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3 | \begin{document} |
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5 | % ================================================================ |
6 | % Invariant of the Equations |
7 | % ================================================================ |
8 | \chapter{Invariants of the Primitive Equations} |
9 | \label{chap:CONS} |
10 | |
11 | \chaptertoc |
12 | |
13 | The continuous equations of motion have many analytic properties. |
14 | Many quantities (total mass, energy, enstrophy, etc.) are strictly conserved in the inviscid and unforced limit, |
15 | while ocean physics conserve the total quantities on which they act (momentum, temperature, salinity) but |
16 | dissipate their total variance (energy, enstrophy, etc.). |
17 | Unfortunately, the finite difference form of these equations is not guaranteed to |
18 | retain all these important properties. |
19 | In constructing the finite differencing schemes, we wish to ensure that |
20 | certain integral constraints will be maintained. |
21 | In particular, it is desirable to construct the finite difference equations so that |
22 | horizontal kinetic energy and/or potential enstrophy of horizontally non-divergent flow, |
23 | and variance of temperature and salinity will be conserved in the absence of dissipative effects and forcing. |
24 | \citet{arakawa_JCP66} has first pointed out the advantage of this approach. |
25 | He showed that if integral constraints on energy are maintained, |
26 | the computation will be free of the troublesome "non linear" instability originally pointed out by |
27 | \citet{phillips_TAMS59}. |
28 | A consistent formulation of the energetic properties is also extremely important in carrying out |
29 | long-term numerical simulations for an oceanographic model. |
30 | Such a formulation avoids systematic errors that accumulate with time \citep{bryan_JCP97}. |
31 | |
32 | The general philosophy of OPA which has led to the discrete formulation presented in {\S}II.2 and II.3 is to |
33 | choose second order non-diffusive scheme for advective terms for both dynamical and tracer equations. |
34 | At this level of complexity, the resulting schemes are dispersive schemes. |
35 | Therefore, they require the addition of a diffusive operator to be stable. |
36 | The alternative is to use diffusive schemes such as upstream or flux corrected schemes. |
37 | This last option was rejected because we prefer a complete handling of the model diffusion, |
38 | \ie\ of the model physics rather than letting the advective scheme produces its own implicit diffusion without |
39 | controlling the space and time structure of this implicit diffusion. |
40 | Note that in some very specific cases as passive tracer studies, the positivity of the advective scheme is required. |
41 | In that case, and in that case only, the advective scheme used for passive tracer is a flux correction scheme |
42 | \citep{Marti1992?, Levy1996?, Levy1998?}. |
43 | |
44 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 | % Conservation Properties on Ocean Dynamics |
46 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
47 | \section{Conservation properties on ocean dynamics} |
48 | \label{sec:CONS_Invariant_dyn} |
49 | |
50 | The non linear term of the momentum equations has been split into a vorticity term, |
51 | a gradient of horizontal kinetic energy and a vertical advection term. |
52 | Three schemes are available for the former (see {\S}~II.2) according to the CPP variable defined |
53 | (default option\textbf{?}or \textbf{key{\_}vorenergy} or \textbf{key{\_}vorcombined} defined). |
54 | They differ in their conservative properties (energy or enstrophy conserving scheme). |
55 | The two latter terms preserve the total kinetic energy: |
56 | the large scale kinetic energy is also preserved in practice. |
57 | The remaining non-diffusive terms of the momentum equation |
58 | (namely the hydrostatic and surface pressure gradient terms) also preserve the total kinetic energy and |
59 | have no effect on the vorticity of the flow. |
60 | |
61 | \textbf{* relative, planetary and total vorticity term:} |
62 | |
63 | Let us define as either the relative, planetary and total potential vorticity, \ie, ?, and ?, respectively. |
64 | The continuous formulation of the vorticity term satisfies following integral constraints: |
65 | \[ |
66 | % \label{eq:CONS_vor_vorticity} |
67 | \int_D {{\textbf {k}}\cdot \frac{1}{e_3 }\nabla \times \left( {\varsigma |
68 | \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}\times {\textbf {U}}_h } \right)\;dv} =0 |
69 | \] |
70 | |
71 | \[ |
72 | % \label{eq:CONS_vor_enstrophy} |
73 | if\quad \chi =0\quad \quad \int\limits_D {\varsigma \;{\textbf{k}}\cdot |
74 | \frac{1}{e_3 }\nabla \times \left( {\varsigma {\textbf{k}}\times {\textbf{U}}_h } \right)\;dv} =-\int\limits_D {\frac{1}{2}\varsigma ^2\,\chi \;dv} |
75 | =0 |
76 | \] |
77 | |
78 | \[ |
79 | % \label{eq:CONS_vor_energy} |
80 | \int_D {{\textbf{U}}_h \times \left( {\varsigma \;{\textbf{k}}\times {\textbf{U}}_h } \right)\;dv} =0 |
81 | \] |
82 | where $dv = e_1\, e_2\, e_3\, di\, dj\, dk$ is the volume element. |
83 | (II.4.1a) means that $\varsigma $ is conserved. (II.4.1b) is obtained by an integration by part. |
84 | It means that $\varsigma^2$ is conserved for a horizontally non-divergent flow. |
85 | (II.4.1c) is even satisfied locally since the vorticity term is orthogonal to the horizontal velocity. |
86 | It means that the vorticity term has no contribution to the evolution of the total kinetic energy. |
87 | (II.4.1a) is obviously always satisfied, but (II.4.1b) and (II.4.1c) cannot be satisfied simultaneously with |
88 | a second order scheme. |
89 | Using the symmetry or anti-symmetry properties of the operators (Eqs II.1.10 and 11), |
90 | it can be shown that the scheme (II.2.11) satisfies (II.4.1b) but not (II.4.1c), |
91 | while scheme (II.2.12) satisfies (II.4.1c) but not (II.4.1b) (see appendix C). |
92 | Note that the enstrophy conserving scheme on total vorticity has been chosen as the standard discrete form of |
93 | the vorticity term. |
94 | |
95 | \textbf{* Gradient of kinetic energy / vertical advection} |
96 | |
97 | In continuous formulation, the gradient of horizontal kinetic energy has no contribution to the evolution of |
98 | the vorticity as the curl of a gradient is zero. |
99 | This property is satisfied locally with the discrete form of both the gradient and the curl operator we have made |
100 | (property (II.1.9)~). |
101 | Another continuous property is that the change of horizontal kinetic energy due to |
102 | vertical advection is exactly balanced by the change of horizontal kinetic energy due to |
103 | the horizontal gradient of horizontal kinetic energy: |
104 | |
105 | \begin{equation} \label{eq:CONS_keg_zad} |
106 | \int_D {{\textbf{U}}_h \cdot \nabla _h \left( {1/2\;{\textbf{U}}_h ^2} \right)\;dv} =-\int_D {{\textbf{U}}_h \cdot \frac{w}{e_3 }\;\frac{\partial |
107 | {\textbf{U}}_h }{\partial k}\;dv} |
108 | \end{equation} |
109 | |
110 | Using the discrete form given in {\S}II.2-a and the symmetry or anti-symmetry properties of |
111 | the mean and difference operators, \autoref{eq:CONS_keg_zad} is demonstrated in the Appendix C. |
112 | The main point here is that satisfying \autoref{eq:CONS_keg_zad} links the choice of the discrete forms of |
113 | the vertical advection and of the horizontal gradient of horizontal kinetic energy. |
114 | Choosing one imposes the other. |
115 | The discrete form of the vertical advection given in {\S}II.2-a is a direct consequence of |
116 | formulating the horizontal kinetic energy as $1/2 \left( \overline{u^2}^i + \overline{v^2}^j \right) $ in |
117 | the gradient term. |
118 | |
119 | \textbf{* hydrostatic pressure gradient term} |
120 | |
121 | In continuous formulation, a pressure gradient has no contribution to the evolution of the vorticity as |
122 | the curl of a gradient is zero. |
123 | This properties is satisfied locally with the choice of discretization we have made (property (II.1.9)~). |
124 | In addition, when the equation of state is linear |
125 | (\ie\ when an advective-diffusive equation for density can be derived from those of temperature and salinity) |
126 | the change of horizontal kinetic energy due to the work of pressure forces is balanced by the change of |
127 | potential energy due to buoyancy forces: |
128 | |
129 | \[ |
130 | % \label{eq:CONS_hpg_pe} |
131 | \int_D {-\frac{1}{\rho_o }\left. {\nabla p^h} \right|_z \cdot {\textbf {U}}_h \;dv} \;=\;\int_D {\nabla .\left( {\rho \,{\textbf{U}}} \right)\;g\;z\;\;dv} |
132 | \] |
133 | |
134 | Using the discrete form given in {\S}~II.2-a and the symmetry or anti-symmetry properties of |
135 | the mean and difference operators, (II.4.3) is demonstrated in the Appendix C. |
136 | The main point here is that satisfying (II.4.3) strongly constraints the discrete expression of the depth of |
137 | $T$-points and of the term added to the pressure gradient in $s-$coordinates: the depth of a $T$-point, $z_T$, |
138 | is defined as the sum the vertical scale factors at $w$-points starting from the surface. |
139 | |
140 | \textbf{* surface pressure gradient term} |
141 | |
142 | In continuous formulation, the surface pressure gradient has no contribution to the evolution of vorticity. |
143 | This properties is trivially satisfied locally as (II.2.3) |
144 | (the equation verified by $\psi$ has been derived from the discrete formulation of the momentum equations, |
145 | vertical sum and curl). |
146 | Nevertheless, the $\psi$-equation is solved numerically by an iterative solver (see {\S}~III.5), |
147 | thus the property is only satisfied with the accuracy required on the solver. |
148 | In addition, with the rigid-lid approximation, the change of horizontal kinetic energy due to the work of |
149 | surface pressure forces is exactly zero: |
150 | \[ |
151 | % \label{eq:CONS_spg} |
152 | \int_D {-\frac{1}{\rho_o }\nabla _h } \left( {p_s } \right)\cdot {\textbf{U}}_h \;dv=0 |
153 | \] |
154 | |
155 | (II.4.4) is satisfied in discrete form only if |
156 | the discrete barotropic streamfunction time evolution equation is given by (II.2.3) (see appendix C). |
157 | This shows that (II.2.3) is the only way to compute the streamfunction, |
158 | otherwise there is no guarantee that the surface pressure force work vanishes. |
159 | |
160 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
161 | % Conservation Properties on Ocean Thermodynamics |
162 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
163 | \section{Conservation properties on ocean thermodynamics} |
164 | \label{sec:CONS_Invariant_tra} |
165 | |
166 | In continuous formulation, the advective terms of the tracer equations conserve the tracer content and |
167 | the quadratic form of the tracer, \ie |
168 | \[ |
169 | % \label{eq:CONS_tra_tra2} |
170 | \int_D {\nabla .\left( {T\;{\textbf{U}}} \right)\;dv} =0 |
171 | \;\text{and} |
172 | \int_D {T\;\nabla .\left( {T\;{\textbf{U}}} \right)\;dv} =0 |
173 | \] |
174 | |
175 | The numerical scheme used ({\S}II.2-b) (equations in flux form, second order centred finite differences) satisfies |
176 | (II.4.5) (see appendix C). |
177 | Note that in both continuous and discrete formulations, there is generally no strict conservation of mass, |
178 | since the equation of state is non linear with respect to $T$ and $S$. |
179 | In practice, the mass is conserved with a very good accuracy. |
180 | |
181 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
182 | % Conservation Properties on Momentum Physics |
183 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
184 | \subsection{Conservation properties on momentum physics} |
185 | \label{subsec:CONS_Invariant_dyn_physics} |
186 | |
187 | \textbf{* lateral momentum diffusion term} |
188 | |
189 | The continuous formulation of the horizontal diffusion of momentum satisfies the following integral constraints~: |
190 | \[ |
191 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynldf_dyn} |
192 | \int\limits_D {\frac{1}{e_3 }{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}\cdot \nabla \times \left[ {\nabla |
193 | _h \left( {A^{lm}\;\chi } \right)-\nabla _h \times \left( {A^{lm}\;\zeta |
194 | \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}} \right)} \right]\;dv} =0 |
195 | \] |
196 | |
197 | \[ |
198 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynldf_div} |
199 | \int\limits_D {\nabla _h \cdot \left[ {\nabla _h \left( {A^{lm}\;\chi } |
200 | \right)-\nabla _h \times \left( {A^{lm}\;\zeta \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}} \right)} |
201 | \right]\;dv} =0 |
202 | \] |
203 | |
204 | \[ |
205 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynldf_curl} |
206 | \int_D {{\mathrm {\mathbf U}}_h \cdot \left[ {\nabla _h \left( {A^{lm}\;\chi } |
207 | \right)-\nabla _h \times \left( {A^{lm}\;\zeta \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}} \right)} |
208 | \right]\;dv} \leqslant 0 |
209 | \] |
210 | |
211 | \[ |
212 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynldf_curl2} |
213 | \mbox{if}\quad A^{lm}=cste\quad \quad \int_D {\zeta \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}\cdot |
214 | \nabla \times \left[ {\nabla _h \left( {A^{lm}\;\chi } \right)-\nabla _h |
215 | \times \left( {A^{lm}\;\zeta \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}} \right)} \right]\;dv} |
216 | \leqslant 0 |
217 | \] |
218 | |
219 | \[ |
220 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynldf_div2} |
221 | \mbox{if}\quad A^{lm}=cste\quad \quad \int_D {\chi \;\nabla _h \cdot \left[ |
222 | {\nabla _h \left( {A^{lm}\;\chi } \right)-\nabla _h \times \left( |
223 | {A^{lm}\;\zeta \;{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}} \right)} \right]\;dv} \leqslant 0 |
224 | \] |
225 | |
226 | |
227 | (II.4.6a) and (II.4.6b) means that the horizontal diffusion of momentum conserve both the potential vorticity and |
228 | the divergence of the flow, while Eqs (II.4.6c) to (II.4.6e) mean that it dissipates the energy, the enstrophy and |
229 | the square of the divergence. |
230 | The two latter properties are only satisfied when the eddy coefficients are horizontally uniform. |
231 | |
232 | Using (II.1.8) and (II.1.9), and the symmetry or anti-symmetry properties of the mean and difference operators, |
233 | it is shown that the discrete form of the lateral momentum diffusion given in |
234 | {\S}II.2-c satisfies all the integral constraints (II.4.6) (see appendix C). |
235 | In particular, when the eddy coefficients are horizontally uniform, |
236 | a complete separation of vorticity and horizontal divergence fields is ensured, |
237 | so that diffusion (dissipation) of vorticity (enstrophy) does not generate horizontal divergence |
238 | (variance of the horizontal divergence) and \textit{vice versa}. |
239 | When the vertical curl of the horizontal diffusion of momentum (discrete sense) is taken, |
240 | the term associated to the horizontal gradient of the divergence is zero locally. |
241 | When the horizontal divergence of the horizontal diffusion of momentum (discrete sense) is taken, |
242 | the term associated to the vertical curl of the vorticity is zero locally. |
243 | The resulting term conserves $\chi$ and dissipates $\chi^2$ when the eddy coefficient is horizontally uniform. |
244 | |
245 | \textbf{* vertical momentum diffusion term} |
246 | |
247 | As for the lateral momentum physics, the continuous form of the vertical diffusion of |
248 | momentum satisfies following integral constraints~: |
249 | |
250 | conservation of momentum, dissipation of horizontal kinetic energy |
251 | |
252 | \[ |
253 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynzdf_dyn} |
254 | \begin{aligned} |
255 | & \int_D {\frac{1}{e_3 }} \frac{\partial }{\partial k}\left( \frac{A^{vm}}{e_3 }\frac{\partial {\textbf{U}}_h }{\partial k} \right) \;dv = \overrightarrow{\textbf{0}} \\ |
256 | & \int_D \textbf{U}_h \cdot \frac{1}{e_3} \frac{\partial}{\partial k} \left( {\frac{A^{vm}}{e_3 }}{\frac{\partial \textbf{U}_h }{\partial k}} \right) \;dv \leq 0 \\ |
257 | \end{aligned} |
258 | \] |
259 | conservation of vorticity, dissipation of enstrophy |
260 | \[ |
261 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynzdf_vor} |
262 | \begin{aligned} |
263 | & \int_D {\frac{1}{e_3 }{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}\cdot \nabla \times \left( {\frac{1}{e_3 |
264 | }\frac{\partial }{\partial k}\left( {\frac{A^{vm}}{e_3 }\frac{\partial {\mathrm |
265 | {\mathbf U}}_h }{\partial k}} \right)} \right)\;dv} =0 \\ |
266 | & \int_D {\zeta \,{\mathrm {\mathbf k}}\cdot \nabla \times \left( {\frac{1}{e_3 |
267 | }\frac{\partial }{\partial k}\left( {\frac{A^{vm}}{e_3 }\frac{\partial {\mathrm |
268 | {\mathbf U}}_h }{\partial k}} \right)} \right)\;dv} \leq 0 \\ |
269 | \end{aligned} |
270 | \] |
271 | conservation of horizontal divergence, dissipation of square of the horizontal divergence |
272 | \[ |
273 | % \label{eq:CONS_dynzdf_div} |
274 | \begin{aligned} |
275 | &\int_D {\nabla \cdot \left( {\frac{1}{e_3 }\frac{\partial }{\partial |
276 | k}\left( {\frac{A^{vm}}{e_3 }\frac{\partial {\mathrm {\mathbf U}}_h }{\partial k}} |
277 | \right)} \right)\;dv} =0 \\ |
278 | & \int_D {\chi \;\nabla \cdot \left( {\frac{1}{e_3 }\frac{\partial }{\partial |
279 | k}\left( {\frac{A^{vm}}{e_3 }\frac{\partial {\mathrm {\mathbf U}}_h }{\partial k}} |
280 | \right)} \right)\;dv} \leq 0 \\ |
281 | \end{aligned} |
282 | \] |
283 | |
284 | In discrete form, all these properties are satisfied in $z$-coordinate (see Appendix C). |
285 | In $s$-coordinates, only first order properties can be demonstrated, |
286 | \ie\ the vertical momentum physics conserve momentum, potential vorticity, and horizontal divergence. |
287 | |
288 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
289 | % Conservation Properties on Tracer Physics |
290 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
291 | \subsection{Conservation properties on tracer physics} |
292 | \label{subsec:CONS_Invariant_tra_physics} |
293 | |
294 | The numerical schemes used for tracer subgridscale physics are written in such a way that |
295 | the heat and salt contents are conserved (equations in flux form, second order centred finite differences). |
296 | As a form flux is used to compute the temperature and salinity, |
297 | the quadratic form of these quantities (\ie\ their variance) globally tends to diminish. |
298 | As for the advective term, there is generally no strict conservation of mass even if, |
299 | in practice, the mass is conserved with a very good accuracy. |
300 | |
301 | \textbf{* lateral physics: }conservation of tracer, dissipation of tracer |
302 | variance, i.e. |
303 | |
304 | \[ |
305 | % \label{eq:CONS_traldf_t_t2} |
306 | \begin{aligned} |
307 | &\int_D \nabla\, \cdot\, \left( A^{lT} \,\Re \,\nabla \,T \right)\;dv = 0 \\ |
308 | &\int_D \,T\, \nabla\, \cdot\, \left( A^{lT} \,\Re \,\nabla \,T \right)\;dv \leq 0 \\ |
309 | \end{aligned} |
310 | \] |
311 | |
312 | \textbf{* vertical physics: }conservation of tracer, dissipation of tracer variance, \ie |
313 | |
314 | \[ |
315 | % \label{eq:CONS_trazdf_t_t2} |
316 | \begin{aligned} |
317 | & \int_D \frac{1}{e_3 } \frac{\partial }{\partial k}\left( \frac{A^{vT}}{e_3 } \frac{\partial T}{\partial k} \right)\;dv = 0 \\ |
318 | & \int_D \,T \frac{1}{e_3 } \frac{\partial }{\partial k}\left( \frac{A^{vT}}{e_3 } \frac{\partial T}{\partial k} \right)\;dv \leq 0 \\ |
319 | \end{aligned} |
320 | \] |
321 | |
322 | Using the symmetry or anti-symmetry properties of the mean and difference operators, |
323 | it is shown that the discrete form of tracer physics given in {\S}~II.2-c satisfies all the integral constraints |
324 | (II.4.8) and (II.4.9) except the dissipation of the square of the tracer when non-geopotential diffusion is used |
325 | (see appendix C). |
326 | A discrete form of the lateral tracer physics can be derived which satisfies these last properties. |
327 | Nevertheless, it requires a horizontal averaging of the vertical component of the lateral physics that |
328 | prevents the use of implicit resolution in the vertical. |
329 | It has not been implemented. |
330 | |
331 | \biblio |
332 | |
333 | \pindex |
334 | |
335 | \end{document} |