1 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | !! PISCES (key_pisces) reference namelist (see below for key_pisces_reduced) |
3 | !! 1 - air-sea exchange (nampisext) |
4 | !! 2 - biological parameters (nampisbio) |
5 | !! 3 - parameters for nutrient limitations (nampislim) |
6 | !! 4 - parameters for phytoplankton (nampisprod,nampismort) |
7 | !! 5 - parameters for zooplankton (nampismes,nampiszoo) |
8 | !! 6 - parameters for remineralization (nampisrem) |
9 | !! 7 - parameters for calcite chemistry (nampiscal) |
10 | !! 8 - parameters for inputs deposition (nampissed) |
11 | !! 11 - Damping (nampisdmp) |
12 | !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
13 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
14 | &nampismod ! Model used |
15 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
16 | ln_p2z = .false. ! LOBSTER model used |
17 | ln_p4z = .true. ! PISCES model used |
18 | / |
19 | !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
20 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
21 | &nampisext ! air-sea exchange |
22 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
23 | ln_co2int = .false. ! read atm pco2 from a file (T) or constant (F) |
24 | atcco2 = 280. ! Constant value atmospheric pCO2 - ln_co2int = F |
25 | clname = 'atcco2.txt' ! Name of atm pCO2 file - ln_co2int = T |
26 | nn_offset = 0 ! Offset model-data start year - ln_co2int = T |
27 | ! ! If your model year is iyy, nn_offset=(years(1)-iyy) |
28 | ! ! then the first atmospheric CO2 record read is at years(1) |
29 | / |
30 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
31 | &nampisatm ! Atmospheric prrssure |
32 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
33 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! |
34 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! |
35 | sn_patm = 'presatm' , -1 , 'patm' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
36 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the dynamical files |
37 | ! |
38 | ln_presatm = .false. ! constant atmopsheric pressure (F) or from a file (T) |
39 | / |
40 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
41 | &nampisbio ! biological parameters |
42 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
43 | nrdttrc = 1 ! time step frequency for biology |
44 | wsbio = 2. ! POC sinking speed |
45 | xkmort = 2.E-7 ! half saturation constant for mortality |
46 | ferat3 = 10.E-6 ! Fe/C in zooplankton |
47 | wsbio2 = 30. ! Big particles sinking speed |
48 | niter1max = 1 ! Maximum number of iterations for POC |
49 | niter2max = 1 ! Maximum number of iterations for GOC |
50 | / |
51 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
52 | &nampislim ! parameters for nutrient limitations |
53 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
54 | concnno3 = 1.e-6 ! Nitrate half saturation of nanophytoplankton |
55 | concdno3 = 3.E-6 ! Nitrate half saturation for diatoms |
56 | concnnh4 = 1.E-7 ! NH4 half saturation for phyto |
57 | concdnh4 = 3.E-7 ! NH4 half saturation for diatoms |
58 | concnfer = 1.E-9 ! Iron half saturation for phyto |
59 | concdfer = 3.E-9 ! Iron half saturation for diatoms |
60 | concbfe = 1.E-11 ! Iron half-saturation for DOC remin. |
61 | concbnh4 = 2.E-8 ! NH4 half saturation for DOC remin. |
62 | concbno3 = 2.E-7 ! Nitrate half saturation for DOC remin. |
63 | xsizedia = 1.E-6 ! Minimum size criteria for diatoms |
64 | xsizephy = 1.E-6 ! Minimum size criteria for phyto |
65 | xsizern = 3.0 ! Size ratio for nanophytoplankton |
66 | xsizerd = 3.0 ! Size ratio for diatoms |
67 | xksi1 = 2.E-6 ! half saturation constant for Si uptake |
68 | xksi2 = 20E-6 ! half saturation constant for Si/C |
69 | xkdoc = 417.E-6 ! half-saturation constant of DOC remineralization |
70 | qnfelim = 7.E-6 ! Optimal quota of phyto |
71 | qdfelim = 7.E-6 ! Optimal quota of diatoms |
72 | caco3r = 0.3 ! mean rain ratio |
73 | oxymin = 1.E-6 ! Half-saturation constant for anoxia |
74 | / |
75 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
76 | &nampisopt ! parameters for optics |
77 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
78 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! |
79 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! |
80 | sn_par = 'par.orca' , 24 , 'fr_par' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
81 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the dynamical files |
82 | ln_varpar = .true. ! boolean for PAR variable |
83 | parlux = 0.43 ! Fraction of shortwave as PAR |
84 | / |
85 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
86 | &nampisprod ! parameters for phytoplankton growth |
87 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
88 | pislope = 2. ! P-I slope |
89 | pislope2 = 2. ! P-I slope for diatoms |
90 | xadap = 0. ! Adaptation factor to low light |
91 | excret = 0.05 ! excretion ratio of phytoplankton |
92 | excret2 = 0.05 ! excretion ratio of diatoms |
93 | ln_newprod = .true. ! Enable new parame. of production (T/F) |
94 | bresp = 0.033 ! Basal respiration rate |
95 | chlcnm = 0.033 ! Maximum Chl/C in nanophytoplankton |
96 | chlcdm = 0.05 ! Maximum Chl/C in diatoms |
97 | chlcmin = 0.004 ! Minimum Chl/c in phytoplankton |
98 | fecnm = 40E-6 ! Maximum Fe/C in nanophytoplankton |
99 | fecdm = 40E-6 ! Maximum Fe/C in diatoms |
100 | grosip = 0.159 ! mean Si/C ratio |
101 | / |
102 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
103 | &nampismort ! parameters for phytoplankton sinks |
104 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
105 | wchl = 0.01 ! quadratic mortality of phytoplankton |
106 | wchld = 0.01 ! maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms |
107 | wchldm = 0.03 ! maximum quadratic mortality of diatoms |
108 | mprat = 0.01 ! phytoplankton mortality rate |
109 | mprat2 = 0.01 ! Diatoms mortality rate |
110 | / |
111 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
112 | &nampismes ! parameters for mesozooplankton |
113 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
114 | part2 = 0.75 ! part of calcite not dissolved in mesozoo guts |
115 | grazrat2 = 0.75 ! maximal mesozoo grazing rate |
116 | resrat2 = 0.005 ! exsudation rate of mesozooplankton |
117 | mzrat2 = 0.03 ! mesozooplankton mortality rate |
118 | xprefc = 1. ! mesozoo preference for diatoms |
119 | xprefp = 0.3 ! mesozoo preference for nanophyto. |
120 | xprefz = 1. ! mesozoo preference for microzoo. |
121 | xprefpoc = 0.3 ! mesozoo preference for poc |
122 | xthresh2zoo = 1E-8 ! zoo feeding threshold for mesozooplankton |
123 | xthresh2dia = 1E-8 ! diatoms feeding threshold for mesozooplankton |
124 | xthresh2phy = 1E-8 ! nanophyto feeding threshold for mesozooplankton |
125 | xthresh2poc = 1E-8 ! poc feeding threshold for mesozooplankton |
126 | xthresh2 = 3E-7 ! Food threshold for grazing |
127 | xkgraz2 = 20.E-6 ! half saturation constant for meso grazing |
128 | epsher2 = 0.35 ! Efficicency of Mesozoo growth |
129 | sigma2 = 0.6 ! Fraction of mesozoo excretion as DOM |
130 | unass2 = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of P by mesozoo |
131 | grazflux = 2.e3 ! flux-feeding rate |
132 | / |
133 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
134 | &nampiszoo ! parameters for microzooplankton |
135 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
136 | part = 0.5 ! part of calcite not dissolved in microzoo gutsa |
137 | grazrat = 3.0 ! maximal zoo grazing rate |
138 | resrat = 0.03 ! exsudation rate of zooplankton |
139 | mzrat = 0.004 ! zooplankton mortality rate |
140 | xpref2c = 0.1 ! Microzoo preference for POM |
141 | xpref2p = 1. ! Microzoo preference for Nanophyto |
142 | xpref2d = 0.5 ! Microzoo preference for Diatoms |
143 | xthreshdia = 1.E-8 ! Diatoms feeding threshold for microzooplankton |
144 | xthreshphy = 1.E-8 ! Nanophyto feeding threshold for microzooplankton |
145 | xthreshpoc = 1.E-8 ! POC feeding threshold for microzooplankton |
146 | xthresh = 3.E-7 ! Food threshold for feeding |
147 | xkgraz = 20.E-6 ! half sturation constant for grazing |
148 | epsher = 0.3 ! Efficiency of microzoo growth |
149 | sigma1 = 0.6 ! Fraction of microzoo excretion as DOM |
150 | unass = 0.3 ! non assimilated fraction of phyto by zoo |
151 | / |
152 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
153 | &nampisfer ! parameters for iron chemistry |
154 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
155 | ln_fechem = .false. ! complex iron chemistry ( T/F ) |
156 | ln_ligvar = .false. ! variable ligand concentration |
157 | xlam1 = 0.005 ! scavenging rate of Iron |
158 | xlamdust = 150.0 ! Scavenging rate of dust |
159 | ligand = 0.6E-9 ! Ligands concentration |
160 | / |
161 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
162 | &nampisrem ! parameters for remineralization |
163 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
164 | xremik = 0.3 ! remineralization rate of DOC |
165 | xremip = 0.025 ! remineralisation rate of POC |
166 | nitrif = 0.05 ! NH4 nitrification rate |
167 | xsirem = 0.003 ! remineralization rate of Si |
168 | xsiremlab = 0.03 ! fast remineralization rate of Si |
169 | xsilab = 0.5 ! Fraction of labile biogenic silica |
170 | / |
171 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
172 | &nampiscal ! parameters for Calcite chemistry |
173 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
174 | kdca = 6. ! calcite dissolution rate constant (1/time) |
175 | nca = 1. ! order of dissolution reaction (dimensionless) |
176 | / |
177 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
178 | &nampissbc ! parameters for inputs deposition |
179 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
180 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! |
181 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! |
182 | sn_dust = 'dust.orca' , -1 , 'dust' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
183 | sn_solub = 'solubility.orca' , -12 , 'solubility1' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
184 | sn_riverdic = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdic' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
185 | sn_riverdoc = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdoc' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
186 | sn_riverdin = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdin' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
187 | sn_riverdon = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdon' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
188 | sn_riverdip = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdip' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
189 | sn_riverdop = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdop' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
190 | sn_riverdsi = 'river.orca' , 120 , 'riverdsi' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
191 | sn_ndepo = 'ndeposition.orca', -12 , 'ndep' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
192 | sn_ironsed = 'bathy.orca' , -12 , 'bathy' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
193 | sn_hydrofe = 'hydrofe.orca' , -12 , 'epsdb' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' |
194 | ! |
195 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the dynamical files |
196 | ln_dust = .true. ! boolean for dust input from the atmosphere |
197 | ln_solub = .true. ! boolean for variable solubility of atm. Iron |
198 | ln_river = .true. ! boolean for river input of nutrients |
199 | ln_ndepo = .true. ! boolean for atmospheric deposition of N |
200 | ln_ironsed = .true. ! boolean for Fe input from sediments |
201 | ln_ironice = .true. ! boolean for Fe input from sea ice |
202 | ln_hydrofe = .false. ! boolean for from hydrothermal vents |
203 | sedfeinput = 2.e-9 ! Coastal release of Iron |
204 | dustsolub = 0.02 ! Solubility of the dusta |
205 | mfrac = 0.035 ! Fe mineral fraction of dust |
206 | wdust = 2.0 ! Dust sinking speed |
207 | icefeinput = 15.e-9 ! Iron concentration in sea ice |
208 | nitrfix = 1.e-7 ! Nitrogen fixation rate |
209 | diazolight = 50. ! Diazotrophs sensitivity to light (W/m2) |
210 | concfediaz = 1.e-10 ! Diazotrophs half-saturation Cste for Iron |
211 | hratio = 1.e+7 ! Fe to 3He ratio assumed for vent iron supply |
212 | / |
213 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
214 | &nampisice ! Prescribed sea ice tracers |
215 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
216 | ! constant ocean tracer concentrations are defined in trcice_pisces.F90 (Global, Arctic, Antarctic and Baltic) |
217 | ! trc_ice_ratio * betw 0 and 1: prescribed ice/ocean tracer concentration ratio |
218 | ! * -1 => the ice-ocean tracer concentration ratio follows the |
219 | ! ice-ocean salinity ratio |
220 | ! * -2 => tracer concentration in sea ice is prescribed and |
221 | ! trc_ice_prescr is used |
222 | ! trc_ice_prescr * prescribed tracer concentration. used only if |
223 | ! trc_ice_ratio = -2. equals -99 if not used. |
224 | ! cn_trc_o * 'GL' use global ocean values making the Baltic distinction only |
225 | ! 'AA' use specific Arctic/Antarctic/Baltic values |
226 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
227 | ! sn_tri_ ! trc_ice_ratio ! trc_ice_prescr ! cn_trc_o |
228 | sn_tri_dic = -1., -99., 'AA' |
229 | sn_tri_doc = 0., -99., 'AA' |
230 | sn_tri_tal = -1., -99., 'AA' |
231 | sn_tri_oxy = -1., -99., 'AA' |
232 | sn_tri_cal = 0., -99., 'AA' |
233 | sn_tri_po4 = -1., -99., 'AA' |
234 | sn_tri_poc = 0., -99., 'AA' |
235 | sn_tri_goc = 0., -99., 'AA' |
236 | sn_tri_bfe = 0., -99., 'AA' |
237 | sn_tri_num = 0., -99., 'AA' |
238 | sn_tri_sil = -1., -99., 'AA' |
239 | sn_tri_dsi = 0., -99., 'AA' |
240 | sn_tri_gsi = 0., -99., 'AA' |
241 | sn_tri_phy = 0., -99., 'AA' |
242 | sn_tri_dia = 0., -99., 'AA' |
243 | sn_tri_zoo = 0., -99., 'AA' |
244 | sn_tri_mes = 0., -99., 'AA' |
245 | sn_tri_fer = -2., 15E-9, 'AA' |
246 | sn_tri_sfe = 0., -99., 'AA' |
247 | sn_tri_dfe = 0., -99., 'AA' |
248 | sn_tri_nfe = 0., -99., 'AA' |
249 | sn_tri_nch = 0., -99., 'AA' |
250 | sn_tri_dch = 0., -99., 'AA' |
251 | sn_tri_no3 = -1., -99., 'AA' |
252 | sn_tri_nh4 = 1., -99., 'AA' |
253 | / |
254 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
255 | &nampisdmp ! Damping |
256 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
257 | ln_pisdmp = .true. ! Relaxation fo some tracers to a mean value |
258 | nn_pisdmp = 5475 ! Frequency of Relaxation |
259 | / |
260 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
261 | &nampismass ! Mass conservation |
262 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
263 | ln_check_mass = .false. ! Check mass conservation |
264 | / |
265 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
266 | !! PISCES reduced (key_pisces_reduced, ex LOBSTER) : namelists |
267 | !! 1 - biological parameters for phytoplankton (namlobphy) |
268 | !! 2 - biological parameters for nutrients (namlobnut) |
269 | !! 3 - biological parameters for zooplankton (namlobzoo) |
270 | !! 4 - biological parameters for detritus (namlobdet) |
271 | !! 5 - biological parameters for DOM (namlobdom) |
272 | !! 6 - parameters from aphotic layers to sediment (namlobsed) |
273 | !! 7 - general coefficients (namlobrat) |
274 | !! 8 - optical parameters (namlobopt) |
275 | !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
276 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
277 | &namlobphy ! biological parameters for phytoplankton |
278 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
279 | tmumax = 1.21e-5 ! maximal phytoplankton growth rate [s-1] |
280 | rgamma = 0.05 ! phytoplankton exudation fraction [%] |
281 | fphylab = 0.75 ! NH4 fraction of phytoplankton exsudation |
282 | tmminp = 5.8e-7 ! minimal phytoplancton mortality rate [0.05/86400 s-1=20 days] |
283 | aki = 33. ! light photosynthesis half saturation constant[W/m2] |
284 | / |
285 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
286 | &namlobnut ! biological parameters for nutrients |
287 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
288 | akno3 = 0.7 ! nitrate limitation half-saturation value [mmol/m3] |
289 | aknh4 = 0.001 ! ammonium limitation half-saturation value [mmol/m3] |
290 | taunn = 5.80e-7 ! nitrification rate [s-1] |
291 | psinut = 3. ! inhibition of nitrate uptake by ammonium |
292 | / |
293 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
294 | &namlobzoo ! biological parameters for zooplankton |
295 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
296 | rppz = 0.8 ! zooplankton nominal preference for phytoplancton food [%] |
297 | taus = 9.26E-6 ! specific zooplankton maximal grazing rate [s-1] |
298 | ! ! 0.75/86400 s-1=8.680555E-6 1/86400 = 1.15e-5 |
299 | aks = 1. ! half-saturation constant for total zooplankton grazing [mmolN.m-3] |
300 | rpnaz = 0.3 ! non-assimilated phytoplankton by zooplancton [%] |
301 | rdnaz = 0.3 ! non-assimilated detritus by zooplankton [%] |
302 | tauzn = 8.1e-7 ! zooplancton specific excretion rate [0.1/86400 s-1=10 days] |
303 | fzoolab = 0.5 ! NH4 fraction of zooplankton excretion |
304 | fdbod = 0.5 ! zooplankton mortality fraction that goes to detritus |
305 | tmminz = 2.31e-6 ! minimal zooplankton mortality rate [(mmolN/m3)-1 d-1] |
306 | / |
307 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
308 | &namlobdet ! biological parameters for detritus |
309 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
310 | taudn = 5.80e-7 ! detritus breakdown rate [0.1/86400 s-1=10 days] |
311 | fdetlab = 0. ! NH4 fraction of detritus dissolution |
312 | / |
313 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
314 | &namlobdom ! biological parameters for DOM |
315 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
316 | taudomn = 6.43e-8 ! DOM breakdown rate [s-1] |
317 | ! ! slow remineralization rate of semi-labile dom to nh4 (1 month) |
318 | / |
319 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
320 | &namlobsed ! parameters from aphotic layers to sediment |
321 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
322 | sedlam = 3.86e-7 ! time coefficient of POC remineralization in sediments [s-1] |
323 | sedlostpoc = 0. ! mass of POC lost in sediments |
324 | vsed = 3.47e-5 ! detritus sedimentation speed [m/s] |
325 | xhr = -0.858 ! coeff for martin''s remineralisation profile |
326 | / |
327 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
328 | &namlobrat ! general coefficients |
329 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
330 | rcchl = 60. ! Carbone/Chlorophyl ratio [mgC.mgChla-1] |
331 | redf = 6.56 ! redfield ratio (C:N) for phyto |
332 | reddom = 6.56 ! redfield ratio (C:N) for DOM |
333 | / |
334 | !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
335 | &namlobopt ! optical parameters |
336 | !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
337 | xkg0 = 0.0232 ! green absorption coefficient of water |
338 | xkr0 = 0.225 ! red absorption coefficent of water |
339 | xkgp = 0.074 ! green absorption coefficient of chl |
340 | xkrp = 0.037 ! red absorption coefficient of chl |
341 | xlg = 0.674 ! green chl exposant for absorption |
342 | xlr = 0.629 ! red chl exposant for absorption |
343 | rpig = 0.7 ! chla/chla+pheo ratio |
344 | / |