1 | % ================================================================ |
2 | % Chapter ——— Miscellaneous Topics |
3 | % ================================================================ |
4 | \chapter{Miscellaneous Topics} |
5 | \label{MISC} |
6 | \minitoc |
7 | |
8 | \newpage |
9 | $\ $\newline % force a new ligne |
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11 | % ================================================================ |
12 | % Representation of Unresolved Straits |
13 | % ================================================================ |
14 | \section{Representation of Unresolved Straits} |
15 | \label{MISC_strait} |
16 | |
17 | In climate modeling, it often occurs that a crucial connections between water masses |
18 | is broken as the grid mesh is too coarse to resolve narrow straits. For example, coarse |
19 | grid spacing typically closes off the Mediterranean from the Atlantic at the Strait of |
20 | Gibraltar. In this case, it is important for climate models to include the effects of salty |
21 | water entering the Atlantic from the Mediterranean. Likewise, it is important for the |
22 | Mediterranean to replenish its supply of water from the Atlantic to balance the net |
23 | evaporation occurring over the Mediterranean region. This problem occurs even in |
24 | eddy permitting simulations. For example, in ORCA 1/4\deg several straits of the Indonesian |
25 | archipelago (Ombai, Lombok...) are much narrow than even a single ocean grid-point. |
26 | |
27 | We describe briefly here the three methods that can be used in \NEMO to handle |
28 | such improperly resolved straits. The first two consist of opening the strait by hand |
29 | while ensuring that the mass exchanges through the strait are not too large by |
30 | either artificially reducing the surface of the strait grid-cells or, locally increasing |
31 | the lateral friction. In the third one, the strait is closed but exchanges of mass, |
32 | heat and salt across the land are allowed. |
33 | Note that such modifications are so specific to a given configuration that no attempt |
34 | has been made to set them in a generic way. However, examples of how |
35 | they can be set up is given in the ORCA 2\deg and 0.5\deg configurations. For example, |
36 | for details of implementation in ORCA2, search: |
37 | \texttt{ IF( cp\_cfg == "orca" .AND. jp\_cfg == 2 ) } |
38 | |
39 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
40 | % Hand made geometry changes |
41 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
42 | \subsection{Hand made geometry changes} |
43 | \label{MISC_strait_hand} |
44 | |
45 | $\bullet$ reduced scale factor in the cross-strait direction to a value in better agreement |
46 | with the true mean width of the strait. (Fig.~\ref{Fig_MISC_strait_hand}). |
47 | This technique is sometime called "partially open face" or "partially closed cells". |
48 | The key issue here is only to reduce the faces of $T$-cell ($i.e.$ change the value |
49 | of the horizontal scale factors at $u$- or $v$-point) but not the volume of the $T$-cell. |
50 | Indeed, reducing the volume of strait $T$-cell can easily produce a numerical |
51 | instability at that grid point that would require a reduction of the model time step. |
52 | The changes associated with strait management are done in \mdl{domhgr}, |
53 | just after the definition or reading of the horizontal scale factors. |
54 | |
55 | $\bullet$ increase of the viscous boundary layer thickness by local increase of the |
56 | fmask value at the coast (Fig.~\ref{Fig_MISC_strait_hand}). This is done in |
57 | \mdl{dommsk} together with the setting of the coastal value of fmask |
58 | (see Section \ref{LBC_coast}) |
59 | |
60 | %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
61 | \begin{figure}[!tbp] \begin{center} |
62 | \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_Gibraltar.pdf} |
63 | \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_Gibraltar2.pdf} |
64 | \caption{ \label{Fig_MISC_strait_hand} |
65 | Example of the Gibraltar strait defined in a $1\deg \times 1\deg$ mesh. |
66 | \textit{Top}: using partially open cells. The meridional scale factor at $v$-point |
67 | is reduced on both sides of the strait to account for the real width of the strait |
68 | (about 20 km). Note that the scale factors of the strait $T$-point remains unchanged. |
69 | \textit{Bottom}: using viscous boundary layers. The four fmask parameters |
70 | along the strait coastlines are set to a value larger than 4, $i.e.$ "strong" no-slip |
71 | case (see Fig.\ref{Fig_LBC_shlat}) creating a large viscous boundary layer |
72 | that allows a reduced transport through the strait.} |
73 | \end{center} \end{figure} |
74 | %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
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77 | % ================================================================ |
78 | % Closed seas |
79 | % ================================================================ |
80 | \section{Closed seas (\mdl{closea})} |
81 | \label{MISC_closea} |
82 | |
83 | \colorbox{yellow}{Add here a short description of the way closed seas are managed} |
84 | |
85 | |
86 | % ================================================================ |
87 | % Sub-Domain Functionality (\textit{nizoom, njzoom}, namelist parameters) |
88 | % ================================================================ |
89 | \section{Sub-Domain Functionality (\np{jpizoom}, \np{jpjzoom})} |
90 | \label{MISC_zoom} |
91 | |
92 | The sub-domain functionality, also improperly called the zoom option |
93 | (improperly because it is not associated with a change in model resolution) |
94 | is a quite simple function that allows a simulation over a sub-domain of an |
95 | already defined configuration ($i.e.$ without defining a new mesh, initial |
96 | state and forcings). This option can be useful for testing the user settings |
97 | of surface boundary conditions, or the initial ocean state of a huge ocean |
98 | model configuration while having a small computer memory requirement. |
99 | It can also be used to easily test specific physics in a sub-domain (for example, |
100 | see \citep{Madec_al_JPO96} for a test of the coupling used in the global ocean |
101 | version of OPA between sea-ice and ocean model over the Arctic or Antarctic |
102 | ocean, using a sub-domain). In the standard model, this option does not |
103 | include any specific treatment for the ocean boundaries of the sub-domain: |
104 | they are considered as artificial vertical walls. Nevertheless, it is quite easy |
105 | to add a restoring term toward a climatology in the vicinity of such boundaries |
106 | (see \S\ref{TRA_dmp}). |
107 | |
108 | In order to easily define a sub-domain over which the computation can be |
109 | performed, the dimension of all input arrays (ocean mesh, bathymetry, |
110 | forcing, initial state, ...) are defined as \np{jpidta}, \np{jpjdta} and \np{jpkdta} |
111 | ( in \ngn{namcfg} namelist), while the computational domain is defined through |
112 | \np{jpiglo}, \np{jpjglo} and \jp{jpk} (\ngn{namcfg} namelist). When running the |
113 | model over the whole domain, the user sets \np{jpiglo}=\np{jpidta} \np{jpjglo}=\np{jpjdta} |
114 | and \jp{jpk}=\jp{jpkdta}. When running the model over a sub-domain, the user |
115 | has to provide the size of the sub-domain, (\np{jpiglo}, \np{jpjglo}, \np{jpkglo}), |
116 | and the indices of the south western corner as \np{jpizoom} and \np{jpjzoom} in |
117 | the \ngn{namcfg} namelist (Fig.~\ref{Fig_LBC_zoom}). |
118 | |
119 | Note that a third set of dimensions exist, \jp{jpi}, \jp{jpj} and \jp{jpk} which is |
120 | actually used to perform the computation. It is set by default to \jp{jpi}=\np{jpjglo} |
121 | and \jp{jpj}=\np{jpjglo}, except for massively parallel computing where the |
122 | computational domain is laid out on local processor memories following a 2D |
123 | horizontal splitting. % (see {\S}IV.2-c) ref to the section to be updated |
124 | |
125 | \subsection{Simple subsetting of input files via netCDF attributes} |
126 | |
127 | The extended grids for use with the under-shelf ice cavities will result in redundant rows |
128 | around Antarctica if the ice cavities are not active. A simple mechanism for subsetting |
129 | input files associated with the extended domains has been implemented to avoid the need to |
130 | maintain different sets of input fields for use with or without active ice cavities. The |
131 | existing 'zoom' options are overly complex for this task and marked for deletion anyway. |
132 | This alternative subsetting operates for the j-direction only and works by optionally |
133 | looking for and using a global file attribute (named: \np{open\_ocean\_jstart}) to |
134 | determine the starting j-row for input. The use of this option is best explained with an |
135 | example: Consider an ORCA1 configuration using the extended grid bathymetry and coordinate |
136 | files: |
137 | \vspace{-10pt} |
138 | \begin{alltt} |
139 | \tiny |
140 | \begin{verbatim} |
141 | eORCA1_bathymetry_v2.nc |
142 | eORCA1_coordinates.nc |
143 | \end{verbatim} |
144 | \end{alltt} |
145 | \noindent These files define a horizontal domain of 362x332. Assuming the first row with |
146 | open ocean wet points in the non-isf bathymetry for this set is row 42 (Fortran indexing) |
147 | then the formally correct setting for \np{open\_ocean\_jstart} is 41. Using this value as the |
148 | first row to be read will result in a 362x292 domain which is the same size as the original |
149 | ORCA1 domain. Thus the extended coordinates and bathymetry files can be used with all the |
150 | original input files for ORCA1 if the ice cavities are not active (\np{ln\_isfcav = |
151 | .false.}). Full instructions for achieving this are: |
152 | |
153 | \noindent Add the new attribute to any input files requiring a j-row offset, i.e: |
154 | \vspace{-10pt} |
155 | \begin{alltt} |
156 | \tiny |
157 | \begin{verbatim} |
158 | ncatted -a open_ocean_jstart,global,a,d,41 eORCA1_coordinates.nc |
159 | ncatted -a open_ocean_jstart,global,a,d,41 eORCA1_bathymetry_v2.nc |
160 | \end{verbatim} |
161 | \end{alltt} |
162 | |
163 | \noindent Add the logical switch to \ngn{namcfg} in the configuration namelist and set true: |
164 | %--------------------------------------------namcfg-------------------------------------------------------- |
165 | \namdisplay{namcfg_orca1} |
166 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
167 | |
168 | \noindent Note the j-size of the global domain is the (extended j-size minus |
169 | \np{open\_ocean\_jstart} + 1 ) and this must match the size of all datasets other than |
170 | bathymetry and coordinates currently. However the option can be extended to any global, 2D |
171 | and 3D, netcdf, input field by adding the: |
172 | \vspace{-10pt} |
173 | \begin{alltt} |
174 | \tiny |
175 | \begin{verbatim} |
176 | lrowattr=ln_use_jattr |
177 | \end{verbatim} |
178 | \end{alltt} |
179 | optional argument to the appropriate \np{iom\_get} call and the \np{open\_ocean\_jstart} attribute to the corresponding input files. It remains the users responsibility to set \np{jpjdta} and \np{jpjglo} values in the \np{namelist\_cfg} file according to their needs. |
180 | |
181 | %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
182 | \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} |
183 | \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_zoom.pdf} |
184 | \caption{ \label{Fig_LBC_zoom} |
185 | Position of a model domain compared to the data input domain when the zoom functionality is used.} |
186 | \end{center} \end{figure} |
187 | %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
188 | |
189 | |
190 | % ================================================================ |
191 | % Accuracy and Reproducibility |
192 | % ================================================================ |
193 | \section{Accuracy and Reproducibility (\mdl{lib\_fortran})} |
194 | \label{MISC_fortran} |
195 | |
196 | \subsection{Issues with intrinsinc SIGN function (\key{nosignedzero})} |
197 | \label{MISC_sign} |
198 | |
199 | The SIGN(A, B) is the \textsc {Fortran} intrinsic function delivers the magnitude |
200 | of A with the sign of B. For example, SIGN(-3.0,2.0) has the value 3.0. |
201 | The problematic case is when the second argument is zero, because, on platforms |
202 | that support IEEE arithmetic, zero is actually a signed number. |
203 | There is a positive zero and a negative zero. |
204 | |
205 | In \textsc{Fortran}~90, the processor was required always to deliver a positive result for SIGN(A, B) |
206 | if B was zero. Nevertheless, in \textsc{Fortran}~95, the processor is allowed to do the correct thing |
207 | and deliver ABS(A) when B is a positive zero and -ABS(A) when B is a negative zero. |
208 | This change in the specification becomes apparent only when B is of type real, and is zero, |
209 | and the processor is capable of distinguishing between positive and negative zero, |
210 | and B is negative real zero. Then SIGN delivers a negative result where, under \textsc{Fortran}~90 |
211 | rules, it used to return a positive result. |
212 | This change may be especially sensitive for the ice model, so we overwrite the intrinsinc |
213 | function with our own function simply performing : \\ |
214 | \verb? IF( B >= 0.e0 ) THEN ; SIGN(A,B) = ABS(A) ? \\ |
215 | \verb? ELSE ; SIGN(A,B) =-ABS(A) ? \\ |
216 | \verb? ENDIF ? \\ |
217 | This feature can be found in \mdl{lib\_fortran} module and is effective when \key{nosignedzero} |
218 | is defined. We use a CPP key as the overwritting of a intrinsic function can present |
219 | performance issues with some computers/compilers. |
220 | |
221 | |
222 | \subsection{MPP reproducibility} |
223 | \label{MISC_glosum} |
224 | |
225 | The numerical reproducibility of simulations on distributed memory parallel computers |
226 | is a critical issue. In particular, within NEMO global summation of distributed arrays |
227 | is most susceptible to rounding errors, and their propagation and accumulation cause |
228 | uncertainty in final simulation reproducibility on different numbers of processors. |
229 | To avoid so, based on \citet{He_Ding_JSC01} review of different technics, |
230 | we use a so called self-compensated summation method. The idea is to estimate |
231 | the roundoff error, store it in a buffer, and then add it back in the next addition. |
232 | |
233 | Suppose we need to calculate $b = a_1 + a_2 + a_3$. The following algorithm |
234 | will allow to split the sum in two ($sum_1 = a_{1} + a_{2}$ and $b = sum_2 = sum_1 + a_3$) |
235 | with exactly the same rounding errors as the sum performed all at once. |
236 | \begin{align*} |
237 | sum_1 \ \ &= a_1 + a_2 \\ |
238 | error_1 &= a_2 + ( a_1 - sum_1 ) \\ |
239 | sum_2 \ \ &= sum_1 + a_3 + error_1 \\ |
240 | error_2 &= a_3 + error_1 + ( sum_1 - sum_2 ) \\ |
241 | b \qquad \ &= sum_2 \\ |
242 | \end{align*} |
243 | An example of this feature can be found in \mdl{lib\_fortran} module. |
244 | It is systematicallt used in glob\_sum function (summation over the entire basin excluding |
245 | duplicated rows and columns due to cyclic or north fold boundary condition as well as |
246 | overlap MPP areas). The self-compensated summation method should be used in all summation |
247 | in i- and/or j-direction. See closea.F90 module for an example. |
248 | Note also that this implementation may be sensitive to the optimization level. |
249 | |
250 | \subsection{MPP scalability} |
251 | \label{MISC_mppsca} |
252 | |
253 | The default method of communicating values across the north-fold in distributed memory applications |
254 | (\key{mpp\_mpi}) uses a \textsc{MPI\_ALLGATHER} function to exchange values from each processing |
255 | region in the northern row with every other processing region in the northern row. This enables a |
256 | global width array containing the top 4 rows to be collated on every northern row processor and then |
257 | folded with a simple algorithm. Although conceptually simple, this "All to All" communication will |
258 | hamper performance scalability for large numbers of northern row processors. From version 3.4 |
259 | onwards an alternative method is available which only performs direct "Peer to Peer" communications |
260 | between each processor and its immediate "neighbours" across the fold line. This is achieved by |
261 | using the default \textsc{MPI\_ALLGATHER} method during initialisation to help identify the "active" |
262 | neighbours. Stored lists of these neighbours are then used in all subsequent north-fold exchanges to |
263 | restrict exchanges to those between associated regions. The collated global width array for each |
264 | region is thus only partially filled but is guaranteed to be set at all the locations actually |
265 | required by each individual for the fold operation. This alternative method should give identical |
266 | results to the default \textsc{ALLGATHER} method and is recommended for large values of \np{jpni}. |
267 | The new method is activated by setting \np{ln\_nnogather} to be true ({\bf nammpp}). The |
268 | reproducibility of results using the two methods should be confirmed for each new, non-reference |
269 | configuration. |
270 | |
271 | % ================================================================ |
272 | % Model optimisation, Control Print and Benchmark |
273 | % ================================================================ |
274 | \section{Model Optimisation, Control Print and Benchmark} |
275 | \label{MISC_opt} |
276 | %--------------------------------------------namctl------------------------------------------------------- |
277 | \namdisplay{namctl} |
278 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
279 | |
280 | \gmcomment{why not make these bullets into subsections?} |
281 | Options are defined through the \ngn{namctl} namelist variables. |
282 | |
283 | $\bullet$ Vector optimisation: |
284 | |
285 | \key{vectopt\_loop} enables the internal loops to collapse. This is very |
286 | a very efficient way to increase the length of vector calculations and thus |
287 | to speed up the model on vector computers. |
288 | |
289 | % Add here also one word on NPROMA technique that has been found useless, since compiler have made significant progress during the last decade. |
290 | |
291 | % Add also one word on NEC specific optimisation (Novercheck option for example) |
292 | |
293 | $\bullet$ Control print %: describe here 4 things: |
294 | |
295 | 1- \np{ln\_ctl} : compute and print the trends averaged over the interior domain |
296 | in all TRA, DYN, LDF and ZDF modules. This option is very helpful when |
297 | diagnosing the origin of an undesired change in model results. |
298 | |
299 | 2- also \np{ln\_ctl} but using the nictl and njctl namelist parameters to check |
300 | the source of differences between mono and multi processor runs. |
301 | |
302 | %%gm to be removed both here and in the code |
303 | 3- last digit comparison (\np{nn\_bit\_cmp}). In an MPP simulation, the computation of |
304 | a sum over the whole domain is performed as the summation over all processors of |
305 | each of their sums over their interior domains. This double sum never gives exactly |
306 | the same result as a single sum over the whole domain, due to truncation differences. |
307 | The "bit comparison" option has been introduced in order to be able to check that |
308 | mono-processor and multi-processor runs give exactly the same results. |
309 | %THIS is to be updated with the mpp_sum_glo introduced in v3.3 |
310 | % nn_bit_cmp today only check that the nn_cla = 0 (no cross land advection) |
311 | %%gm end |
312 | |
313 | $\bullet$ Benchmark (\np{nn\_bench}). This option defines a benchmark run based on |
314 | a GYRE configuration (see \S\ref{CFG_gyre}) in which the resolution remains the same |
315 | whatever the domain size. This allows a very large model domain to be used, just by |
316 | changing the domain size (\jp{jpiglo}, \jp{jpjglo}) and without adjusting either the time-step |
317 | or the physical parameterisations. |
318 | |
319 | % ================================================================ |
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