1 | |
2 | SUBROUTINE lbc_lnk_neicoll_/**/PRECISION( cdname, ptab, cd_nat, psgn, kfld, kfillmode, pfillval, khls, lsend, lrecv, ncsten ) |
3 | CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine |
4 | TYPE(PTR_4d_/**/PRECISION), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: ptab ! pointer of arrays on which apply the b.c. |
5 | CHARACTER(len=1), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in ) :: cd_nat ! nature of array grid-points |
6 | REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! sign used across the north fold boundary |
7 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kfld ! number of pt3d arrays |
8 | INTEGER , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: kfillmode ! filling method for halo over land (default = constant) |
9 | REAL(PRECISION), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: pfillval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) |
10 | INTEGER , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: khls ! halo size, default = nn_hls |
11 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4),OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: lsend, lrecv ! communication with other 4 proc |
12 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: ncsten ! 5-point or 9-point stencil |
13 | ! |
14 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk , jl, jf, jn ! dummy loop indices |
15 | INTEGER :: ipi, ipj, ipk, ipl, ipf ! dimension of the input array |
16 | INTEGER :: ip0i, ip1i, im0i, im1i |
17 | INTEGER :: ip0j, ip1j, im0j, im1j |
18 | INTEGER :: ishti, ishtj, ishti2, ishtj2 |
19 | INTEGER :: iszs, iszr |
20 | INTEGER :: ierr |
21 | INTEGER :: ihls, idx |
22 | INTEGER :: impi_nc |
23 | INTEGER :: ifill_nfd |
24 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: iwewe, issnn |
25 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(8) :: isizei, ishtSi, ishtRi, ishtPi |
26 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(8) :: isizej, ishtSj, ishtRj, ishtPj |
27 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(8) :: ifill, iszall |
28 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: icounts, icountr ! number of elements to be sent/received |
29 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: idispls, idisplr ! displacement in halos arrays |
30 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(8) :: llsend, llrecv |
31 | REAL(PRECISION) :: zland |
32 | REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsnd, zrcv ! halos arrays |
33 | LOGICAL :: llncall ! default: 9-point stencil |
34 | LOGICAL :: ll_IdoNFold |
35 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
36 | ! |
37 | ! ----------------------------------------- ! |
38 | ! 1. local variables initialization ! |
39 | ! ----------------------------------------- ! |
40 | ! |
41 | ipi = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,1) |
42 | ipj = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,2) |
43 | ipk = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,3) |
44 | ipl = SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,4) |
45 | ipf = kfld |
46 | ! |
47 | IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ipk, ipl, ipf, ld_lbc = .TRUE. ) |
48 | ! |
49 | ! take care of optional parameters |
50 | ! |
51 | ihls = nn_hls ! default definition |
52 | IF( PRESENT( khls ) ) ihls = khls |
53 | IF( ihls > n_hlsmax ) THEN |
54 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), ' is calling lbc_lnk with khls > n_hlsmax : ', khls, '>', n_hlsmax |
55 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) |
56 | ENDIF |
57 | IF( ipi /= Ni_0+2*ihls ) THEN |
58 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), ' is calling lbc_lnk with an input array which does not match ihls along i: ', ipi, ihls, Ni_0 |
59 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) |
60 | ENDIF |
61 | IF( ipj /= Nj_0+2*ihls ) THEN |
62 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), ' is calling lbc_lnk with an input array which does not match ihls along j:', ipj, ihls , Nj_0 |
63 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) |
64 | ENDIF |
65 | ! |
66 | llncall = .TRUE. ! default definition |
67 | IF( PRESENT(ncsten) ) llncall = ncsten |
68 | ! |
69 | impi_nc = mpi_nc_com4(ihls) |
70 | IF(llncall) impi_nc = mpi_nc_com8(ihls) |
71 | ! |
72 | zland = 0._wp ! land filling value: zero by default |
73 | IF( PRESENT( pfillval ) ) zland = pfillval ! set land value |
74 | ! |
75 | ! define llsend and llrecv: logicals which say if mpi-neibourgs for send or receive exist or not. |
76 | IF ( PRESENT(lsend) .AND. PRESENT(lrecv) ) THEN ! localy defined neighbourgs |
77 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_nc_generic+BDY not yet implemented') |
78 | !!$ ---> llsend(:) = lsend(:) ; llrecv(:) = lrecv(:) ??? |
79 | ELSE IF( PRESENT(lsend) .OR. PRESENT(lrecv) ) THEN |
80 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) TRIM(cdname), ' is calling lbc_lnk with only one of the two arguments lsend or lrecv' |
81 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1 ) |
82 | ELSE ! default neighbours |
83 | llsend(:) = mpiSnei(ihls,:) >= 0 |
84 | IF( .NOT. llncall ) llsend(5:8) = .FALSE. ! exclude corners |
85 | llrecv(:) = mpiRnei(ihls,:) >= 0 |
86 | IF( .NOT. llncall ) llrecv(5:8) = .FALSE. ! exclude corners |
87 | END IF |
88 | ! |
89 | ! define ifill: which method should be used to fill each parts (sides+corners) of the halos |
90 | ! default definition |
91 | DO jn = 1, 8 |
92 | IF( llrecv(jn) ) THEN ; ifill(jn) = jpfillmpi ! with an mpi communication |
93 | ELSEIF( l_SelfPerio(jn) ) THEN ; ifill(jn) = jpfillperio ! with self-periodicity |
94 | ELSEIF( PRESENT(kfillmode) ) THEN ; ifill(jn) = kfillmode ! localy defined |
95 | ELSE ; ifill(jn) = jpfillcst ! constant value (zland) |
96 | END IF |
97 | END DO |
98 | ! take care of "indirect self-periodicity" for the corners |
99 | DO jn = 5, 8 |
100 | IF(.NOT.l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpwe)) ifill(jn) = jpfillnothing ! no bi-perio but ew-perio: do corners later |
101 | IF(.NOT.l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpso)) ifill(jn) = jpfillnothing ! no bi-perio but ns-perio: do corners later |
102 | END DO |
103 | ! north fold treatment |
104 | ll_IdoNFold = l_IdoNFold .AND. ifill(jpno) /= jpfillnothing |
105 | IF( ll_IdoNFold ) THEN |
106 | ifill_nfd = ifill(jpno) ! if we are here, this means llrecv(jpno) = .false. and l_SelfPerio(jpno) = .false. |
107 | ifill( (/jpno/) ) = jpfillnothing ! we do north fold -> do nothing for northern halo |
108 | ENDIF |
109 | |
110 | ! We first define the localization and size of the parts of the array that will be sent (s), received (r) |
111 | ! or used for periodocity (p). The localization is defined as "the bottom left corner - 1" in i and j directions. |
112 | ! This is a shift that will be applied later in the do loops to pick-up the appropriate part of the array |
113 | ! |
114 | ! all definitions bellow do not refer to N[ij][se]0 so we can use it with any local value of ihls |
115 | ! ! ________________________ |
116 | ip0i = 0 ! im0j = inner |__|________________|__| |
117 | ip1i = ihls ! im1j = inner - halo | |__|__________|__| | |
118 | im1i = ipi-2*ihls ! | | | | | | |
119 | im0i = ipi - ihls ! | | | | | | |
120 | ip0j = 0 ! | | | | | | |
121 | ip1j = ihls ! | |__|__________|__| | |
122 | im1j = ipj-2*ihls ! ip1j = halo |__|__|__________|__|__| |
123 | im0j = ipj - ihls ! ip0j = 0 |__|________________|__| |
124 | ! ! ip0i ip1i im1i im0i |
125 | ! |
126 | iwewe(:) = (/ jpwe,jpea,jpwe,jpea /) ; issnn(:) = (/ jpso,jpso,jpno,jpno /) |
127 | ! sides: west east south north ; corners: so-we, so-ea, no-we, no-ea |
128 | isizei(1:4) = (/ ihls, ihls, Ni_0, Ni_0 /) ; isizei(5:8) = ihls ! i- count |
129 | isizej(1:4) = (/ Nj_0, Nj_0, ihls, ihls /) ; isizej(5:8) = ihls ! j- count |
130 | ishtSi(1:4) = (/ ip1i, im1i, ip1i, ip1i /) ; ishtSi(5:8) = ishtSi( iwewe ) ! i- shift send data |
131 | ishtSj(1:4) = (/ ip1j, ip1j, ip1j, im1j /) ; ishtSj(5:8) = ishtSj( issnn ) ! j- shift send data |
132 | ishtRi(1:4) = (/ ip0i, im0i, ip1i, ip1i /) ; ishtRi(5:8) = ishtRi( iwewe ) ! i- shift received data location |
133 | ishtRj(1:4) = (/ ip1j, ip1j, ip0j, im0j /) ; ishtRj(5:8) = ishtRj( issnn ) ! j- shift received data location |
134 | ishtPi(1:4) = (/ im1i, ip1i, ip1i, ip1i /) ; ishtPi(5:8) = ishtPi( iwewe ) ! i- shift data used for periodicity |
135 | ishtPj(1:4) = (/ ip1j, ip1j, im1j, ip1j /) ; ishtPj(5:8) = ishtPj( issnn ) ! j- shift data used for periodicity |
136 | ! |
137 | ! -------------------------------- ! |
138 | ! 2. Prepare MPI exchanges ! |
139 | ! -------------------------------- ! |
140 | ! |
141 | ! Allocate local temporary arrays to be sent/received. |
142 | iszs = COUNT( llsend ) |
143 | iszr = COUNT( llrecv ) |
144 | ALLOCATE( icounts(iszs), icountr(iszr), idispls(iszs), idisplr(iszr) ) ! ok if iszs = 0 or iszr = 0 |
145 | iszall(:) = isizei(:) * isizej(:) * ipk * ipl * ipf |
146 | icounts(:) = PACK( iszall, mask = llsend ) ! ok if mask = .false. |
147 | icountr(:) = PACK( iszall, mask = llrecv ) |
148 | idispls(1) = 0 |
149 | DO jn = 2,iszs |
150 | idispls(jn) = idispls(jn-1) + icounts(jn-1) ! with _alltoallv: in units of sendtype |
151 | END DO |
152 | idisplr(1) = 0 |
153 | DO jn = 2,iszr |
154 | idisplr(jn) = idisplr(jn-1) + icountr(jn-1) ! with _alltoallv: in units of sendtype |
155 | END DO |
156 | |
157 | ALLOCATE( zsnd(SUM(icounts)), zrcv(SUM(icountr)) ) |
158 | |
159 | ! fill sending buffer with ptab(jf)%pt4d |
160 | idx = 1 |
161 | DO jn = 1, 8 |
162 | IF( llsend(jn) ) THEN |
163 | ishti = ishtSi(jn) |
164 | ishtj = ishtSj(jn) |
165 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
166 | zsnd(idx) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) |
167 | idx = idx + 1 |
168 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
169 | END IF |
170 | END DO |
171 | ! |
172 | ! ------------------------------------------------ ! |
173 | ! 3. Do all MPI exchanges in 1 unique call ! |
174 | ! ------------------------------------------------ ! |
175 | ! |
176 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.) |
177 | CALL mpi_neighbor_alltoallv (zsnd, icounts, idispls, MPI_TYPE, zrcv, icountr, idisplr, MPI_TYPE, impi_nc, ierr) |
178 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.) |
179 | ! |
180 | ! ------------------------- ! |
181 | ! 4. Fill all halos ! |
182 | ! ------------------------- ! |
183 | ! |
184 | idx = 1 |
185 | DO jn = 1, 8 |
186 | ishti = ishtRi(jn) |
187 | ishtj = ishtRj(jn) |
188 | SELECT CASE ( ifill(jn) ) |
189 | CASE ( jpfillnothing ) ! no filling |
190 | CASE ( jpfillmpi ) ! fill with data received by MPI |
191 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
192 | ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = zrcv(idx) |
193 | idx = idx + 1 |
194 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
195 | CASE ( jpfillperio ) ! use periodicity |
196 | ishti2 = ishtPi(jn) |
197 | ishtj2 = ishtPj(jn) |
198 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
199 | ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl) |
200 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
201 | CASE ( jpfillcopy ) ! filling with inner domain values |
202 | ishti2 = ishtSi(jn) |
203 | ishtj2 = ishtSj(jn) |
204 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
205 | ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl) |
206 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
207 | CASE ( jpfillcst ) ! filling with constant value |
208 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
209 | ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = zland |
210 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
211 | END SELECT |
212 | END DO |
213 | |
214 | DEALLOCATE( icounts, icountr, idispls, idisplr, zsnd, zrcv ) |
215 | |
216 | ! potential "indirect self-periodicity" for the corners |
217 | DO jn = 5, 8 |
218 | IF( .NOT. l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpwe) ) THEN ! no bi-perio but ew-perio: corners indirect definition |
219 | ishti = ishtRi(jn) |
220 | ishtj = ishtRj(jn) |
221 | ishti2 = ishtPi(jn) ! use i- shift periodicity |
222 | ishtj2 = ishtRj(jn) ! use j- shift recv location: use ew-perio -> ok as filling of the south and north halos now done |
223 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
224 | ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl) |
225 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
226 | ENDIF |
227 | IF( .NOT. l_SelfPerio(jn) .AND. l_SelfPerio(jpso) ) THEN ! no bi-perio but ns-perio: corners indirect definition |
228 | ishti = ishtRi(jn) |
229 | ishtj = ishtRj(jn) |
230 | ishti2 = ishtRi(jn) ! use i- shift recv location: use ns-perio -> ok as filling of the west and east halos now done |
231 | ishtj2 = ishtPj(jn) ! use j- shift periodicity |
232 | DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1,isizej(jn) ; DO ji = 1,isizei(jn) |
233 | ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti+ji,ishtj+jj,jk,jl) = ptab(jf)%pt4d(ishti2+ji,ishtj2+jj,jk,jl) |
234 | END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO |
235 | ENDIF |
236 | END DO |
237 | ! |
238 | ! ------------------------------- ! |
239 | ! 5. north fold treatment ! |
240 | ! ------------------------------- ! |
241 | ! |
242 | IF( ll_IdoNFold ) THEN |
243 | IF( jpni == 1 ) THEN ; CALL lbc_nfd( ptab, cd_nat, psgn , ihls, ipf ) ! self NFold |
244 | ELSE ; CALL mpp_nfd( ptab, cd_nat, psgn, ifill_nfd, zland, ihls, ipf ) ! mpi NFold |
245 | ENDIF |
246 | ENDIF |
247 | ! |
248 | END SUBROUTINE lbc_lnk_neicoll_/**/PRECISION |
249 | |