1 | MODULE sbcapr |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE sbcapr *** |
4 | !! Surface module : atmospheric pressure forcing |
5 | !!====================================================================== |
6 | !! History : 3.3 ! 2010-09 (J. Chanut, C. Bricaud, G. Madec) Original code |
7 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 | |
9 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10 | !! sbc_apr : read atmospheric pressure in netcdf files |
11 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
12 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
13 | USE sbc_oce ! surface boundary condition |
14 | USE phycst ! physical constants |
15 | ! |
16 | USE fldread ! read input fields |
17 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
18 | USE lib_fortran ! distributed memory computing library |
19 | USE iom ! IOM library |
20 | USE lib_mpp ! MPP library |
21 | |
23 | PRIVATE |
24 | |
25 | PUBLIC sbc_apr ! routine called in sbcmod |
26 | PUBLIC sbc_apr_init ! routine called in sbcmod |
27 | |
28 | ! !!* namsbc_apr namelist (Atmospheric PRessure) * |
29 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_apr_obc = .false. !: inverse barometer added to OBC ssh data |
30 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_ref_apr !: ref. pressure: global mean Patm (F) or a constant (F) |
31 | REAL(wp),PUBLIC :: rn_pref ! reference atmospheric pressure [N/m2] |
32 | |
33 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ssh_ib ! Inverse barometer now sea surface height [m] |
34 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ssh_ibb ! Inverse barometer before sea surface height [m] |
35 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) :: apr ! atmospheric pressure at kt [N/m2] |
36 | |
37 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: tarea ! whole domain mean masked ocean surface |
38 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: r1_grau ! = 1.e0 / (grav * rau0) |
39 | |
40 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: cpl_mslp = .FALSE. ! Presure is passed via coupling |
41 | |
42 | TYPE(FLD), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sf_apr ! structure of input fields (file informations, fields read) |
43 | |
44 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 | !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
46 | !! $Id$ |
47 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) |
48 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
50 | |
51 | SUBROUTINE sbc_apr_init |
52 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
53 | !! *** ROUTINE sbc_apr *** |
54 | !! |
55 | !! ** Purpose : read atmospheric pressure fields in netcdf files. |
56 | !! |
57 | !! ** Method : - Read namelist namsbc_apr |
58 | !! - Read Patm fields in netcdf files |
59 | !! - Compute reference atmospheric pressure |
60 | !! - Compute inverse barometer ssh |
61 | !! ** action : apr : atmospheric pressure at kt |
62 | !! ssh_ib : inverse barometer ssh at kt |
63 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
64 | INTEGER :: ierror ! local integer |
65 | INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read |
66 | !! |
67 | CHARACTER(len=100) :: cn_dir ! Root directory for location of ssr files |
68 | TYPE(FLD_N) :: sn_apr ! informations about the fields to be read |
69 | LOGICAL :: lrxios ! read restart using XIOS? |
70 | !! |
71 | NAMELIST/namsbc_apr/ cn_dir, sn_apr, ln_ref_apr, rn_pref, ln_apr_obc |
72 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
73 | REWIND( numnam_ref ) ! Namelist namsbc_apr in reference namelist : File for atmospheric pressure forcing |
74 | READ ( numnam_ref, namsbc_apr, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) |
75 | 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namsbc_apr in reference namelist' ) |
76 | |
77 | REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist namsbc_apr in configuration namelist : File for atmospheric pressure forcing |
78 | READ ( numnam_cfg, namsbc_apr, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) |
79 | 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namsbc_apr in configuration namelist' ) |
80 | IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namsbc_apr ) |
81 | ! |
82 | IF( .NOT. cpl_mslp ) THEN |
83 | ALLOCATE( sf_apr(1), STAT=ierror ) !* allocate and fill sf_sst (forcing structure) with sn_sst |
84 | IF( ierror > 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'sbc_apr: unable to allocate sf_apr structure' ) |
85 | ! |
86 | CALL fld_fill( sf_apr, (/ sn_apr /), cn_dir, 'sbc_apr', 'Atmospheric pressure ', 'namsbc_apr' ) |
87 | ALLOCATE( sf_apr(1)%fnow(jpi,jpj,1) ) |
88 | IF( sn_apr%ln_tint ) ALLOCATE( sf_apr(1)%fdta(jpi,jpj,1,2) ) |
89 | ENDIF |
90 | ALLOCATE( ssh_ib(jpi,jpj) , ssh_ibb(jpi,jpj) ) |
91 | ALLOCATE( apr (jpi,jpj) ) |
92 | ! |
93 | IF( lwp )THEN !* control print |
94 | WRITE(numout,*) |
95 | IF( cpl_mslp ) THEN |
96 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namsbc_apr : Atmospheric PRessure as extrenal forcing' |
97 | ELSE |
98 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namsbc_apr : Atmospheric Pressure as extrenal forcing' |
99 | ENDIF |
100 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ref. pressure: global mean Patm (T) or a constant (F) ln_ref_apr = ', ln_ref_apr |
101 | ENDIF |
102 | ! |
103 | IF( ln_ref_apr ) THEN !* Compute whole inner domain mean masked ocean surface |
104 | tarea = glob_sum( 'sbcapr', e1e2t(:,:) ) |
105 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Variable ref. Patm computed over a ocean surface of ', tarea*1e-6, 'km2' |
106 | ELSE |
107 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Reference Patm used : ', rn_pref, ' N/m2' |
108 | ENDIF |
109 | ! |
110 | r1_grau = 1.e0 / (grav * rau0) !* constant for optimization |
111 | ! |
112 | ! !* control check |
113 | IF ( ln_apr_obc ) THEN |
114 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Inverse barometer added to OBC ssh data' |
115 | ENDIF |
116 | !jc: stop below should rather be a warning |
117 | IF( ln_apr_obc .AND. .NOT.ln_apr_dyn ) & |
118 | CALL ctl_warn( 'sbc_apr: use inverse barometer ssh at open boundary ONLY requires ln_apr_dyn=T' ) |
119 | ! |
120 | IF( lwxios ) THEN |
121 | CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('ssh_ibb') |
122 | ENDIF |
123 | END SUBROUTINE sbc_apr_init |
124 | |
125 | SUBROUTINE sbc_apr( kt ) |
126 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
127 | !! *** ROUTINE sbc_apr *** |
128 | !! |
129 | !! ** Purpose : read atmospheric pressure fields in netcdf files. |
130 | !! |
131 | !! ** Method : - Read namelist namsbc_apr |
132 | !! - Read Patm fields in netcdf files |
133 | !! - Compute reference atmospheric pressure |
134 | !! - Compute inverse barometer ssh |
135 | !! ** action : apr : atmospheric pressure at kt |
136 | !! ssh_ib : inverse barometer ssh at kt |
137 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
138 | INTEGER, INTENT(in):: kt ! ocean time step |
139 | ! |
140 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
141 | |
142 | IF( .NOT. cpl_mslp ) THEN |
143 | ! ========================== ! |
144 | IF( MOD( kt-1, nn_fsbc ) == 0 ) THEN ! At each sbc time-step ! |
145 | ! ! ===========+++============ ! |
146 | IF( kt /= nit000 ) ssh_ibb(:,:) = ssh_ib(:,:) !* Swap of ssh_ib fields |
147 | ! |
148 | CALL fld_read( kt, nn_fsbc, sf_apr ) !* input Patm provided at kt + nn_fsbc/2 |
149 | ! |
150 | ! !* update the reference atmospheric pressure (if necessary) |
151 | IF( ln_ref_apr ) rn_pref = glob_sum( 'sbcapr', sf_apr(1)%fnow(:,:,1) * e1e2t(:,:) ) / tarea |
152 | ! |
153 | ! !* Patm related forcing at kt |
154 | ssh_ib(:,:) = - ( sf_apr(1)%fnow(:,:,1) - rn_pref ) * r1_grau ! equivalent ssh (inverse barometer) |
155 | apr (:,:) = sf_apr(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ! atmospheric pressure |
156 | ! |
157 | CALL iom_put( "ssh_ib", ssh_ib ) !* output the inverse barometer ssh |
158 | ENDIF |
159 | |
160 | ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! |
161 | IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN ! set the forcing field at nit000 - 1 ! |
162 | ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! |
163 | ! !* Restart: read in restart file |
164 | IF( ln_rstart .AND. iom_varid( numror, 'ssh_ibb', ldstop = .FALSE. ) > 0 ) THEN |
165 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'sbc_apr: ssh_ibb read in the restart file' |
166 | CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'ssh_ibb', ssh_ibb ) ! before inv. barometer ssh |
167 | ! |
168 | ELSE !* no restart: set from nit000 values |
169 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'sbc_apr: ssh_ibb set to nit000 values' |
170 | ssh_ibb(:,:) = ssh_ib(:,:) |
171 | ENDIF |
172 | ENDIF |
173 | ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! |
174 | IF( lrst_oce ) THEN ! Write in the ocean restart file ! |
175 | ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! |
176 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
177 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'sbc_apr : ssh_ib written in ocean restart file at it= ', kt,' date= ', ndastp |
178 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~' |
179 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'ssh_ibb' , ssh_ib ) |
180 | ENDIF |
181 | IF( lwxios ) CALL iom_swap( cxios_context ) |
182 | ENDIF |
183 | ! |
184 | END SUBROUTINE sbc_apr |
185 | |
186 | !!====================================================================== |
187 | END MODULE sbcapr |