1 | \documentclass[../../NEMO/main/NEMO_manual]{subfiles} |
2 | \begin{document} |
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7 | \chapter*{Introduction} |
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9 | TOP (Tracers in the Ocean Paradigm) handles oceanic passive tracers in NEMO. At present, this component provides the physical constraints and boundaries conditions for oceanic tracers transport and represents a generalized, hardwired interface toward biogeochemical models to enable a seamless coupling. |
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11 | It includes three independent components : |
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13 | \begin{itemize} |
14 | \item a transport code TRP sharing the same advection/diffusion routines with the dynamics, with specific treatment of some features like the surface boundary |
15 | conditions, or the positivity of passive tracers concentrations |
16 | \item sources and sinks - SMS - models that can be typically biogeochemical, biological or radioactive |
17 | \item an offline option which is a simplified OPA 9 model using fields of physics variables that are previously stored to disk |
18 | \end{itemize} |
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20 | There is two ways of coupling TOP to the dynamics : |
21 | |
22 | \begin{itemize} |
23 | \item \textit{online coupling} : the evolution of passive tracers is computed along with the dynamics |
24 | \item \textit{offline coupling} : the fields of physics variables are read from files and interpolated at each model time step, with no constraints on the time sampling in the input files |
25 | \end{itemize} |
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27 | TOP is designed to handle multiple oceanic tracers through a modular approach and it includes different sub-modules : |
28 | |
29 | \begin{itemize} |
30 | \item the ocean water age module (AGE) tracks down the time-dependent spread of surface waters into the ocean interior |
31 | \item inorganic carbon (e.g. CFCs, SF6) and radiocarbon (C14) passive tracers can be modeled to assess ocean absorption timescales of anthropogenic emissions and further address water masses ventilation |
32 | \item a built-in biogeochemical model (PISCES) to simulate lower trophic levels ecosystem dynamics in the global ocean |
33 | \item a prototype tracer module (MY\_TRC) to enable user-defined cases or the coupling with alternative biogeochemical models ( e.g. BFM, MEDUSA, ERSEM, BFM, ECO3M) |
34 | \end{itemize} |
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36 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
37 | \begin{center} |
38 | \vspace{0cm} |
39 | \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{Fig_TOP_design} |
40 | %\includegraphics[height=6cm,angle=-00]{Fig_TOP_design} |
41 | \caption{A schematic view of NEMO-TOP component} |
42 | \label{topdesign} |
43 | \end{center} |
44 | \end{figure} |
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46 | \end{document} |
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