1 | MODULE geo2ocean |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE geo2ocean *** |
4 | !! Ocean mesh : ??? |
5 | !!====================================================================== |
6 | !! History : OPA ! 07-1996 (O. Marti) Original code |
7 | !! NEMO 1.0 ! 06-2006 (G. Madec ) Free form, F90 + opt. |
8 | !! ! 04-2007 (S. Masson) angle: Add T, F points and bugfix in cos lateral boundary |
9 | !! 3.0 ! 07-2008 (G. Madec) geo2oce suppress lon/lat agruments |
10 | !! 3.7 ! 11-2015 (G. Madec) remove the unused repere and repcmo routines |
11 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
12 | !clem: these lines do not seem necessary anymore |
13 | !#if defined key_agrif |
14 | !!DIR$ OPTIMIZE:1 ! intel formulation |
15 | !!DIR$ OPTIMIZE (-O 1) ! cray formulation |
16 | !#endif |
17 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
18 | !! rot_rep : Rotate the Repere: geographic grid <==> stretched coordinates grid |
19 | !! angle : |
20 | !! geo2oce : |
21 | !! oce2geo : |
22 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
23 | USE dom_oce ! mesh and scale factors |
24 | USE phycst ! physical constants |
25 | ! |
26 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
27 | USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) |
28 | USE lib_mpp ! MPP library |
29 | |
31 | PRIVATE |
32 | |
33 | PUBLIC rot_rep ! called in sbccpl, fldread, and cyclone |
34 | PUBLIC geo2oce ! called in sbccpl |
35 | PUBLIC oce2geo ! called in sbccpl |
36 | PUBLIC obs_rot ! called in obs_rot_vel and obs_write |
37 | |
38 | ! ! cos/sin between model grid lines and NP direction |
39 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: gsint, gcost ! at T point |
40 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: gsinu, gcosu ! at U point |
41 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: gsinv, gcosv ! at V point |
42 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: gsinf, gcosf ! at F point |
43 | |
44 | LOGICAL , SAVE, DIMENSION(4) :: linit = .FALSE. |
45 | REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: gsinlon, gcoslon, gsinlat, gcoslat |
46 | |
47 | LOGICAL :: lmust_init = .TRUE. !: used to initialize the cos/sin variables (see above) |
48 | |
49 | !! * Substitutions |
50 | # include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" |
51 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
52 | !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) |
53 | !! $Id$ |
54 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) |
55 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
57 | |
58 | SUBROUTINE rot_rep ( pxin, pyin, cd_type, cdtodo, prot ) |
59 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
60 | !! *** ROUTINE rot_rep *** |
61 | !! |
62 | !! ** Purpose : Rotate the Repere: Change vector componantes between |
63 | !! geographic grid <--> stretched coordinates grid. |
64 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
65 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pxin, pyin ! vector componantes |
66 | CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(in ) :: cd_type ! define the nature of pt2d array grid-points |
67 | CHARACTER(len=5), INTENT(in ) :: cdtodo ! type of transpormation: |
68 | ! ! 'en->i' = east-north to i-component |
69 | ! ! 'en->j' = east-north to j-component |
70 | ! ! 'ij->e' = (i,j) components to east |
71 | ! ! 'ij->n' = (i,j) components to north |
72 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: prot |
73 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
74 | ! |
75 | IF( lmust_init ) THEN ! at 1st call only: set gsin. & gcos. |
76 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
77 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' rot_rep: coordinate transformation : geographic <==> model (i,j)-components' |
78 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~ ' |
79 | ! |
80 | CALL angle ! initialization of the transformation |
81 | lmust_init = .FALSE. |
82 | ENDIF |
83 | ! |
84 | SELECT CASE( cdtodo ) ! type of rotation |
85 | ! |
86 | CASE( 'en->i' ) ! east-north to i-component |
87 | SELECT CASE (cd_type) |
88 | CASE ('T') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcost(:,:) + pyin(:,:) * gsint(:,:) |
89 | CASE ('U') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcosu(:,:) + pyin(:,:) * gsinu(:,:) |
90 | CASE ('V') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcosv(:,:) + pyin(:,:) * gsinv(:,:) |
91 | CASE ('F') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcosf(:,:) + pyin(:,:) * gsinf(:,:) |
92 | CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'Only T, U, V and F grid points are coded' ) |
94 | CASE ('en->j') ! east-north to j-component |
95 | SELECT CASE (cd_type) |
96 | CASE ('T') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcost(:,:) - pxin(:,:) * gsint(:,:) |
97 | CASE ('U') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcosu(:,:) - pxin(:,:) * gsinu(:,:) |
98 | CASE ('V') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcosv(:,:) - pxin(:,:) * gsinv(:,:) |
99 | CASE ('F') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcosf(:,:) - pxin(:,:) * gsinf(:,:) |
100 | CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'Only T, U, V and F grid points are coded' ) |
101 | END SELECT |
102 | CASE ('ij->e') ! (i,j)-components to east |
103 | SELECT CASE (cd_type) |
104 | CASE ('T') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcost(:,:) - pyin(:,:) * gsint(:,:) |
105 | CASE ('U') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcosu(:,:) - pyin(:,:) * gsinu(:,:) |
106 | CASE ('V') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcosv(:,:) - pyin(:,:) * gsinv(:,:) |
107 | CASE ('F') ; prot(:,:) = pxin(:,:) * gcosf(:,:) - pyin(:,:) * gsinf(:,:) |
108 | CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'Only T, U, V and F grid points are coded' ) |
109 | END SELECT |
110 | CASE ('ij->n') ! (i,j)-components to north |
111 | SELECT CASE (cd_type) |
112 | CASE ('T') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcost(:,:) + pxin(:,:) * gsint(:,:) |
113 | CASE ('U') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcosu(:,:) + pxin(:,:) * gsinu(:,:) |
114 | CASE ('V') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcosv(:,:) + pxin(:,:) * gsinv(:,:) |
115 | CASE ('F') ; prot(:,:) = pyin(:,:) * gcosf(:,:) + pxin(:,:) * gsinf(:,:) |
116 | CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'Only T, U, V and F grid points are coded' ) |
117 | END SELECT |
118 | CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'rot_rep: Syntax Error in the definition of cdtodo' ) |
119 | ! |
120 | END SELECT |
121 | ! |
122 | END SUBROUTINE rot_rep |
123 | |
124 | |
125 | SUBROUTINE angle |
126 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
127 | !! *** ROUTINE angle *** |
128 | !! |
129 | !! ** Purpose : Compute angles between model grid lines and the North direction |
130 | !! |
131 | !! ** Method : sinus and cosinus of the angle between the north-south axe |
132 | !! and the j-direction at t, u, v and f-points |
133 | !! dot and cross products are used to obtain cos and sin, resp. |
134 | !! |
135 | !! ** Action : - gsint, gcost, gsinu, gcosu, gsinv, gcosv, gsinf, gcosf |
136 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
137 | INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices |
138 | INTEGER :: ierr ! local integer |
139 | REAL(wp) :: zlam, zphi ! local scalars |
140 | REAL(wp) :: zlan, zphh ! - - |
141 | REAL(wp) :: zxnpt, zynpt, znnpt ! x,y components and norm of the vector: T point to North Pole |
142 | REAL(wp) :: zxnpu, zynpu, znnpu ! x,y components and norm of the vector: U point to North Pole |
143 | REAL(wp) :: zxnpv, zynpv, znnpv ! x,y components and norm of the vector: V point to North Pole |
144 | REAL(wp) :: zxnpf, zynpf, znnpf ! x,y components and norm of the vector: F point to North Pole |
145 | REAL(wp) :: zxvvt, zyvvt, znvvt ! x,y components and norm of the vector: between V points below and above a T point |
146 | REAL(wp) :: zxffu, zyffu, znffu ! x,y components and norm of the vector: between F points below and above a U point |
147 | REAL(wp) :: zxffv, zyffv, znffv ! x,y components and norm of the vector: between F points left and right a V point |
148 | REAL(wp) :: zxuuf, zyuuf, znuuf ! x,y components and norm of the vector: between U points below and above a F point |
149 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
150 | ! |
151 | ALLOCATE( gsint(jpi,jpj), gcost(jpi,jpj), & |
152 | & gsinu(jpi,jpj), gcosu(jpi,jpj), & |
153 | & gsinv(jpi,jpj), gcosv(jpi,jpj), & |
154 | & gsinf(jpi,jpj), gcosf(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierr ) |
155 | IF(lk_mpp) CALL mpp_sum( ierr ) |
156 | IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'angle: unable to allocate arrays' ) |
157 | ! |
158 | ! ============================= ! |
159 | ! Compute the cosinus and sinus ! |
160 | ! ============================= ! |
161 | ! (computation done on the north stereographic polar plane) |
162 | ! |
163 | DO jj = 2, jpjm1 |
164 | DO ji = fs_2, jpi ! vector opt. |
165 | ! |
166 | zlam = glamt(ji,jj) ! north pole direction & modulous (at t-point) |
167 | zphi = gphit(ji,jj) |
168 | zxnpt = 0. - 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
169 | zynpt = 0. - 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
170 | znnpt = zxnpt*zxnpt + zynpt*zynpt |
171 | ! |
172 | zlam = glamu(ji,jj) ! north pole direction & modulous (at u-point) |
173 | zphi = gphiu(ji,jj) |
174 | zxnpu = 0. - 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
175 | zynpu = 0. - 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
176 | znnpu = zxnpu*zxnpu + zynpu*zynpu |
177 | ! |
178 | zlam = glamv(ji,jj) ! north pole direction & modulous (at v-point) |
179 | zphi = gphiv(ji,jj) |
180 | zxnpv = 0. - 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
181 | zynpv = 0. - 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
182 | znnpv = zxnpv*zxnpv + zynpv*zynpv |
183 | ! |
184 | zlam = glamf(ji,jj) ! north pole direction & modulous (at f-point) |
185 | zphi = gphif(ji,jj) |
186 | zxnpf = 0. - 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
187 | zynpf = 0. - 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) |
188 | znnpf = zxnpf*zxnpf + zynpf*zynpf |
189 | ! |
190 | zlam = glamv(ji,jj ) ! j-direction: v-point segment direction (around t-point) |
191 | zphi = gphiv(ji,jj ) |
192 | zlan = glamv(ji,jj-1) |
193 | zphh = gphiv(ji,jj-1) |
194 | zxvvt = 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
195 | & - 2. * COS( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
196 | zyvvt = 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
197 | & - 2. * SIN( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
198 | znvvt = SQRT( znnpt * ( zxvvt*zxvvt + zyvvt*zyvvt ) ) |
199 | znvvt = MAX( znvvt, 1.e-14 ) |
200 | ! |
201 | zlam = glamf(ji,jj ) ! j-direction: f-point segment direction (around u-point) |
202 | zphi = gphif(ji,jj ) |
203 | zlan = glamf(ji,jj-1) |
204 | zphh = gphif(ji,jj-1) |
205 | zxffu = 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
206 | & - 2. * COS( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
207 | zyffu = 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
208 | & - 2. * SIN( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
209 | znffu = SQRT( znnpu * ( zxffu*zxffu + zyffu*zyffu ) ) |
210 | znffu = MAX( znffu, 1.e-14 ) |
211 | ! |
212 | zlam = glamf(ji ,jj) ! i-direction: f-point segment direction (around v-point) |
213 | zphi = gphif(ji ,jj) |
214 | zlan = glamf(ji-1,jj) |
215 | zphh = gphif(ji-1,jj) |
216 | zxffv = 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
217 | & - 2. * COS( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
218 | zyffv = 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
219 | & - 2. * SIN( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
220 | znffv = SQRT( znnpv * ( zxffv*zxffv + zyffv*zyffv ) ) |
221 | znffv = MAX( znffv, 1.e-14 ) |
222 | ! |
223 | zlam = glamu(ji,jj+1) ! j-direction: u-point segment direction (around f-point) |
224 | zphi = gphiu(ji,jj+1) |
225 | zlan = glamu(ji,jj ) |
226 | zphh = gphiu(ji,jj ) |
227 | zxuuf = 2. * COS( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
228 | & - 2. * COS( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
229 | zyuuf = 2. * SIN( rad*zlam ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphi/2. ) & |
230 | & - 2. * SIN( rad*zlan ) * TAN( rpi/4. - rad*zphh/2. ) |
231 | znuuf = SQRT( znnpf * ( zxuuf*zxuuf + zyuuf*zyuuf ) ) |
232 | znuuf = MAX( znuuf, 1.e-14 ) |
233 | ! |
234 | ! ! cosinus and sinus using dot and cross products |
235 | gsint(ji,jj) = ( zxnpt*zyvvt - zynpt*zxvvt ) / znvvt |
236 | gcost(ji,jj) = ( zxnpt*zxvvt + zynpt*zyvvt ) / znvvt |
237 | ! |
238 | gsinu(ji,jj) = ( zxnpu*zyffu - zynpu*zxffu ) / znffu |
239 | gcosu(ji,jj) = ( zxnpu*zxffu + zynpu*zyffu ) / znffu |
240 | ! |
241 | gsinf(ji,jj) = ( zxnpf*zyuuf - zynpf*zxuuf ) / znuuf |
242 | gcosf(ji,jj) = ( zxnpf*zxuuf + zynpf*zyuuf ) / znuuf |
243 | ! |
244 | gsinv(ji,jj) = ( zxnpv*zxffv + zynpv*zyffv ) / znffv |
245 | gcosv(ji,jj) =-( zxnpv*zyffv - zynpv*zxffv ) / znffv ! (caution, rotation of 90 degres) |
246 | ! |
247 | END DO |
248 | END DO |
249 | |
250 | ! =============== ! |
251 | ! Geographic mesh ! |
252 | ! =============== ! |
253 | |
254 | DO jj = 2, jpjm1 |
255 | DO ji = fs_2, jpi ! vector opt. |
256 | IF( MOD( ABS( glamv(ji,jj) - glamv(ji,jj-1) ), 360. ) < 1.e-8 ) THEN |
257 | gsint(ji,jj) = 0. |
258 | gcost(ji,jj) = 1. |
259 | ENDIF |
260 | IF( MOD( ABS( glamf(ji,jj) - glamf(ji,jj-1) ), 360. ) < 1.e-8 ) THEN |
261 | gsinu(ji,jj) = 0. |
262 | gcosu(ji,jj) = 1. |
263 | ENDIF |
264 | IF( ABS( gphif(ji,jj) - gphif(ji-1,jj) ) < 1.e-8 ) THEN |
265 | gsinv(ji,jj) = 0. |
266 | gcosv(ji,jj) = 1. |
267 | ENDIF |
268 | IF( MOD( ABS( glamu(ji,jj) - glamu(ji,jj+1) ), 360. ) < 1.e-8 ) THEN |
269 | gsinf(ji,jj) = 0. |
270 | gcosf(ji,jj) = 1. |
271 | ENDIF |
272 | END DO |
273 | END DO |
274 | |
275 | ! =========================== ! |
276 | ! Lateral boundary conditions ! |
277 | ! =========================== ! |
278 | ! ! lateral boundary cond.: T-, U-, V-, F-pts, sgn |
279 | CALL lbc_lnk_multi( gcost, 'T', -1., gsint, 'T', -1., gcosu, 'U', -1., gsinu, 'U', -1., & |
280 | & gcosv, 'V', -1., gsinv, 'V', -1., gcosf, 'F', -1., gsinf, 'F', -1. ) |
281 | ! |
282 | END SUBROUTINE angle |
283 | |
284 | |
285 | SUBROUTINE geo2oce ( pxx, pyy, pzz, cgrid, pte, ptn ) |
286 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
287 | !! *** ROUTINE geo2oce *** |
288 | !! |
289 | !! ** Purpose : |
290 | !! |
291 | !! ** Method : Change a vector from geocentric to east/north |
292 | !! |
293 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
294 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pxx, pyy, pzz |
295 | CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cgrid |
296 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: pte, ptn |
297 | ! |
298 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rpi = 3.141592653e0 |
299 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rad = rpi / 180.e0 |
300 | INTEGER :: ig ! |
301 | INTEGER :: ierr ! local integer |
302 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
303 | ! |
304 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( gsinlon ) ) THEN |
305 | ALLOCATE( gsinlon(jpi,jpj,4) , gcoslon(jpi,jpj,4) , & |
306 | & gsinlat(jpi,jpj,4) , gcoslat(jpi,jpj,4) , STAT=ierr ) |
307 | IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum( ierr ) |
308 | IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop('geo2oce: unable to allocate arrays' ) |
309 | ENDIF |
310 | ! |
311 | SELECT CASE( cgrid) |
312 | CASE ( 'T' ) |
313 | ig = 1 |
314 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
315 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamt(:,:) ) |
316 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamt(:,:) ) |
317 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphit(:,:) ) |
318 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphit(:,:) ) |
319 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
320 | ENDIF |
321 | CASE ( 'U' ) |
322 | ig = 2 |
323 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
324 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamu(:,:) ) |
325 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamu(:,:) ) |
326 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphiu(:,:) ) |
327 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphiu(:,:) ) |
328 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
329 | ENDIF |
330 | CASE ( 'V' ) |
331 | ig = 3 |
332 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
333 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamv(:,:) ) |
334 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamv(:,:) ) |
335 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphiv(:,:) ) |
336 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphiv(:,:) ) |
337 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
338 | ENDIF |
339 | CASE ( 'F' ) |
340 | ig = 4 |
341 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
342 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamf(:,:) ) |
343 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamf(:,:) ) |
344 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphif(:,:) ) |
345 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphif(:,:) ) |
346 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
347 | ENDIF |
348 | CASE default |
349 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'geo2oce : bad grid argument : ', cgrid |
350 | CALL ctl_stop( ctmp1 ) |
351 | END SELECT |
352 | ! |
353 | pte = - gsinlon(:,:,ig) * pxx + gcoslon(:,:,ig) * pyy |
354 | ptn = - gcoslon(:,:,ig) * gsinlat(:,:,ig) * pxx & |
355 | & - gsinlon(:,:,ig) * gsinlat(:,:,ig) * pyy & |
356 | & + gcoslat(:,:,ig) * pzz |
357 | ! |
358 | END SUBROUTINE geo2oce |
359 | |
360 | |
361 | SUBROUTINE oce2geo ( pte, ptn, cgrid, pxx , pyy , pzz ) |
362 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
363 | !! *** ROUTINE oce2geo *** |
364 | !! |
365 | !! ** Purpose : |
366 | !! |
367 | !! ** Method : Change vector from east/north to geocentric |
368 | !! |
369 | !! History : ! (A. Caubel) oce2geo - Original code |
370 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
371 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( IN ) :: pte, ptn |
372 | CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT( IN ) :: cgrid |
373 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( OUT ) :: pxx , pyy , pzz |
374 | !! |
375 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rpi = 3.141592653E0 |
376 | REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rad = rpi / 180.e0 |
377 | INTEGER :: ig ! |
378 | INTEGER :: ierr ! local integer |
379 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
380 | |
381 | IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( gsinlon ) ) THEN |
382 | ALLOCATE( gsinlon(jpi,jpj,4) , gcoslon(jpi,jpj,4) , & |
383 | & gsinlat(jpi,jpj,4) , gcoslat(jpi,jpj,4) , STAT=ierr ) |
384 | IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum( ierr ) |
385 | IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop('oce2geo: unable to allocate arrays' ) |
386 | ENDIF |
387 | |
388 | SELECT CASE( cgrid) |
389 | CASE ( 'T' ) |
390 | ig = 1 |
391 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
392 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamt(:,:) ) |
393 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamt(:,:) ) |
394 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphit(:,:) ) |
395 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphit(:,:) ) |
396 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
397 | ENDIF |
398 | CASE ( 'U' ) |
399 | ig = 2 |
400 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
401 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamu(:,:) ) |
402 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamu(:,:) ) |
403 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphiu(:,:) ) |
404 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphiu(:,:) ) |
405 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
406 | ENDIF |
407 | CASE ( 'V' ) |
408 | ig = 3 |
409 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
410 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamv(:,:) ) |
411 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamv(:,:) ) |
412 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphiv(:,:) ) |
413 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphiv(:,:) ) |
414 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
415 | ENDIF |
416 | CASE ( 'F' ) |
417 | ig = 4 |
418 | IF( .NOT. linit(ig) ) THEN |
419 | gsinlon(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * glamf(:,:) ) |
420 | gcoslon(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * glamf(:,:) ) |
421 | gsinlat(:,:,ig) = SIN( rad * gphif(:,:) ) |
422 | gcoslat(:,:,ig) = COS( rad * gphif(:,:) ) |
423 | linit(ig) = .TRUE. |
424 | ENDIF |
425 | CASE default |
426 | WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'geo2oce : bad grid argument : ', cgrid |
427 | CALL ctl_stop( ctmp1 ) |
428 | END SELECT |
429 | ! |
430 | pxx = - gsinlon(:,:,ig) * pte - gcoslon(:,:,ig) * gsinlat(:,:,ig) * ptn |
431 | pyy = gcoslon(:,:,ig) * pte - gsinlon(:,:,ig) * gsinlat(:,:,ig) * ptn |
432 | pzz = gcoslat(:,:,ig) * ptn |
433 | ! |
434 | END SUBROUTINE oce2geo |
435 | |
436 | |
437 | SUBROUTINE obs_rot( psinu, pcosu, psinv, pcosv ) |
438 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
439 | !! *** ROUTINE obs_rot *** |
440 | !! |
441 | !! ** Purpose : Copy gsinu, gcosu, gsinv and gsinv |
442 | !! to input data for rotations of |
443 | !! current at observation points |
444 | !! |
445 | !! History : 9.2 ! 09-02 (K. Mogensen) |
446 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
447 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( OUT ):: psinu, pcosu, psinv, pcosv ! copy of data |
448 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
449 | ! |
450 | ! Initialization of gsin* and gcos* at first call |
451 | ! ----------------------------------------------- |
452 | IF( lmust_init ) THEN |
453 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) |
454 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' obs_rot : geographic <--> stretched' |
455 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~ coordinate transformation' |
456 | CALL angle ! initialization of the transformation |
457 | lmust_init = .FALSE. |
458 | ENDIF |
459 | ! |
460 | psinu(:,:) = gsinu(:,:) |
461 | pcosu(:,:) = gcosu(:,:) |
462 | psinv(:,:) = gsinv(:,:) |
463 | pcosv(:,:) = gcosv(:,:) |
464 | ! |
465 | END SUBROUTINE obs_rot |
466 | |
467 | !!====================================================================== |
468 | END MODULE geo2ocean |