1 | MODULE lib_mpp |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE lib_mpp *** |
4 | !! Ocean numerics: massively parallel processing library |
5 | !!===================================================================== |
6 | !! History : OPA ! 1994 (M. Guyon, J. Escobar, M. Imbard) Original code |
7 | !! 7.0 ! 1997 (A.M. Treguier) SHMEM additions |
8 | !! 8.0 ! 1998 (M. Imbard, J. Escobar, L. Colombet ) SHMEM and MPI |
9 | !! ! 1998 (J.M. Molines) Open boundary conditions |
10 | !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2003 (J.M. Molines, G. Madec) F90, free form |
11 | !! ! 2003 (J.M. Molines) add mpp_ini_north(_3d,_2d) |
12 | !! - ! 2004 (R. Bourdalle Badie) isend option in mpi |
13 | !! ! 2004 (J.M. Molines) minloc, maxloc |
14 | !! - ! 2005 (G. Madec, S. Masson) npolj=5,6 F-point & ice cases |
15 | !! - ! 2005 (R. Redler) Replacement of MPI_COMM_WORLD except for MPI_Abort |
16 | !! - ! 2005 (R. Benshila, G. Madec) add extra halo case |
17 | !! - ! 2008 (R. Benshila) add mpp_ini_ice |
18 | !! 3.2 ! 2009 (R. Benshila) SHMEM suppression, north fold in lbc_nfd |
19 | !! 3.2 ! 2009 (O. Marti) add mpp_ini_znl |
20 | !! 4.0 ! 2011 (G. Madec) move ctl_ routines from in_out_manager |
21 | !! 3.5 ! 2012 (S.Mocavero, I. Epicoco) Add mpp_lnk_bdy_3d/2d routines to optimize the BDY comm. |
22 | !! 3.5 ! 2013 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) message passing arrays as local variables |
23 | !! 3.5 ! 2013 (S.Mocavero, I.Epicoco - CMCC) north fold optimizations |
24 | !! 3.6 ! 2015 (O. Tintó and M. Castrillo - BSC) Added '_multiple' case for 2D lbc and max |
25 | !! 4.0 ! 2017 (G. Madec) automatique allocation of array argument (use any 3rd dimension) |
26 | !! - ! 2017 (G. Madec) create generic.h90 files to generate all lbc and north fold routines |
27 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
28 | |
29 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
30 | !! ctl_stop : update momentum and tracer Kz from a tke scheme |
31 | !! ctl_warn : initialization, namelist read, and parameters control |
32 | !! ctl_opn : Open file and check if required file is available. |
33 | !! ctl_nam : Prints informations when an error occurs while reading a namelist |
34 | !! load_nml : Read, condense and buffer namelist file into character array for use as an internal file |
35 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
36 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
37 | !! mpp_start : get local communicator its size and rank |
38 | !! mpp_lnk : interface (defined in lbclnk) for message passing of 2d or 3d arrays (mpp_lnk_2d, mpp_lnk_3d) |
39 | !! mpp_lnk_icb : interface for message passing of 2d arrays with extra halo for icebergs (mpp_lnk_2d_icb) |
40 | !! mpprecv : |
41 | !! mppsend : |
42 | !! mppscatter : |
43 | !! mppgather : |
44 | !! mpp_min : generic interface for mppmin_int , mppmin_a_int , mppmin_real, mppmin_a_real |
45 | !! mpp_max : generic interface for mppmax_int , mppmax_a_int , mppmax_real, mppmax_a_real |
46 | !! mpp_sum : generic interface for mppsum_int , mppsum_a_int , mppsum_real, mppsum_a_real |
47 | !! mpp_minloc : |
48 | !! mpp_maxloc : |
49 | !! mppsync : |
50 | !! mppstop : |
51 | !! mpp_ini_north : initialisation of north fold |
52 | !! mpp_lbc_north_icb : alternative to mpp_nfd for extra outer halo with icebergs |
53 | !! mpp_bcast_nml : broadcast/receive namelist character buffer from reading process to all others |
54 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
55 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
56 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
57 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
58 | USE MPI |
59 | #endif |
60 | |
62 | PRIVATE |
63 | ! |
64 | PUBLIC ctl_stop, ctl_warn, ctl_opn, ctl_nam, load_nml |
65 | PUBLIC mpp_start, mppstop, mppsync, mpp_comm_free |
66 | PUBLIC mpp_ini_north |
67 | PUBLIC mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_sum, mpp_minloc, mpp_maxloc |
68 | PUBLIC mpp_delay_max, mpp_delay_sum, mpp_delay_rcv |
69 | PUBLIC mppscatter, mppgather |
70 | PUBLIC mpp_ini_znl |
71 | PUBLIC mpp_ini_nc |
72 | PUBLIC mppsend, mpprecv ! needed by TAM and ICB routines |
73 | PUBLIC mppsend_sp, mpprecv_sp ! needed by TAM and ICB routines |
74 | PUBLIC mppsend_dp, mpprecv_dp ! needed by TAM and ICB routines |
75 | PUBLIC mpp_report |
76 | PUBLIC mpp_bcast_nml |
77 | PUBLIC tic_tac |
78 | #if defined key_mpp_off |
79 | PUBLIC MPI_wait |
80 | PUBLIC MPI_Wtime |
81 | #endif |
82 | |
83 | !! * Interfaces |
84 | !! define generic interface for these routine as they are called sometimes |
85 | !! with scalar arguments instead of array arguments, which causes problems |
86 | !! for the compilation on AIX system as well as NEC and SGI. Ok on COMPACQ |
87 | INTERFACE mpp_min |
88 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppmin_a_int, mppmin_int |
89 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppmin_a_real_sp, mppmin_real_sp |
90 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppmin_a_real_dp, mppmin_real_dp |
92 | INTERFACE mpp_max |
93 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppmax_a_int, mppmax_int |
94 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppmax_a_real_sp, mppmax_real_sp |
95 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppmax_a_real_dp, mppmax_real_dp |
97 | INTERFACE mpp_sum |
98 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_a_int, mppsum_int |
99 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_realdd, mppsum_a_realdd |
100 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_a_real_sp, mppsum_real_sp |
101 | MODULE PROCEDURE mppsum_a_real_dp, mppsum_real_dp |
103 | INTERFACE mpp_minloc |
104 | MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_minloc2d_sp ,mpp_minloc3d_sp |
105 | MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_minloc2d_dp ,mpp_minloc3d_dp |
107 | INTERFACE mpp_maxloc |
108 | MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_maxloc2d_sp ,mpp_maxloc3d_sp |
109 | MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_maxloc2d_dp ,mpp_maxloc3d_dp |
111 | |
112 | TYPE, PUBLIC :: PTR_4D_sp !: array of 4D pointers (used in lbclnk and lbcnfd) |
113 | REAL(sp), DIMENSION (:,:,:,:), POINTER :: pt4d |
114 | END TYPE PTR_4D_sp |
115 | |
116 | TYPE, PUBLIC :: PTR_4D_dp !: array of 4D pointers (used in lbclnk and lbcnfd) |
117 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION (:,:,:,:), POINTER :: pt4d |
118 | END TYPE PTR_4D_dp |
119 | |
120 | !! ========================= !! |
121 | !! MPI variable definition !! |
122 | !! ========================= !! |
123 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
124 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_mpp = .TRUE. !: mpp flag |
125 | #else |
129 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_mpp = .FALSE. !: mpp flag |
130 | #endif |
131 | |
132 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mppsize ! number of process |
133 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mpprank ! process number [ 0 - size-1 ] |
135 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mpi_comm_oce ! opa local communicator |
137 | |
139 | |
140 | ! Neighbourgs informations |
141 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: n_hlsmax = 3 |
142 | INTEGER, DIMENSION( 8), PUBLIC :: mpinei !: 8-neighbourg MPI indexes (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) |
143 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax,8), PUBLIC :: mpiSnei !: 8-neighbourg Send MPI indexes (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) |
144 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax,8), PUBLIC :: mpiRnei !: 8-neighbourg Recv MPI indexes (starting at 0, -1 if no neighbourg) |
145 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpwe = 1 !: WEst |
146 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpea = 2 !: EAst |
147 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpso = 3 !: SOuth |
148 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpno = 4 !: NOrth |
149 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpsw = 5 !: South-West |
150 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpse = 6 !: South-East |
151 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpnw = 7 !: North-West |
152 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: jpne = 8 !: North-East |
153 | |
154 | LOGICAL, DIMENSION(8), PUBLIC :: l_SelfPerio ! should we explicitely take care of I/J periodicity |
155 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_IdoNFold |
156 | |
157 | ! variables used for zonal integration |
158 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncomm_znl !: communicator made by the processors on the same zonal average |
159 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_znl_root !: True on the 'left'most processor on the same row |
160 | INTEGER :: ngrp_znl !: group ID for the znl processors |
161 | INTEGER :: ndim_rank_znl !: number of processors on the same zonal average |
162 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: nrank_znl ! dimension ndim_rank_znl, number of the procs into the same znl domain |
163 | |
164 | ! variables used for MPI3 neighbourhood collectives |
165 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax), PUBLIC :: mpi_nc_com4 ! MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator |
166 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(n_hlsmax), PUBLIC :: mpi_nc_com8 ! MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator (with diagionals) |
167 | |
168 | ! North fold condition in mpp_mpi with jpni > 1 (PUBLIC for TAM) |
169 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ngrp_world !: group ID for the world processors |
170 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ngrp_opa !: group ID for the opa processors |
171 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ngrp_north !: group ID for the northern processors (to be fold) |
172 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncomm_north !: communicator made by the processors belonging to ngrp_north |
173 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ndim_rank_north !: number of 'sea' processor in the northern line (can be /= jpni !) |
174 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: njmppmax !: value of njmpp for the processors of the northern line |
175 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: north_root !: number (in the comm_opa) of proc 0 in the northern comm |
176 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: nrank_north !: dimension ndim_rank_north |
177 | |
178 | ! Communications summary report |
179 | CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: crname_lbc !: names of lbc_lnk calling routines |
180 | CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: crname_glb !: names of global comm calling routines |
181 | CHARACTER(len=lca), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: crname_dlg !: names of delayed global comm calling routines |
182 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncom_stp = 0 !: copy of time step # istp |
183 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncom_fsbc = 1 !: copy of sbc time step # nn_fsbc |
184 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncom_freq !: frequency of comm diagnostic |
185 | INTEGER, PUBLIC , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ncomm_sequence !: size of communicated arrays (halos) |
186 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: ncom_rec_max = 5000 !: max number of communication record |
187 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: n_sequence_lbc = 0 !: # of communicated arraysvia lbc |
188 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: n_sequence_glb = 0 !: # of global communications |
189 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: n_sequence_dlg = 0 !: # of delayed global communications |
190 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: numcom = -1 !: logical unit for communicaton report |
191 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_full_nf_update = .TRUE. !: logical for a full (2lines) update of bc at North fold report |
192 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nbdelay = 2 !: number of delayed operations |
193 | !: name (used as id) of allreduce-delayed operations |
194 | ! Warning: we must use the same character length in an array constructor (at least for gcc compiler) |
195 | CHARACTER(len=32), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaylist = (/ 'cflice', 'fwb ' /) |
196 | !: component name where the allreduce-delayed operation is performed |
197 | CHARACTER(len=3), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaycpnt = (/ 'ICE' , 'OCE' /) |
199 | REAL( wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: z1d => NULL() |
200 | COMPLEX(dp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: y1d => NULL() |
202 | TYPE( DELAYARR ), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC, SAVE :: todelay !: must have SAVE for default initialization of DELAYARR |
203 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: ndelayid = -1 !: mpi request id of the delayed operations |
204 | |
205 | ! timing summary report |
206 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(2), PUBLIC :: waiting_time = 0._dp |
207 | REAL(dp) , PUBLIC :: compute_time = 0._dp, elapsed_time = 0._dp |
208 | |
209 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: tampon ! buffer in case of bsend |
210 | |
211 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_nnogather !: namelist control of northfold comms |
212 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nn_comm !: namelist control of comms |
213 | |
214 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillnothing = 1 |
215 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillcst = 2 |
216 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillcopy = 3 |
217 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillperio = 4 |
218 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpfillmpi = 5 |
219 | |
220 | !! * Substitutions |
221 | # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" |
222 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
223 | !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
224 | !! $Id$ |
225 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) |
226 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
227 | CONTAINS |
228 | |
229 | SUBROUTINE mpp_start( localComm ) |
230 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
231 | !! *** routine mpp_start *** |
232 | !! |
233 | !! ** Purpose : get mpi_comm_oce, mpprank and mppsize |
234 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
235 | INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: localComm ! |
236 | ! |
237 | INTEGER :: ierr |
238 | LOGICAL :: llmpi_init |
239 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
240 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
241 | ! |
242 | CALL mpi_initialized ( llmpi_init, ierr ) |
243 | IF( ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ' lib_mpp: Error in routine mpi_initialized' ) |
244 | |
245 | IF( .NOT. llmpi_init ) THEN |
246 | IF( PRESENT(localComm) ) THEN |
247 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' lib_mpp: You cannot provide a local communicator ' |
248 | WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' without calling MPI_Init before ! ' |
249 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1, ctmp2 ) |
250 | ENDIF |
251 | CALL mpi_init( ierr ) |
252 | IF( ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ' lib_mpp: Error in routine mpi_init' ) |
253 | ENDIF |
254 | |
255 | IF( PRESENT(localComm) ) THEN |
256 | IF( Agrif_Root() ) THEN |
257 | mpi_comm_oce = localComm |
258 | ENDIF |
259 | ELSE |
260 | CALL mpi_comm_dup( mpi_comm_world, mpi_comm_oce, ierr) |
261 | IF( ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ' lib_mpp: Error in routine mpi_comm_dup' ) |
262 | ENDIF |
263 | |
264 | # if defined key_agrif |
265 | IF( Agrif_Root() ) THEN |
266 | CALL Agrif_MPI_Init(mpi_comm_oce) |
267 | ELSE |
268 | CALL Agrif_MPI_set_grid_comm(mpi_comm_oce) |
269 | ENDIF |
270 | # endif |
271 | |
272 | CALL mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_oce, mpprank, ierr ) |
273 | CALL mpi_comm_size( mpi_comm_oce, mppsize, ierr ) |
274 | ! |
276 | ! |
277 | #else |
278 | IF( PRESENT( localComm ) ) mpi_comm_oce = localComm |
279 | mppsize = 1 |
280 | mpprank = 0 |
281 | #endif |
282 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_start |
283 | |
284 | |
285 | SUBROUTINE mppsend( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, kdest, md_req ) |
286 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
287 | !! *** routine mppsend *** |
288 | !! |
289 | !! ** Purpose : Send messag passing array |
290 | !! |
291 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
292 | REAL(wp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real |
293 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! size of the array pmess |
294 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdest ! receive process number |
295 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! tag of the message |
296 | INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: md_req ! argument for isend |
297 | !! |
298 | INTEGER :: iflag |
299 | INTEGER :: mpi_working_type |
300 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
301 | ! |
302 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
303 | IF (wp == dp) THEN |
304 | mpi_working_type = mpi_double_precision |
305 | ELSE |
306 | mpi_working_type = mpi_real |
307 | END IF |
308 | CALL mpi_isend( pmess, kbytes, mpi_working_type, kdest , ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, md_req, iflag ) |
309 | #endif |
310 | ! |
311 | END SUBROUTINE mppsend |
312 | |
313 | |
314 | SUBROUTINE mppsend_dp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, kdest, md_req ) |
315 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
316 | !! *** routine mppsend *** |
317 | !! |
318 | !! ** Purpose : Send messag passing array |
319 | !! |
320 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
321 | REAL(dp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real |
322 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! size of the array pmess |
323 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdest ! receive process number |
324 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! tag of the message |
325 | INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: md_req ! argument for isend |
326 | !! |
327 | INTEGER :: iflag |
328 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
329 | ! |
330 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
331 | CALL mpi_isend( pmess, kbytes, mpi_double_precision, kdest , ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, md_req, iflag ) |
332 | #endif |
333 | ! |
334 | END SUBROUTINE mppsend_dp |
335 | |
336 | |
337 | SUBROUTINE mppsend_sp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, kdest, md_req ) |
338 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
339 | !! *** routine mppsend *** |
340 | !! |
341 | !! ** Purpose : Send messag passing array |
342 | !! |
343 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
344 | REAL(sp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real |
345 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! size of the array pmess |
346 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdest ! receive process number |
347 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! tag of the message |
348 | INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: md_req ! argument for isend |
349 | !! |
350 | INTEGER :: iflag |
351 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
352 | ! |
353 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
354 | CALL mpi_isend( pmess, kbytes, mpi_real, kdest , ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, md_req, iflag ) |
355 | #endif |
356 | ! |
357 | END SUBROUTINE mppsend_sp |
358 | |
359 | |
360 | SUBROUTINE mpprecv( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, ksource ) |
361 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
362 | !! *** routine mpprecv *** |
363 | !! |
364 | !! ** Purpose : Receive messag passing array |
365 | !! |
366 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
367 | REAL(wp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real |
368 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! suze of the array pmess |
369 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! Tag of the recevied message |
370 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ksource ! source process number |
371 | !! |
372 | INTEGER :: istatus(mpi_status_size) |
373 | INTEGER :: iflag |
374 | INTEGER :: use_source |
375 | INTEGER :: mpi_working_type |
376 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
377 | ! |
378 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
379 | ! If a specific process number has been passed to the receive call, |
380 | ! use that one. Default is to use mpi_any_source |
381 | use_source = mpi_any_source |
382 | IF( PRESENT(ksource) ) use_source = ksource |
383 | ! |
384 | IF (wp == dp) THEN |
385 | mpi_working_type = mpi_double_precision |
386 | ELSE |
387 | mpi_working_type = mpi_real |
388 | END IF |
389 | CALL mpi_recv( pmess, kbytes, mpi_working_type, use_source, ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, istatus, iflag ) |
390 | #endif |
391 | ! |
392 | END SUBROUTINE mpprecv |
393 | |
394 | SUBROUTINE mpprecv_dp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, ksource ) |
395 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
396 | !! *** routine mpprecv *** |
397 | !! |
398 | !! ** Purpose : Receive messag passing array |
399 | !! |
400 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
401 | REAL(dp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real |
402 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! suze of the array pmess |
403 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! Tag of the recevied message |
404 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ksource ! source process number |
405 | !! |
406 | INTEGER :: istatus(mpi_status_size) |
407 | INTEGER :: iflag |
408 | INTEGER :: use_source |
409 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
410 | ! |
411 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
412 | ! If a specific process number has been passed to the receive call, |
413 | ! use that one. Default is to use mpi_any_source |
414 | use_source = mpi_any_source |
415 | IF( PRESENT(ksource) ) use_source = ksource |
416 | ! |
417 | CALL mpi_recv( pmess, kbytes, mpi_double_precision, use_source, ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, istatus, iflag ) |
418 | #endif |
419 | ! |
420 | END SUBROUTINE mpprecv_dp |
421 | |
422 | |
423 | SUBROUTINE mpprecv_sp( ktyp, pmess, kbytes, ksource ) |
424 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
425 | !! *** routine mpprecv *** |
426 | !! |
427 | !! ** Purpose : Receive messag passing array |
428 | !! |
429 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
430 | REAL(sp), INTENT(inout) :: pmess(*) ! array of real |
431 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kbytes ! suze of the array pmess |
432 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: ktyp ! Tag of the recevied message |
433 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ksource ! source process number |
434 | !! |
435 | INTEGER :: istatus(mpi_status_size) |
436 | INTEGER :: iflag |
437 | INTEGER :: use_source |
438 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
439 | ! |
440 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
441 | ! If a specific process number has been passed to the receive call, |
442 | ! use that one. Default is to use mpi_any_source |
443 | use_source = mpi_any_source |
444 | IF( PRESENT(ksource) ) use_source = ksource |
445 | ! |
446 | CALL mpi_recv( pmess, kbytes, mpi_real, use_source, ktyp, mpi_comm_oce, istatus, iflag ) |
447 | #endif |
448 | ! |
449 | END SUBROUTINE mpprecv_sp |
450 | |
451 | |
452 | SUBROUTINE mppgather( ptab, kp, pio ) |
453 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
454 | !! *** routine mppgather *** |
455 | !! |
456 | !! ** Purpose : Transfert between a local subdomain array and a work |
457 | !! array which is distributed following the vertical level. |
458 | !! |
459 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
460 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) , INTENT(in ) :: ptab ! subdomain input array |
461 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kp ! record length |
462 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpnij), INTENT( out) :: pio ! subdomain input array |
463 | !! |
464 | INTEGER :: itaille, ierror ! temporary integer |
465 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
466 | ! |
467 | itaille = jpi * jpj |
468 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
469 | CALL mpi_gather( ptab, itaille, mpi_double_precision, pio, itaille , & |
470 | & mpi_double_precision, kp , mpi_comm_oce, ierror ) |
471 | #else |
472 | pio(:,:,1) = ptab(:,:) |
473 | #endif |
474 | ! |
475 | END SUBROUTINE mppgather |
476 | |
477 | |
478 | SUBROUTINE mppscatter( pio, kp, ptab ) |
479 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
480 | !! *** routine mppscatter *** |
481 | !! |
482 | !! ** Purpose : Transfert between awork array which is distributed |
483 | !! following the vertical level and the local subdomain array. |
484 | !! |
485 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
486 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpnij) :: pio ! output array |
487 | INTEGER :: kp ! Tag (not used with MPI |
488 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ptab ! subdomain array input |
489 | !! |
490 | INTEGER :: itaille, ierror ! temporary integer |
491 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
492 | ! |
493 | itaille = jpi * jpj |
494 | ! |
495 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
496 | CALL mpi_scatter( pio, itaille, mpi_double_precision, ptab, itaille , & |
497 | & mpi_double_precision, kp , mpi_comm_oce, ierror ) |
498 | #else |
499 | ptab(:,:) = pio(:,:,1) |
500 | #endif |
501 | ! |
502 | END SUBROUTINE mppscatter |
503 | |
504 | |
505 | SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum( cdname, cdelay, y_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) |
506 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
507 | !! *** routine mpp_delay_sum *** |
508 | !! |
509 | !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_sum, the result is received on next call |
510 | !! |
511 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
512 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine |
513 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation |
514 | COMPLEX(dp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: y_in |
515 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout |
516 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine |
517 | INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom |
518 | !! |
519 | INTEGER :: ji, isz |
520 | INTEGER :: idvar |
521 | INTEGER :: ierr, ilocalcomm |
522 | COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ytmp |
523 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
524 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
525 | ilocalcomm = mpi_comm_oce |
526 | IF( PRESENT(kcom) ) ilocalcomm = kcom |
527 | |
528 | isz = SIZE(y_in) |
529 | |
530 | IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ld_dlg = .TRUE. ) |
531 | |
532 | idvar = -1 |
533 | DO ji = 1, nbdelay |
534 | IF( TRIM(cdelay) == TRIM(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji |
535 | END DO |
536 | IF ( idvar == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',' mpp_delay_sum : please add a new delayed exchange for '//TRIM(cdname) ) |
537 | |
538 | IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: %z1d defined in iom_delay_rst |
539 | ! -------------------------- |
540 | IF ( SIZE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) /= isz ) THEN ! Check dimension coherence |
541 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' WARNING: the nb of delayed variables in restart file is not the model one' |
542 | DEALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) |
543 | ndelayid(idvar) = -1 ! do as if we had no restart |
544 | ELSE |
545 | ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%y1d(isz)) |
546 | todelay(idvar)%y1d(:) = CMPLX(todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), 0., wp) ! create %y1d, complex variable needed by mpi_sumdd |
547 | ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL ! initialised request to a valid value |
548 | END IF |
549 | ENDIF |
550 | |
551 | IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: define %y1d and %z1d from y_in with blocking allreduce |
552 | ! -------------------------- |
553 | ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d(isz), todelay(idvar)%y1d(isz)) ! allocate also %z1d as used for the restart |
554 | CALL mpi_allreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ! get %y1d |
555 | ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL |
556 | ENDIF |
557 | |
558 | CALL mpp_delay_rcv( idvar ) ! make sure %z1d is received |
559 | |
560 | ! send back pout from todelay(idvar)%z1d defined at previous call |
561 | pout(:) = todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) |
562 | |
563 | ! send y_in into todelay(idvar)%y1d with a non-blocking communication |
564 | # if defined key_mpi2 |
565 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) |
566 | CALL mpi_allreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ierr ) |
567 | ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL |
568 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) |
569 | # else |
570 | CALL mpi_iallreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierr ) |
571 | # endif |
572 | #else |
573 | pout(:) = REAL(y_in(:), wp) |
574 | #endif |
575 | |
576 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum |
577 | |
578 | |
579 | SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max( cdname, cdelay, p_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) |
580 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
581 | !! *** routine mpp_delay_max *** |
582 | !! |
583 | !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_max, the result is received on next call |
584 | !! |
585 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
586 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine |
587 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation |
588 | REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: p_in ! |
589 | REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout ! |
590 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine |
591 | INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom |
592 | !! |
593 | INTEGER :: ji, isz |
594 | INTEGER :: idvar |
595 | INTEGER :: ierr, ilocalcomm |
597 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
598 | |
599 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
600 | if( wp == dp ) then |
602 | else if ( wp == sp ) then |
604 | else |
605 | CALL ctl_stop( "Error defining type, wp is neither dp nor sp" ) |
606 | |
607 | end if |
608 | |
609 | ilocalcomm = mpi_comm_oce |
610 | IF( PRESENT(kcom) ) ilocalcomm = kcom |
611 | |
612 | isz = SIZE(p_in) |
613 | |
614 | IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ld_dlg = .TRUE. ) |
615 | |
616 | idvar = -1 |
617 | DO ji = 1, nbdelay |
618 | IF( TRIM(cdelay) == TRIM(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji |
619 | END DO |
620 | IF ( idvar == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',' mpp_delay_max : please add a new delayed exchange for '//TRIM(cdname) ) |
621 | |
622 | IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: %z1d defined in iom_delay_rst |
623 | ! -------------------------- |
624 | IF ( SIZE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) /= isz ) THEN ! Check dimension coherence |
625 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' WARNING: the nb of delayed variables in restart file is not the model one' |
626 | DEALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) |
627 | ndelayid(idvar) = -1 ! do as if we had no restart |
628 | ELSE |
629 | ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL |
630 | END IF |
631 | ENDIF |
632 | |
633 | IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: define %z1d from p_in with a blocking allreduce |
634 | ! -------------------------- |
635 | ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d(isz)) |
636 | CALL mpi_allreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ! get %z1d |
637 | ndelayid(idvar) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL |
638 | ENDIF |
639 | |
640 | CALL mpp_delay_rcv( idvar ) ! make sure %z1d is received |
641 | |
642 | ! send back pout from todelay(idvar)%z1d defined at previous call |
643 | pout(:) = todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) |
644 | |
645 | ! send p_in into todelay(idvar)%z1d with a non-blocking communication |
646 | ! (PM) Should we get rid of MPI2 option ? MPI3 was release in 2013. Who is still using MPI2 ? |
647 | # if defined key_mpi2 |
648 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) |
649 | CALL mpi_allreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_TYPE, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierr ) |
650 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) |
651 | # else |
652 | CALL mpi_iallreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_TYPE, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierr ) |
653 | # endif |
654 | #else |
655 | pout(:) = p_in(:) |
656 | #endif |
657 | |
658 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max |
659 | |
660 | |
661 | SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv( kid ) |
662 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
663 | !! *** routine mpp_delay_rcv *** |
664 | !! |
665 | !! ** Purpose : force barrier for delayed mpp (needed for restart) |
666 | !! |
667 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
668 | INTEGER,INTENT(in ) :: kid |
669 | INTEGER :: ierr |
670 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
671 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
672 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) |
673 | ! test on ndelayid(kid) useless as mpi_wait return immediatly if the request handle is MPI_REQUEST_NULL |
674 | CALL mpi_wait( ndelayid(kid), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr ) ! after this ndelayid(kid) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL |
675 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) |
676 | IF( ASSOCIATED(todelay(kid)%y1d) ) todelay(kid)%z1d(:) = REAL(todelay(kid)%y1d(:), wp) ! define %z1d from %y1d |
677 | #endif |
678 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv |
679 | |
680 | SUBROUTINE mpp_bcast_nml( cdnambuff , kleng ) |
682 | INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: kleng |
683 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
684 | !! *** routine mpp_bcast_nml *** |
685 | !! |
686 | !! ** Purpose : broadcast namelist character buffer |
687 | !! |
688 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
689 | !! |
690 | INTEGER :: iflag |
691 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
692 | ! |
693 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
694 | call MPI_BCAST(kleng, 1, MPI_INT, 0, mpi_comm_oce, iflag) |
695 | call MPI_BARRIER(mpi_comm_oce, iflag) |
697 | IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(cdnambuff) ) ALLOCATE( CHARACTER(LEN=kleng) :: cdnambuff ) |
699 | call MPI_BCAST(cdnambuff, kleng, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, mpi_comm_oce, iflag) |
700 | call MPI_BARRIER(mpi_comm_oce, iflag) |
701 | #endif |
702 | ! |
703 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_bcast_nml |
704 | |
705 | |
706 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
707 | !! *** mppmax_a_int, mppmax_int, mppmax_a_real, mppmax_real *** |
708 | !! |
709 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
710 | !! |
711 | # define OPERATION_MAX |
712 | # define INTEGER_TYPE |
713 | # define DIM_0d |
714 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_int |
715 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
716 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
717 | # undef DIM_0d |
718 | # define DIM_1d |
719 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_a_int |
720 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
721 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
722 | # undef DIM_1d |
723 | # undef INTEGER_TYPE |
724 | ! |
725 | !! |
727 | !! |
728 | # define SINGLE_PRECISION |
729 | # define REAL_TYPE |
730 | # define DIM_0d |
731 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_real_sp |
732 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
733 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
734 | # undef DIM_0d |
735 | # define DIM_1d |
736 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_a_real_sp |
737 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
738 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
739 | # undef DIM_1d |
740 | # undef SINGLE_PRECISION |
741 | !! |
742 | !! |
744 | !! |
745 | ! |
746 | # define DIM_0d |
747 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_real_dp |
748 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
749 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
750 | # undef DIM_0d |
751 | # define DIM_1d |
752 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmax_a_real_dp |
753 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
754 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
755 | # undef DIM_1d |
756 | # undef REAL_TYPE |
757 | # undef OPERATION_MAX |
758 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
759 | !! *** mppmin_a_int, mppmin_int, mppmin_a_real, mppmin_real *** |
760 | !! |
761 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
762 | !! |
763 | # define OPERATION_MIN |
764 | # define INTEGER_TYPE |
765 | # define DIM_0d |
766 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_int |
767 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
768 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
769 | # undef DIM_0d |
770 | # define DIM_1d |
771 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_a_int |
772 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
773 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
774 | # undef DIM_1d |
775 | # undef INTEGER_TYPE |
776 | ! |
777 | !! |
779 | !! |
780 | # define SINGLE_PRECISION |
781 | # define REAL_TYPE |
782 | # define DIM_0d |
783 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_real_sp |
784 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
785 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
786 | # undef DIM_0d |
787 | # define DIM_1d |
788 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_a_real_sp |
789 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
790 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
791 | # undef DIM_1d |
792 | # undef SINGLE_PRECISION |
793 | !! |
795 | !! |
796 | |
797 | # define DIM_0d |
798 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_real_dp |
799 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
800 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
801 | # undef DIM_0d |
802 | # define DIM_1d |
803 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppmin_a_real_dp |
804 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
805 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
806 | # undef DIM_1d |
807 | # undef REAL_TYPE |
808 | # undef OPERATION_MIN |
809 | |
810 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
811 | !! *** mppsum_a_int, mppsum_int, mppsum_a_real, mppsum_real *** |
812 | !! |
813 | !! Global sum of 1D array or a variable (integer, real or complex) |
814 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
815 | !! |
816 | # define OPERATION_SUM |
817 | # define INTEGER_TYPE |
818 | # define DIM_0d |
819 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_int |
820 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
821 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
822 | # undef DIM_0d |
823 | # define DIM_1d |
824 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_int |
825 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
826 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
827 | # undef DIM_1d |
828 | # undef INTEGER_TYPE |
829 | |
830 | !! |
832 | !! |
833 | # define OPERATION_SUM |
834 | # define SINGLE_PRECISION |
835 | # define REAL_TYPE |
836 | # define DIM_0d |
837 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_real_sp |
838 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
839 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
840 | # undef DIM_0d |
841 | # define DIM_1d |
842 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_real_sp |
843 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
844 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
845 | # undef DIM_1d |
846 | # undef REAL_TYPE |
847 | # undef OPERATION_SUM |
848 | |
849 | # undef SINGLE_PRECISION |
850 | |
851 | !! |
853 | !! |
854 | # define OPERATION_SUM |
855 | # define REAL_TYPE |
856 | # define DIM_0d |
857 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_real_dp |
858 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
859 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
860 | # undef DIM_0d |
861 | # define DIM_1d |
862 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_real_dp |
863 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
864 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
865 | # undef DIM_1d |
866 | # undef REAL_TYPE |
867 | # undef OPERATION_SUM |
868 | |
869 | # define OPERATION_SUM_DD |
870 | # define COMPLEX_TYPE |
871 | # define DIM_0d |
872 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_realdd |
873 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
874 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
875 | # undef DIM_0d |
876 | # define DIM_1d |
877 | # define ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE mppsum_a_realdd |
878 | # include "mpp_allreduce_generic.h90" |
879 | # undef ROUTINE_ALLREDUCE |
880 | # undef DIM_1d |
881 | # undef COMPLEX_TYPE |
882 | # undef OPERATION_SUM_DD |
883 | |
884 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
885 | !! *** mpp_minloc2d, mpp_minloc3d, mpp_maxloc2d, mpp_maxloc3d |
886 | !! |
887 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
888 | !! |
889 | !! |
891 | !! |
892 | # define SINGLE_PRECISION |
893 | # define OPERATION_MINLOC |
894 | # define DIM_2d |
895 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc2d_sp |
896 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
897 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
898 | # undef DIM_2d |
899 | # define DIM_3d |
900 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc3d_sp |
901 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
902 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
903 | # undef DIM_3d |
904 | # undef OPERATION_MINLOC |
905 | |
906 | # define OPERATION_MAXLOC |
907 | # define DIM_2d |
908 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc2d_sp |
909 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
910 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
911 | # undef DIM_2d |
912 | # define DIM_3d |
913 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc3d_sp |
914 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
915 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
916 | # undef DIM_3d |
917 | # undef OPERATION_MAXLOC |
918 | # undef SINGLE_PRECISION |
919 | !! |
921 | !! |
922 | # define OPERATION_MINLOC |
923 | # define DIM_2d |
924 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc2d_dp |
925 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
926 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
927 | # undef DIM_2d |
928 | # define DIM_3d |
929 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_minloc3d_dp |
930 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
931 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
932 | # undef DIM_3d |
933 | # undef OPERATION_MINLOC |
934 | |
935 | # define OPERATION_MAXLOC |
936 | # define DIM_2d |
937 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc2d_dp |
938 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
939 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
940 | # undef DIM_2d |
941 | # define DIM_3d |
942 | # define ROUTINE_LOC mpp_maxloc3d_dp |
943 | # include "mpp_loc_generic.h90" |
944 | # undef ROUTINE_LOC |
945 | # undef DIM_3d |
946 | # undef OPERATION_MAXLOC |
947 | |
948 | |
949 | SUBROUTINE mppsync() |
950 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
951 | !! *** routine mppsync *** |
952 | !! |
953 | !! ** Purpose : Massively parallel processors, synchroneous |
954 | !! |
955 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
956 | INTEGER :: ierror |
957 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
958 | ! |
959 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
960 | CALL mpi_barrier( mpi_comm_oce, ierror ) |
961 | #endif |
962 | ! |
963 | END SUBROUTINE mppsync |
964 | |
965 | |
966 | SUBROUTINE mppstop( ld_abort ) |
967 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
968 | !! *** routine mppstop *** |
969 | !! |
970 | !! ** purpose : Stop massively parallel processors method |
971 | !! |
972 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
973 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ld_abort ! source process number |
974 | LOGICAL :: ll_abort |
975 | INTEGER :: info, ierr |
976 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
977 | ll_abort = .FALSE. |
978 | IF( PRESENT(ld_abort) ) ll_abort = ld_abort |
979 | ! |
980 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
981 | IF(ll_abort) THEN |
982 | CALL mpi_abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 123, info ) |
983 | ELSE |
984 | CALL mppsync |
985 | CALL mpi_finalize( info ) |
986 | ENDIF |
987 | #endif |
988 | IF( ll_abort ) STOP 123 |
989 | ! |
990 | END SUBROUTINE mppstop |
991 | |
992 | |
993 | SUBROUTINE mpp_comm_free( kcom ) |
994 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
995 | INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: kcom |
996 | !! |
997 | INTEGER :: ierr |
998 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
999 | ! |
1000 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
1001 | CALL MPI_COMM_FREE(kcom, ierr) |
1002 | #endif |
1003 | ! |
1004 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_comm_free |
1005 | |
1006 | |
1007 | SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_znl( kumout ) |
1008 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1009 | !! *** routine mpp_ini_znl *** |
1010 | !! |
1011 | !! ** Purpose : Initialize special communicator for computing zonal sum |
1012 | !! |
1013 | !! ** Method : - Look for processors in the same row |
1014 | !! - Put their number in nrank_znl |
1015 | !! - Create group for the znl processors |
1016 | !! - Create a communicator for znl processors |
1017 | !! - Determine if processor should write znl files |
1018 | !! |
1019 | !! ** output |
1020 | !! ndim_rank_znl = number of processors on the same row |
1021 | !! ngrp_znl = group ID for the znl processors |
1022 | !! ncomm_znl = communicator for the ice procs. |
1023 | !! n_znl_root = number (in the world) of proc 0 in the ice comm. |
1024 | !! |
1025 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1026 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kumout ! ocean.output logical units |
1027 | ! |
1028 | INTEGER :: jproc ! dummy loop integer |
1029 | INTEGER :: ierr, ii ! local integer |
1031 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1032 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
1033 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ngrp_world : ', ngrp_world |
1034 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - mpi_comm_world : ', mpi_comm_world |
1035 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - mpi_comm_oce : ', mpi_comm_oce |
1036 | ! |
1037 | ALLOCATE( kwork(jpnij), STAT=ierr ) |
1038 | IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_ini_znl : failed to allocate 1D array of length jpnij') |
1039 | |
1040 | IF( jpnj == 1 ) THEN |
1041 | ngrp_znl = ngrp_world |
1042 | ncomm_znl = mpi_comm_oce |
1043 | ELSE |
1044 | ! |
1045 | CALL MPI_ALLGATHER ( njmpp, 1, mpi_integer, kwork, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_comm_oce, ierr ) |
1046 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - kwork pour njmpp : ', kwork |
1047 | !-$$ CALL flush(numout) |
1048 | ! |
1049 | ! Count number of processors on the same row |
1050 | ndim_rank_znl = 0 |
1051 | DO jproc=1,jpnij |
1052 | IF ( kwork(jproc) == njmpp ) THEN |
1053 | ndim_rank_znl = ndim_rank_znl + 1 |
1054 | ENDIF |
1055 | END DO |
1056 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ndim_rank_znl : ', ndim_rank_znl |
1057 | !-$$ CALL flush(numout) |
1058 | ! Allocate the right size to nrank_znl |
1059 | IF (ALLOCATED (nrank_znl)) DEALLOCATE(nrank_znl) |
1060 | ALLOCATE(nrank_znl(ndim_rank_znl)) |
1061 | ii = 0 |
1062 | nrank_znl (:) = 0 |
1063 | DO jproc=1,jpnij |
1064 | IF ( kwork(jproc) == njmpp) THEN |
1065 | ii = ii + 1 |
1066 | nrank_znl(ii) = jproc -1 |
1067 | ENDIF |
1068 | END DO |
1069 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - nrank_znl : ', nrank_znl |
1070 | !-$$ CALL flush(numout) |
1071 | |
1072 | ! Create the opa group |
1073 | CALL MPI_COMM_GROUP(mpi_comm_oce,ngrp_opa,ierr) |
1074 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ngrp_opa : ', ngrp_opa |
1075 | !-$$ CALL flush(numout) |
1076 | |
1077 | ! Create the znl group from the opa group |
1078 | CALL MPI_GROUP_INCL ( ngrp_opa, ndim_rank_znl, nrank_znl, ngrp_znl, ierr ) |
1079 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ngrp_znl ', ngrp_znl |
1080 | !-$$ CALL flush(numout) |
1081 | |
1082 | ! Create the znl communicator from the opa communicator, ie the pool of procs in the same row |
1083 | CALL MPI_COMM_CREATE ( mpi_comm_oce, ngrp_znl, ncomm_znl, ierr ) |
1084 | !-$$ WRITE (numout,*) 'mpp_ini_znl ', mpprank, ' - ncomm_znl ', ncomm_znl |
1085 | !-$$ CALL flush(numout) |
1086 | ! |
1087 | END IF |
1088 | |
1089 | ! Determines if processor if the first (starting from i=1) on the row |
1090 | IF ( jpni == 1 ) THEN |
1091 | l_znl_root = .TRUE. |
1092 | ELSE |
1093 | l_znl_root = .FALSE. |
1094 | kwork (1) = nimpp |
1095 | CALL mpp_min ( 'lib_mpp', kwork(1), kcom = ncomm_znl) |
1096 | IF ( nimpp == kwork(1)) l_znl_root = .TRUE. |
1097 | END IF |
1098 | |
1099 | DEALLOCATE(kwork) |
1100 | #endif |
1101 | |
1102 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_znl |
1103 | |
1104 | |
1105 | SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_nc( khls ) |
1106 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1107 | !! *** routine mpp_ini_nc *** |
1108 | !! |
1109 | !! ** Purpose : Initialize special communicators for MPI3 neighbourhood |
1110 | !! collectives |
1111 | !! |
1112 | !! ** Method : - Create graph communicators starting from the processes |
1113 | !! distribution along i and j directions |
1114 | ! |
1115 | !! ** output |
1116 | !! mpi_nc_com4 = MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator |
1117 | !! mpi_nc_com8 = MPI3 neighbourhood collectives communicator (with diagonals) |
1118 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1119 | INTEGER, INTENT(in ) :: khls ! halo size, default = nn_hls |
1120 | ! |
1121 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iSnei4, iRnei4, iSnei8, iRnei8 |
1122 | INTEGER :: iScnt4, iRcnt4, iScnt8, iRcnt8 |
1123 | INTEGER :: ierr |
1124 | LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: ireord = .FALSE. |
1125 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1126 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off && ! defined key_mpi2 |
1127 | |
1128 | iScnt4 = COUNT( mpiSnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) |
1129 | iRcnt4 = COUNT( mpiRnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) |
1130 | iScnt8 = COUNT( mpiSnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) |
1131 | iRcnt8 = COUNT( mpiRnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) |
1132 | |
1133 | ALLOCATE( iSnei4(iScnt4), iRnei4(iRcnt4), iSnei8(iScnt8), iRnei8(iRcnt8) ) ! ok if icnt4 or icnt8 = 0 |
1134 | |
1135 | iSnei4 = PACK( mpiSnei(khls,1:4), mask = mpiSnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) |
1136 | iRnei4 = PACK( mpiRnei(khls,1:4), mask = mpiRnei(khls,1:4) >= 0 ) |
1137 | iSnei8 = PACK( mpiSnei(khls,1:8), mask = mpiSnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) |
1138 | iRnei8 = PACK( mpiRnei(khls,1:8), mask = mpiRnei(khls,1:8) >= 0 ) |
1139 | |
1140 | CALL MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( mpi_comm_oce, iScnt4, iSnei4, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, iRcnt4, iRnei4, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, & |
1141 | & MPI_INFO_NULL, ireord, mpi_nc_com4(khls), ierr ) |
1142 | CALL MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( mpi_comm_oce, iScnt8, iSnei8, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, iRcnt8, iRnei8, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, & |
1143 | & MPI_INFO_NULL, ireord, mpi_nc_com8(khls), ierr) |
1144 | |
1145 | DEALLOCATE( iSnei4, iRnei4, iSnei8, iRnei8 ) |
1146 | #endif |
1147 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_nc |
1148 | |
1149 | |
1150 | SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_north |
1151 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1152 | !! *** routine mpp_ini_north *** |
1153 | !! |
1154 | !! ** Purpose : Initialize special communicator for north folding |
1155 | !! condition together with global variables needed in the mpp folding |
1156 | !! |
1157 | !! ** Method : - Look for northern processors |
1158 | !! - Put their number in nrank_north |
1159 | !! - Create groups for the world processors and the north processors |
1160 | !! - Create a communicator for northern processors |
1161 | !! |
1162 | !! ** output |
1163 | !! ndim_rank_north = number of processors in the northern line |
1164 | !! nrank_north (ndim_rank_north) = number of the northern procs. |
1165 | !! ngrp_world = group ID for the world processors |
1166 | !! ngrp_north = group ID for the northern processors |
1167 | !! ncomm_north = communicator for the northern procs. |
1168 | !! north_root = number (in the world) of proc 0 in the northern comm. |
1169 | !! |
1170 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1171 | INTEGER :: ierr |
1172 | INTEGER :: jjproc |
1173 | INTEGER :: ii, ji |
1174 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1175 | ! |
1176 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
1177 | ! |
1178 | ! Look for how many procs on the northern boundary |
1179 | ndim_rank_north = 0 |
1180 | DO jjproc = 1, jpni |
1181 | IF( nfproc(jjproc) /= -1 ) ndim_rank_north = ndim_rank_north + 1 |
1182 | END DO |
1183 | ! |
1184 | ! Allocate the right size to nrank_north |
1185 | IF (ALLOCATED (nrank_north)) DEALLOCATE(nrank_north) |
1186 | ALLOCATE( nrank_north(ndim_rank_north) ) |
1187 | |
1188 | ! Fill the nrank_north array with proc. number of northern procs. |
1189 | ! Note : the rank start at 0 in MPI |
1190 | ii = 0 |
1191 | DO ji = 1, jpni |
1192 | IF ( nfproc(ji) /= -1 ) THEN |
1193 | ii=ii+1 |
1194 | nrank_north(ii)=nfproc(ji) |
1195 | END IF |
1196 | END DO |
1197 | ! |
1198 | ! create the world group |
1199 | CALL MPI_COMM_GROUP( mpi_comm_oce, ngrp_world, ierr ) |
1200 | ! |
1201 | ! Create the North group from the world group |
1202 | CALL MPI_GROUP_INCL( ngrp_world, ndim_rank_north, nrank_north, ngrp_north, ierr ) |
1203 | ! |
1204 | ! Create the North communicator , ie the pool of procs in the north group |
1205 | CALL MPI_COMM_CREATE( mpi_comm_oce, ngrp_north, ncomm_north, ierr ) |
1206 | ! |
1207 | #endif |
1208 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_ini_north |
1209 | |
1210 | |
1211 | SUBROUTINE DDPDD_MPI( ydda, yddb, ilen, itype ) |
1212 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1213 | !! Routine DDPDD_MPI: used by reduction operator MPI_SUMDD |
1214 | !! |
1215 | !! Modification of original codes written by David H. Bailey |
1216 | !! This subroutine computes yddb(i) = ydda(i)+yddb(i) |
1217 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1218 | INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: ilen, itype |
1219 | COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(ilen), INTENT(in) :: ydda |
1220 | COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(ilen), INTENT(inout) :: yddb |
1221 | ! |
1222 | REAL(dp) :: zerr, zt1, zt2 ! local work variables |
1223 | INTEGER :: ji, ztmp ! local scalar |
1224 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1225 | ! |
1226 | ztmp = itype ! avoid compilation warning |
1227 | ! |
1228 | DO ji=1,ilen |
1229 | ! Compute ydda + yddb using Knuth's trick. |
1230 | zt1 = real(ydda(ji)) + real(yddb(ji)) |
1231 | zerr = zt1 - real(ydda(ji)) |
1232 | zt2 = ((real(yddb(ji)) - zerr) + (real(ydda(ji)) - (zt1 - zerr))) & |
1233 | + aimag(ydda(ji)) + aimag(yddb(ji)) |
1234 | |
1235 | ! The result is zt1 + zt2, after normalization. |
1236 | yddb(ji) = cmplx ( zt1 + zt2, zt2 - ((zt1 + zt2) - zt1),wp ) |
1237 | END DO |
1238 | ! |
1240 | |
1241 | |
1242 | SUBROUTINE mpp_report( cdname, kpk, kpl, kpf, ld_lbc, ld_glb, ld_dlg ) |
1243 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1244 | !! *** routine mpp_report *** |
1245 | !! |
1246 | !! ** Purpose : report use of mpp routines per time-setp |
1247 | !! |
1248 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1249 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine |
1250 | INTEGER , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: kpk, kpl, kpf |
1251 | LOGICAL , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: ld_lbc, ld_glb, ld_dlg |
1252 | !! |
1253 | CHARACTER(len=128) :: ccountname ! name of a subroutine to count communications |
1254 | LOGICAL :: ll_lbc, ll_glb, ll_dlg |
1255 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jh, jf, jcount ! dummy loop indices |
1256 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1257 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
1258 | ! |
1259 | ll_lbc = .FALSE. |
1260 | IF( PRESENT(ld_lbc) ) ll_lbc = ld_lbc |
1261 | ll_glb = .FALSE. |
1262 | IF( PRESENT(ld_glb) ) ll_glb = ld_glb |
1263 | ll_dlg = .FALSE. |
1264 | IF( PRESENT(ld_dlg) ) ll_dlg = ld_dlg |
1265 | ! |
1266 | ! find the smallest common frequency: default = frequency product, if multiple, choose the larger of the 2 frequency |
1267 | ncom_freq = ncom_fsbc |
1268 | ! |
1269 | IF ( ncom_stp == nit000+ncom_freq ) THEN ! avoid to count extra communications in potential initializations at nit000 |
1270 | IF( ll_lbc ) THEN |
1271 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(ncomm_sequence) ) ALLOCATE( ncomm_sequence(ncom_rec_max,2) ) |
1272 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( crname_lbc) ) ALLOCATE( crname_lbc(ncom_rec_max ) ) |
1273 | n_sequence_lbc = n_sequence_lbc + 1 |
1274 | IF( n_sequence_lbc > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock |
1275 | crname_lbc(n_sequence_lbc) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine |
1276 | ncomm_sequence(n_sequence_lbc,1) = kpk*kpl ! size of 3rd and 4th dimensions |
1277 | ncomm_sequence(n_sequence_lbc,2) = kpf ! number of arrays to be treated (multi) |
1278 | ENDIF |
1279 | IF( ll_glb ) THEN |
1280 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(crname_glb) ) ALLOCATE( crname_glb(ncom_rec_max) ) |
1281 | n_sequence_glb = n_sequence_glb + 1 |
1282 | IF( n_sequence_glb > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock |
1283 | crname_glb(n_sequence_glb) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine |
1284 | ENDIF |
1285 | IF( ll_dlg ) THEN |
1286 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(crname_dlg) ) ALLOCATE( crname_dlg(ncom_rec_max) ) |
1287 | n_sequence_dlg = n_sequence_dlg + 1 |
1288 | IF( n_sequence_dlg > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock |
1289 | crname_dlg(n_sequence_dlg) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine |
1290 | ENDIF |
1291 | ELSE IF ( ncom_stp == nit000+2*ncom_freq ) THEN |
1292 | CALL ctl_opn( numcom, 'communication_report.txt', 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE., narea ) |
1293 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1294 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ------------------------------------------------------------' |
1295 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' Communication pattern report (second oce+sbc+top time step):' |
1296 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ------------------------------------------------------------' |
1297 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1298 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I4)') ' Exchanged halos : ', n_sequence_lbc |
1299 | jj = 0; jk = 0; jf = 0; jh = 0 |
1300 | DO ji = 1, n_sequence_lbc |
1301 | IF ( ncomm_sequence(ji,1) .GT. 1 ) jk = jk + 1 |
1302 | IF ( ncomm_sequence(ji,2) .GT. 1 ) jf = jf + 1 |
1303 | IF ( ncomm_sequence(ji,1) .GT. 1 .AND. ncomm_sequence(ji,2) .GT. 1 ) jj = jj + 1 |
1304 | jh = MAX (jh, ncomm_sequence(ji,1)*ncomm_sequence(ji,2)) |
1305 | END DO |
1306 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I3)') ' 3D Exchanged halos : ', jk |
1307 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I3)') ' Multi arrays exchanged halos : ', jf |
1308 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I3)') ' from which 3D : ', jj |
1309 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I10)') ' Array max size : ', jh*jpi*jpj |
1310 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1311 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' lbc_lnk called' |
1312 | DO ji = 1, n_sequence_lbc - 1 |
1313 | IF ( crname_lbc(ji) /= 'already counted' ) THEN |
1314 | ccountname = crname_lbc(ji) |
1315 | crname_lbc(ji) = 'already counted' |
1316 | jcount = 1 |
1317 | DO jj = ji + 1, n_sequence_lbc |
1318 | IF ( ccountname == crname_lbc(jj) ) THEN |
1319 | jcount = jcount + 1 |
1320 | crname_lbc(jj) = 'already counted' |
1321 | END IF |
1322 | END DO |
1323 | WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jcount,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(ccountname) |
1324 | END IF |
1325 | END DO |
1326 | IF ( crname_lbc(n_sequence_lbc) /= 'already counted' ) THEN |
1327 | WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', 1,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_lbc(ncom_rec_max)) |
1328 | END IF |
1329 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1330 | IF ( n_sequence_glb > 0 ) THEN |
1331 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I4)') ' Global communications : ', n_sequence_glb |
1332 | jj = 1 |
1333 | DO ji = 2, n_sequence_glb |
1334 | IF( crname_glb(ji-1) /= crname_glb(ji) ) THEN |
1335 | WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_glb(ji-1)) |
1336 | jj = 0 |
1337 | END IF |
1338 | jj = jj + 1 |
1339 | END DO |
1340 | WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_glb(n_sequence_glb)) |
1341 | DEALLOCATE(crname_glb) |
1342 | ELSE |
1343 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' No MPI global communication ' |
1344 | ENDIF |
1345 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1346 | IF ( n_sequence_dlg > 0 ) THEN |
1347 | WRITE(numcom,'(A,I4)') ' Delayed global communications : ', n_sequence_dlg |
1348 | jj = 1 |
1349 | DO ji = 2, n_sequence_dlg |
1350 | IF( crname_dlg(ji-1) /= crname_dlg(ji) ) THEN |
1351 | WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_dlg(ji-1)) |
1352 | jj = 0 |
1353 | END IF |
1354 | jj = jj + 1 |
1355 | END DO |
1356 | WRITE(numcom,'(A, I4, A, A)') ' - ', jj,' times by subroutine ', TRIM(crname_dlg(n_sequence_dlg)) |
1357 | DEALLOCATE(crname_dlg) |
1358 | ELSE |
1359 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' No MPI delayed global communication ' |
1360 | ENDIF |
1361 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1362 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' -----------------------------------------------' |
1363 | WRITE(numcom,*) ' ' |
1364 | DEALLOCATE(ncomm_sequence) |
1365 | DEALLOCATE(crname_lbc) |
1366 | ENDIF |
1367 | #endif |
1368 | END SUBROUTINE mpp_report |
1369 | |
1370 | |
1371 | SUBROUTINE tic_tac (ld_tic, ld_global) |
1372 | |
1373 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_tic |
1374 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_global |
1375 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(2), SAVE :: tic_wt |
1376 | REAL(dp), SAVE :: tic_ct = 0._dp |
1377 | INTEGER :: ii |
1378 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
1379 | |
1380 | IF( ncom_stp <= nit000 ) RETURN |
1381 | IF( ncom_stp == nitend ) RETURN |
1382 | ii = 1 |
1383 | IF( PRESENT( ld_global ) ) THEN |
1384 | IF( ld_global ) ii = 2 |
1385 | END IF |
1386 | |
1387 | IF ( ld_tic ) THEN |
1388 | tic_wt(ii) = MPI_Wtime() ! start count tic->tac (waiting time) |
1389 | IF ( tic_ct > 0.0_dp ) compute_time = compute_time + MPI_Wtime() - tic_ct ! cumulate count tac->tic |
1390 | ELSE |
1391 | waiting_time(ii) = waiting_time(ii) + MPI_Wtime() - tic_wt(ii) ! cumulate count tic->tac |
1392 | tic_ct = MPI_Wtime() ! start count tac->tic (waiting time) |
1393 | ENDIF |
1394 | #endif |
1395 | |
1396 | END SUBROUTINE tic_tac |
1397 | |
1398 | #if defined key_mpi_off |
1399 | SUBROUTINE mpi_wait(request, status, ierror) |
1400 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: request |
1402 | INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: ierror |
1403 | END SUBROUTINE mpi_wait |
1404 | |
1405 | |
1406 | FUNCTION MPI_Wtime() |
1407 | REAL(wp) :: MPI_Wtime |
1408 | MPI_Wtime = -1. |
1409 | END FUNCTION MPI_Wtime |
1410 | #endif |
1411 | |
1412 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1413 | !! ctl_stop, ctl_warn, get_unit, ctl_opn, ctl_nam, load_nml routines |
1414 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1415 | |
1416 | SUBROUTINE ctl_stop( cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5 , & |
1417 | & cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ) |
1418 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1419 | !! *** ROUTINE stop_opa *** |
1420 | !! |
1421 | !! ** Purpose : print in ocean.outpput file a error message and |
1422 | !! increment the error number (nstop) by one. |
1423 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1424 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cd1 |
1425 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5 |
1426 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 |
1427 | ! |
1428 | CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: clfmt ! writing format |
1429 | INTEGER :: inum |
1430 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1431 | ! |
1432 | nstop = nstop + 1 |
1433 | ! |
1434 | IF( cd1 == 'STOP' .AND. narea /= 1 ) THEN ! Immediate stop: add an arror message in 'ocean.output' file |
1435 | CALL ctl_opn( inum, 'ocean.output', 'APPEND', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, 6, .FALSE. ) |
1436 | WRITE(inum,*) |
1437 | WRITE(inum,*) ' ==>>> Look for "E R R O R" messages in all existing *ocean.output* files' |
1438 | CLOSE(inum) |
1439 | ENDIF |
1440 | IF( numout == 6 ) THEN ! force to open ocean.output file if not already opened |
1441 | CALL ctl_opn( numout, 'ocean.output', 'REPLACE', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, -1, .FALSE., narea ) |
1442 | ENDIF |
1443 | ! |
1444 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1445 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>> : E R R O R' |
1446 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1447 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ===========' |
1448 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1449 | WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd1) |
1450 | IF( PRESENT(cd2 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd2) |
1451 | IF( PRESENT(cd3 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd3) |
1452 | IF( PRESENT(cd4 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd4) |
1453 | IF( PRESENT(cd5 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd5) |
1454 | IF( PRESENT(cd6 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd6) |
1455 | IF( PRESENT(cd7 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd7) |
1456 | IF( PRESENT(cd8 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd8) |
1457 | IF( PRESENT(cd9 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd9) |
1458 | IF( PRESENT(cd10) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd10) |
1459 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1460 | ! |
1461 | CALL FLUSH(numout ) |
1462 | IF( numstp /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH(numstp ) |
1463 | IF( numrun /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH(numrun ) |
1464 | IF( numevo_ice /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH(numevo_ice) |
1465 | ! |
1466 | IF( cd1 == 'STOP' ) THEN |
1467 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1468 | WRITE(numout,*) 'huge E-R-R-O-R : immediate stop' |
1469 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1470 | CALL FLUSH(numout) |
1471 | CALL SLEEP(60) ! make sure that all output and abort files are written by all cores. 60s should be enough... |
1472 | CALL mppstop( ld_abort = .true. ) |
1473 | ENDIF |
1474 | ! |
1475 | END SUBROUTINE ctl_stop |
1476 | |
1477 | |
1478 | SUBROUTINE ctl_warn( cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5, & |
1479 | & cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 ) |
1480 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1481 | !! *** ROUTINE stop_warn *** |
1482 | !! |
1483 | !! ** Purpose : print in ocean.outpput file a error message and |
1484 | !! increment the warning number (nwarn) by one. |
1485 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1486 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: cd1, cd2, cd3, cd4, cd5 |
1487 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: cd6, cd7, cd8, cd9, cd10 |
1488 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1489 | ! |
1490 | nwarn = nwarn + 1 |
1491 | ! |
1492 | IF(lwp) THEN |
1493 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1494 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>> : W A R N I N G' |
1495 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1496 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ===============' |
1497 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1498 | IF( PRESENT(cd1 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd1) |
1499 | IF( PRESENT(cd2 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd2) |
1500 | IF( PRESENT(cd3 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd3) |
1501 | IF( PRESENT(cd4 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd4) |
1502 | IF( PRESENT(cd5 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd5) |
1503 | IF( PRESENT(cd6 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd6) |
1504 | IF( PRESENT(cd7 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd7) |
1505 | IF( PRESENT(cd8 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd8) |
1506 | IF( PRESENT(cd9 ) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd9) |
1507 | IF( PRESENT(cd10) ) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(cd10) |
1508 | WRITE(numout,*) |
1509 | ENDIF |
1510 | CALL FLUSH(numout) |
1511 | ! |
1512 | END SUBROUTINE ctl_warn |
1513 | |
1514 | |
1515 | SUBROUTINE ctl_opn( knum, cdfile, cdstat, cdform, cdacce, klengh, kout, ldwp, karea ) |
1516 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1517 | !! *** ROUTINE ctl_opn *** |
1518 | !! |
1519 | !! ** Purpose : Open file and check if required file is available. |
1520 | !! |
1521 | !! ** Method : Fortan open |
1522 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1523 | INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: knum ! logical unit to open |
1524 | CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdfile ! file name to open |
1525 | CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdstat ! disposition specifier |
1526 | CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdform ! formatting specifier |
1527 | CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdacce ! access specifier |
1528 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: klengh ! record length |
1529 | INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kout ! number of logical units for write |
1530 | LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: ldwp ! boolean term for print |
1531 | INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: karea ! proc number |
1532 | ! |
1533 | CHARACTER(len=80) :: clfile |
1534 | CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: clfmt ! writing format |
1535 | INTEGER :: iost |
1536 | INTEGER :: idg ! number of digits |
1537 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1538 | ! |
1539 | ! adapt filename |
1540 | ! ---------------- |
1541 | clfile = TRIM(cdfile) |
1542 | IF( PRESENT( karea ) ) THEN |
1543 | IF( karea > 1 ) THEN |
1544 | ! Warning: jpnij is maybe not already defined when calling ctl_opn -> use mppsize instead of jpnij |
1545 | idg = MAX( INT(LOG10(REAL(MAX(1,mppsize-1),wp))) + 1, 4 ) ! how many digits to we need to write? min=4, max=9 |
1546 | WRITE(clfmt, "('(a,a,i', i1, '.', i1, ')')") idg, idg ! '(a,a,ix.x)' |
1547 | WRITE(clfile, clfmt) TRIM(clfile), '_', karea-1 |
1548 | ENDIF |
1549 | ENDIF |
1550 | #if defined key_agrif |
1551 | IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) clfile = TRIM(Agrif_CFixed())//'_'//TRIM(clfile) |
1552 | knum=Agrif_Get_Unit() |
1553 | #else |
1554 | knum=get_unit() |
1555 | #endif |
1556 | IF( TRIM(cdfile) == '/dev/null' ) clfile = TRIM(cdfile) ! force the use of /dev/null |
1557 | ! |
1558 | IF( cdacce(1:6) == 'DIRECT' ) THEN ! cdacce has always more than 6 characters |
1559 | OPEN( UNIT=knum, FILE=clfile, FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS=cdstat, RECL=klengh , ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) |
1560 | ELSE IF( TRIM(cdstat) == 'APPEND' ) THEN ! cdstat can have less than 6 characters |
1561 | OPEN( UNIT=knum, FILE=clfile, FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS='UNKNOWN', POSITION='APPEND', ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) |
1562 | ELSE |
1563 | OPEN( UNIT=knum, FILE=clfile, FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS=cdstat , ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) |
1564 | ENDIF |
1565 | IF( iost /= 0 .AND. TRIM(clfile) == '/dev/null' ) & ! for windows |
1566 | & OPEN(UNIT=knum,FILE='NUL', FORM=cdform, ACCESS=cdacce, STATUS=cdstat , ERR=100, IOSTAT=iost ) |
1567 | IF( iost == 0 ) THEN |
1568 | IF(ldwp .AND. kout > 0) THEN |
1569 | WRITE(kout,*) ' file : ', TRIM(clfile),' open ok' |
1570 | WRITE(kout,*) ' unit = ', knum |
1571 | WRITE(kout,*) ' status = ', cdstat |
1572 | WRITE(kout,*) ' form = ', cdform |
1573 | WRITE(kout,*) ' access = ', cdacce |
1574 | WRITE(kout,*) |
1575 | ENDIF |
1576 | ENDIF |
1577 | 100 CONTINUE |
1578 | IF( iost /= 0 ) THEN |
1579 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' ===>>>> : bad opening file: ', TRIM(clfile) |
1580 | WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' ======= === ' |
1581 | WRITE(ctmp3,*) ' unit = ', knum |
1582 | WRITE(ctmp4,*) ' status = ', cdstat |
1583 | WRITE(ctmp5,*) ' form = ', cdform |
1584 | WRITE(ctmp6,*) ' access = ', cdacce |
1585 | WRITE(ctmp7,*) ' iostat = ', iost |
1586 | WRITE(ctmp8,*) ' we stop. verify the file ' |
1587 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3, ctmp4, ctmp5, ctmp6, ctmp7, ctmp8 ) |
1588 | ENDIF |
1589 | ! |
1590 | END SUBROUTINE ctl_opn |
1591 | |
1592 | |
1593 | SUBROUTINE ctl_nam ( kios, cdnam ) |
1594 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1595 | !! *** ROUTINE ctl_nam *** |
1596 | !! |
1597 | !! ** Purpose : Informations when error while reading a namelist |
1598 | !! |
1599 | !! ** Method : Fortan open |
1600 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1601 | INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: kios ! IO status after reading the namelist |
1602 | CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdnam ! group name of namelist for which error occurs |
1603 | ! |
1604 | CHARACTER(len=5) :: clios ! string to convert iostat in character for print |
1605 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1606 | ! |
1607 | WRITE (clios, '(I5.0)') kios |
1608 | IF( kios < 0 ) THEN |
1609 | CALL ctl_warn( 'end of record or file while reading namelist ' & |
1610 | & // TRIM(cdnam) // ' iostat = ' // TRIM(clios) ) |
1611 | ENDIF |
1612 | ! |
1613 | IF( kios > 0 ) THEN |
1614 | CALL ctl_stop( 'misspelled variable in namelist ' & |
1615 | & // TRIM(cdnam) // ' iostat = ' // TRIM(clios) ) |
1616 | ENDIF |
1617 | kios = 0 |
1618 | ! |
1619 | END SUBROUTINE ctl_nam |
1620 | |
1621 | |
1622 | INTEGER FUNCTION get_unit() |
1623 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1624 | !! *** FUNCTION get_unit *** |
1625 | !! |
1626 | !! ** Purpose : return the index of an unused logical unit |
1627 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1628 | LOGICAL :: llopn |
1629 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1630 | ! |
1631 | get_unit = 15 ! choose a unit that is big enough then it is not already used in NEMO |
1632 | llopn = .TRUE. |
1633 | DO WHILE( (get_unit < 998) .AND. llopn ) |
1634 | get_unit = get_unit + 1 |
1635 | INQUIRE( unit = get_unit, opened = llopn ) |
1636 | END DO |
1637 | IF( (get_unit == 999) .AND. llopn ) THEN |
1638 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'get_unit: All logical units until 999 are used...' ) |
1639 | ENDIF |
1640 | ! |
1641 | END FUNCTION get_unit |
1642 | |
1643 | SUBROUTINE load_nml( cdnambuff , cdnamfile, kout, ldwp) |
1645 | CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN ) :: cdnamfile |
1646 | CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: chline |
1647 | CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: csp |
1648 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kout |
1649 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ldwp !: .true. only for the root broadcaster |
1650 | INTEGER :: itot, iun, iltc, inl, ios, itotsav |
1651 | ! |
1652 | !csp = NEW_LINE('A') |
1653 | ! a new line character is the best seperator but some systems (e.g.Cray) |
1654 | ! seem to terminate namelist reads from internal files early if they |
1655 | ! encounter new-lines. Use a single space for safety. |
1656 | csp = ' ' |
1657 | ! |
1658 | ! Check if the namelist buffer has already been allocated. Return if it has. |
1659 | ! |
1660 | IF ( ALLOCATED( cdnambuff ) ) RETURN |
1661 | IF( ldwp ) THEN |
1662 | ! |
1663 | ! Open namelist file |
1664 | ! |
1665 | CALL ctl_opn( iun, cdnamfile, 'OLD', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, kout, ldwp ) |
1666 | ! |
1667 | ! First pass: count characters excluding comments and trimable white space |
1668 | ! |
1669 | itot=0 |
1670 | 10 READ(iun,'(A256)',END=20,ERR=20) chline |
1671 | iltc = LEN_TRIM(chline) |
1672 | IF ( iltc.GT.0 ) THEN |
1673 | inl = INDEX(chline, '!') |
1674 | IF( inl.eq.0 ) THEN |
1675 | itot = itot + iltc + 1 ! +1 for the newline character |
1676 | ELSEIF( inl.GT.0 .AND. LEN_TRIM( chline(1:inl-1) ).GT.0 ) THEN |
1677 | itot = itot + inl ! includes +1 for the newline character |
1678 | ENDIF |
1679 | ENDIF |
1680 | GOTO 10 |
1681 | 20 CONTINUE |
1682 | ! |
1683 | ! Allocate text cdnambuff for condensed namelist |
1684 | ! |
1686 | ALLOCATE( CHARACTER(LEN=itot) :: cdnambuff ) |
1688 | itotsav = itot |
1689 | ! |
1690 | ! Second pass: read and transfer pruned characters into cdnambuff |
1691 | ! |
1692 | REWIND(iun) |
1693 | itot=1 |
1694 | 30 READ(iun,'(A256)',END=40,ERR=40) chline |
1695 | iltc = LEN_TRIM(chline) |
1696 | IF ( iltc.GT.0 ) THEN |
1697 | inl = INDEX(chline, '!') |
1698 | IF( inl.eq.0 ) THEN |
1699 | inl = iltc |
1700 | ELSE |
1701 | inl = inl - 1 |
1702 | ENDIF |
1703 | IF( inl.GT.0 .AND. LEN_TRIM( chline(1:inl) ).GT.0 ) THEN |
1704 | cdnambuff(itot:itot+inl-1) = chline(1:inl) |
1705 | WRITE( cdnambuff(itot+inl:itot+inl), '(a)' ) csp |
1706 | itot = itot + inl + 1 |
1707 | ENDIF |
1708 | ENDIF |
1709 | GOTO 30 |
1710 | 40 CONTINUE |
1711 | itot = itot - 1 |
1712 | IF( itotsav .NE. itot ) WRITE(*,*) 'WARNING in load_nml. Allocated ',itotsav,' for read buffer; but used ',itot |
1713 | ! |
1714 | ! Close namelist file |
1715 | ! |
1716 | CLOSE(iun) |
1717 | !write(*,'(32A)') cdnambuff |
1718 | ENDIF |
1719 | #if ! defined key_mpi_off |
1720 | CALL mpp_bcast_nml( cdnambuff, itot ) |
1721 | #endif |
1722 | END SUBROUTINE load_nml |
1723 | |
1724 | |
1725 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1726 | END MODULE lib_mpp |