1 | MODULE icestp |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE icestp *** |
4 | !! sea ice : Master routine for all the sea ice model |
5 | !!===================================================================== |
6 | !! |
7 | !! The sea ice model SI3 (Sea Ice modelling Integrated Initiative), |
8 | !! aka Sea Ice cube for its nickname |
9 | !! |
10 | !! is originally based on LIM3, developed in Louvain-la-Neuve by: |
11 | !! * Martin Vancoppenolle (UCL-ASTR, Belgium) |
12 | !! * Sylvain Bouillon (UCL-ASTR, Belgium) |
13 | !! * Miguel Angel Morales Maqueda (NOC-L, UK) |
14 | !! thanks to valuable earlier work by |
15 | !! * Thierry Fichefet |
16 | !! * Hugues Goosse |
17 | !! thanks also to the following persons who contributed |
18 | !! * Gurvan Madec, Claude Talandier, Christian Ethe (LOCEAN, France) |
19 | !! * Xavier Fettweis (UCL-ASTR), Ralph Timmermann (AWI, Germany) |
20 | !! * Bill Lipscomb (LANL), Cecilia Bitz (UWa) and Elisabeth Hunke (LANL), USA. |
21 | !! |
22 | !! SI3 has been made possible by a handful of persons who met as working group |
23 | !! (from France, Belgium, UK and Italy) |
24 | !! * Clement Rousset, Martin Vancoppenolle & Gurvan Madec (LOCEAN, France) |
25 | !! * Matthieu Chevalier & David Salas (Meteo France, France) |
26 | !! * Gilles Garric (Mercator Ocean, France) |
27 | !! * Thierry Fichefet & Francois Massonnet (UCL, Belgium) |
28 | !! * Ed Blockley & Jeff Ridley (Met Office, UK) |
29 | !! * Danny Feltham & David Schroeder (CPOM, UK) |
30 | !! * Yevgeny Aksenov (NOC, UK) |
31 | !! * Paul Holland (BAS, UK) |
32 | !! * Dorotea Iovino (CMCC, Italy) |
33 | !!====================================================================== |
34 | !! History : 4.0 ! 2018 (C. Rousset) Original code SI3 |
35 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
36 | #if defined key_si3 |
37 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
38 | !! 'key_si3' SI3 sea-ice model |
39 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
40 | !! ice_stp : sea-ice model time-stepping and update ocean SBC over ice-covered area |
41 | !! ice_init : initialize sea-ice |
42 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
43 | USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers |
44 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
45 | USE c1d ! 1D vertical configuration |
46 | USE ice ! sea-ice: variables |
47 | USE ice1D ! sea-ice: thermodynamical 1D variables |
48 | ! |
49 | USE phycst ! Define parameters for the routines |
50 | USE eosbn2 ! equation of state |
51 | USE sbc_oce ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields |
52 | USE sbc_ice ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields |
53 | ! |
54 | USE iceforcing ! sea-ice: Surface boundary condition !!gm why not icesbc module name |
55 | USE icedyn ! sea-ice: dynamics |
56 | USE icethd ! sea-ice: thermodynamics |
57 | USE icecor ! sea-ice: corrections |
58 | USE iceupdate ! sea-ice: sea surface boundary condition update |
59 | USE icedia ! sea-ice: budget diagnostics |
60 | USE icewri ! sea-ice: outputs |
61 | USE icerst ! sea-ice: restarts |
62 | USE icevar ! sea-ice: operations |
63 | USE icectl ! sea-ice: control |
64 | USE iceistate ! sea-ice: initial state |
65 | USE iceitd ! sea-ice: remapping thickness distribution |
66 | USE icealb ! sea-ice: albedo |
67 | ! |
68 | USE bdy_oce , ONLY : ln_bdy ! flag for bdy |
69 | USE bdyice ! unstructured open boundary data for sea-ice |
70 | # if defined key_agrif |
71 | USE agrif_ice |
72 | USE agrif_ice_interp |
73 | # endif |
74 | ! |
75 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
76 | USE iom ! I/O manager library |
77 | USE lib_mpp ! MPP library |
78 | USE lib_fortran ! fortran utilities (glob_sum + no signed zero) |
79 | USE timing ! Timing |
80 | USE prtctl ! Print control |
81 | |
83 | PRIVATE |
84 | |
85 | PUBLIC ice_stp ! called by sbcmod.F90 |
86 | PUBLIC ice_init ! called by sbcmod.F90 |
87 | |
88 | !! * Substitutions |
89 | # include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" |
90 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
91 | !! NEMO/ICE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
92 | !! $Id: icestp.F90 8319 2017-07-11 15:00:44Z clem $ |
93 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (./LICENSE) |
94 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
96 | |
97 | SUBROUTINE ice_stp( kt, ksbc ) |
98 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
99 | !! *** ROUTINE ice_stp *** |
100 | !! |
101 | !! ** Purpose : sea-ice model time-stepping and update ocean surface |
102 | !! boundary condition over ice-covered area |
103 | !! |
104 | !! ** Method : ice model time stepping |
105 | !! - call the ice dynamics routine |
106 | !! - call the ice advection/diffusion routine |
107 | !! - call the ice thermodynamics routine |
108 | !! - call the routine that computes mass and |
109 | !! heat fluxes at the ice/ocean interface |
110 | !! - save the outputs |
111 | !! - save the outputs for restart when necessary |
112 | !! |
113 | !! ** Action : - time evolution of the LIM sea-ice model |
114 | !! - update all sbc variables below sea-ice: |
115 | !! utau, vtau, taum, wndm, qns , qsr, emp , sfx |
116 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
117 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time step |
118 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ksbc ! flux formulation (user defined, bulk, or Pure Coupled) |
119 | ! |
120 | INTEGER :: jl ! dummy loop index |
121 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
122 | ! |
123 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('ice_stp') |
124 | ! |
125 | ! !-----------------------! |
126 | IF( MOD( kt-1, nn_fsbc ) == 0 ) THEN ! --- Ice time step --- ! |
127 | ! !-----------------------! |
128 | ! |
129 | kt_ice = kt ! -- Ice model time step |
130 | ! |
131 | u_oce(:,:) = ssu_m(:,:) ! -- mean surface ocean current |
132 | v_oce(:,:) = ssv_m(:,:) |
133 | ! |
134 | CALL eos_fzp( sss_m(:,:) , t_bo(:,:) ) ! -- freezing temperature [Kelvin] (set to rt0 over land) |
135 | t_bo(:,:) = ( t_bo(:,:) + rt0 ) * tmask(:,:,1) + rt0 * ( 1._wp - tmask(:,:,1) ) |
136 | ! |
137 | ! !== AGRIF Parent to Child ==! |
138 | #if defined key_agrif |
139 | ! ! nbstep_ice ranges from 1 to the nb of child ocean steps inside one parent ice step |
140 | IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) nbstep_ice = MOD( nbstep_ice, Agrif_irhot() * Agrif_Parent(nn_fsbc) / nn_fsbc ) + 1 |
141 | ! ! these calls must remain here for restartability purposes |
142 | CALL agrif_interp_ice( 'T' ) |
143 | CALL agrif_interp_ice( 'U' ) |
144 | CALL agrif_interp_ice( 'V' ) |
145 | #endif |
146 | CALL store_fields ! Store now ice values |
147 | ! |
148 | !------------------------------------------------! |
149 | ! --- Dynamical coupling with the atmosphere --- ! |
150 | !------------------------------------------------! |
151 | ! It provides the following fields used in sea ice model: |
152 | ! utau_ice, vtau_ice = surface ice stress [N/m2] |
153 | !------------------------------------------------! |
154 | CALL ice_forcing_tau( kt, ksbc, utau_ice, vtau_ice ) |
155 | !-------------------------------------! |
156 | ! --- ice dynamics and advection --- ! |
157 | !-------------------------------------! |
158 | CALL diag_set0 ! set diag of mass, heat and salt fluxes to 0 |
159 | CALL ice_rst_opn( kt ) ! Open Ice restart file (if necessary) |
160 | ! |
161 | IF( ln_icedyn .AND. .NOT.lk_c1d ) & |
162 | & CALL ice_dyn( kt ) ! -- Ice dynamics |
163 | ! |
164 | ! !== lateral boundary conditions ==! |
165 | IF( ln_icethd .AND. ln_bdy ) CALL bdy_ice( kt ) ! -- bdy ice thermo |
166 | ! |
167 | ! !== previous lead fraction and ice volume for flux calculations |
168 | CALL ice_var_glo2eqv ! h_i and h_s for ice albedo calculation |
169 | CALL ice_var_agg(1) ! at_i for coupling |
170 | CALL store_fields ! Store now ice values |
171 | ! |
172 | !------------------------------------------------------! |
173 | ! --- Thermodynamical coupling with the atmosphere --- ! |
174 | !------------------------------------------------------! |
175 | ! It provides the following fields used in sea ice model: |
176 | ! emp_oce , emp_ice = E-P over ocean and sea ice [Kg/m2/s] |
177 | ! sprecip = solid precipitation [Kg/m2/s] |
178 | ! evap_ice = sublimation [Kg/m2/s] |
179 | ! qsr_tot , qns_tot = solar & non solar heat flux (total) [W/m2] |
180 | ! qsr_ice , qns_ice = solar & non solar heat flux over ice [W/m2] |
181 | ! dqns_ice = non solar heat sensistivity [W/m2] |
182 | ! qemp_oce, qemp_ice, = sensible heat (associated with evap & precip) [W/m2] |
183 | ! qprec_ice, qevap_ice |
184 | !------------------------------------------------------! |
185 | CALL ice_forcing_flx( kt, ksbc ) |
186 | !----------------------------! |
187 | ! --- ice thermodynamics --- ! |
188 | !----------------------------! |
189 | IF( ln_icethd ) CALL ice_thd( kt ) ! -- Ice thermodynamics |
190 | ! |
191 | ! |
192 | IF( ln_icethd ) CALL ice_cor( kt , 2 ) ! -- Corrections |
193 | ! |
194 | CALL ice_var_glo2eqv ! necessary calls (at least for coupling) |
195 | CALL ice_var_agg( 2 ) ! necessary calls (at least for coupling) |
196 | ! |
197 | !! clem: one should switch the calculation of the fluxes onto the parent grid but the following calls do not work |
198 | !! moreover it should only be called at the update frequency (as in agrif_ice_update.F90) |
199 | !# if defined key_agrif |
200 | ! IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) CALL Agrif_ChildGrid_To_ParentGrid() |
201 | !# endif |
202 | CALL ice_update_flx( kt ) ! -- Update ocean surface mass, heat and salt fluxes |
203 | !# if defined key_agrif |
204 | ! IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) CALL Agrif_ParentGrid_To_ChildGrid() |
205 | !# endif |
206 | IF( ln_icediahsb ) CALL ice_dia( kt ) ! -- Diagnostics outputs |
207 | ! |
208 | CALL ice_wri( kt ) ! -- Ice outputs |
209 | ! |
210 | IF( lrst_ice ) CALL ice_rst_write( kt ) ! -- Ice restart file |
211 | ! |
212 | IF( ln_icectl ) CALL ice_ctl( kt ) ! -- alerts in case of model crash |
213 | ! |
214 | ENDIF ! End sea-ice time step only |
215 | |
216 | !-------------------------! |
217 | ! --- Ocean time step --- ! |
218 | !-------------------------! |
219 | IF( ln_icedyn ) CALL ice_update_tau( kt, ub(:,:,1), vb(:,:,1) ) ! -- update surface ocean stresses |
220 | !!gm remark, the ocean-ice stress is not saved in ice diag call above ..... find a solution!!! |
221 | ! |
222 | IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('ice_stp') |
223 | ! |
224 | END SUBROUTINE ice_stp |
225 | |
226 | |
227 | SUBROUTINE ice_init |
228 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
229 | !! *** ROUTINE ice_init *** |
230 | !! |
231 | !! ** purpose : Initialize sea-ice parameters |
232 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
233 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, ierr |
234 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
235 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
236 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'ice_init: Arrays allocation & Initialization off all routines & init state' |
237 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~' |
238 | ! |
239 | ! ! Open the reference and configuration namelist files and namelist output file |
240 | CALL ctl_opn( numnam_ice_ref, 'namelist_ice_ref', 'OLD', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, lwp ) |
241 | CALL ctl_opn( numnam_ice_cfg, 'namelist_ice_cfg', 'OLD', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, lwp ) |
242 | IF(lwm) CALL ctl_opn( numoni, 'output.namelist.ice', 'UNKNOWN', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, lwp, 1 ) |
243 | ! |
244 | CALL par_init ! set some ice run parameters |
245 | ! |
246 | ! ! Allocate the ice arrays (sbc_ice already allocated in sbc_init) |
247 | ierr = ice_alloc () ! ice variables |
248 | ierr = ierr + sbc_ice_alloc () ! surface forcing |
249 | ierr = ierr + ice1D_alloc () ! thermodynamics |
250 | ! |
251 | IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum( ierr ) |
252 | IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'ice_init : unable to allocate ice arrays') |
253 | ! |
254 | CALL ice_itd_init ! ice thickness distribution initialization |
255 | ! |
256 | CALL ice_thd_init ! set ice thermodynics parameters (clem: important to call it first for melt ponds) |
257 | ! |
258 | ! ! Initial sea-ice state |
259 | IF( .NOT. ln_rstart ) THEN ! start from rest: sea-ice deduced from sst |
260 | CALL ice_istate_init |
261 | CALL ice_istate |
262 | ELSE ! start from a restart file |
263 | CALL ice_rst_read |
264 | ENDIF |
265 | CALL ice_var_glo2eqv |
266 | CALL ice_var_agg(1) |
267 | ! |
268 | CALL ice_forcing_init ! set ice-ocean and ice-atm. coupling parameters |
269 | ! |
270 | CALL ice_dyn_init ! set ice dynamics parameters |
271 | ! |
272 | CALL ice_update_init ! ice surface boundary condition |
273 | ! |
274 | CALL ice_alb_init ! ice surface albedo |
275 | ! |
276 | CALL ice_dia_init ! initialization for diags |
277 | ! |
278 | fr_i (:,:) = at_i(:,:) ! initialisation of sea-ice fraction |
279 | tn_ice(:,:,:) = t_su(:,:,:) ! initialisation of surface temp for coupled simu |
280 | ! |
281 | ! ! set max concentration in both hemispheres |
282 | WHERE( gphit(:,:) > 0._wp ) ; rn_amax_2d(:,:) = rn_amax_n ! NH |
283 | ELSEWHERE ; rn_amax_2d(:,:) = rn_amax_s ! SH |
284 | END WHERE |
285 | |
286 | IF( ln_rstart ) CALL iom_close( numrir ) ! close input ice restart file |
287 | ! |
288 | END SUBROUTINE ice_init |
289 | |
290 | |
291 | SUBROUTINE par_init |
292 | !!------------------------------------------------------------------- |
293 | !! *** ROUTINE par_init *** |
294 | !! |
295 | !! ** Purpose : Definition generic parameters for ice model |
296 | !! |
297 | !! ** Method : Read namelist and check the parameter |
298 | !! values called at the first timestep (nit000) |
299 | !! |
300 | !! ** input : Namelist nampar |
301 | !!------------------------------------------------------------------- |
302 | INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer |
303 | !! |
304 | NAMELIST/nampar/ jpl, nlay_i, nlay_s, nn_virtual_itd, ln_icedyn, ln_icethd, rn_amax_n, rn_amax_s, & |
305 | & cn_icerst_in, cn_icerst_indir, cn_icerst_out, cn_icerst_outdir |
306 | !!------------------------------------------------------------------- |
307 | ! |
308 | REWIND( numnam_ice_ref ) ! Namelist nampar in reference namelist : Parameters for ice |
309 | READ ( numnam_ice_ref, nampar, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) |
310 | 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nampar in reference namelist', lwp ) |
311 | REWIND( numnam_ice_cfg ) ! Namelist nampar in configuration namelist : Parameters for ice |
312 | READ ( numnam_ice_cfg, nampar, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) |
313 | 902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nampar in configuration namelist', lwp ) |
314 | IF(lwm) WRITE( numoni, nampar ) |
315 | ! |
316 | IF(lwp) THEN ! control print |
317 | WRITE(numout,*) |
318 | WRITE(numout,*) ' par_init: ice parameters shared among all the routines' |
319 | WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~' |
320 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist nampar: ' |
321 | WRITE(numout,*) ' number of ice categories jpl = ', jpl |
322 | WRITE(numout,*) ' number of ice layers nlay_i = ', nlay_i |
323 | WRITE(numout,*) ' number of snow layers nlay_s = ', nlay_s |
324 | WRITE(numout,*) ' virtual ITD param for jpl=1 (1-3) or not (0) nn_virtual_itd = ', nn_virtual_itd |
325 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Ice dynamics (T) or not (F) ln_icedyn = ', ln_icedyn |
326 | WRITE(numout,*) ' Ice thermodynamics (T) or not (F) ln_icethd = ', ln_icethd |
327 | WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum ice concentration for NH = ', rn_amax_n |
328 | WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum ice concentration for SH = ', rn_amax_s |
329 | ENDIF |
330 | ! !--- check consistency |
331 | IF ( jpl > 1 .AND. nn_virtual_itd == 1 ) THEN |
332 | nn_virtual_itd = 0 |
333 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
334 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' nn_virtual_itd forced to 0 as jpl>1, no need with multiple categories to emulate them' |
335 | ENDIF |
336 | ! |
337 | IF( ln_cpl .AND. nn_cats_cpl /= 1 .AND. nn_cats_cpl /= jpl ) THEN |
338 | CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'par_init: in coupled mode, nn_cats_cpl should be either 1 or jpl' ) |
339 | ENDIF |
340 | ! |
341 | IF( ln_bdy .AND. ln_icediachk ) CALL ctl_warn('par_init: online conservation check does not work with BDY') |
342 | ! |
343 | rdt_ice = REAL(nn_fsbc) * rdt !--- sea-ice timestep and its inverse |
344 | r1_rdtice = 1._wp / rdt_ice |
345 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
346 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ice timestep rdt_ice = nn_fsbc*rdt = ', rdt_ice |
347 | ! |
348 | r1_nlay_i = 1._wp / REAL( nlay_i, wp ) !--- inverse of nlay_i and nlay_s |
349 | r1_nlay_s = 1._wp / REAL( nlay_s, wp ) |
350 | ! |
351 | END SUBROUTINE par_init |
352 | |
353 | |
354 | SUBROUTINE store_fields |
355 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
356 | !! *** ROUTINE store_fields *** |
357 | !! |
358 | !! ** purpose : store ice variables at "before" time step |
359 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
360 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jl ! dummy loop index |
361 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
362 | ! |
363 | a_i_b (:,:,:) = a_i (:,:,:) ! ice area |
364 | v_i_b (:,:,:) = v_i (:,:,:) ! ice volume |
365 | v_s_b (:,:,:) = v_s (:,:,:) ! snow volume |
366 | sv_i_b(:,:,:) = sv_i(:,:,:) ! salt content |
367 | oa_i_b(:,:,:) = oa_i(:,:,:) ! areal age content |
368 | e_s_b (:,:,:,:) = e_s (:,:,:,:) ! snow thermal energy |
369 | e_i_b (:,:,:,:) = e_i (:,:,:,:) ! ice thermal energy |
370 | WHERE( a_i_b(:,:,:) >= epsi20 ) |
371 | h_i_b(:,:,:) = v_i_b (:,:,:) / a_i_b(:,:,:) ! ice thickness |
372 | h_s_b(:,:,:) = v_s_b (:,:,:) / a_i_b(:,:,:) ! snw thickness |
374 | h_i_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp |
375 | h_s_b(:,:,:) = 0._wp |
376 | END WHERE |
377 | ! |
378 | ! ice velocities & total concentration |
379 | at_i_b(:,:) = SUM( a_i_b(:,:,:), dim=3 ) |
380 | u_ice_b(:,:) = u_ice(:,:) |
381 | v_ice_b(:,:) = v_ice(:,:) |
382 | ! |
383 | END SUBROUTINE store_fields |
384 | |
385 | |
386 | SUBROUTINE diag_set0 |
387 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
388 | !! *** ROUTINE diag_set0 *** |
389 | !! |
390 | !! ** purpose : set ice-ocean and ice-atm. fluxes to zeros at the beggining |
391 | !! of the time step |
392 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
393 | INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop index |
394 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
395 | sfx (:,:) = 0._wp ; |
396 | sfx_bri(:,:) = 0._wp ; sfx_lam(:,:) = 0._wp |
397 | sfx_sni(:,:) = 0._wp ; sfx_opw(:,:) = 0._wp |
398 | sfx_bog(:,:) = 0._wp ; sfx_dyn(:,:) = 0._wp |
399 | sfx_bom(:,:) = 0._wp ; sfx_sum(:,:) = 0._wp |
400 | sfx_res(:,:) = 0._wp ; sfx_sub(:,:) = 0._wp |
401 | ! |
402 | wfx_snw(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_ice(:,:) = 0._wp |
403 | wfx_sni(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_opw(:,:) = 0._wp |
404 | wfx_bog(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_dyn(:,:) = 0._wp |
405 | wfx_bom(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_sum(:,:) = 0._wp |
406 | wfx_res(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_sub(:,:) = 0._wp |
407 | wfx_spr(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_lam(:,:) = 0._wp |
408 | wfx_snw_dyn(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_snw_sum(:,:) = 0._wp |
409 | wfx_snw_sub(:,:) = 0._wp ; wfx_ice_sub(:,:) = 0._wp |
410 | wfx_snw_sni(:,:) = 0._wp |
411 | wfx_pnd(:,:) = 0._wp |
412 | |
413 | hfx_thd(:,:) = 0._wp ; |
414 | hfx_snw(:,:) = 0._wp ; hfx_opw(:,:) = 0._wp |
415 | hfx_bog(:,:) = 0._wp ; hfx_dyn(:,:) = 0._wp |
416 | hfx_bom(:,:) = 0._wp ; hfx_sum(:,:) = 0._wp |
417 | hfx_res(:,:) = 0._wp ; hfx_sub(:,:) = 0._wp |
418 | hfx_spr(:,:) = 0._wp ; hfx_dif(:,:) = 0._wp |
419 | hfx_err_rem(:,:) = 0._wp |
420 | hfx_err_dif(:,:) = 0._wp |
421 | wfx_err_sub(:,:) = 0._wp |
422 | ! |
423 | afx_tot(:,:) = 0._wp ; |
424 | ! |
425 | diag_heat(:,:) = 0._wp ; diag_sice(:,:) = 0._wp |
426 | diag_vice(:,:) = 0._wp ; diag_vsnw(:,:) = 0._wp |
427 | |
428 | ! SIMIP diagnostics |
429 | qcn_ice_bot(:,:,:) = 0._wp ; qcn_ice_top(:,:,:) = 0._wp ! conductive fluxes |
430 | t_si (:,:,:) = rt0 ! temp at the ice-snow interface |
431 | |
432 | tau_icebfr(:,:) = 0._wp ! landfast ice param only (clem: important to keep the init here) |
433 | cnd_ice (:,:,:) = 0._wp ! initialisation of the effective conductivity at the top of ice/snow (Jules coupling) |
434 | ! |
435 | ! for control checks (ln_icediachk) |
436 | diag_trp_vi(:,:) = 0._wp ; diag_trp_vs(:,:) = 0._wp |
437 | diag_trp_ei(:,:) = 0._wp ; diag_trp_es(:,:) = 0._wp |
438 | diag_trp_sv(:,:) = 0._wp |
439 | |
440 | END SUBROUTINE diag_set0 |
441 | |
442 | #else |
443 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
444 | !! Default option Dummy module NO SI3 sea-ice model |
445 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
446 | CONTAINS |
447 | SUBROUTINE ice_stp ( kt, ksbc ) ! Dummy routine |
448 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt, ksbc |
449 | WRITE(*,*) 'ice_stp: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt |
450 | END SUBROUTINE ice_stp |
451 | SUBROUTINE ice_init ! Dummy routine |
452 | END SUBROUTINE ice_init |
453 | #endif |
454 | |
455 | !!====================================================================== |
456 | END MODULE icestp |