung | Added minimum roughness when using nn_z0_met = 3 to avoid dividing by … | |
ticket2407 | 13262 | 5 years | ayoung | Pulled changes from UKMO iceberg melting branch for ticket #2407. | |
ticket2377 | 13950 | 4 years | smueller | Update of the documentation subsection on the freshwater-budget adjustment … | |
test_12905_xios_restart | 13941 | 4 years | andmirek | Ticket #2462: Update test branch | |
test_12905_xios_ancil | 13041 | 5 years | andmirek | Ticket #2475 update test branch | |
SI3_vp_rheology | 13969 | 4 years | clem | change the name of one namelist parameter to make it more compliant with … | |
SI3_martin_ponds | 13962 | 4 years | clem | final touch to this branch (a priori). Add an option to read a grounded … | |
SI3-05_MP | 13814 | 4 years | vancop | Compiling version | |
SI3-05_MeltPonds_topo | 13902 | 4 years | vancop | fix topo ponds, add pond volume diagsand add modulable drainage for level … | |
SI3-03_VP_rheology | 13919 | 4 years | vancop | update branch to current code | |
r13916_ticket2377 | 13954 | 4 years | smueller | Merging of changesets [12591,12602,12608,13082,13094,13096,13950] made in … | |
r12377_ticket2386 | 13718 | 4 years | andmirek | Ticket #2386: Small correction in IFS | |
r4.0-HEAD_r12713_clem_dan_fixcpl | 13332 | 5 years | cetlod | r4.0-HEAD_r12713_clem_dan_fixcpl : bugfix in the heat content trend when … | |
KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 | 12488 | 5 years | davestorkey | 2020/KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 : update to head of the trunk … | |
dev_r13923_Tiling_Cleanup_MPI3_LoopFusion | 13979 | 4 years | smasson | dev_r13923_Tiling_Cleanup_MPI3_LoopFusion: add ORCA2_ICE_ABL | |
dev_r13898_Tiling_Cleanup_MPI3 | 13945 | 4 years | mocavero | Added MPI3 version of new lbc_lnk in ICE | |
dev_r13787_SI3-10_EAP | 13805 | 4 years | acc | Branch dev_r13796_SI3-10_EAP. Update test case result plots with corrected … | |
dev_r13787_OSMOSIS_IMMERSE | 13900 | 4 years | acc | Branch dev_r13787_OSMOSIS_IMMERSE. Fix obscure bug that was preventing … | |
dev_r13787_isnow_comb_t1_ice | 13864 | 4 years | dancopsey | Merged in changes from NEMO4.0.3 branch here: … | |
dev_r13787_fix_sublim_diag | 13878 | 4 years | dancopsey | Add missing use of zevap_ice_total. | |
dev_r13787_fix_a_ip_eff | 13862 | 4 years | dancopsey | Merge in NEMO4.0.3 version of this branch from: … | |
dev_r13787_doc_latex_recovery | 13848 | 4 years | nicolasmartin | #2414 Get SI3 & TOP manuals compiling | |
dev_r13747_HPC-10_HPDAonline_DiagGPU | 13968 | 4 years | mcastril | Revert to 13800 so to add the development as a test case | |
dev_r13747_ENHANCE-04_dford_OBSOP_BGC | 13897 | 4 years | dford | Phase with trunk at r13787. | |
dev_r13723_KERNEL-01_Amy_Mike_newHPGschemes_KERNEL-08_merge | 13935 | 4 years | ayoung | Merging changes from KERNEL08 (spg calculation changes) into KERNEL01 (new … | |
dev_r13723_KERNEL-01_Amy_Mike_newHPGschemes | 13927 | 4 years | ayoung | Added namelist options for djc bc type selection. See ticket #2480. | |
dev_r13648_ASINTER-04_laurent_bulk_ice | 13893 | 4 years | laurent | Improvements and better README for tests/STATION_ASF | |
dev_r13560_TOP-02_rlod_Sea_Ice_Fe_Source | 13567 | 4 years | rlod | Creation of a new branch for modeling the incorporation of Fe into sea ice … | |
dev_r13541_TOP-01_rlod_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source | 13890 | 4 years | rlod | update namelist_top for ORCA2 | |
dev_r13508_HPC-09_loop_fusion | 13922 | 4 years | francesca | bug fixing on loop-fusion branch - ticket #2367 | |
dev_r13508_HPC-09_communications_cleanup | 13905 | 4 years | francesca | Align branch with the trunk@13747 - ticket #2367 | |
dev_r13383_PISCES_NEWDEV_PISCO | 13408 | 4 years | aumont | Includes the new devs planned to be the future std version of PISCES, see … | |
dev_r13383_HPC-02_Daley_Tiling | 13898 | 4 years | hadcv | #2365: Merge in changes from dev_r13508_HPC-09_communications_cleanup up … | |
dev_r13333_TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif | 13929 | 4 years | cetlod | dev_r13333_TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif : Improve AGRIF_DEMO configuration by adding … | |
dev_r13333_KERNEL-08_techene_gm_HPG_SPG | 13782 | 4 years | techene | #2366 adapt new hpg management to AGRIF | |
dev_r13327_KERNEL-06_2_techene_e3 | 13915 | 4 years | techene | #2574 cosmetics, cleanning and proper display of ocean.output (sette OK) | |
dev_r13312_AGRIF-03-04_jchanut_vinterp_tstep | 13961 | 4 years | jchanut | #2222, remove bathy check with AGRIF_DEMO + forgotten change when merging … | |
dev_r13296_HPC-07_mocavero_mpi3 | 13877 | 4 years | mocavero | Align branch with the trunk@13747 | |
dev_r13012_KERNEL-01_Amy_Mike_newHPGschemes | 13032 | 5 years | ayoung | Branch creation for ticket #2480 | |
dev_r12985_TOP-04_IMMERSE_BGC_interface | 13892 | 4 years | lovato | merged with trunk @ r13787 | |
dev_r12973_AGRIF_CMEMS | 13258 | 5 years | rblod | #2129 : merge branch CMEMS with trunk r13327 | |
dev_r12953_ENHANCE-10_acc_fix_traqsr | 13195 | 5 years | acc | 2020/dev_r12953_ENHANCE-10_acc_fix_traqsr. Merge in trunk changes from … | |
dev_r12740_TOP-01_rlod_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source | 13525 | 4 years | rlod | updating namelist_top according to nutrient sources from Antarctic Ice … | |
dev_r12702_ASINTER-02_emanuelaclementi_Waves | 13947 | 4 years | emanuelaclementi | minor changes in comments - ticket #2155 #2339 | |
dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE | 13206 | 5 years | smasson | dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE: update externals | |
dev_r12563_ASINTER-06_ABL_improvement | 13211 | 5 years | smasson | dev_r12563_ASINTER-06_ABL_improvement: temporary delete cfgs/ref_cfgs.txt | |
dev_r12558_HPC-08_epico_Extra_Halo | 13285 | 5 years | smasson | extra halos: cleanup merge for ref_cfgs.txt | |
dev_r12527_Gurvan_ShallowWater | 13562 | 4 years | gm | zgr_pse created only for NS coast | |
dev_r12512_HPC-04_mcastril_Mixed_Precision_implementation | 13257 | 5 years | orioltp | Updated with trunk at r13245 and small change allocating variables in … | |
dev_r12472_ASINTER-05_Masson_CurrentFeedback | 13189 | 5 years | smasson | dev_r12472_ASINTER-05_Masson_CurrentFeedback: update with trunk@13136, see … | |
dev_r12377_KERNEL-06_techene_e3 | 13228 | 5 years | smasson | better e3: update with trunk@13227 see #2385 | |
dev_r2052_ENHANCE-09_rbourdal_massfluxconvection | 13956 | 4 years | rbb | add ASICS test case for Mass Flux convection | |
dev_r40_XIOS_OASIS | 12904 | 5 years | andmirek | Ticket #2458 fix for the problem | |
dev_r40_AGRIF_RW | 12899 | 5 years | andmirek | Ticket #2460: correction | |
dev_12905_xios_restart | 13964 | 4 years | andmirek | Ticket #2462: Update documentation | |
dev_12905_xios_ancil | 13768 | 4 years | andmirek | Ticket #2475: Corrections after merge |
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