1 | \documentclass[../main/NEMO_manual]{subfiles} |
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3 | \begin{document} |
4 | % ================================================================ |
5 | % Diurnal SST models (DIU) |
6 | % Edited by James While |
7 | % ================================================================ |
8 | \chapter{Diurnal SST Models (DIU)} |
9 | \label{chap:DIU} |
10 | |
11 | \chaptertoc |
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14 | \newpage |
15 | $\ $\newline % force a new line |
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17 | Code to produce an estimate of the diurnal warming and cooling of the sea surface skin |
18 | temperature (skin SST) is found in the DIU directory. |
19 | The skin temperature can be split into three parts: |
20 | \begin{itemize} |
21 | \item |
22 | A foundation SST which is free from diurnal warming. |
23 | \item |
24 | A warm layer, typically ~3\,m thick, |
25 | where heating from solar radiation can cause a warm stably stratified layer during the daytime |
26 | \item |
27 | A cool skin, a thin layer, approximately ~1\, mm thick, |
28 | where long wave cooling is dominant and cools the immediate ocean surface. |
29 | \end{itemize} |
30 | |
31 | Models are provided for both the warm layer, \mdl{diurnal\_bulk}, and the cool skin, \mdl{cool\_skin}. |
32 | Foundation SST is not considered as it can be obtained either from the main \NEMO\ model |
33 | (\ie\ from the temperature of the top few model levels) or from some other source. |
34 | It must be noted that both the cool skin and warm layer models produce estimates of the change in temperature |
35 | ($\Delta T_{\mathrm{cs}}$ and $\Delta T_{\mathrm{wl}}$) and |
36 | both must be added to a foundation SST to obtain the true skin temperature. |
37 | |
38 | Both the cool skin and warm layer models are controlled through the namelist \nam{diu}: |
39 | |
40 | \nlst{namdiu} |
41 | This namelist contains only two variables: |
42 | \begin{description} |
43 | \item[\np{ln\_diurnal}] |
44 | A logical switch for turning on/off both the cool skin and warm layer. |
45 | \item[\np{ln\_diurnal\_only}] |
46 | A logical switch which if \forcode{.true.} will run the diurnal model without the other dynamical parts of \NEMO. |
47 | \np{ln\_diurnal\_only} must be \forcode{.false.} if \np{ln\_diurnal} is \forcode{.false.}. |
48 | \end{description} |
49 | |
50 | Output for the diurnal model is through the variables `sst\_wl' (warm\_layer) and `sst\_cs' (cool skin). |
51 | These are 2-D variables which will be included in the model output if they are specified in the iodef.xml file. |
52 | |
53 | Initialisation is through the restart file. |
54 | Specifically the code will expect the presence of the 2-D variable ``Dsst'' to initialise the warm layer. |
55 | The cool skin model, which is determined purely by the instantaneous fluxes, has no initialisation variable. |
56 | |
57 | %=============================================================== |
58 | \section{Warm layer model} |
59 | \label{sec:warm_layer_sec} |
60 | %=============================================================== |
61 | |
62 | The warm layer is calculated using the model of \citet{takaya.bidlot.ea_JGR10} (TAKAYA10 model hereafter). |
63 | This is a simple flux based model that is defined by the equations |
64 | \begin{align} |
65 | \frac{\partial{\Delta T_{\mathrm{wl}}}}{\partial{t}}&=&\frac{Q(\nu+1)}{D_T\rho_w c_p |
66 | \nu}-\frac{(\nu+1)ku^*_{w}f(L_a)\Delta T}{D_T\Phi\!\left(\frac{D_T}{L}\right)} \mbox{,} |
67 | \label{eq:ecmwf1} \\ |
68 | L&=&\frac{\rho_w c_p u^{*^3}_{w}}{\kappa g \alpha_w Q }\mbox{,}\label{eq:ecmwf2} |
69 | \end{align} |
70 | where $\Delta T_{\mathrm{wl}}$ is the temperature difference between the top of the warm layer and the depth $D_T=3$\,m at which there is assumed to be no diurnal signal. |
71 | In equation (\autoref{eq:ecmwf1}) $\alpha_w=2\times10^{-4}$ is the thermal expansion coefficient of water, |
72 | $\kappa=0.4$ is von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n's constant, $c_p$ is the heat capacity at constant pressure of sea water, |
73 | $\rho_w$ is the water density, and $L$ is the Monin-Obukhov length. |
74 | The tunable variable $\nu$ is a shape parameter that defines the expected subskin temperature profile via |
75 | $T(z) = T(0) - \left( \frac{z}{D_T} \right)^\nu \Delta T_{\mathrm{wl}}$, |
76 | where $T$ is the absolute temperature and $z\le D_T$ is the depth below the top of the warm layer. |
77 | The influence of wind on TAKAYA10 comes through the magnitude of the friction velocity of the water $u^*_{w}$, |
78 | which can be related to the 10\,m wind speed $u_{10}$ through |
79 | the relationship $u^*_{w} = u_{10}\sqrt{\frac{C_d\rho_a}{\rho_w}}$, where $C_d$ is the drag coefficient, |
80 | and $\rho_a$ is the density of air. |
81 | The symbol $Q$ in equation (\autoref{eq:ecmwf1}) is the instantaneous total thermal energy flux into |
82 | the diurnal layer, \ie |
83 | \[ |
84 | Q = Q_{\mathrm{sol}} + Q_{\mathrm{lw}} + Q_{\mathrm{h}}\mbox{,} |
85 | % \label{eq:e_flux_eqn} |
86 | \] |
87 | where $Q_{\mathrm{h}}$ is the sensible and latent heat flux, $Q_{\mathrm{lw}}$ is the long wave flux, |
88 | and $Q_{\mathrm{sol}}$ is the solar flux absorbed within the diurnal warm layer. |
89 | For $Q_{\mathrm{sol}}$ the 9 term representation of \citet{gentemann.minnett.ea_JGR09} is used. |
90 | In equation \autoref{eq:ecmwf1} the function $f(L_a)=\max(1,L_a^{\frac{2}{3}})$, |
91 | where $L_a=0.3$\footnote{ |
92 | This is a global average value, more accurately $L_a$ could be computed as $L_a=(u^*_{w}/u_s)^{\frac{1}{2}}$, |
93 | where $u_s$ is the stokes drift, but this is not currently done |
94 | } is the turbulent Langmuir number and is a parametrization of the effect of waves. |
95 | The function $\Phi\!\left(\frac{D_T}{L}\right)$ is the similarity function that |
96 | parametrizes the stability of the water column and is given by: |
97 | \begin{equation} |
98 | \Phi(\zeta) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} 1 + \frac{5\zeta + |
99 | 4\zeta^2}{1+3\zeta+0.25\zeta^2} &(\zeta \ge 0) \\ |
100 | (1 - 16\zeta)^{-\frac{1}{2}} & (\zeta < 0) \mbox{,} |
101 | \end{array} \right. \label{eq:stab_func_eqn} |
102 | \end{equation} |
103 | where $\zeta=\frac{D_T}{L}$. It is clear that the first derivative of (\autoref{eq:stab_func_eqn}), |
104 | and thus of (\autoref{eq:ecmwf1}), is discontinuous at $\zeta=0$ (\ie\ $Q\rightarrow0$ in |
105 | equation (\autoref{eq:ecmwf2})). |
106 | |
107 | The two terms on the right hand side of (\autoref{eq:ecmwf1}) represent different processes. |
108 | The first term is simply the diabatic heating or cooling of the diurnal warm layer due to |
109 | thermal energy fluxes into and out of the layer. |
110 | The second term parametrizes turbulent fluxes of heat out of the diurnal warm layer due to wind induced mixing. |
111 | In practice the second term acts as a relaxation on the temperature. |
112 | |
113 | %=============================================================== |
114 | |
115 | \section{Cool skin model} |
116 | \label{sec:cool_skin_sec} |
117 | |
118 | %=============================================================== |
119 | |
120 | The cool skin is modelled using the framework of \citet{saunders_JAS67} who used a formulation of the near surface temperature difference based upon the heat flux and the friction velocity $u^*_{w}$. |
121 | As the cool skin is so thin (~1\,mm) we ignore the solar flux component to the heat flux and the Saunders equation for the cool skin temperature difference $\Delta T_{\mathrm{cs}}$ becomes |
122 | \[ |
123 | % \label{eq:sunders_eqn} |
124 | \Delta T_{\mathrm{cs}}=\frac{Q_{\mathrm{ns}}\delta}{k_t} \mbox{,} |
125 | \] |
126 | where $Q_{\mathrm{ns}}$ is the, usually negative, non-solar heat flux into the ocean and |
127 | $k_t$ is the thermal conductivity of sea water. |
128 | $\delta$ is the thickness of the skin layer and is given by |
129 | \begin{equation} |
130 | \label{eq:sunders_thick_eqn} |
131 | \delta=\frac{\lambda \mu}{u^*_{w}} \mbox{,} |
132 | \end{equation} |
133 | where $\mu$ is the kinematic viscosity of sea water and $\lambda$ is a constant of proportionality which |
134 | \citet{saunders_JAS67} suggested varied between 5 and 10. |
135 | |
136 | The value of $\lambda$ used in equation (\autoref{eq:sunders_thick_eqn}) is that of \citet{artale.iudicone.ea_JGR02}, |
137 | which is shown in \citet{tu.tsuang_GRL05} to outperform a number of other parametrisations at |
138 | both low and high wind speeds. |
139 | Specifically, |
140 | \[ |
141 | % \label{eq:artale_lambda_eqn} |
142 | \lambda = \frac{ 8.64\times10^4 u^*_{w} k_t }{ \rho c_p h \mu \gamma }\mbox{,} |
143 | \] |
144 | where $h=10$\,m is a reference depth and |
145 | $\gamma$ is a dimensionless function of wind speed $u$: |
146 | \[ |
147 | % \label{eq:artale_gamma_eqn} |
148 | \gamma = |
149 | \begin{cases} |
150 | 0.2u+0.5\mbox{,} & u \le 7.5\,\mbox{ms}^{-1} \\ |
151 | 1.6u-10\mbox{,} & 7.5 < u < 10\,\mbox{ms}^{-1} \\ |
152 | 6\mbox{,} & u \ge 10\,\mbox{ms}^{-1} \\ |
153 | \end{cases} |
154 | \] |
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156 | \biblio |
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158 | \pindex |
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160 | \end{document} |