1 | MODULE agrif_oce |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE agrif_oce *** |
4 | !! AGRIF : define in memory AGRIF variables |
5 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
6 | !! History : 2.0 ! 2007-12 (R. Benshila) Original code |
7 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 | #if defined key_agrif |
9 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10 | !! 'key_agrif' AGRIF zoom |
11 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
12 | USE par_oce ! ocean parameters |
13 | USE dom_oce ! domain parameters |
14 | |
16 | PRIVATE |
17 | |
18 | PUBLIC agrif_oce_alloc ! routine called by nemo_init in nemogcm.F90 |
19 | |
20 | ! !!* Namelist namagrif: AGRIF parameters |
21 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_agrif_2way = .TRUE. !: activate two way nesting |
22 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_spc_dyn = .FALSE. !: use zeros (.false.) or not (.true.) in |
23 | !: bdys dynamical fields interpolation |
24 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_sponge_tra = 2800. !: sponge coeff. for tracers |
25 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_sponge_dyn = 2800. !: sponge coeff. for dynamics |
26 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_trelax_tra = 0.01 !: time relaxation parameter for tracers |
27 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_trelax_dyn = 0.01 !: time relaxation parameter for momentum |
28 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_chk_bathy = .FALSE. !: check of parent bathymetry |
29 | ! |
30 | INTEGER , PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: nn_sponge_len = 2 !: Sponge width (in number of parent grid points) |
31 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: spongedoneT = .FALSE. !: tracer sponge layer indicator |
32 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: spongedoneU = .FALSE. !: dynamics sponge layer indicator |
33 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: lk_agrif_fstep = .TRUE. !: if true: first step |
34 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: lk_agrif_debug = .FALSE. !: if true: print debugging info |
35 | |
36 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabspongedone_tsn |
37 | # if defined key_top |
38 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabspongedone_trn |
39 | # endif |
40 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabspongedone_u |
41 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tabspongedone_v |
44 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fspu, fspv !: sponge arrays |
45 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fspt, fspf !: " " |
46 | |
47 | ! Barotropic arrays used to store open boundary data during time-splitting loop: |
48 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ubdy, vbdy, hbdy |
49 | INTEGER , PUBLIC, SAVE :: Kbb_a, Kmm_a, Krhs_a !: AGRIF module-specific copies of time-level indices |
50 | |
51 | # if defined key_vertical |
52 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ht0_parent, hu0_parent, hv0_parent |
53 | INTEGER, PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mbkt_parent, mbku_parent, mbkv_parent |
54 | # endif |
55 | |
56 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: tsn_id ! AGRIF profile for tracers interpolation and update |
57 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: un_interp_id, vn_interp_id ! AGRIF profiles for interpolations |
58 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: un_update_id, vn_update_id ! AGRIF profiles for udpates |
59 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: tsn_sponge_id, un_sponge_id, vn_sponge_id ! AGRIF profiles for sponge layers |
60 | # if defined key_top |
61 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: trn_id, trn_sponge_id |
62 | # endif |
63 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: unb_id, vnb_id, ub2b_interp_id, vb2b_interp_id |
64 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ub2b_update_id, vb2b_update_id |
65 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: e3t_id, e1u_id, e2v_id, sshn_id |
66 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: scales_t_id |
67 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: avt_id, avm_id, en_id ! TKE related identificators |
68 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mbkt_id, ht0_id |
69 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: kindic_agr |
70 | |
71 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
72 | !! NEMO/NST 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) |
73 | !! $Id$ |
74 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) |
75 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
77 | |
78 | INTEGER FUNCTION agrif_oce_alloc() |
79 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
80 | !! *** FUNCTION agrif_oce_alloc *** |
81 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
82 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: ierr |
83 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
84 | ierr(:) = 0 |
85 | ! |
86 | ALLOCATE( fspu(jpi,jpj), fspv(jpi,jpj), & |
87 | & fspt(jpi,jpj), fspf(jpi,jpj), & |
88 | & tabspongedone_tsn(jpi,jpj), & |
89 | & utint_stage(jpi,jpj), vtint_stage(jpi,jpj), & |
90 | # if defined key_top |
91 | & tabspongedone_trn(jpi,jpj), & |
92 | # endif |
93 | # if defined key_vertical |
94 | & ht0_parent(jpi,jpj), mbkt_parent(jpi,jpj), & |
95 | & hu0_parent(jpi,jpj), mbku_parent(jpi,jpj), & |
96 | & hv0_parent(jpi,jpj), mbkv_parent(jpi,jpj), & |
97 | # endif |
98 | & tabspongedone_u (jpi,jpj), & |
99 | & tabspongedone_v (jpi,jpj), STAT = ierr(1) ) |
100 | |
101 | ALLOCATE( ubdy(jpi,jpj), vbdy(jpi,jpj), hbdy(jpi,jpj), STAT = ierr(2) ) |
102 | |
103 | agrif_oce_alloc = MAXVAL(ierr) |
104 | ! |
105 | END FUNCTION agrif_oce_alloc |
106 | |
107 | #endif |
108 | !!====================================================================== |
109 | END MODULE agrif_oce |