1 | \documentclass[../main/NEMO_manual]{subfiles} |
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3 | \begin{document} |
4 | |
5 | \chapter{Apply Assimilation Increments (ASM)} |
6 | \label{chap:ASM} |
7 | |
8 | % {\em 4.0} & {\em D. J. Lea} & {\em \NEMO\ 4.0 updates} \\ |
9 | % {\em 3.4} & {\em D. J. Lea, M. Martin, K. Mogensen, A. Weaver} & {\em Initial version} \\ |
10 | |
11 | \thispagestyle{plain} |
12 | |
13 | \chaptertoc |
14 | |
15 | \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ |
16 | |
17 | {\footnotesize |
18 | \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} |
19 | Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ |
20 | \hline |
21 | {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ |
22 | {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ |
23 | {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ |
24 | {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} |
25 | \end{tabularx} |
26 | } |
27 | |
28 | \clearpage |
29 | |
30 | The ASM code adds the functionality to apply increments to the model variables: temperature, salinity, |
31 | sea surface height, velocity and sea ice concentration. |
32 | These are read into the model from a NetCDF file which may be produced by separate data assimilation code. |
33 | The code can also output model background fields which are used as an input to data assimilation code. |
34 | This is all controlled by the namelist \nam{_asminc}{\_asminc}. |
35 | There is a brief description of all the namelist options provided. |
36 | To build the ASM code \key{asminc} must be set. |
37 | |
38 | %% ================================================================================================= |
39 | \section{Direct initialization} |
40 | \label{sec:ASM_DI} |
41 | |
42 | Direct initialization (DI) refers to the instantaneous correction of the model background state using |
43 | the analysis increment. |
44 | DI is used when \np{ln_asmdin}{ln\_asmdin} is set to true. |
45 | |
46 | %% ================================================================================================= |
47 | \section{Incremental analysis updates} |
48 | \label{sec:ASM_IAU} |
49 | |
50 | Rather than updating the model state directly with the analysis increment, |
51 | it may be preferable to introduce the increment gradually into the ocean model in order to |
52 | minimize spurious adjustment processes. |
53 | This technique is referred to as Incremental Analysis Updates (IAU) \citep{bloom.takacs.ea_MWR96}. |
54 | IAU is a common technique used with 3D assimilation methods such as 3D-Var or OI. |
55 | IAU is used when \np{ln_asmiau}{ln\_asmiau} is set to true. |
56 | |
57 | With IAU, the model state trajectory ${\mathbf x}$ in the assimilation window ($t_{0} \leq t_{i} \leq t_{N}$) |
58 | is corrected by adding the analysis increments for temperature, salinity, horizontal velocity and SSH as |
59 | additional tendency terms to the prognostic equations: |
60 | \begin{align*} |
61 | % \label{eq:ASM_wa_traj_iau} |
62 | {\mathbf x}^{a}(t_{i}) = M(t_{i}, t_{0})[{\mathbf x}^{b}(t_{0})] \; + \; F_{i} \delta \tilde{\mathbf x}^{a} |
63 | \end{align*} |
64 | where $F_{i}$ is a weighting function for applying the increments $\delta\tilde{\mathbf x}^{a}$ defined such that |
65 | $\sum_{i=1}^{N} F_{i}=1$. |
66 | ${\mathbf x}^b$ denotes the model initial state and ${\mathbf x}^a$ is the model state after the increments are applied. |
67 | To control the adjustment time of the model to the increment, |
68 | the increment can be applied over an arbitrary sub-window, $t_{m} \leq t_{i} \leq t_{n}$, |
69 | of the main assimilation window, where $t_{0} \leq t_{m} \leq t_{i}$ and $t_{i} \leq t_{n} \leq t_{N}$. |
70 | Typically the increments are spread evenly over the full window. |
71 | In addition, two different weighting functions have been implemented. |
72 | The first function (namelist option \np{niaufn}{niaufn}=0) employs constant weights, |
73 | \begin{align} |
74 | \label{eq:ASM_F1_i} |
75 | F^{(1)}_{i} |
76 | =\left\{ |
77 | \begin{array}{ll} |
78 | 0 & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{i} < t_{m} \\ |
79 | 1/M & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{m} < t_{i} \leq t_{n} \\ |
80 | 0 & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{i} > t_{n} |
81 | \end{array} |
82 | \right. |
83 | \end{align} |
84 | where $M = m-n$. |
85 | The second function (namelist option \np{niaufn}{niaufn}=1) employs peaked hat-like weights in order to give maximum weight in the centre of the sub-window, |
86 | with the weighting reduced linearly to a small value at the window end-points: |
87 | \begin{align} |
88 | \label{eq:ASM_F2_i} |
89 | F^{(2)}_{i} |
90 | =\left\{ |
91 | \begin{array}{ll} |
92 | 0 & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{i} < t_{m} \\ |
93 | \alpha \, i & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{m} \leq t_{i} \leq t_{M/2} \\ |
94 | \alpha \, (M - i +1) & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{M/2} < t_{i} \leq t_{n} \\ |
95 | 0 & {\mathrm if} \; \; \; t_{i} > t_{n} |
96 | \end{array} |
97 | \right. |
98 | \end{align} |
99 | where $\alpha^{-1} = \sum_{i=1}^{M/2} 2i$ and $M$ is assumed to be even. |
100 | The weights described by \autoref{eq:ASM_F2_i} provide a smoother transition of the analysis trajectory from |
101 | one assimilation cycle to the next than that described by \autoref{eq:ASM_F1_i}. |
102 | |
103 | %% ================================================================================================= |
104 | \section{Divergence damping initialisation} |
105 | \label{sec:ASM_div_dmp} |
106 | |
107 | It is quite challenging for data assimilation systems to provide non-divergent velocity increments. |
108 | Applying divergent velocity increments will likely cause spurious vertical velocities in the model. This section describes a method to take velocity increments provided to \NEMO\ ($u^0_I$ and $v^0_I$) and adjust them by the iterative application of a divergence damping operator. The method is also described in \citet{dobricic.pinardi.ea_OS07}. |
109 | |
110 | In iteration step $n$ (starting at $n=1$) new estimates of velocity increments $u^{n}_I$ and $v^{n}_I$ are updated by: |
111 | |
112 | \begin{equation} |
113 | \label{eq:ASM_dmp} |
114 | \left\{ |
115 | \begin{aligned} |
116 | u^{n}_I = u^{n-1}_I + \frac{1}{e_{1u} } \delta_{i+1/2} \left( {A_D |
117 | \;\chi^{n-1}_I } \right) \\ \\ |
118 | v^{n}_I = v^{n-1}_I + \frac{1}{e_{2v} } \delta_{j+1/2} \left( {A_D |
119 | \;\chi^{n-1}_I } \right) \\ |
120 | \end{aligned} |
121 | \right., |
122 | \end{equation} |
123 | |
124 | where the divergence is defined as |
125 | |
126 | \[ |
127 | % \label{eq:ASM_div} |
128 | \chi^{n-1}_I = \frac{1}{e_{1t}\,e_{2t}\,e_{3t} } |
129 | \left( {\delta_i \left[ {e_{2u}\,e_{3u}\,u^{n-1}_I} \right] |
130 | +\delta_j \left[ {e_{1v}\,e_{3v}\,v^{n-1}_I} \right]} \right). |
131 | \] |
132 | |
133 | By the application of \autoref{eq:ASM_dmp} the divergence is filtered in each iteration, |
134 | and the vorticity is left unchanged. |
135 | In the presence of coastal boundaries with zero velocity increments perpendicular to the coast |
136 | the divergence is strongly damped. |
137 | This type of the initialisation reduces the vertical velocity magnitude and |
138 | alleviates the problem of the excessive unphysical vertical mixing in the first steps of the model integration |
139 | \citep{talagrand_JAS72, dobricic.pinardi.ea_OS07}. |
140 | Diffusion coefficients are defined as $A_D = \alpha e_{1t} e_{2t}$, where $\alpha = 0.2$. |
141 | The divergence damping is activated by assigning to \np{nn_divdmp}{nn\_divdmp} in the \nam{_asminc}{\_asminc} namelist |
142 | a value greater than zero. |
143 | This specifies the number of iterations of the divergence damping. Setting a value of the order of 100 will result in a significant reduction in the vertical velocity induced by the increments. |
144 | |
145 | %% ================================================================================================= |
146 | \section{Implementation details} |
147 | \label{sec:ASM_details} |
148 | |
149 | Here we show an example \nam{_asminc}{\_asminc} namelist and the header of an example assimilation increments file on |
150 | the ORCA2 grid. |
151 | |
152 | \begin{listing} |
153 | \nlst{nam_asminc} |
154 | \caption{\forcode{&nam_asminc}} |
155 | \label{lst:nam_asminc} |
156 | \end{listing} |
157 | |
158 | The header of an assimilation increments file produced using the NetCDF tool |
159 | \mbox{\textit{ncdump~-h}} is shown below |
160 | |
161 | \begin{clines} |
162 | netcdf assim_background_increments { |
163 | dimensions: |
164 | x = 182 ; |
165 | y = 149 ; |
166 | z = 31 ; |
167 | t = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) |
168 | variables: |
169 | float nav_lon(y, x) ; |
170 | float nav_lat(y, x) ; |
171 | float nav_lev(z) ; |
172 | double time_counter(t) ; |
173 | double time ; |
174 | double z_inc_dateb ; |
175 | double z_inc_datef ; |
176 | double bckint(t, z, y, x) ; |
177 | double bckins(t, z, y, x) ; |
178 | double bckinu(t, z, y, x) ; |
179 | double bckinv(t, z, y, x) ; |
180 | double bckineta(t, y, x) ; |
181 | |
182 | // global attributes: |
183 | :DOMAIN_number_total = 1 ; |
184 | :DOMAIN_number = 0 ; |
185 | :DOMAIN_dimensions_ids = 1, 2 ; |
186 | :DOMAIN_size_global = 182, 149 ; |
187 | :DOMAIN_size_local = 182, 149 ; |
188 | :DOMAIN_position_first = 1, 1 ; |
189 | :DOMAIN_position_last = 182, 149 ; |
190 | :DOMAIN_halo_size_start = 0, 0 ; |
191 | :DOMAIN_halo_size_end = 0, 0 ; |
192 | :DOMAIN_type = "BOX" ; |
193 | } |
194 | \end{clines} |
195 | |
196 | \onlyinsubfile{\input{../../global/epilogue}} |
197 | |
198 | \end{document} |