1 | <!-- |
2 | <?xml version="1.0"?> |
3 | --> |
4 | |
5 | <!-- $id$ --> |
6 | |
7 | <!-- |
8 | ============================================================================================================ |
9 | = definition of all existing variables = |
10 | = DO NOT CHANGE = |
11 | ============================================================================================================ |
12 | --> |
13 | <field_definition level="1" prec="4" operation="average" enabled=".TRUE." default_value="1.e20" > <!-- time step automaticaly defined --> |
14 | |
15 | <!-- |
16 | ============================================================================================================ |
17 | Physical ocean and ice model variables |
18 | ============================================================================================================ |
19 | --> |
20 | |
21 | <!-- T grid --> |
22 | |
23 | <field_group id="grid_T" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > |
24 | <field id="e3t" long_name="T-cell thickness" standard_name="cell_thickness" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> |
25 | <field id="e3t_0" long_name="Initial T-cell thickness" standard_name="ref_cell_thickness" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> |
26 | |
27 | <field id="toce" long_name="temperature" standard_name="sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="degC" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> |
28 | <field id="toce_e3t" long_name="temperature (thickness weighted)" unit="degC" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" > toce * e3t </field > |
29 | <field id="soce" long_name="salinity" standard_name="sea_water_practical_salinity" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> |
30 | <field id="soce_e3t" long_name="salinity (thickness weighted)" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" > soce * e3t </field > |
31 | |
32 | <!-- t-eddy viscosity coefficients (ldfdyn) --> |
33 | <field id="ahmt_2d" long_name=" surface t-eddy viscosity coefficient" unit="m2/s or m4/s" /> |
34 | <field id="ahmt_3d" long_name=" 3D t-eddy viscosity coefficient" unit="m2/s or m4/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> |
35 | |
36 | <field id="sst" long_name="sea surface temperature" standard_name="sea_surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
37 | <field id="sst2" long_name="square of sea surface temperature" standard_name="square_of_sea_surface_temperature" unit="degC2" > sst * sst </field > |
38 | <field id="sstmax" long_name="max of sea surface temperature" field_ref="sst" operation="maximum" /> |
39 | <field id="sstmin" long_name="min of sea surface temperature" field_ref="sst" operation="minimum" /> |
40 | <field id="sstgrad" long_name="module of sst gradient" unit="degC/m" /> |
41 | <field id="sstgrad2" long_name="square of module of sst gradient" unit="degC2/m2" /> |
42 | <field id="sbt" long_name="sea bottom temperature" unit="degC" /> |
43 | <field id="sst_wl" long_name="Delta SST of warm layer" unit="degC" /> |
44 | <field id="sst_cs" long_name="Delta SST of cool skin" unit="degC" /> |
45 | <field id="temp_3m" long_name="temperature at 3m" unit="degC" /> |
46 | |
47 | <field id="sss" long_name="sea surface salinity" standard_name="sea_surface_salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
48 | <field id="sss2" long_name="square of sea surface salinity" unit="1e-6" > sss * sss </field > |
49 | <field id="sssmax" long_name="max of sea surface salinity" field_ref="sss" operation="maximum" /> |
50 | <field id="sssmin" long_name="min of sea surface salinity" field_ref="sss" operation="minimum" /> |
51 | <field id="sbs" long_name="sea bottom salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
52 | |
53 | <field id="taubot" long_name="bottom stress module" unit="N/m2" /> |
54 | |
55 | <field id="ssh" long_name="sea surface height" standard_name="sea_surface_height_above_geoid" unit="m" /> |
56 | <field id="ssh2" long_name="square of sea surface height" standard_name="square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid" unit="m2" > ssh * ssh </field > |
57 | <field id="sshmax" long_name="max of sea surface height" field_ref="ssh" operation="maximum" /> |
58 | |
59 | <field id="mldkz5" long_name="Turbocline depth (Kz = 5e-4)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_vertical_tracer_diffusivity" unit="m" /> |
60 | <field id="mldr10_1" long_name="Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta" unit="m" /> |
61 | <field id="mldr10_1max" long_name="Max of Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)" field_ref="mldr10_1" operation="maximum" /> |
62 | <field id="mldr10_1min" long_name="Min of Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)" field_ref="mldr10_1" operation="minimum" /> |
63 | <field id="heatc" long_name="Heat content vertically integrated" standard_name="integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content" unit="J/m2" /> |
64 | <field id="saltc" long_name="Salt content vertically integrated" unit="1e-3*kg/m2" /> |
65 | |
66 | <!-- EOS --> |
67 | <field id="alpha" long_name="thermal expansion" unit="degC-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
68 | <field id="beta" long_name="haline contraction" unit="1e3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
69 | <field id="bn2" long_name="squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
70 | <field id="rhop" long_name="potential density (sigma0)" standard_name="sea_water_sigma_theta" unit="kg/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
71 | |
72 | <!-- Energy - horizontal divergence --> |
73 | <field id="eken" long_name="kinetic energy" standard_name="specific_kinetic_energy_of_sea_water" unit="m2/s2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
74 | <field id="hdiv" long_name="horizontal divergence" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
75 | |
76 | <!-- variables available with MLE --> |
77 | <field id="Lf_NHpf" long_name="MLE: Lf = N H / f" unit="m" /> |
78 | |
79 | <!-- next variables available with key_diahth --> |
80 | <field id="mlddzt" long_name="Thermocline Depth (depth of max dT/dz)" standard_name="depth_at_maximum_upward_derivative_of_sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="m" /> |
81 | <field id="mldr10_3" long_name="Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt 10m)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta" unit="m" /> |
82 | <field id="mldr0_1" long_name="Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt sfc)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta" unit="m" /> |
83 | <field id="mldr0_3" long_name="Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.03 wrt sfc)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta" unit="m" /> |
84 | <field id="mld_dt02" long_name="Mixed Layer Depth (|dT| = 0.2 wrt 10m)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature" unit="m" /> |
85 | <field id="topthdep" long_name="Top of Thermocline Depth (dT = -0.2 wrt 10m)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_temperature" unit="m" /> |
86 | <field id="pycndep" long_name="Pycnocline Depth (dsigma[dT=-0.2] wrt 10m)" standard_name="ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_theta" unit="m" /> |
87 | <field id="BLT" long_name="Barrier Layer Thickness" unit="m" > topthdep - pycndep </field> |
88 | <field id="tinv" long_name="Max of vertical invertion of temperature" unit="degC" /> |
89 | <field id="depti" long_name="Depth of max. vert. inv. of temperature" unit="m" /> |
90 | <field id="20d" long_name="Depth of 20C isotherm" standard_name="depth_of_isosurface_of_sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="m" axis_ref="iax_20C" /> |
91 | <field id="28d" long_name="Depth of 28C isotherm" standard_name="depth_of_isosurface_of_sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="m" axis_ref="iax_28C" /> |
92 | <field id="hc300" long_name="Heat content 0-300m" standard_name="integral_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content" unit="J/m2" /> |
93 | |
94 | <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> |
95 | <field id="botpres" long_name="Pressure at sea floor" standard_name="sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor" unit="dbar" /> |
96 | |
97 | <!-- variables available with key_vvl --> |
98 | <field id="tpt_dep" long_name="T-point depth" standard_name="depth_below_geoid" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
99 | <field id="e3tdef" long_name="T-cell thickness deformation" unit="%" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
100 | </field_group> |
101 | |
102 | <!-- Tides --> |
103 | |
104 | <field_group id="Tides_T" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" operation="once" > |
105 | <!-- tidal composante --> |
106 | <field id="M2x" long_name="M2 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
107 | <field id="M2y" long_name="M2 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
108 | <field id="S2x" long_name="S2 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
109 | <field id="S2y" long_name="S2 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
110 | <field id="N2x" long_name="N2 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
111 | <field id="N2y" long_name="N2 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
112 | <field id="K1x" long_name="K1 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
113 | <field id="K1y" long_name="K1 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
114 | <field id="O1x" long_name="O1 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
115 | <field id="O1y" long_name="O1 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
116 | <field id="Q1x" long_name="Q1 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
117 | <field id="Q1y" long_name="Q1 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
118 | <field id="M4x" long_name="M4 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
119 | <field id="M4y" long_name="M4 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
120 | <field id="K2x" long_name="K2 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
121 | <field id="K2y" long_name="K2 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
122 | <field id="P1x" long_name="P1 Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
123 | <field id="P1y" long_name="P1 Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
124 | <field id="Mfx" long_name="Mf Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
125 | <field id="Mfy" long_name="Mf Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
126 | <field id="Mmx" long_name="Mm Elevation harmonic real part " unit="m" /> |
127 | <field id="Mmy" long_name="Mm Elevation harmonic imaginary part" unit="m" /> |
128 | </field_group> |
129 | |
130 | <field_group id="Tides_U" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" operation="once" > |
131 | <field id="M2x_u" long_name="M2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
132 | <field id="M2y_u" long_name="M2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
133 | <field id="S2x_u" long_name="S2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
134 | <field id="S2y_u" long_name="S2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
135 | <field id="N2x_u" long_name="N2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
136 | <field id="N2y_u" long_name="N2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
137 | <field id="K1x_u" long_name="K1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
138 | <field id="K1y_u" long_name="K1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
139 | <field id="O1x_u" long_name="O1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
140 | <field id="O1y_u" long_name="O1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
141 | <field id="Q1x_u" long_name="Q1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
142 | <field id="Q1y_u" long_name="Q1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
143 | <field id="M4x_u" long_name="M4 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
144 | <field id="M4y_u" long_name="M4 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
145 | <field id="K2x_u" long_name="K2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
146 | <field id="K2y_u" long_name="K2 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
147 | <field id="P1x_u" long_name="P1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
148 | <field id="P1y_u" long_name="P1 current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
149 | <field id="Mfx_u" long_name="Mf current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
150 | <field id="Mfy_u" long_name="Mf current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
151 | <field id="Mmx_u" long_name="Mm current barotrope along i-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
152 | <field id="Mmy_u" long_name="Mm current barotrope along i-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
153 | </field_group> |
154 | |
155 | <field_group id="Tides_V" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" operation="once" > |
156 | <field id="M2x_v" long_name="M2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
157 | <field id="M2y_v" long_name="M2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
158 | <field id="S2x_v" long_name="S2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
159 | <field id="S2y_v" long_name="S2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
160 | <field id="N2x_v" long_name="N2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
161 | <field id="N2y_v" long_name="N2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
162 | <field id="K1x_v" long_name="K1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
163 | <field id="K1y_v" long_name="K1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
164 | <field id="O1x_v" long_name="O1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
165 | <field id="O1y_v" long_name="O1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
166 | <field id="Q1x_v" long_name="Q1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
167 | <field id="Q1y_v" long_name="Q1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
168 | <field id="M4x_v" long_name="M4 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
169 | <field id="M4y_v" long_name="M4 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
170 | <field id="K2x_v" long_name="K2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
171 | <field id="K2y_v" long_name="K2 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
172 | <field id="P1x_v" long_name="P1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
173 | <field id="P1y_v" long_name="P1 current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
174 | <field id="Mfx_v" long_name="Mf current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
175 | <field id="Mfy_v" long_name="Mf current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
176 | <field id="Mmx_v" long_name="Mm current barotrope along j-axis harmonic real part " unit="m/s" /> |
177 | <field id="Mmy_v" long_name="Mm current barotrope along j-axis harmonic imaginary part " unit="m/s" /> |
178 | </field_group> |
179 | |
180 | <!-- SBC --> |
181 | |
182 | <field_group id="SBC" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <!-- time step automaticaly defined based on nn_fsbc --> |
183 | <field id="empmr" long_name="Net Upward Water Flux" standard_name="water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
184 | <field id="empbmr" long_name="Net Upward Water Flux at pre. tstep" standard_name="water_flux_out_of_sea_ice_and_sea_water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
185 | <field id="emp_oce" long_name="Evap minus Precip over ocean" standard_name="evap_minus_precip_over_sea_water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
186 | <field id="emp_ice" long_name="Evap minus Precip over ice" standard_name="evap_minus_precip_over_sea_ice" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
187 | <field id="saltflx" long_name="Downward salt flux" unit="1e-3/m2/s" /> |
188 | <field id="fmmflx" long_name="Water flux due to freezing/melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
189 | <field id="snowpre" long_name="Snow precipitation" standard_name="snowfall_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
190 | <field id="runoffs" long_name="River Runoffs" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
191 | <field id="precip" long_name="Total precipitation" standard_name="precipitation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
192 | |
193 | <field id="qt" long_name="Net Downward Heat Flux" standard_name="surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> |
194 | <field id="qns" long_name="non solar Downward Heat Flux" unit="W/m2" /> |
195 | <field id="qsr" long_name="Shortwave Radiation" standard_name="net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface" unit="W/m2" /> |
196 | <field id="qsr3d" long_name="Shortwave Radiation 3D distribution" standard_name="downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water" unit="W/m2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
197 | <field id="qrp" long_name="Surface Heat Flux: Damping" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation" unit="W/m2" /> |
198 | <field id="erp" long_name="Surface Water Flux: Damping" standard_name="water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
199 | <field id="taum" long_name="wind stress module" standard_name="magnitude_of_surface_downward_stress" unit="N/m2" /> |
200 | <field id="wspd" long_name="wind speed module" standard_name="wind_speed" unit="m/s" /> |
201 | |
202 | <!-- * variable relative to atmospheric pressure forcing : available with ln_apr_dyn --> |
203 | <field id="ssh_ib" long_name="Inverse barometer sea surface height" standard_name="sea_surface_height_correction_due_to_air_pressure_at_low_frequency" unit="m" /> |
204 | |
205 | <!-- * variable related to ice shelf forcing * --> |
206 | <field id="fwfisf" long_name="Ice shelf melting" unit="Kg/m2/s" /> |
207 | <field id="qisf" long_name="Ice Shelf Heat Flux" unit="W/m2" /> |
208 | <field id="isfgammat" long_name="transfert coefficient for isf (temperature) " unit="m/s" /> |
209 | <field id="isfgammas" long_name="transfert coefficient for isf (salinity) " unit="m/s" /> |
210 | <field id="stbl" long_name="salinity in the Losh tbl " unit="PSU" /> |
211 | <field id="ttbl" long_name="temperature in the Losh tbl " unit="C" /> |
212 | <field id="utbl" long_name="zonal current in the Losh tbl at T point " unit="m/s" /> |
213 | <field id="vtbl" long_name="merid current in the Losh tbl at T point " unit="m/s" /> |
214 | <field id="thermald" long_name="thermal driving of ice shelf melting " unit="C" /> |
215 | <field id="tfrz" long_name="top freezing point (used to compute melt) " unit="C" /> |
216 | <field id="tinsitu" long_name="top insitu temperature (used to cmpt melt) " unit="C" /> |
217 | <field id="ustar" long_name="ustar at T point used in ice shelf melting " unit="m/s" /> |
218 | |
219 | <!-- *_oce variables available with ln_blk_clio or ln_blk_core --> |
220 | <field id="qlw_oce" long_name="Longwave Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" standard_name="surface_net_downward_longwave_flux" unit="W/m2" /> |
221 | <field id="qsb_oce" long_name="Sensible Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" standard_name="surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux" unit="W/m2" /> |
222 | <field id="qla_oce" long_name="Latent Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" standard_name="surface_downward_latent_heat_flux" unit="W/m2" /> |
223 | <field id="qemp_oce" long_name="Downward Heat Flux from E-P over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> |
224 | <field id="taum_oce" long_name="wind stress module over open ocean" standard_name="magnitude_of_surface_downward_stress" unit="N/m2" /> |
225 | |
226 | <!-- available key_oasis3 --> |
227 | <field id="snow_ao_cea" long_name="Snow over ice-free ocean (cell average)" standard_name="snowfall_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
228 | <field id="snow_ai_cea" long_name="Snow over sea-ice (cell average)" standard_name="snowfall_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
229 | <field id="subl_ai_cea" long_name="Sublimation over sea-ice (cell average)" standard_name="surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
230 | <field id="icealb_cea" long_name="Ice albedo (cell average)" standard_name="sea_ice_albedo" unit="1" /> |
231 | <field id="calving_cea" long_name="Calving" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
232 | |
233 | <!-- available if key_oasis3 + conservative method --> |
234 | <field id="rain" long_name="Liquid precipitation" standard_name="rainfall_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
235 | <field id="evap_ao_cea" long_name="Evaporation over ice-free ocean (cell average)" standard_name="water_evaporation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
236 | <field id="isnwmlt_cea" long_name="Snow over Ice melting (cell average)" standard_name="surface_snow_melt_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
237 | <field id="fsal_virt_cea" long_name="Virtual salt flux due to ice formation (cell average)" standard_name="virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
238 | <field id="fsal_real_cea" long_name="Real salt flux due to ice formation (cell average)" standard_name="downward_sea_ice_basal_salt_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
239 | <field id="hflx_rain_cea" long_name="heat flux due to rainfall" standard_name="temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> |
240 | <field id="hflx_evap_cea" long_name="heat flux due to evaporation" standard_name="temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_out_of_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> |
241 | <field id="hflx_snow_cea" long_name="heat flux due to snow falling over ice-free ocean" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics" unit="W/m2" /> |
242 | <field id="hflx_ice_cea" long_name="heat flux due to ice thermodynamics" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics" unit="W/m2" /> |
243 | <field id="hflx_rnf_cea" long_name="heat flux due to runoffs" standard_name="temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> |
244 | <field id="hflx_cal_cea" long_name="heat flux due to calving" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics" unit="W/m2" /> |
245 | <field id="bicemel_cea" long_name="Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (cell average)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
246 | <field id="licepro_cea" long_name="Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate (cell average)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_growth_of_ice_floes" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
247 | <field id="snowmel_cea" long_name="Snow Melt Rate (cell average)" standard_name="surface_snow_melt_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
248 | <field id="sntoice_cea" long_name="Snow-Ice Formation Rate (cell average)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_snow_conversion" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
249 | <field id="ticemel_cea" long_name="Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice (cell average)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
250 | |
251 | <!-- ice fields --> |
252 | <field id="ice_cover" long_name="Ice fraction" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="1" /> |
253 | |
254 | <field id="qsr_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward solar heat flux (cell average)" standard_name="surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> |
255 | <field id="qns_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> |
256 | <field id="qla_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward Latent heat flux (cell average)" standard_name="surface_downward_latent_heat_flux" unit="W/m2" /> |
257 | |
258 | <field id="qsr_io_cea" long_name="Ice-Oce downward solar heat flux (cell average)" standard_name="net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface" unit="W/m2" /> |
259 | <field id="qns_io_cea" long_name="Ice-Oce downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> |
260 | |
261 | <field id="snowthic_cea" long_name="Snow thickness (cell average)" standard_name="surface_snow_thickness" unit="m" /> |
262 | <field id="icethic_cea" long_name="Ice thickness (cell average)" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> |
263 | <field id="iceprod_cea" long_name="Ice production (cell average)" unit="m/s" /> |
264 | <field id="iiceconc" long_name="Ice concentration" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="1" /> |
265 | |
266 | <field id="ice_pres" long_name="Ice presence" unit="" /> |
267 | <field id="ist_cea" long_name="Ice surface temperature (cell average)" standard_name="surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
268 | <field id="ist_ipa" long_name="Ice surface temperature (ice presence average)" standard_name="surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
269 | <field id="uice_ipa" long_name="Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" standard_name="sea_ice_x_velocity" unit="m/s" /> |
270 | <field id="vice_ipa" long_name="Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" standard_name="sea_ice_y_velocity" unit="m/s" /> |
271 | |
272 | <field id="utau_ice" long_name="Wind stress along i-axis over the ice at i-point" standard_name="surface_downward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> |
273 | <field id="vtau_ice" long_name="Wind stress along j-axis over the ice at i-point" standard_name="surface_downward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> |
274 | |
275 | <field id="u_imasstr" long_name="Sea-ice mass transport along i-axis" standard_name="sea_ice_x_transport" unit="kg/s" /> |
276 | <field id="v_imasstr" long_name="Sea-ice mass transport along j-axis" standard_name="sea_ice_y_transport" unit="kg/s" /> |
277 | <field id="emp_x_sst" long_name="Concentration/Dilution term on SST" unit="kg*degC/m2/s" /> |
278 | <field id="emp_x_sss" long_name="Concentration/Dilution term on SSS" unit="kg*1e-3/m2/s" /> |
279 | <field id="rnf_x_sst" long_name="Runoff term on SST" unit="kg*degC/m2/s" /> |
280 | <field id="rnf_x_sss" long_name="Runoff term on SSS" unit="kg*1e-3/m2/s" /> |
281 | |
282 | <field id="iceconc" long_name="ice concentration" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="%" /> |
283 | <field id="isst" long_name="sea surface temperature" standard_name="sea_surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
284 | <field id="isss" long_name="sea surface salinity" standard_name="sea_surface_salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
285 | <field id="qt_oce" long_name="total flux at ocean surface" standard_name="surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> |
286 | <field id="qsr_oce" long_name="solar heat flux at ocean surface" standard_name="net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface" unit="W/m2" /> |
287 | <field id="qns_oce" long_name="non-solar heat flux at ocean surface" unit="W/m2" /> |
288 | <field id="qt_ice" long_name="total heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories" standard_name="surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> |
289 | <field id="qsr_ice" long_name="solar heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories" standard_name="surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> |
290 | <field id="qns_ice" long_name="non-solar heat flux at ice surface: sum over categories" unit="W/m2" /> |
291 | <field id="qtr_ice" long_name="solar heat flux transmitted through ice: sum over categories" unit="W/m2" /> |
292 | <field id="qemp_ice" long_name="Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice" unit="W/m2" /> |
293 | <field id="micesalt" long_name="Mean ice salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
294 | <field id="miceage" long_name="Mean ice age" unit="years" /> |
295 | <field id="alb_ice" long_name="Mean albedo over sea ice" unit="" /> |
296 | <field id="albedo" long_name="Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean" unit="" /> |
297 | |
298 | <field id="iceage_cat" long_name="Ice age for categories" unit="days" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
299 | <field id="iceconc_cat" long_name="Ice concentration for categories" unit="%" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
300 | <field id="icethic_cat" long_name="Ice thickness for categories" unit="m" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
301 | <field id="snowthic_cat" long_name="Snow thicknessi for categories" unit="m" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
302 | <field id="salinity_cat" long_name="Sea-Ice Bulk salinity for categories" unit="g/kg" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
303 | <field id="brinevol_cat" long_name="Brine volume for categories" unit="%" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
304 | <field id="icetemp_cat" long_name="Ice temperature for categories" unit="degC" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
305 | <field id="snwtemp_cat" long_name="Snow temperature for categories" unit="degC" axis_ref="ncatice" /> |
306 | |
307 | <field id="micet" long_name="Mean ice temperature" unit="degC" /> |
308 | <field id="icehc" long_name="ice total heat content" unit="10^9J" /> |
309 | <field id="isnowhc" long_name="snow total heat content" unit="10^9J" /> |
310 | <field id="icest" long_name="ice surface temperature" unit="degC" /> |
311 | <field id="ibrinv" long_name="brine volume" unit="%" /> |
312 | <field id="icecolf" long_name="frazil ice collection thickness" unit="m" /> |
313 | <field id="icestr" long_name="ice strength" unit="N/m" /> |
314 | <field id="icevel" long_name="ice velocity" unit="m/s" /> |
315 | <field id="idive" long_name="divergence" unit="1e-8s-1" /> |
316 | <field id="ishear" long_name="shear" unit="1e-8s-1" /> |
317 | <field id="icevolu" long_name="ice volume" unit="m" /> |
318 | <field id="snowvol" long_name="snow volume" unit="m" /> |
319 | |
320 | <field id="icetrp" long_name="ice volume transport" unit="m/day" /> |
321 | <field id="snwtrp" long_name="snw volume transport" unit="m/day" /> |
322 | <field id="saltrp" long_name="salt content transport" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
323 | <field id="deitrp" long_name="advected ice enthalpy" unit="W/m2" /> |
324 | <field id="destrp" long_name="advected snw enthalpy" unit="W/m2" /> |
325 | |
326 | <field id="sfxbri" long_name="brine salt flux" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
327 | <field id="sfxdyn" long_name="salt flux from ridging rafting" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
328 | <field id="sfxres" long_name="salt flux from lipupdate (resultant)" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
329 | <field id="sfxbog" long_name="salt flux from bot growth" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
330 | <field id="sfxbom" long_name="salt flux from bot melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
331 | <field id="sfxsum" long_name="salt flux from surf melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
332 | <field id="sfxsni" long_name="salt flux from snow-ice formation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
333 | <field id="sfxopw" long_name="salt flux from open water ice formation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
334 | <field id="sfxsub" long_name="salt flux from sublimation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
335 | <field id="sfx" long_name="salt flux total" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> |
336 | |
337 | <field id="vfxbog" long_name="daily bottom thermo ice prod." unit="m/day" /> |
338 | <field id="vfxdyn" long_name="daily dynamic ice prod." unit="m/day" /> |
339 | <field id="vfxopw" long_name="daily lateral thermo ice prod." unit="m/day" /> |
340 | <field id="vfxsni" long_name="daily snowice ice prod." unit="m/day" /> |
341 | <field id="vfxsum" long_name="surface melt" unit="m/day" /> |
342 | <field id="vfxbom" long_name="bottom melt" unit="m/day" /> |
343 | <field id="vfxres" long_name="daily resultant ice prod./melting from limupdate" unit="m/day" /> |
344 | <field id="vfxice" long_name="ice melt/growth" unit="m/day" /> |
345 | <field id="vfxsnw" long_name="snw melt/growth" unit="m/day" /> |
346 | <field id="vfxsub" long_name="snw sublimation" unit="m/day" /> |
347 | <field id="vfxspr" long_name="snw precipitation on ice" unit="m/day" /> |
348 | <field id="vfxthin" long_name="daily thermo ice prod. for thin ice(<20cm) + open water" unit="m/day" /> |
349 | |
350 | <field id="afxtot" long_name="area tendency (total)" unit="day-1" /> |
351 | <field id="afxdyn" long_name="area tendency (dynamics)" unit="day-1" /> |
352 | <field id="afxthd" long_name="area tendency (thermo)" unit="day-1" /> |
353 | |
354 | <field id="hfxsum" long_name="heat fluxes causing surface ice melt" unit="W/m2" /> |
355 | <field id="hfxbom" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice melt" unit="W/m2" /> |
356 | <field id="hfxbog" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice growth" unit="W/m2" /> |
357 | <field id="hfxdif" long_name="heat fluxes causing ice temperature change" unit="W/m2" /> |
358 | <field id="hfxopw" long_name="heat fluxes causing open water ice formation" unit="W/m2" /> |
359 | <field id="hfxsnw" long_name="heat fluxes causing snow melt" unit="W/m2" /> |
360 | <field id="hfxerr" long_name="heat fluxes error after heat diffusion" unit="W/m2" /> |
361 | <field id="hfxerr_rem" long_name="heat fluxes error after remapping" unit="W/m2" /> |
362 | <field id="hfxout" long_name="total heat fluxes received by the ocean" unit="W/m2" /> |
363 | <field id="hfxin" long_name="total heat fluxes at the ice/ocean surface" unit="W/m2" /> |
364 | |
365 | <!-- heat flux associated with mass exchange --> |
366 | <field id="hfxthd" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during thermo" unit="W/m2" /> |
367 | <field id="hfxdyn" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during dynamic" unit="W/m2" /> |
368 | <field id="hfxres" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during resultant" unit="W/m2" /> |
369 | <field id="hfxsub" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-atm. mass exchange during sublimation" unit="W/m2" /> |
370 | <field id="hfxspr" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-atm. mass exchange during snow precip" unit="W/m2" /> |
371 | |
372 | <!-- diags --> |
373 | <field id="hfxdhc" long_name="Heat content variation in snow and ice" unit="W/m2" /> |
374 | <field id="hfxtur" long_name="turbulent heat flux at the ice base" unit="W/m2" /> |
375 | <!-- sbcssm variables --> |
376 | <field id="sst_m" unit="degC" /> |
377 | <field id="sss_m" unit="psu" /> |
378 | <field id="ssu_m" unit="m/s" /> |
379 | <field id="ssv_m" unit="m/s" /> |
380 | <field id="ssh_m" unit="m" /> |
381 | <field id="e3t_m" unit="m" /> |
382 | <field id="frq_m" unit="-" /> |
383 | |
384 | </field_group> |
385 | |
386 | <!-- U grid --> |
387 | |
388 | <field_group id="grid_U" grid_ref="grid_U_2D"> |
389 | <field id="e3u" long_name="U-cell thickness" standard_name="cell_thickness" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
390 | <field id="e3u_0" long_name="Initial U-cell thickness" standard_name="ref_cell_thickness" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_U_3D"/> |
391 | <field id="utau" long_name="Wind Stress along i-axis" standard_name="surface_downward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> |
392 | <field id="uoce" long_name="ocean current along i-axis" standard_name="sea_water_x_velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
393 | <field id="uoce_e3u" long_name="ocean current along i-axis (thickness weighted)" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" > uoce * e3u </field> |
394 | <field id="ssu" long_name="ocean surface current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
395 | <field id="sbu" long_name="ocean bottom current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
396 | <field id="ubar" long_name="ocean barotropic current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
397 | <field id="uocetr_eff" long_name="Effective ocean transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_volume_x_transport" unit="m3/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
398 | <field id="uocet" long_name="ocean transport along i-axis times temperature (CRS)" unit="degC*m/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
399 | <field id="uoces" long_name="ocean transport along i-axis times salinity (CRS)" unit="1e-3*m/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
400 | |
401 | <!-- u-eddy coefficients (ldftra) --> |
402 | <field id="ahtu_2d" long_name=" surface u-eddy diffusivity coefficient" unit="m2/s or m4/s" /> |
403 | <field id="ahtu_3d" long_name=" 3D u-EIV coefficient" unit="m2/s or m4/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D"/> |
404 | <field id="aeiu_2d" long_name=" surface u-EIV coefficient" unit="m2/s" /> |
405 | <field id="aeiu_3d" long_name=" 3D u-EIV coefficient" unit="m2/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D"/> |
406 | |
407 | <!-- variables available with MLE --> |
408 | <field id="psiu_mle" long_name="MLE streamfunction along i-axis" unit="m3/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
409 | |
410 | <!-- uoce_eiv: available EIV --> |
411 | <field id="uoce_eiv" long_name="EIV ocean current along i-axis" standard_name="bolus_sea_water_x_velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
412 | |
413 | <!-- uoce_eiv: available with key_trabbl --> |
414 | <field id="uoce_bbl" long_name="BBL ocean current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
415 | <field id="ahu_bbl" long_name="BBL diffusive flux along i-axis" unit="m3/s" /> |
416 | |
417 | <!-- variable for ice shelves --> |
418 | <field id="utbl" long_name="zonal current in the Losh tbl" unit="m/s" /> |
419 | |
420 | <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> |
421 | <field id="u_masstr" long_name="ocean eulerian mass transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_mass_x_transport" unit="kg/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> |
422 | <field id="u_heattr" long_name="ocean eulerian heat transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_heat_x_transport" unit="W" /> |
423 | <field id="u_salttr" long_name="ocean eulerian salt transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_salt_x_transport" unit="1e-3*kg/s" /> |
424 | <field id="ueiv_heattr" long_name="ocean bolus heat transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_bolus_advection" unit="W" /> |
425 | <field id="udiff_heattr" long_name="ocean diffusion heat transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_diffusion" unit="W" /> |
426 | </field_group> |
427 | |
428 | <!-- V grid --> |
429 | |
430 | <field_group id="grid_V" grid_ref="grid_V_2D"> |
431 | <field id="e3v" long_name="V-cell thickness" standard_name="cell_thickness" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
432 | <field id="e3v_0" long_name="Initial V-cell thickness" standard_name="ref_cell_thickness" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_V_3D"/> |
433 | <field id="vtau" long_name="Wind Stress along j-axis" standard_name="surface_downward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> |
434 | <field id="voce" long_name="ocean current along j-axis" standard_name="sea_water_y_velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
435 | <field id="voce_e3v" long_name="ocean current along j-axis (thickness weighted)" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" > voce * e3v </field> |
436 | <field id="ssv" long_name="ocean surface current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
437 | <field id="sbv" long_name="ocean bottom current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
438 | <field id="vbar" long_name="ocean barotropic current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
439 | <field id="vocetr_eff" long_name="Effective ocean transport along j-axis" standard_name="ocean_volume_y_transport" unit="m3/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
440 | <field id="vocet" long_name="ocean transport along j-axis times temperature (CRS)" unit="degC*m/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
441 | <field id="voces" long_name="ocean transport along j-axis times salinity (CRS)" unit="1e-3*m/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
442 | |
443 | <!-- v-eddy coefficients (ldftra, ldfdyn) --> |
444 | <field id="ahtv_2d" long_name=" surface v-eddy diffusivity coefficient" unit="m2/s or (m4/s)^1/2" /> |
445 | <field id="ahtv_3d" long_name=" 3D v-eddy diffusivity coefficient" unit="m2/s or (m4/s)^1/2" grid_ref="grid_V_3D"/> |
446 | <field id="aeiv_2d" long_name=" surface v-EIV coefficient" unit="m2/s" /> |
447 | <field id="aeiv_3d" long_name=" 3D v-EIV coefficient" unit="m2/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
448 | |
449 | <!-- variables available with MLE --> |
450 | <field id="psiv_mle" long_name="MLE streamfunction along j-axis" unit="m3/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
451 | |
452 | <!-- voce_eiv: available with EIV --> |
453 | <field id="voce_eiv" long_name="EIV ocean current along j-axis" standard_name="bolus_sea_water_y_velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
454 | |
455 | <!-- voce_eiv: available with key_trabbl --> |
456 | <field id="voce_bbl" long_name="BBL ocean current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> |
457 | <field id="ahv_bbl" long_name="BBL diffusive flux along j-axis" unit="m3/s" /> |
458 | |
459 | <!-- variable for ice shelves --> |
460 | <field id="vtbl" long_name="meridional current in the Losh tbl" unit="m/s" /> |
461 | |
462 | <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> |
463 | <field id="v_masstr" long_name="ocean eulerian mass transport along j-axis" standard_name="ocean_mass_y_transport" unit="kg/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> |
464 | <field id="v_heattr" long_name="ocean eulerian heat transport along j-axis" standard_name="ocean_heat_y_transport" unit="W" /> |
465 | <field id="v_salttr" long_name="ocean eulerian salt transport along i-axis" standard_name="ocean_salt_y_transport" unit="1e-3*kg/s" /> |
466 | <field id="veiv_heattr" long_name="ocean bolus heat transport along j-axis" standard_name="ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_bolus_advection" unit="W" /> |
467 | <field id="vdiff_heattr" long_name="ocean diffusion heat transport along j-axis" standard_name="ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_diffusion" unit="W" /> |
468 | </field_group> |
469 | |
470 | <!-- W grid --> |
471 | |
472 | <field_group id="grid_W" grid_ref="grid_W_3D"> |
473 | <field id="e3w" long_name="W-cell thickness" standard_name="cell_thickness" unit="m" /> |
474 | <field id="woce" long_name="ocean vertical velocity" standard_name="upward_sea_water_velocity" unit="m/s" /> |
475 | <field id="wocetr_eff" long_name="effective ocean vertical transport" unit="m3/s" /> |
476 | |
477 | <!-- woce_eiv: available with EIV --> |
478 | <field id="woce_eiv" long_name="EIV ocean vertical velocity" standard_name="bolus_upward_sea_water_velocity" unit="m/s" /> |
479 | |
480 | |
481 | <field id="avt" long_name="vertical eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> |
482 | <field id="logavt" long_name="logarithm of vertical eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> |
483 | <field id="avm" long_name="vertical eddy viscosity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> |
484 | |
485 | <!-- avs: available with key_zdfddm --> |
486 | <field id="avs" long_name="salt vertical eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> |
487 | <field id="logavs" long_name="logarithm of salt vertical eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> |
488 | |
489 | <!-- avt_evd and avm_evd: available with ln_zdfevd --> |
490 | <field id="avt_evd" long_name="convective enhancement of vertical diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_convection" unit="m2/s" /> |
491 | <field id="avm_evd" long_name="convective enhancement of vertical viscosity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_convection" unit="m2/s" /> |
492 | |
493 | <!-- avt_tide: available with key_zdftmx --> |
494 | <field id="av_tide" long_name="tidal vertical diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_tides" unit="m2/s" /> |
495 | |
496 | <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> |
497 | <field id="w_masstr" long_name="vertical mass transport" standard_name="upward_ocean_mass_transport" unit="kg/s" /> |
498 | <field id="w_masstr2" long_name="square of vertical mass transport" standard_name="square_of_upward_ocean_mass_transport" unit="kg2/s2" /> |
499 | |
500 | <!-- aht2d and aht2d_eiv --> |
501 | <field id="aht2d" long_name="lateral eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_tracer_xy_laplacian_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" grid_ref="grid_W_2D" /> |
502 | <field id="aht2d_eiv" long_name="EIV lateral eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" grid_ref="grid_W_2D" /> |
503 | </field_group> |
504 | |
505 | <!-- F grid --> |
506 | <!-- f-eddy viscosity coefficients (ldfdyn) --> |
507 | <field id="ahmf_2d" long_name=" surface f-eddy viscosity coefficient" unit="m2/s or m4/s" /> |
508 | <field id="ahmf_3d" long_name=" 3D f-eddy viscosity coefficient" unit="m2/s or m4/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> |
509 | |
510 | <!-- scalar variables available with key_diaar5 --> |
511 | |
512 | <field_group id="scalar" domain_ref="1point" > |
513 | <field id="voltot" long_name="global total volume" standard_name="sea_water_volume" unit="m3" /> |
514 | <field id="sshtot" long_name="global mean ssh" standard_name="global_average_sea_level_change" unit="m" /> |
515 | <field id="sshsteric" long_name="global mean ssh steric" standard_name="global_average_steric_sea_level_change" unit="m" /> |
516 | <field id="sshthster" long_name="global mean ssh thermosteric" standard_name="global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change" unit="m" /> |
517 | <field id="masstot" long_name="global total mass" standard_name="sea_water_mass" unit="kg" /> |
518 | <field id="temptot" long_name="global mean temperature" standard_name="sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
519 | <field id="saltot" long_name="global mean salinity" standard_name="sea_water_salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
520 | <field id="fram_trans" long_name="Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait" standard_name="sea_ice_transport_across_line" unit="kg/s" /> |
521 | |
522 | <!-- available with ln_diahsb --> |
523 | <field id="bgtemper" long_name="drift in global mean temperature wrt timestep 1" standard_name="change_over_time_in_sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
524 | <field id="bgsaline" long_name="drift in global mean salinity wrt timestep 1" standard_name="change_over_time_in_sea_water_practical_salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
525 | <field id="bgheatco" long_name="drift in global mean heat content wrt timestep 1" unit="10^9J" /> |
526 | <field id="bgsaltco" long_name="drift in global mean salt content wrt timestep 1" unit="1e-3*m3" /> |
527 | <field id="bgvolssh" long_name="drift in global mean ssh volume wrt timestep 1" unit="km3" /> |
528 | <field id="bgvole3t" long_name="drift in global mean volume variation (e3t) wrt timestep 1" unit="km3" /> |
529 | <field id="bgvoltot" long_name="drift in global mean volume wrt timestep 1" unit="km3" /> |
530 | <!-- NOTE: No matching iom_put call --> |
531 | <field id="bgsshtot" long_name="drift in global mean ssh wrt timestep 1" standard_name="global_average_sea_level_change" unit="m" /> |
532 | <field id="bgfrcvol" long_name="drift in global mean volume from forcing wrt timestep 1" unit="km3" /> |
533 | <field id="bgfrctem" long_name="drift in global mean heat content from forcing wrt timestep 1" unit="10^9J" /> |
534 | <field id="bgfrcsal" long_name="drift in global mean salt content from forcing wrt timestep 1" unit="1e-3*km3" /> |
535 | <field id="bgmistem" long_name="global mean temperature error due to free surface" unit="degC" /> |
536 | <field id="bgmissal" long_name="global mean salinity error due to free surface" unit="1e-3" /> |
537 | </field_group> |
538 | |
539 | <!-- LIM3 scalar variables --> |
540 | |
541 | <field_group id="SBC_scalar" domain_ref="1point" > |
542 | <!-- available with ln_limdiaout --> |
543 | <field id="ibgvoltot" long_name="global mean ice volume" unit="km3" /> |
544 | <field id="sbgvoltot" long_name="global mean snow volume" unit="km3" /> |
545 | <field id="ibgarea" long_name="global mean ice area" unit="km2" /> |
546 | <field id="ibgsaline" long_name="global mean ice salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
547 | <field id="ibgtemper" long_name="global mean ice temperature" unit="degC" /> |
548 | <field id="ibgheatco" long_name="global mean ice heat content" unit="10^20J" /> |
549 | <field id="sbgheatco" long_name="global mean snow heat content" unit="10^20J" /> |
550 | <field id="ibgsaltco" long_name="global mean ice salt content" unit="1e-3*km3" /> |
551 | |
552 | <field id="ibgvfx" long_name="global mean volume flux (emp)" unit="m/day" /> |
553 | <field id="ibgvfxbog" long_name="global mean volume flux (bottom growth)" unit="m/day" /> |
554 | <field id="ibgvfxopw" long_name="global mean volume flux (open water growth)" unit="m/day" /> |
555 | <field id="ibgvfxsni" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow-ice growth)" unit="m/day" /> |
556 | <field id="ibgvfxdyn" long_name="global mean volume flux (dynamic growth)" unit="m/day" /> |
557 | <field id="ibgvfxbom" long_name="global mean volume flux (bottom melt)" unit="m/day" /> |
558 | <field id="ibgvfxsum" long_name="global mean volume flux (surface melt)" unit="m/day" /> |
559 | <field id="ibgvfxres" long_name="global mean volume flux (resultant)" unit="m/day" /> |
560 | <field id="ibgvfxspr" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow precip)" unit="m/day" /> |
561 | <field id="ibgvfxsnw" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow melt)" unit="m/day" /> |
562 | <field id="ibgvfxsub" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow sublimation)" unit="m/day" /> |
563 | |
564 | <field id="ibgsfx" long_name="global mean salt flux (total)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
565 | <field id="ibgsfxbri" long_name="global mean salt flux (brines)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
566 | <field id="ibgsfxdyn" long_name="global mean salt flux (dynamic)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
567 | <field id="ibgsfxres" long_name="global mean salt flux (resultant)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
568 | <field id="ibgsfxbog" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
569 | <field id="ibgsfxopw" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
570 | <field id="ibgsfxsni" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
571 | <field id="ibgsfxbom" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
572 | <field id="ibgsfxsum" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
573 | <field id="ibgsfxsub" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="1e-3*m/day" /> |
574 | |
575 | <field id="ibghfxdhc" long_name="Heat content variation in snow and ice" unit="W" /> |
576 | <field id="ibghfxspr" long_name="Heat content of snow precip" unit="W" /> |
577 | |
578 | <field id="ibghfxthd" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean exchange during thermo" unit="W" /> |
579 | <field id="ibghfxsum" long_name="heat fluxes causing surface ice melt" unit="W" /> |
580 | <field id="ibghfxbom" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice melt" unit="W" /> |
581 | <field id="ibghfxbog" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice growth" unit="W" /> |
582 | <field id="ibghfxdif" long_name="heat fluxes causing ice temperature change" unit="W" /> |
583 | <field id="ibghfxopw" long_name="heat fluxes causing open water ice formation" unit="W" /> |
584 | <field id="ibghfxdyn" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean exchange during dynamic" unit="W" /> |
585 | <field id="ibghfxres" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean exchange during resultant" unit="W" /> |
586 | <field id="ibghfxsub" long_name="heat fluxes from sublimation" unit="W" /> |
587 | <field id="ibghfxsnw" long_name="heat fluxes from snow-ocean exchange" unit="W" /> |
588 | <field id="ibghfxout" long_name="non solar heat fluxes received by the ocean" unit="W" /> |
589 | <field id="ibghfxin" long_name="total heat fluxes at the ice surface" unit="W" /> |
590 | |
591 | <field id="ibgfrcvol" long_name="global mean forcing volume (emp)" unit="km3" /> |
592 | <field id="ibgfrcsfx" long_name="global mean forcing salt (sfx)" unit="1e-3*km3" /> |
593 | <field id="ibgvolgrm" long_name="global mean ice growth+melt volume" unit="km3" /> |
594 | </field_group> |
595 | |
596 | <!-- variables available with key_float --> |
597 | |
598 | <field_group id="floatvar" domain_ref="1point" axis_ref="nfloat" operation="instant" > |
599 | <field id="traj_lon" long_name="floats longitude" unit="degrees_east" /> |
600 | <field id="traj_lat" long_name="floats latitude" unit="degrees_north" /> |
601 | <field id="traj_dep" long_name="floats depth" unit="m" /> |
602 | <field id="traj_temp" long_name="floats temperature" standard_name="sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="degC" /> |
603 | <field id="traj_salt" long_name="floats salinity" standard_name="sea_water_practical_salinity" unit="1e-3" /> |
604 | <field id="traj_dens" long_name="floats in-situ density" standard_name="sea_water_density" unit="kg/m3" /> |
605 | <field id="traj_group" long_name="floats group" unit="1" /> |
606 | </field_group> |
607 | |
608 | <!-- variables available with iceberg trajectories --> |
609 | |
610 | <field_group id="icbvar" domain_ref="grid_T" > |
611 | <field id="berg_melt" long_name="icb melt rate of icebergs" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
612 | <field id="berg_buoy_melt" long_name="icb buoyancy component of iceberg melt rate" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
613 | <field id="berg_eros_melt" long_name="icb erosion component of iceberg melt rate" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
614 | <field id="berg_conv_melt" long_name="icb convective component of iceberg melt rate" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
615 | <field id="berg_virtual_area" long_name="icb virtual coverage by icebergs" unit="m2" /> |
616 | <field id="bits_src" long_name="icb mass source of bergy bits" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
617 | <field id="bits_melt" long_name="icb melt rate of bergy bits" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
618 | <field id="bits_mass" long_name="icb bergy bit density field" unit="kg/m2" /> |
619 | <field id="berg_mass" long_name="icb iceberg density field" unit="kg/m2" /> |
620 | <field id="calving" long_name="icb calving mass input" unit="kg/s" /> |
621 | <field id="berg_floating_melt" long_name="icb melt rate of icebergs + bits" unit="kg/m2/s" /> |
622 | <field id="berg_real_calving" long_name="icb calving into iceberg class" unit="kg/s" axis_ref="icbcla" /> |
623 | <field id="berg_stored_ice" long_name="icb accumulated ice mass by class" unit="kg" axis_ref="icbcla" /> |
624 | </field_group> |
625 | |
626 | <!-- Poleward transport : ptr --> |
627 | <field_group id="diaptr" domain_ref="ptr" > |
628 | <field id="zomsfglo" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Global" unit="Sv" grid_ref="gznl_W_3D" /> |
629 | <field id="zomsfatl" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Atlantic" unit="Sv" grid_ref="gznl_W_3D" /> |
630 | <field id="zomsfpac" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Pacific" unit="Sv" grid_ref="gznl_W_3D" /> |
631 | <field id="zomsfind" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Indian" unit="Sv" grid_ref="gznl_W_3D" /> |
632 | <field id="zomsfipc" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Pacific+Indian" unit="Sv" grid_ref="gznl_W_3D" /> |
633 | <field id="zotemglo" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Global" unit="degC" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
634 | <field id="zotematl" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Atlantic" unit="degC" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
635 | <field id="zotempac" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Pacific" unit="degC" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
636 | <field id="zotemind" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Indian" unit="degC" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
637 | <field id="zotemipc" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Pacific+Indian" unit="degC" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
638 | <field id="zosalglo" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Global" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
639 | <field id="zosalatl" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Atlantic" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
640 | <field id="zosalpac" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Pacific" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
641 | <field id="zosalind" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Indian" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
642 | <field id="zosalipc" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Pacific+Indian" unit="1e-3" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
643 | <field id="zosrfglo" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface" unit="m2" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
644 | <field id="zosrfatl" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Atlantic" unit="m2" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
645 | <field id="zosrfpac" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Pacific" unit="m2" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
646 | <field id="zosrfind" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Indian" unit="m2" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
647 | <field id="zosrfipc" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Pacific+Indian" unit="m2" grid_ref="gznl_T_3D" /> |
648 | <field id="sophtadv" long_name="Advective Heat Transport" unit="PW" grid_ref="gznl_T_2D" /> |
649 | <field id="sophtldf" long_name="Diffusive Heat Transport" unit="PW" grid_ref="gznl_T_2D" /> |
650 | <field id="sopstadv" long_name="Advective Salt Transport" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="gznl_T_2D" /> |
651 | <field id="sopstldf" long_name="Diffusive Salt Transport" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="gznl_T_2D" /> |
652 | </field_group> |
653 | |
654 | <!-- |
655 | ============================================================================================================ |
656 | Physical ocean model trend diagnostics : temperature, KE, PE, momentum |
657 | ============================================================================================================ |
658 | --> |
659 | |
660 | <field_group id="trendT" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"> |
661 | <!-- variables available with ln_tra_trd --> |
662 | <field id="ttrd_xad" long_name="temperature-trend: i-advection" unit="degC/s" /> |
663 | <field id="strd_xad" long_name="salinity -trend: i-advection" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
664 | <field id="ttrd_yad" long_name="temperature-trend: j-advection" unit="degC/s" /> |
665 | <field id="strd_yad" long_name="salinity -trend: j-advection" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
666 | <field id="ttrd_zad" long_name="temperature-trend: k-advection" unit="degC/s" /> |
667 | <field id="strd_zad" long_name="salinity -trend: k-advection" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
668 | <field id="ttrd_ad" long_name="temperature-trend: advection" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_advection" unit="degC/s" > sqrt( ttrd_xad^2 + ttrd_yad^2 + ttrd_zad^2 ) </field> |
669 | <field id="strd_ad" long_name="salinity -trend: advection" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_due_to_advection" unit="1e-3/s" > sqrt( strd_xad^2 + strd_yad^2 + strd_zad^2 ) </field> |
670 | <field id="ttrd_sad" long_name="temperature-trend: surface adv. (no-vvl)" unit="degC/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
671 | <field id="strd_sad" long_name="salinity -trend: surface adv. (no-vvl)" unit="1e-3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
672 | <field id="ttrd_ldf" long_name="temperature-trend: lateral diffusion" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_horizontal_mixing" unit="degC/s" /> |
673 | <field id="strd_ldf" long_name="salinity -trend: lateral diffusion" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_due_to_horizontal_mixing" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
674 | <field id="ttrd_zdf" long_name="temperature-trend: vertical diffusion" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_vertical_mixing" unit="degC/s" /> |
675 | <field id="strd_zdf" long_name="salinity -trend: vertical diffusion" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_due_to_vertical_mixing" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
676 | |
677 | <!-- ln_traldf_iso=T only (iso-neutral diffusion) --> |
678 | <field id="ttrd_zdfp" long_name="temperature-trend: pure vert. diffusion" unit="degC/s" /> |
679 | <field id="strd_zdfp" long_name="salinity -trend: pure vert. diffusion" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
680 | |
681 | <!-- --> |
682 | <field id="ttrd_dmp" long_name="temperature-trend: interior restoring" unit="degC/s" /> |
683 | <field id="strd_dmp" long_name="salinity -trend: interior restoring" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
684 | <field id="ttrd_bbl" long_name="temperature-trend: bottom boundary layer" unit="degC/s" /> |
685 | <field id="strd_bbl" long_name="salinity -trend: bottom boundary layer" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
686 | <field id="ttrd_npc" long_name="temperature-trend: non-penetrative conv." unit="degC/s" /> |
687 | <field id="strd_npc" long_name="salinity -trend: non-penetrative conv." unit="1e-3/s" /> |
688 | <field id="ttrd_qns" long_name="temperature-trend: non-solar flux + runoff" unit="degC/s" /> |
689 | <field id="strd_cdt" long_name="salinity -trend: C/D term + runoff" unit="degC/s" /> |
690 | <field id="ttrd_qsr" long_name="temperature-trend: solar penetr. heating" unit="degC/s" /> |
691 | <field id="ttrd_bbc" long_name="temperature-trend: geothermal heating" unit="degC/s" /> |
692 | <field id="ttrd_atf" long_name="temperature-trend: asselin time filter" unit="degC/s" /> |
693 | <field id="strd_atf" long_name="salinity -trend: asselin time filter" unit="1e-3/s" /> |
694 | |
695 | <!-- variables available with ln_KE_trd --> |
696 | <field id="ketrd_hpg" long_name="ke-trend: hydrostatic pressure gradient" unit="W/s^3" /> |
697 | <field id="ketrd_spg" long_name="ke-trend: surface pressure gradient" unit="W/s^3" /> |
698 | <field id="ketrd_spgexp" long_name="ke-trend: surface pressure gradient (explicit)" unit="W/s^3" /> |
699 | <field id="ketrd_spgflt" long_name="ke-trend: surface pressure gradient (filter)" unit="W/s^3" /> |
700 | <field id="ssh_flt" long_name="filtered contribution to ssh (dynspg_flt)" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
701 | <field id="w0" long_name="surface vertical velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
702 | <field id="pw0_exp" long_name="surface pressure flux due to ssh" unit="W/s^2" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
703 | <field id="pw0_flt" long_name="surface pressure flux due to filtered ssh" unit="W/s^2" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
704 | <field id="ketrd_keg" long_name="ke-trend: KE gradient or hor. adv." unit="W/s^3" /> |
705 | <field id="ketrd_rvo" long_name="ke-trend: relative vorticity or metric term" unit="W/s^3" /> |
706 | <field id="ketrd_pvo" long_name="ke-trend: planetary vorticity" unit="W/s^3" /> |
707 | <field id="ketrd_zad" long_name="ke-trend: vertical advection" unit="W/s^3" /> |
708 | <field id="ketrd_udx" long_name="ke-trend: U.dx[U]" unit="W/s^3" /> |
709 | <field id="ketrd_ldf" long_name="ke-trend: lateral diffusion" unit="W/s^3" /> |
710 | <field id="ketrd_zdf" long_name="ke-trend: vertical diffusion" unit="W/s^3" /> |
711 | <field id="ketrd_tau" long_name="ke-trend: wind stress " unit="W/s^3" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
712 | <field id="ketrd_bfr" long_name="ke-trend: bottom friction (explicit)" unit="W/s^3" /> |
713 | <field id="ketrd_bfri" long_name="ke-trend: bottom friction (implicit)" unit="W/s^3" /> |
714 | <field id="ketrd_atf" long_name="ke-trend: asselin time filter trend" unit="W/s^3" /> |
715 | <field id="ketrd_convP2K" long_name="ke-trend: conversion (potential to kinetic)" unit="W/s^3" /> |
716 | <field id="KE" long_name="kinetic energy: u(n)*u(n+1)/2" unit="W/s^2" /> |
717 | |
718 | <!-- variables available with ln_PE_trd --> |
719 | <field id="petrd_xad" long_name="pe-trend: i-advection" unit="W/m^3" /> |
720 | <field id="petrd_yad" long_name="pe-trend: j-advection" unit="W/m^3" /> |
721 | <field id="petrd_zad" long_name="pe-trend: k-advection" unit="W/m^3" /> |
722 | <field id="petrd_sad" long_name="pe-trend: surface adv. (no-vvl)" unit="W/m^3" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> |
723 | <field id="petrd_ldf" long_name="pe-trend: lateral diffusion" unit="W/m^3" /> |
724 | <field id="petrd_zdf" long_name="pe-trend: vertical diffusion" unit="W/m^3" /> |
725 | <field id="petrd_zdfp" long_name="pe-trend: pure vert. diffusion" unit="W/m^3" /> |
726 | <field id="petrd_dmp" long_name="pe-trend: interior restoring" unit="W/m^3" /> |
727 | <field id="petrd_bbl" long_name="pe-trend: bottom boundary layer" unit="W/m^3" /> |
728 | <field id="petrd_npc" long_name="pe-trend: non-penetrative conv." unit="W/m^3" /> |
729 | <field id="petrd_nsr" long_name="pe-trend: surface forcing + runoff" unit="W/m^3" /> |
730 | <field id="petrd_qsr" long_name="pe-trend: solar penetr. heating" unit="W/m^3" /> |
731 | <field id="petrd_bbc" long_name="pe-trend: geothermal heating" unit="W/m^3" /> |
732 | <field id="petrd_atf" long_name="pe-trend: asselin time filter" unit="W/m^3" /> |
733 | <field id="PEanom" long_name="potential energy anomaly" unit="1" /> |
734 | <field id="alphaPE" long_name="partial deriv. of PEanom wrt T" unit="degC-1" /> |
735 | <field id="betaPE" long_name="partial deriv. of PEanom wrt S" unit="1e3" /> |
736 | </field_group> |
737 | |
738 | <field_group id="trendU" grid_ref="grid_U_3D"> |
739 | <!-- variables available with ln_dyn_trd --> |
740 | <field id="utrd_hpg" long_name="i-trend: hydrostatic pressure gradient" unit="m/s^2" /> |
741 | <field id="utrd_spg" long_name="i-trend: surface pressure gradient" unit="m/s^2" /> |
742 | <field id="utrd_spgexp" long_name="i-trend: surface pressure gradient (explicit)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
743 | <field id="utrd_spgflt" long_name="i-trend: surface pressure gradient (filtered)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
744 | <field id="utrd_keg" long_name="i-trend: KE gradient or hor. adv." unit="m/s^2" /> |
745 | <field id="utrd_rvo" long_name="i-trend: relative vorticity or metric term" unit="m/s^2" /> |
746 | <field id="utrd_pvo" long_name="i-trend: planetary vorticity" unit="m/s^2" /> |
747 | <field id="utrd_zad" long_name="i-trend: vertical advection" unit="m/s^2" /> |
748 | <field id="utrd_udx" long_name="i-trend: U.dx[U]" unit="m/s^2" /> |
749 | <field id="utrd_ldf" long_name="i-trend: lateral diffusion" unit="m/s^2" /> |
750 | <field id="utrd_zdf" long_name="i-trend: vertical diffusion" unit="m/s^2" /> |
751 | <field id="utrd_tau" long_name="i-trend: wind stress " unit="m/s^2" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" /> |
752 | <field id="utrd_bfr" long_name="i-trend: bottom friction (explicit)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
753 | <field id="utrd_bfri" long_name="i-trend: bottom friction (implicit)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
754 | <field id="utrd_tot" long_name="i-trend: total momentum trend before atf" unit="m/s^2" /> |
755 | <field id="utrd_atf" long_name="i-trend: asselin time filter trend" unit="m/s^2" /> |
756 | </field_group> |
757 | |
758 | <field_group id="trendV" grid_ref="grid_V_3D"> |
759 | <!-- variables available with ln_dyn_trd --> |
760 | <field id="vtrd_hpg" long_name="j-trend: hydrostatic pressure gradient" unit="m/s^2" /> |
761 | <field id="vtrd_spg" long_name="j-trend: surface pressure gradient" unit="m/s^2" /> |
762 | <field id="vtrd_spgexp" long_name="j-trend: surface pressure gradient (explicit)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
763 | <field id="vtrd_spgflt" long_name="j-trend: surface pressure gradient (filtered)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
764 | <field id="vtrd_keg" long_name="j-trend: KE gradient or hor. adv." unit="m/s^2" /> |
765 | <field id="vtrd_rvo" long_name="j-trend: relative vorticity or metric term" unit="m/s^2" /> |
766 | <field id="vtrd_pvo" long_name="j-trend: planetary vorticity" unit="m/s^2" /> |
767 | <field id="vtrd_zad" long_name="j-trend: vertical advection" unit="m/s^2" /> |
768 | <field id="vtrd_vdy" long_name="i-trend: V.dx[V]" unit="m/s^2" /> |
769 | <field id="vtrd_ldf" long_name="j-trend: lateral diffusion" unit="m/s^2" /> |
770 | <field id="vtrd_zdf" long_name="j-trend: vertical diffusion" unit="m/s^2" /> |
771 | <field id="vtrd_tau" long_name="j-trend: wind stress " unit="m/s^2" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" /> |
772 | <field id="vtrd_bfr" long_name="j-trend: bottom friction (explicit)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
773 | <field id="vtrd_bfri" long_name="j-trend: bottom friction (implicit)" unit="m/s^2" /> |
774 | <field id="vtrd_tot" long_name="j-trend: total momentum trend before atf" unit="m/s^2" /> |
775 | <field id="vtrd_atf" long_name="j-trend: asselin time filter trend" unit="m/s^2" /> |
776 | </field_group> |
777 | |
778 | <!-- |
779 | ============================================================================================================ |
780 | Biogeochemistry model variables |
781 | ============================================================================================================ |
782 | --> |
783 | |
784 | <!-- ptrc on T grid --> |
785 | |
786 | <field_group id="ptrc_T" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"> |
787 | <!-- PISCES standard : variables available with ln_p4z --> |
788 | <field id="DIC" long_name="Dissolved inorganic Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
789 | <field id="DIC_e3t" long_name="DIC * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DIC * e3t </field > |
790 | <field id="Alkalini" long_name="Total Alkalinity Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
791 | <field id="Alkalini_e3t" long_name="Alkalini * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > Alkalini * e3t </field > |
792 | <field id="O2" long_name="Oxygen Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
793 | <field id="O2_e3t" long_name="O2 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > O2 * e3t </field > |
794 | <field id="CaCO3" long_name="Calcite Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
795 | <field id="CaCO3_e3t" long_name="CaCO3 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > CaCO3 * e3t </field > |
796 | <field id="PO4" long_name="Phosphate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
797 | <field id="PO4_e3t" long_name="PO4 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PO4 * e3t </field > |
798 | <field id="POC" long_name="Small organic carbon Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
799 | <field id="POC_e3t" long_name="POC * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > POC * e3t </field > |
800 | <field id="Si" long_name="Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
801 | <field id="Si_e3t" long_name="Si * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > Si * e3t </field > |
802 | <field id="PHY" long_name="(Nano)Phytoplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
803 | <field id="PHY_e3t" long_name="PHY * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PHY * e3t </field > |
804 | <field id="ZOO" long_name="(Micro)Zooplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
805 | <field id="ZOO_e3t" long_name="ZOO2 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > ZOO * e3t </field > |
806 | <field id="DOC" long_name="Dissolved organic Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
807 | <field id="DOC_e3t" long_name="DOC * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DOC * e3t </field > |
808 | <field id="PHY2" long_name="Diatoms Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
809 | <field id="PHY2_e3t" long_name="PHY2 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PHY2 * e3t </field > |
810 | <field id="ZOO2" long_name="Mesozooplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
811 | <field id="ZOO2_e3t" long_name="ZOO2 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > ZOO2 * e3t </field > |
812 | <field id="DSi" long_name="Diatoms Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
813 | <field id="DSi_e3t" long_name="Dsi * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DSi * e3t </field > |
814 | <field id="Fer" long_name="Dissolved Iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
815 | <field id="Fer_e3t" long_name="Fer * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > Fer * e3t </field > |
816 | <field id="BFe" long_name="Big iron particles Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
817 | <field id="BFe_e3t" long_name="BFe * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > BFe * e3t </field > |
818 | <field id="GOC" long_name="Big organic carbon Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
819 | <field id="GOC_e3t" long_name="GOC * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > GOC * e3t </field > |
820 | <field id="SFe" long_name="Small iron particles Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
821 | <field id="SFe_e3t" long_name="SFe * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > SFe * e3t </field > |
822 | <field id="DFe" long_name="Diatoms iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
823 | <field id="DFe_e3t" long_name="DFe * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DFe * e3t </field > |
824 | <field id="GSi" long_name="Sinking biogenic Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
825 | <field id="GSi_e3t" long_name="GSi * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > GSi * e3t </field > |
826 | <field id="NFe" long_name="Nano iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
827 | <field id="NFe_e3t" long_name="NFe * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > NFe * e3t </field > |
828 | <field id="NCHL" long_name="Nano chlorophyl Concentration" unit="mg/m3" /> |
829 | <field id="NCHL_e3t" long_name="NCHL * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > NCHL * e3t </field > |
830 | <field id="DCHL" long_name="Diatoms chlorophyl Concentration" unit="mg/m3" /> |
831 | <field id="DCHL_e3t" long_name="DCHL * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DCHL * e3t </field > |
832 | <field id="NO3" long_name="Nitrate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
833 | <field id="NO3_e3t" long_name="NO3 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > NO3 * e3t </field > |
834 | <field id="NH4" long_name="Ammonium Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
835 | <field id="NH4_e3t" long_name="NH4 * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > NH4 * e3t </field > |
836 | |
837 | <!-- PISCES quota : variables available with ln_p5z --> |
838 | |
839 | <field id="DON" long_name="Dissolved organic N Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
840 | <field id="DON_e3t" long_name="DON * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DON * e3t </field > |
841 | <field id="DOP" long_name="Dissolved organic P Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
842 | <field id="DOP_e3t" long_name="DOP * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DOP * e3t </field > |
843 | <field id="PON" long_name="Small PON Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
844 | <field id="PON_e3t" long_name="PON * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PON * e3t </field > |
845 | <field id="POP" long_name="Small POP Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
846 | <field id="POP_e3t" long_name="POP * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > POP * e3t </field > |
847 | <field id="GON" long_name="Big PON Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
848 | <field id="GON_e3t" long_name="GON * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > GON * e3t </field > |
849 | <field id="GOP" long_name="Big POP Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
850 | <field id="GOP_e3t" long_name="GOP * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > GOP * e3t </field > |
851 | <field id="PHYN" long_name="Nanophytoplankton N biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
852 | <field id="PHYN_e3t" long_name="PHYN * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PHYN * e3t </field > |
853 | <field id="PHYP" long_name="Nanophytoplankton P biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
854 | <field id="PHYP_e3t" long_name="PHYP * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PHYP * e3t </field > |
855 | <field id="DIAN" long_name="Diatoms N biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
856 | <field id="DIAN_e3t" long_name="DIAN * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DIAN * e3t </field > |
857 | <field id="DIAP" long_name="Diatoms P biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
858 | <field id="DIAP_e3t" long_name="DIAP * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > DIAP * e3t </field > |
859 | <field id="PIC" long_name="Picophytoplankton C biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
860 | <field id="PIC_e3t" long_name="PIC * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PIC * e3t </field > |
861 | <field id="PICN" long_name="Picophytoplankton N biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
862 | <field id="PICN_e3t" long_name="PICN * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PICN * e3t </field > |
863 | <field id="PICP" long_name="Picophytoplankton P biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
864 | <field id="PICP_e3t" long_name="PICP * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PICP * e3t </field > |
865 | <field id="PFe" long_name="Picophytoplankton Fe biomass" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
866 | <field id="PFe_e3t" long_name="PFe * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PFe * e3t </field > |
867 | <field id="PCHL" long_name="Picophytoplankton Chl biomass" unit="mg/m3" /> |
868 | <field id="PCHL_e3t" long_name="PCHL * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > PCHL * e3t </field > |
869 | |
870 | <!-- PISCES with ligand parametisation : variables available namelist paramter ln_ligand --> |
871 | <field id="LGW" long_name="Weak ligands concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
872 | <field id="LGW_e3t" long_name="LGW * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > LGW * e3t </field > |
873 | <field id="LFe" long_name="Lithogenic iron concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> |
874 | <field id="LFe_e3t" long_name="LFe * e3t" unit="mmol/m2" > LFe * e3t </field > |
875 | |
876 | <!-- PISCES light : variables available with ln_p2z --> |
877 | <field id="DET" long_name="Detritus" unit="mmol-N/m3" /> |
878 | <field id="DET_e3t" long_name="DET * e3t" unit="mmol-N/m2" > DET * e3t </field > |
879 | <field id="DOM" long_name="Dissolved Organic Matter" unit="mmol-N/m3" /> |
880 | <field id="DOM_e3t" long_name="DOM * e3t" unit="mmol-N/m2" > DOM * e3t </field > |
881 | |
882 | <!-- CFC11 : variables available with ln_cfc11 --> |
883 | <field id="CFC11" long_name="Chlorofluoro carbon11 Concentration" unit="umol/m3" /> |
884 | <field id="CFC11_e3t" long_name="CFC11 * e3t" unit="umol/m2" > CFC11 * e3t </field > |
885 | |
886 | <!-- CFC12 : variables available with ln_cfc12 --> |
887 | <field id="CFC12" long_name="Chlorofluoro carbon12 Concentration" unit="umol/m3" /> |
888 | <field id="CFC12_e3t" long_name="CFC12 * e3t" unit="umol/m2" > CFC12 * e3t </field > |
889 | |
890 | <!-- SF6 : variables available with ln_sf6 --> |
891 | <field id="SF6" long_name="Sulfur hexafluoride Concentration" unit="umol/m3" /> |
892 | <field id="SF6_e3t" long_name="SF6 * e3t" unit="umol/m2" > SF6 * e3t </field > |
893 | |
894 | <!-- C14 : variables available with ln_c14 --> |
895 | <field id="RC14" long_name="Radiocarbon ratio" unit="-" /> |
896 | <field id="RC14_e3t" long_name="RC14 * e3t" unit="m" > RC14 * e3t </field > |
897 | |
898 | <!-- AGE : variables available with ln_age --> |
899 | <field id="Age" long_name="Sea water age since surface contact" unit="yr" /> |
900 | <field id="Age_e3t" long_name="Age * e3t" unit="yr * m" > Age * e3t </field > |
901 | |
902 | </field_group> |
903 | |
904 | <!-- PISCES additional diagnostics on T grid --> |
905 | |
906 | <field_group id="diad_T" grid_ref="grid_T_2D"> |
907 | <field id="PH" long_name="PH" unit="1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
908 | <field id="CO3" long_name="Bicarbonates" unit="mol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
909 | <field id="CO3sat" long_name="CO3 saturation" unit="mol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
910 | <field id="PAR" long_name="Photosynthetically Available Radiation" unit="W/m2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
911 | <field id="PARDM" long_name="Daily mean PAR" unit="W/m2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
912 | <field id="PPPHYN" long_name="Primary production of nanophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
913 | <field id="PPPHYP" long_name="Primary production of picophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
914 | <field id="PPPHYD" long_name="Primary production of diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
915 | <field id="PPNEWN" long_name="New Primary production of nanophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
916 | <field id="PPNEWP" long_name="New Primary production of picophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
917 | <field id="PPNEWD" long_name="New Primary production of diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
918 | <field id="PBSi" long_name="Primary production of Si diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
919 | <field id="PFeN" long_name="Primary production of nano iron" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
920 | <field id="PFeP" long_name="Primary production of pico iron" unit="molC/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
921 | <field id="PFeD" long_name="Primary production of diatoms iron" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
922 | <field id="xfracal" long_name="Calcifying fraction" unit="1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
923 | <field id="PCAL" long_name="Calcite production" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
924 | <field id="DCAL" long_name="Calcite dissolution" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
925 | <field id="GRAZ1" long_name="Grazing by microzooplankton" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
926 | <field id="GRAZ2" long_name="Grazing by mesozooplankton" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
927 | <field id="REMIN" long_name="Oxic remineralization of OM" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
928 | <field id="DENIT" long_name="Anoxic remineralization of OM" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
929 | <field id="REMINP" long_name="Oxic remineralization rate of POC" unit="d-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
930 | <field id="REMING" long_name="Oxic remineralization rate of GOC" unit="d-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
931 | <field id="Nfix" long_name="Nitrogen fixation" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
932 | <field id="Mumax" long_name="Maximum growth rate" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
933 | <field id="MuN" long_name="Realized growth rate for nanophyto" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
934 | <field id="MuP" long_name="Realized growth rate for picophyto" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
935 | <field id="MuD" long_name="Realized growth rate for diatomes" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
936 | <field id="MunetN" long_name="Net growth rate for nanophyto" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
937 | <field id="MunetP" long_name="Net growth rate for picophyto" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
938 | <field id="MunetD" long_name="Net growth rate for diatomes" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
939 | <field id="LNnut" long_name="Nutrient limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
940 | <field id="LPnut" long_name="Nutrient limitation term in Picophyto" unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
941 | <field id="LDnut" long_name="Nutrient limitation term in Diatoms" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
942 | <field id="LNFe" long_name="Iron limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
943 | <field id="LPFe" long_name="Iron limitation term in Picophyto" unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
944 | <field id="LDFe" long_name="Iron limitation term in Diatoms" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
945 | <field id="LNlight" long_name="Light limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
946 | <field id="LPlight" long_name="Light limitation term in Picophyto" unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
947 | <field id="LDlight" long_name="Light limitation term in Diatoms" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
948 | <field id="SIZEN" long_name="Mean relative size of nanophyto." unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
949 | <field id="SIZEP" long_name="Mean relative size of picophyto." unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
950 | <field id="SIZED" long_name="Mean relative size of diatoms" unit="-" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
951 | <field id="Fe2" long_name="Iron II concentration" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
952 | <field id="Fe3" long_name="Iron III concentration" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
953 | <field id="FeL1" long_name="Complexed Iron concentration with L1" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
954 | <field id="FeL2" long_name="Complexed Iron concentration with L2" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
955 | <field id="FeP" long_name="Precipitated Iron III" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
956 | <field id="TL1" long_name="Total L1 concentration" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
957 | <field id="TL2" long_name="Total L2 concentration" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
958 | <field id="pdust" long_name="dust concentration" unit="g/m3" /> |
959 | <field id="Totlig" long_name="Total ligand concentation" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
960 | <field id="Biron" long_name="Bioavailable iron" unit="nmol/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
961 | <field id="Sdenit" long_name="Nitrate reduction in the sediments" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
962 | <field id="Ironice" long_name="Iron input/uptake due to sea ice" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
963 | <field id="SedCal" long_name="Calcite burial in the sediments" unit="molC/m2/s" /> |
964 | <field id="SedSi" long_name="Silicon burial in the sediments" unit="molSi/m2/s" /> |
965 | <field id="SedC" long_name="Organic C burial in the sediments" unit="molC/m2/s" /> |
966 | <field id="HYDR" long_name="Iron input from hydrothemal vents" unit="mol/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
967 | <field id="EPC100" long_name="Export of carbon particles at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
968 | <field id="EPFE100" long_name="Export of biogenic iron at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
969 | <field id="EPSI100" long_name="Export of Silicate at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
970 | <field id="EPCAL100" long_name="Export of Calcite at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
971 | <field id="EXPC" long_name="Export of carbon" unit="mol/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
972 | <field id="EXPFE" long_name="Export of biogenic iron" unit="mol/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
973 | <field id="EXPSI" long_name="Export of Silicate" unit="mol/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
974 | <field id="EXPCAL" long_name="Export of Calcite" unit="mol/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
975 | <field id="Cflx" long_name="DIC flux" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
976 | <field id="Oflx" long_name="Oxygen flux" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
977 | <field id="Kg" long_name="Gas transfer" unit="mol/m2/s/uatm" /> |
978 | <field id="Dpco2" long_name="Delta CO2" unit="uatm" /> |
979 | <field id="Dpo2" long_name="Delta O2" unit="uatm" /> |
980 | <field id="Heup" long_name="Euphotic layer depth" unit="m" /> |
981 | <field id="Irondep" long_name="Iron deposition from dust" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
982 | <field id="Ironsed" long_name="Iron deposition from sediment" unit="mol/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
983 | |
984 | <!-- dbio_T on T grid : variables available with key_diaar5 --> |
985 | <field id="TPP" long_name="Total Primary production of phyto" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
986 | <field id="TPNEW" long_name="New Primary production of phyto" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
987 | <field id="TPBFE" long_name="Total biogenic iron production" unit="mol/m3/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
988 | <field id="INTDIC" long_name="DIC content" unit="kg/m2" /> |
989 | <field id="O2MIN" long_name="Oxygen minimum concentration" unit="mol/m3" /> |
990 | <field id="ZO2MIN" long_name="Depth of oxygen minimum concentration" unit="m" /> |
991 | <field id="INTNFIX" long_name="Nitrogen fixation rate : vert. integrated" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
992 | <field id="INTPPPHYN" long_name="Vertically integrated primary production by nanophy" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
993 | <field id="INTPPPHYD" long_name="Vertically integrated primary production by diatom" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
994 | <field id="INTPP" long_name="Vertically integrated primary production by phyto" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
995 | <field id="INTPNEW" long_name="Vertically integrated new primary production" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
996 | <field id="INTPBFE" long_name="Vertically integrated of biogenic iron production" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
997 | <field id="INTPBSI" long_name="Vertically integrated of biogenic Si production" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
998 | <field id="INTPCAL" long_name="Vertically integrated of calcite production" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
999 | |
1000 | <!-- PISCES light : variables available with key_pisces_reduced --> |
1001 | <field id="FNO3PHY" long_name="FNO3PHY" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
1002 | <field id="FNH4PHY" long_name="FNH4PHY" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
1003 | <field id="FNH4NO3" long_name="FNH4NO3" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
1004 | <field id="TNO3PHY" long_name="TNO3PHY" unit="" /> |
1005 | <field id="TNH4PHY" long_name="TNH4PHY" unit="" /> |
1006 | <field id="TPHYDOM" long_name="TPHYDOM" unit="" /> |
1007 | <field id="TPHYNH4" long_name="TPHYNH4" unit="" /> |
1008 | <field id="TPHYZOO" long_name="TPHYZOO" unit="" /> |
1009 | <field id="TPHYDET" long_name="TPHYDET" unit="" /> |
1010 | <field id="TDETZOO" long_name="TDETZOO" unit="" /> |
1011 | <field id="TZOODET" long_name="TZOODET" unit="" /> |
1012 | <field id="TZOOBOD" long_name="TZOOBOD" unit="" /> |
1013 | <field id="TZOONH4" long_name="TZOONH4" unit="" /> |
1014 | <field id="TZOODOM" long_name="TZOODOM" unit="" /> |
1015 | <field id="TNH4NO3" long_name="TNH4NO3" unit="" /> |
1016 | <field id="TDOMNH4" long_name="TDOMNH4" unit="" /> |
1017 | <field id="TDETNH4" long_name="TDETNH4" unit="" /> |
1018 | <field id="TPHYTOT" long_name="TPHYTOT" unit="" /> |
1019 | <field id="TZOOTOT" long_name="TZOOTOT" unit="" /> |
1020 | <field id="SEDPOC" long_name="SEDPOC" unit="" /> |
1021 | <field id="TDETSED" long_name="TDETSED" unit="" /> |
1022 | |
1023 | <!-- CFC11 : variables available with ln_cfc11 --> |
1024 | <field id="qtr_CFC11" long_name="Air-sea flux of CFC-11" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
1025 | <field id="qint_CFC11" long_name="Cumulative air-sea flux of CFC-11" unit="mol/m2" /> |
1026 | |
1027 | <!-- CFC12 : variables available with ln_cfc12 --> |
1028 | <field id="qtr_CFC12" long_name="Air-sea flux of CFC12" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
1029 | <field id="qint_CFC12" long_name="Cumulative air-sea flux of CFC12" unit="mol/m2" /> |
1030 | |
1031 | <!-- SF6 : variables available with ln_sf6 --> |
1032 | <field id="qtr_SF6" long_name="Air-sea flux of SF6" unit="mol/m2/s" /> |
1033 | <field id="qint_SF6" long_name="Cumulative air-sea flux of SF6" unit="mol/m2" /> |
1034 | |
1035 | <!-- C14 : variables available with ln_c14 --> |
1036 | <field id="DeltaC14" long_name="Delta C14" unit="permil" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
1037 | <field id="C14Age" long_name="Radiocarbon age" unit="yr" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> |
1038 | <field id="RAge" long_name="Reservoir Age" unit="yr" /> |
1039 | <field id="qtr_C14" long_name="Air-sea flux of C14" unit="1/m2/s" /> |
1040 | <field id="qint_C14" long_name="Cumulative air-sea flux of C14" unit="1/m2" /> |
1041 | </field_group> |
1042 | |
1043 | <field_group id="tracer_scalar" domain_ref="1point" > |
1044 | <!-- PISCES scalar --> |
1045 | <field id="pno3tot" long_name="Global mean nitrate concentration" unit="mol/m3" /> |
1046 | <field id="ppo4tot" long_name="global mean phosphorus concentration" unit="mol/m3" /> |
1047 | <field id="psiltot" long_name="Global mean silicate concentration" unit="mol/m3" /> |
1048 | <field id="palktot" long_name="Global mean alkalinity concentration" unit="mol/m3" /> |
1049 | <field id="pfertot" long_name="Global mean iron concentration" unit="mol/m3" /> |
1050 | <field id="tcflx" long_name="Total Flux of Carbon out of the ocean" unit="mol/s" /> |
1051 | <field id="tcflxcum" long_name="Cumulative total Flux of Carbon out of the ocean" unit="mol/s" /> |
1052 | <field id="tcexp" long_name="Total Carbon export at 100m" unit="mol/s" /> |
1053 | <field id="tintpp" long_name="Global total integrated primary production" unit="mol/s" /> |
1054 | <field id="tnfix" long_name="Global total nitrogen fixation" unit="mol/s" /> |
1055 | <field id="tdenit" long_name="Total denitrification" unit="mol/s" /> |
1056 | <!-- C14 scalar --> |
1057 | <field id="AtmCO2" long_name="Global atmospheric CO2" unit="ppm" /> |
1058 | <field id="AtmC14" long_name="Global atmospheric DeltaC14" unit="permil" /> |
1059 | <field id="K_C14" long_name="Global 14C/C exchange velocity" unit="m/yr" /> |
1060 | <field id="K_CO2" long_name="Global CO2 piston velocity" unit="cm/h" /> |
1061 | <field id="C14Inv" long_name="global Radiocarbon ocean inventory" unit="10^26 atoms" /> |
1062 | </field_group> |
1063 | |
1064 | <!-- |
1065 | ============================================================================================================ |
1066 | Definitions for iodef_demo.xml |
1067 | ============================================================================================================ |
1068 | --> |
1069 | |
1070 | <field_group id="mooring" > |
1071 | <field field_ref="toce" name="thetao" long_name="sea_water_potential_temperature" /> |
1072 | <field field_ref="soce" name="so" long_name="sea_water_salinity" /> |
1073 | <field field_ref="uoce" name="uo" long_name="sea_water_x_velocity" /> |
1074 | <field field_ref="voce" name="vo" long_name="sea_water_y_velocity" /> |
1075 | <field field_ref="woce" name="wo" long_name="sea_water_z_velocity" /> |
1076 | <field field_ref="avt" name="difvho" long_name="ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity" /> |
1077 | <field field_ref="avm" name="difvmo" long_name="ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity" /> |
1078 | |
1079 | <field field_ref="sst" name="tos" long_name="sea_surface_temperature" /> |
1080 | <field field_ref="sst2" name="tossq" long_name="square_of_sea_surface_temperature" /> |
1081 | <field field_ref="sstgrad" name="tosgrad" long_name="module_of_sea_surface_temperature_gradient" /> |
1082 | <field field_ref="sss" name="sos" long_name="sea_surface_salinity" /> |
1083 | <field field_ref="ssh" name="zos" long_name="sea_surface_height_above_geoid" /> |
1084 | <field field_ref="empmr" name="wfo" long_name="water_flux_into_sea_water" /> |
1085 | <field field_ref="qsr" name="rsntds" long_name="surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux" /> |
1086 | <field field_ref="qt" name="tohfls" long_name="surface_net_downward_total_heat_flux" /> |
1087 | <field field_ref="taum" /> |
1088 | <field field_ref="20d" /> |
1089 | <field field_ref="mldkz5" /> |
1090 | <field field_ref="mldr10_1" /> |
1091 | <field field_ref="mldr10_3" /> |
1092 | <field field_ref="mldr0_1" /> |
1093 | <field field_ref="mldr0_3" /> |
1094 | <field field_ref="mld_dt02" /> |
1095 | <field field_ref="topthdep" /> |
1096 | <field field_ref="pycndep" /> |
1097 | <field field_ref="tinv" /> |
1098 | <field field_ref="depti" /> |
1099 | <field field_ref="BLT" name="blt" long_name="barrier_layer_thickness" /> |
1100 | <field field_ref="utau" name="tauuo" long_name="surface_downward_x_stress" /> |
1101 | <field field_ref="vtau" name="tauvo" long_name="surface_downward_y_stress" /> |
1102 | </field_group> |
1103 | |
1104 | <field_group id="groupT" > |
1105 | <field field_ref="toce" name="thetao" long_name="sea_water_potential_temperature" /> |
1106 | <field field_ref="soce" name="so" long_name="sea_water_salinity" /> |
1107 | <field field_ref="sst" name="tos" long_name="sea_surface_temperature" /> |
1108 | <field field_ref="sst2" name="tossq" long_name="square_of_sea_surface_temperature" /> |
1109 | <field field_ref="sss" name="sos" long_name="sea_surface_salinity" /> |
1110 | <field field_ref="ssh" name="zos" long_name="sea_surface_height_above_geoid" /> |
1111 | <field field_ref="empmr" name="wfo" long_name="water_flux_into_sea_water" /> |
1112 | <field field_ref="qsr" name="rsntds" long_name="surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux" /> |
1113 | <field field_ref="qt" name="tohfls" long_name="surface_net_downward_total_heat_flux" /> |
1114 | <field field_ref="taum" /> |
1115 | <field field_ref="20d" /> |
1116 | <field field_ref="mldkz5" /> |
1117 | <field field_ref="mldr10_1" /> |
1118 | <field field_ref="mldr10_3" /> |
1119 | <field field_ref="mld_dt02" /> |
1120 | <field field_ref="topthdep" /> |
1121 | <field field_ref="pycndep" /> |
1122 | <field field_ref="tinv" /> |
1123 | <field field_ref="depti" /> |
1124 | <field field_ref="BLT" name="blt" long_name="Barrier Layer Thickness" /> |
1125 | </field_group> |
1126 | |
1127 | <field_group id="groupU" > |
1128 | <field field_ref="uoce" name="uo" long_name="sea_water_x_velocity" /> |
1129 | <field field_ref="ssu" name="uos" long_name="sea_surface_x_velocity" /> |
1130 | <field field_ref="utau" name="tauuo" long_name="surface_downward_x_stress" /> |
1131 | </field_group> |
1132 | |
1133 | <field_group id="groupV" > |
1134 | <field field_ref="voce" name="vo" long_name="sea_water_y_velocity" /> |
1135 | <field field_ref="ssv" name="vos" long_name="sea_surface_y_velocity" /> |
1136 | <field field_ref="vtau" name="tauvo" long_name="surface_downward_y_stress" /> |
1137 | </field_group> |
1138 | |
1139 | <field_group id="groupW" > |
1140 | <field field_ref="woce" name="wo" long_name="ocean vertical velocity" /> |
1141 | </field_group> |
1142 | |
1143 | <!-- TMB diagnostic output --> |
1144 | <field_group id="1h_grid_T_tmb" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" operation="instant"> |
1145 | <field id="top_temp" name="votemper_top" unit="degC" /> |
1146 | <field id="mid_temp" name="votemper_mid" unit="degC" /> |
1147 | <field id="bot_temp" name="votemper_bot" unit="degC" /> |
1148 | <field id="top_sal" name="vosaline_top" unit="psu" /> |
1149 | <field id="mid_sal" name="vosaline_mid" unit="psu" /> |
1150 | <field id="bot_sal" name="vosaline_bot" unit="psu" /> |
1151 | <field id="sshnmasked" name="sossheig" unit="m" /> |
1152 | </field_group> |
1153 | <field_group id="1h_grid_U_tmb" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" operation="instant"> |
1154 | <field id="top_u" name="vozocrtx_top" unit="m/s" /> |
1155 | <field id="mid_u" name="vozocrtx_mid" unit="m/s" /> |
1156 | <field id="bot_u" name="vozocrtx_bot" unit="m/s" /> |
1157 | <field id="baro_u" name="vobtcrtx" unit="m/s" /> |
1158 | </field_group> |
1159 | <field_group id="1h_grid_V_tmb" grid_ref="grid_V_2D" operation="instant"> |
1160 | <field id="top_v" name="vomecrty_top" unit="m/s" /> |
1161 | <field id="mid_v" name="vomecrty_mid" unit="m/s" /> |
1162 | <field id="bot_v" name="vomecrty_bot" unit="m/s" /> |
1163 | <field id="baro_v" name="vobtcrty" unit="m/s" /> |
1164 | </field_group> |
1165 | <!-- 25h diagnostic output --> |
1166 | <field_group id="25h_grid_T" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" operation="instant"> |
1167 | <field id="temper25h" name="potential temperature 25h mean" unit="degC" /> |
1168 | <field id="tempis25h" name="insitu temperature 25h mean" unit="degC" /> |
1169 | <field id="salin25h" name="salinity 25h mean" unit="psu" /> |
1170 | <field id="ssh25h" name="sea surface height 25h mean" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" unit="m" /> |
1171 | </field_group> |
1172 | |
1173 | <field_group id="25h_grid_U" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" operation="instant" > |
1174 | <field id="vozocrtx25h" name="i current 25h mean" unit="m/s" /> |
1175 | </field_group> |
1176 | |
1177 | <field_group id="25h_grid_V" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" operation="instant"> |
1178 | <field id="vomecrty25h" name="j current 25h mean" unit="m/s" /> |
1179 | </field_group> |
1180 | |
1181 | <field_group id="25h_grid_W" grid_ref="grid_W_3D" operation="instant"> |
1182 | <field id="vomecrtz25h" name="k current 25h mean" unit="m/s" /> |
1183 | <field id="avt25h" name="vertical diffusivity25h mean" unit="m2/s" /> |
1184 | <field id="avm25h" name="vertical viscosity 25h mean" unit="m2/s" /> |
1185 | <field id="tke25h" name="turbulent kinetic energy 25h mean" /> |
1186 | <field id="mxln25h" name="mixing length 25h mean" unit="m" /> |
1187 | </field_group> |
1188 | |
1189 | |
1190 | |
1191 | </field_definition> |